After 18 years of playing tricks, I entered the horror game

Chapter 143 Why are you blamed on the world?

Chapter 143 Why are you blamed on the world?
In the picture, Xiao Yu and the beautiful woman have arrived at the director's office.

Unlike before, the woman's attitude has undergone a completely different change from before.

"Doctor, I'm the child's mother. I've contacted you on the phone." The woman was anxious, even pleading.

The director also looked very serious. After he asked Xiao Yu about some matters seriously, he arranged for hospitalization.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly became emotional, and rushed towards the director with all his teeth and claws.

He looked like he was going to kill the director, and his expression was extremely ferocious.

The words "I'm not sick" kept yelling out of my mouth.

When the director saw this, he hurriedly called the nurse. In the end, the incident overlapped, and after the same sedative, Xiaoyu calmed down again.


In the air, Xiao Yu's face turned pale, he looked at this scene in disbelief, and murmured:
"Impossible, impossible."

"Is it impossible?" Lin Chen sneered, and continued: "Actually, you have been a lunatic from the beginning to the end. You have always had mental problems, and they are extremely dangerous. What happened may be true. , but most of them are just your imagination."

"Impossible! Illusion, this is a fabricated illusion, right!"

Xiaoyu yelled unbearably, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and said: "I understand! This must be fake, otherwise, if I am really a very dangerous mental patient, why would I still put me and Uncle Li together?" Put it in one room?"

"Actually, the day you entered Uncle Li's ward was already a week later, and you came to Uncle Li's ward instead of after the effect of the medicine faded as you imagined." Lin Chen said.

In the illusion, the pictures flow.

Sure enough, after Xiao Yu was sedated, she was sent to various examination rooms, and things in Xiao Yu's subjective mind had changed greatly.

The director and other nurses made a comprehensive examination of Xiaoyu's whole body through various instruments, and the woman accompanied her throughout the process.

"Your child has a severe separation disorder, and even has a second personality. This personality is extremely irritable, and if something goes wrong, he will do things that hurt others."

This sentence made the woman who had already been psychologically prepared still find it difficult to accept, and burst into tears immediately.

"Is there any way? Doctor! You must help me and cure this child." She grabbed the director's arm and said.

The director pushed the black-rimmed glasses, sighed, and said, "It can only be treated in hospital, but in order to provide patients with a good treatment environment, our hospital manages it in a closed manner. Of course, we will report to you regularly Please rest assured about the therapeutic effect."

"Then when can I see him again?" Xiao Yu's mother asked.

"Let me tell you the truth, your child's disease is dissociative identity disorder, which is commonly referred to as multiple personality, and the second personality has been fully developed. If his second personality is mild, there is no danger. If so, he can be discharged from the hospital soon.”

"However, your child's second personality has a very serious tendency to violence. In this case, I can't guarantee how long the hospital will be. In order to treat the patient as much as possible, we choose closed management to prevent the patient from being treated by any outsiders. If you want to be with your son all the time, you can only change to another hospital."

This is what the director said. After saying this, he left here, leaving the woman alone to think about it.

After everyone around her was gone, the woman couldn't hold on any longer, collapsed on the ground, and burst into tears.

Looking at Xiao Yu who was sleeping peacefully through the glass, she really couldn't figure out why things had developed to such a point.

Three days later, she left because she believed in the word-of-mouth and technology of the best psychiatric hospital in the city.

So for Xiao Yu's treatment, she left here, and Xiao Yu stayed alone.

During this period, Xiao Yu also woke up several times, and still seemed to have a very strong tendency to violence.

But fortunately, Xiao Yu managed to calm down in the end, and the conversation seemed normal.

The director and the others continued to isolate and observe Xiao Yu for four days, making sure that there would not be too much danger, and then released Xiao Yu.

And then, Xiao Yu opened her eyes and saw herself coming to Ward 302.

In the air, Xiao Yu looked at everything that happened in the illusion, his eyes became dull, and he kept mumbling.

"Impossible, impossible, this is fake..."

"So, you are obviously your own problem, why do you have to blame the world?"

Lin Chen shook his head.

The illusion continues.

After Xiaoyu woke up, the enthusiastic old man Li poured Xiaoyu a glass of water.

However, Xiaoyu became emotional again, pulled Old Man Li and said, "Old Man, I'm not sick, can you save me, I don't want to stay here."

All of this is exactly the same as the perspective presented by Xiao Yu before, but then the words of old man Li changed again.

Seeing that Xiao Yu's spirit was obviously out of control, Old Man Li comforted him, "My child, the people who come here are all people with serious mental problems. We must trust the doctors and nurses here. It's not scary to be sick, and you can treat them with peace of mind." Enough."

Xiao Yu, who finally calmed down, looked excited again, but this time he did not continue to hurt others, and begged: "Please, old man, this place is full of bad people, I don't want to stay here."

Uncle Li shook his head.

Mental patients say they are not sick, the more serious the more so.

He himself had been admitted to the hospital with Alzheimer's, so he seemed much more normal.

As for Xiao Yu, it was obvious that something was wrong.

Sure enough, after listening to Uncle Li's words, Xiao Yu seemed to have been stimulated by something, and became irritable on the spot. He knocked down the warm water that Uncle Li handed over, and threw the facilities in the ward to the ground like a tantrum.

Shouting in his mouth that he was going out, old man Li was stunned on the spot when he saw this kind of battle.

It looked good, and soon several nurses rushed in. Xiaoyu, a patient with certain dangers, was watched by nurses all the time.

This time, Xiao Yu was taken away again.

Afterwards, he didn't continue to lock Xiao Yu into the little black room he remembered.

Instead, he was imprisoned alone. Relatively speaking, the environment was very good in the prison room. In this prison room, a group of nurses kept recording Xiao Yu's behavior and observing his condition.

In Xiao Yu's memory, he was locked up for a day in a small black room.

In fact, he spent seven days alone in the monitoring room!
In the past seven days, his condition has improved again, and he has even been able to communicate normally with other nurses, and he has voluntarily admitted that he does have a second voice in his mind and so on.

It looks very fit.

Finally, after thinking that Xiao Yu was no longer in danger for the time being, he was released by the director and the nurses.

Prolonged confinement can easily affect the condition of a mentally disabled person.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu's state has really changed. Although she is still under the surveillance and observation of the nurses, at least she is no longer as irritable as before.

It's just that no one knew that during these seven days, a third personality appeared in Xiao Yu's mind!

This personality is not as intuitively dangerous as the second person, but it is a persecuted delusional personality that contains infinite darkness.

From this day on, he began to plan a plan to escape from this mental hospital.

It was also on this day that Yin Qi also began to emerge from every corner of this hospital.

After returning to Ward 302 again.

He has become much more docile, and under the conversation, it is impossible to see how abnormal this child is.

Uncle Li is getting old, although he is often silly and forgetful, he still loves Xiao Yu very much.

As long as Xiaoyu wanted the supermarket retail stores in the hospital and the delicious food in the cafeteria, Old Man Li would buy them for Xiaoyu without hesitation.

The relationship between the two finally became more and more intimate.

Days like this lasted for four years.

Similar to most of the previous scenes, in the past four years, Xiao Yu has also been constantly studying his escape plan. In front of the nurses, he seems very normal.

But secretly, he secretly asked various mentally ill patients about the chance of leaving the hospital.

Those patients who were also genuinely mentally ill became excited on the spot when they heard about the escape.

An old man took out an earpick on the spot and said: "The door cannot be opened! But we have tools! As long as we dig down with this shovel, we will be able to dig through the entire planet sooner or later. , can’t you come out on the other side of the planet?”

The old man's remarks received a burst of applause.

A young man with a broken arm was full of admiration, and then suddenly howled, saying: "But I only have one arm, and the frequency of work will be greatly reduced."

The old man smiled confidently, picked up a branch and handed it over, saying, "On behalf of God, I'm sending you a fresh arm. Remember to give it five stars."

The young man happily took the branch, and kept comparing it with his broken arm.

Seeing these neuropathy, Xiao Yu's heart was extremely sad.

The whole world is crazy except me...

And four years later, old man Li really went crazy.

It wasn't because of the little blue pill, the drug that Xiao Yu imagined.

It was because Uncle Li's condition was deteriorating and it was difficult to treat him successfully, so he finally went crazy.

On the day he went crazy, the director came in with a group of nurses, and took old man Li out.

Xiao Yu was lying on the hospital bed, watching all this calmly, without losing control of his emotions as he imagined.

In his eyes, the stupid old man Li seemed to be looking at an irrelevant passerby.

When he returned again, old man Li's body was indeed operated on.

There are some places in this hospital that are exactly what Xiaoyu thinks, there are hidden gray areas.

But their act of cutting off human organs is actually only done on really crazy patients.

That's the only way to be safe.

Moreover, only the director and a few of his confidants do this kind of thing. Most people still regard this place as a normal hospital.

Uncle Li's family members came to see Uncle Li, and the room was full of people, who were the sons and daughters of Uncle Li.

Seeing Uncle Li's serious illness, the family was full of distress and sorrow.

But in the end, they still decided to keep Old Man Li. After all, even with advanced cancer, few people are willing to give up. Old Man Li's family still hopes that this hospital can cure Old Man Li's disease.

However, what they didn't know was that on the hospital bed next to Uncle Li, there was a young man who looked handsome and clean, but in fact lived a devil in his heart, watching all this quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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