After 18 years of playing tricks, I entered the horror game

Chapter 165 It's a blessing to have a strong man like Boss Chen in my ghost world!

Chapter 165 It's a blessing to have a strong man like Boss Chen in my ghost world!

The three legends were surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen took out a dungeon building casually.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the former dungeon boss.

And those fierce gods who were weaker were all overjoyed seeing this.

Lin Chen said: "Now there is a waist-stealer hiding in the dark. Even in the restaurant, it is very dangerous. If you are exposed outside, it will be more likely to cause accidents. I can't catch the waist-stealer, but I will provide you with A residence can still do it.”

As soon as this remark came out, there was a voice of thanks.

"Boss Chen is benevolent!"

"Thank you, Boss Chen, my Wall Ghost will always remember this."

"It's a blessing to have such a strong Boss Chen in my ghost world!"

Lin Chen's actions have won the favor of all the ghosts who are not strong enough, and now it is no longer a matter of spending money to stay in a hotel.

Instead, they are providing them with a safe and secure home, which is an act of charity!
Lin Chen walked into the building with a group of fierce spirits. When he entered the hall, the tables and chairs had already been set up, and there were all kinds of food and drinks on them, which looked very rich.

"I didn't expect Boss Chen to have already prepared so well." Yougui said gratefully.

Boss Chen is so enthusiastic!

Being able to do so much for them made many ghosts secretly moved.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "The environment here is no worse than a restaurant, you can stay temporarily."

After the ghosts expressed their thanks again, Lin Chen left the building and closed the door behind him.

"Let's go back." Lin Chen greeted, and returned to the restaurant with a group of fierce gods with sufficient strength.

No one noticed, but at this moment, Boss Chen's eyes flashed with excitement.

In the hospital building, the lowly ghosts took their seats as soon as the door was closed.

It was still early, and no one wanted to go upstairs to rest.

These drinks and food are all Boss Chen's wishes and should not be wasted.

They didn't discuss the injustice they encountered just now. This is the case in the ghost world, where strength is the most important thing. The ghosts here are all at the bottom of the list of vicious gods, and their strength is not as good as the ghosts in the restaurant. There is nothing to say.

They laughed and toasted, as if everything just now had never happened.

Soon, all the ghosts drank a lot of alcohol.

After a while, the figures of the ghosts began to shake, their eyes blurred.

"What's going on, this wine seems to be a bit strong..." A ghost said in surprise.

But before he could think about it, he felt his eyes go dark, and he lay down on the table and fell asleep soundly.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of fierce gods, just like the former Class [-] and Class [-] of high school, lay down on the table one after another, and fell asleep soundly.

The next moment, a black light flashed, and all the ghosts disappeared without a sound.

Instead, there is a fleshy egg exuding a strange blue light, suspended in the air...

Inside the restaurant.

Lin Chen talked with the ghosts without changing his expression, but his eyes turned to an empty place.

There is Dandan who just sneaked back from the hospital building. At this time, he is wearing an invisibility cloak, so no one present except Lin Chen can see its existence.

I saw two large characters written with a pen on Dandan's body.

"It's done!"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and his smile became brighter.

The food on that table was naturally arranged by him deliberately, and it was mixed with a lot of colorless and tasteless obedient water. As long as they went to enjoy the food, they would definitely not be able to cause any trouble.

And there is also Eggy, the spirit of the ghost realm, hiding at the scene wearing an invisibility cloak.

Even if there are ghosts who don't eat them, they can't escape the haunted realm of Eggy.

Between the fierce god and the ghost king, apart from the huge gap in ghost power, the biggest difference is the ghost domain.

The ghost domain is incomparably mysterious, and the natal skills have been enhanced to form a domain. As long as you enter the ghost domain, no matter what level of evil spirit you are, it will be difficult to break through.

Although Eggy's ghost domain is not perfect yet, it is not something that the fierce gods at the bottom of these lists can match.

The plan was successful, and Lin Chen didn't want to stay at the restaurant bar any longer.

Thinking of the fifty ghosts entering the dungeon building on Quandandan's body, Lin Chen's breathing became a little short of breath.

Those ghosts are fierce gods who are going to compete in the Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain.

Although the strength is not as good as the ghost in the restaurant, it is much stronger than the ghost player in the previous dungeon!

Those who can stay are the famous vicious gods on the list!

The realm of ghost power itself is also above the middle level.

This time, he will definitely sell for a sky-high price!

In the end, Lin Chen found an excuse, got rid of the ghosts, and quickly returned to the room.

After closing the door, Lin Chen opened the ghost domain and saw the ghosts inside. Lin Chen's eyes lit up, he patted Eggy's head and smiled, "Good Eggy, you are much better than those three boys." Already!"

Being praised by Lin Chen, the balls shook for a while, looking very happy.

Right now, time is running out, the ghost king is approaching, and he can't disappear from the sight of the ghosts for too long, which will increase the suspicion for no reason.

Therefore, he dealt with all the ghosts in the ghost domain very quickly, and then sold them directly.

In just an instant, including the ghosts caught during the day, a total of 55 fierce gods and 35 red-clothed ghosts, they completely disappeared in this world.

[Succeeded in reselling the fierce ghost in the middle, and got 28000 god coins]

[Succeeded in reselling the fierce ghost in the middle, and got 37000 god coins]

[Succeeded in reselling the fierce god peak ghost, and obtained 45000 gods and tricks coins]

Plus the ghost in red.

Lin Chen's current balance of Shengui coins: 180 million!
At this moment, Lin Chen's eyes turned green with excitement.

A wave of fat!

In terms of God's Strange Coin alone, this is more than what he got in the next dungeon!
Moreover, he also harvested a bunch of big waists exuding strong ghost power, which is enough for him to exchange for two skill upgrade scrolls.

You know, this is only his third day in the horror world.

In addition to these ghosts, there are still more than 100 stronger evil spirits in the restaurant!

Without further ado, Lin Chen began to draw prizes.

The function of the lottery draw is completely automatic evolution of the system and does not affect the action. Therefore, he returned to the hall while drawing the lottery.

Once again, I drank wine with a group of ghosts.

During this period, Lin Chen sometimes hugged the sword ghost with excitement on his face, and poured alcohol completely regardless of the opponent's face, and sometimes his face turned black and looked like he was about to hit someone, which made people feel frightened.

This made all the ghosts bewildered again and again, wondering how Boss Chen became so detached.

In the end, everyone thought Boss Chen was too hospitable!

That is the legendary symptoms of madness.


Not long after, five powerful auras suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance, coming from the sky.

Even though they were several miles apart, the group of fierce gods still felt the strong fluctuations of ghost power of the five figures.

In an instant, the five ghosts appeared in the restaurant.

As the owner of the restaurant, Lin Chen and many fierce gods hurriedly stood up to greet him.

"Welcome seniors." Lin Chen said politely.

There is no doubt that these five ghosts are the five ghost kings who will come today!
Among the five ghost kings, an old man with long beard laughed and said, "In the name of Lord Mu, I will protect the Dao for you."

After finishing speaking, he turned his attention to Lin Chen again: "Is this Chen? Sure enough, he is young and promising. This kind of ghost power is definitely not for the idle generation. This old man is optimistic about you."

Lin Chen smiled and cupped his hands to show his thanks.

It really looks like a real fierce ghost, and there is nothing unusual about it.

"I am from Prince Mu's Mansion. If you have no support, you can join us. Lord Mu will definitely value you." Another female ghost king said with a smile. It seemed that the appreciation on her face was not concealed at all.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely visit Mr. Mu Wang."

Hearing Lin Chen's unspoken refusal, the five ghosts were not too dissatisfied.

After all, the status of the legendary fierce god is very high, and the future is bright, so there is no need to turn his face in front of all the ghosts because of this matter.

The five ghost kings were seated, and the bandage ghost quickly entertained them with a few bottles of good wine.

After the introduction, Lin Chen quickly got to know the five ghost kings.

At the same time, based on their undisguised ghost power, they also understood the strength of the five ghosts.

Their ghost power is around 15, which is not as good as those masters of the Six Great Regiments back then. The strongest of them is the old man who spoke before. He is called Yan Lao, the head of the five ghosts, and the ghost power It is already close to the value of [-].

At this time, he was looking at the restaurant, with blood in his eyes flashing, and finally said in surprise: "At first, I wanted to directly deal with the waist-stealing ghost hiding in the dark, but the old man scanned the entire restaurant with his pupil skills and mental power, and did nothing to kill it." No abnormalities were found."

Apparently, they had already heard about the existence of waist-stealing ghosts.

The legendary fiendish fire ghost laughed and said, "Maybe Yan Lao waited for the ghost kings to come, so that Xiaoxiao fled."

A young ghost king next to Yan Lao said contemptuously: "That's right, since I'm here, I can't tolerate that Xiaoxiao's continued presumptuousness. You can deal with the Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm with peace of mind. From today onwards, outside the ghost realm, no There will be no more accidents."

He is very confident that with the five ghost kings here, no matter how strong the waist-stealing ghost is, it is impossible for him to make waves under their noses.

All the ghosts nodded repeatedly. With five ghost kings here, the safety was indeed greatly increased.

But Yan Lao frowned and said: "It's better to be careful, at least you must not lose anything, and the Wanjie Mountain will be opened soon. The battle of Tianjiao is extremely important to my ghost world. With your strength, you will If you are selected, you will still need to fight for the ghost world."

The fire ghost laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, I'm just a mere human, my Bone Demon Fire is already hungry and thirsty!"

Fighting intent appeared in the eyes of the other fierce gods.

Lin Chen secretly took a look at Huo Gui, with a hint of fire in his eyes.

In fact, Lin Chen has been eyeing this fire ghost from the very beginning!
The power of his fire lotus fire has not been fully recovered at this time, if he absorbs all the fire of this fire ghost's bone demon, his fire dragon power will definitely be greatly improved.

"Tomorrow will be the time when the ghost power of the Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm will be weakest. After you enter the region, try to keep your own safety as the primary goal," Yan Lao said.

The ghosts nodded to express their understanding.

But in his heart, he didn't take Yan Lao's words seriously.

If you are really afraid of death, they will not come over.

And this kind of words, that is, polite, no one will really take it seriously.

The formation and opening of the ghost domain is both a grand event and a disaster for the horror world.

In the eyes of the rulers of the horror world, this kind of forbidden area is like nails piercing the hearts of various dynasties.

Because it is difficult to solve, only by breaking through the barriers in the ghost domain, and after obtaining the inheritance, can the ghost domain collapse and disappear.

If a strong person comes to forcefully break through, it will only cause the self-destruction of Huangquan, and the loss will be too great.

Therefore, for the Mucheng Mansion to which the Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm belongs, even if these fierce gods are killed here, as long as the Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm can be wiped out, these ghost kings are happy to see it.

As for their own evil spirits, this is a place where crisis and opportunity coexist. Although there are too many examples of evil spirits dying in the restricted area of ​​the ghost domain, they still rush forward and backward in an attempt to get in the ghost domain. Greatest treasure.

After some conversation, all the ghosts left with different thoughts, and Lin Chen naturally left as well and returned to the room.

There are only five ghost kings left downstairs.

They did not enter the room to rest, but continued to enjoy the wine.

At the same time, they are also observing the movement around them.

Just in case any waist-stealing ghosts appear again and cause unnecessary casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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