Chapter 174 Really fragrant!

But he didn't make a sound, but quietly waited for the Water Ghost King's next words.

"Based on my understanding of this person's character, including the analysis of the Star Wars analysis team, he is an extremely cunning person with a thick face and a dark heart, but also cautious."

"Although it is impossible for him to join the forces of any human being, he has a lot of hostility towards ghosts, or he has a lot of needs. He once tied up the human genius for blackmail, and the ransom he wanted was a fierce god, and he experienced There are two dungeons of Ghost Restaurant and School of Demons, and it is rumored that he smashed the dungeons, but I think it is very likely that he caught the ghosts!"

The rest of the ghost kings couldn't help but be amazed, no matter how you look at it, this is not a good thing to provoke.

Moreover, being hostile or demanding towards ghosts is completely like being born on the opposite side of ghosts.

At this time, King Mu, who was sitting on the main seat, had even more strange eyes.

"He also has a pink sack, which looks like a mustard seed. He once kidnapped the Tianjiao and contained the fierce god. Other than that, he doesn't have many characteristics."

"By the way, if there is one last point, it is that he is not afraid of ghosts."

The ghosts were stunned.

What does not afraid of ghosts mean?
The Water Ghost King said with a wry smile: "He is not like an ordinary player. Even though he has to fight us, he always has a fear of facing us ghosts and a hidden fear in his heart, but this person once looked at me. At that time, it was like the gaze of a ferocious beast looking at its prey. You must know that he had not completely broken through at that time, and I was a ghost king who was two realms higher than him. any awe."

And respect...

He didn't say the last sentence.

But still, the ghost kings were constantly shocked, sitting in horror for a long time, they didn't know that such a monstrous human appeared out of nowhere.

Fortunately, the Water Ghost King went deep into the human world and found out the news. Otherwise, it would be a huge trouble when this person grows up.

"It seems that in the battle of Banjie Mountain, we must find a way to obliterate this person."

"That's right, if he doesn't enter Half-Boundary Mountain, we'll have to figure out a way in his next dungeon."

Many ghost kings spoke one after another.

This man of ten thousand people has both talent and strength, and is full of hostility towards them and ghosts, as well as his character that can accomplish great things.

All kinds of conditions proved Uncle Chen's threat.

"You don't need to go to Banjie Mountain to find him, this person is in the world of terror." At this moment, King Mu finally spoke.

There was a trace of surprise and puzzlement on his face, but his tone was very certain.

Pink sack, Lei Fa, Ghost Restaurant, Chen and Uncle Chen, all match up...

The Water Ghost King and all the ghost kings were startled, and quickly looked at King Mu.


Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain.

After Lin Chen put away the ghosts, he slowly stood up and turned his gaze to the surrounding wolves.

These yin beasts may have been infected by ghost power, or they may have been extremely vicious in their hearts, so after seeing Lin Chen's thunder method, they did not run away.

Instead, Lin Chen was surrounded like a hunt.

Lin Chen was not interested in these yin beasts, but when he saw the silver giant wolf standing high, Lin Chen's eyes brightened and he said: "What a mighty beast."

The silver giant wolf had a tyrannical look in its eyes, without any fear, it raised its head to the sky and let out a howl.

The silver wolf howled at the moon.

The more than 20 Yin beasts suddenly became more ferocious, and they roared and rushed towards Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Lin Chen cast Lei Fa again.

This time, he cast Yang Lei.

In an instant, a hot white lightning appeared out of thin air and crossed the sky above Changyin Mountain.

Below, twenty Yin wolves fell to the ground one after another like dumplings before their bodies touched Lin Chen.

This was enough to threaten the siege of the legendary fierce god, and it was disintegrated in just an instant, which was really shocking.

Seeing this, the silver wolf king still had no intention of retreating, and instead became more violent. It roared angrily, and a black light appeared in its mouth.

Endless power gathered in his mouth, containing powerful energy.

The wolf king roared, and an extremely cold black breath sprayed towards Lin Chen.

In the breath, there is a large amount of frost condensed with ghost power, which is sharp and icy cold.

The surrounding space seems to be frozen by these frosts.

Facing the silver wolf's attack, Lin Chen's figure turned into a black shadow, and disappeared in the shadow covered by the branches and leaves above his head. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the silver wolf king.

Shadow killing technique!
In the shadows, short-distance teleportation can be carried out. Although it does not have the extremely long-distance space jump like teleportation, it is more accurate than the teleportation ability, and at the same time consumes less.

Lin Chen pinched the silver wolf's jaw directly with one hand, and forcibly closed its huge mouth that was spitting out frost energy.

The breath of the silver wolf was cut off immediately, and the chill around him also dropped a lot.

But the silver wolf's attack power is not weak. The land below has already condensed into a large smooth and clean ice surface, which looks extremely solid.

Lin Chen turned over and jumped onto the wolf king's body. Regardless of the opponent's desperate resistance, he punched the wolf king's head.

"Submit, or die!"

After being hit so hard, the wolf king only felt dizzy for a while, blood overflowed from his mouth, and he let out a wail.

However, its eyes were still blood red.

Extremely irritable.

For this, Lin Chen slapped again.

"be honest!"

The wolf king howled miserably again, but he still did not submit, instead he became fierce. With a roar, he started jumping up and down, trying to get rid of Lin Chen on his body.

Lin Chen frowned, feeling the power brought by the silver wolf, and felt a little competitive in his heart.

The next moment, after using partial doubling, one hand suddenly became bigger, pinching Silver Wolf's neck with one hand, turned over and jumped off Silver Wolf's body, and pressed down hard with his hands.

With a sound of "Boom!", Lin Chen pressed the huge body of the Wolf King to the ground with one hand.

At this time, the wolf king's tyrannical eyes finally showed a slight change.

An anthropomorphic bewilderment appeared on the wolf's face.

At this time, Lin Chen had already ignored him, holding down the wolf king was like punching and kicking him.

Next, only the sound of physical body beatings and the miserable howling of the silver giant wolf could be heard in the forest.

The sound spread very far, and when they heard some fierce gods in the distance, they were all shocked, and then fled in another direction without saying a word.


Ever since he suspected that Lin Chen was a waist-stealing ghost, the nine ghost kings who had been following Lin Chen were shocked again.

Although the physical power at this time is powerful, what shocked them even more was the thunder method used by Lin Chen before!

Even across the ghost domain, they could see the vast energy contained in the white lightning.

That is a power completely different from ghost power.

Full of vigor and fierceness!Just looking at them gave them a feeling of being threatened.

Of course, it's not because of Lei Fa's power, but because this completely different power suppresses their ghost bodies in a certain way.

"He looks more and more wrong, this kind of Leifa is not like the power that my ghost clan can have."

"Lightning method, the method of the shadow system, the power of the body, is this really just a simple reggae? Is there such a powerful reggae?"

"Old Yan, what did Lord Mu say?"

A ghost king looked at Yan Lao with a look of questioning.

Yan Lao's old face at this time also revealed an unconcealable surprise. In fact, he was hit harder than every ghost king present!

It was because the waist-stealing ghost showed up, and he thought that the waist-stealing ghost was probably a ghost king, but he didn't know what special method he used to enter the ghost domain, which caused the ghost domain to change, so he sent Mu Wang to make his claim.

But he never expected that Master Mu Wang, who was in Mucheng Mansion, would hear the news that he was about to leave immediately after he understood the situation.

This was completely beyond his expectations, and he was even more shocked.

"Lord Mu Wang has received my message, and they are already on their way here." Amidst the questioning gazes of the ghosts, Old Yan said slowly.

"What? It's worth Lord Mu coming here in person this morning. Are they... besides Lord Mu, who else?" Ghost King asked in shock.

"Water Ghost King, Shadow Ghost King, Demon Slaughter King, a total of more than a dozen powerful ghost kings, all rushed here together." Yan Lao said dryly.

All the ghost kings gasped.

Although they are both ghost kings, they know that there is no comparison between themselves and those who are about to come.

The gap in strength and status is too big!

And among them, even the ghost king Mu Wang was included.

The movement is too great!


Lin Chen pulled the weak-breathing silver wolf, who breathed in more and out less, and couldn't help but shook his head and said, "You're a wolf, but your temper is as stubborn as a donkey's."

The red light in Silver Wolf's eyes had long since disappeared. Looking at Lin Chen's clean and handsome face, his eyes were filled with infinite terror.

It was originally the Lord of the Mountain, and its strength naturally far surpassed that of the current Fierce God Realm. However, when the ghost domain was opened, the power of all the Yin Beasts was disturbed, and then the consciousness fell into mania, and at the same time, its strength dropped to the Fierce God Realm.

But no matter what, it is also an absolutely powerful existence among the fierce gods. Unexpectedly, when I met this one, I almost beat myself to death with a fist.

Even the consciousness that had fallen into a frenzy was abruptly awakened.

It simply made him feel suspicious of a wolf.

"Okay, I'll give you one last chance, surrender or die." Lin Chen sighed and said slowly.

The delay was too long, and it was time for him to get down to business.

After the words fell, his palm held Silver Wolf's neck again.

The silver wolf's eyes widened, and a sense of crisis of death spread throughout his body, but he didn't dare to struggle. He knew that as long as he moved slightly, this white palm would break his neck in an instant!

The next moment, it nodded frantically, its desire to survive flourished.

Only then did Lin Chen let go of his hand in satisfaction, and said with a smile, "It should have been like this a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to be such a beast."

There was a trace of humiliation in the wolf king's eyes, and the anger in his heart burned again.

Beastmasters cannot be humiliated!
Just when it was thinking whether to fight this bastard desperately, it suddenly saw Lin Chen take out a dozen bottles and cans that exude strong ghost power, and poured them into its mouth all at once.

Feeling that the injuries in his body are recovering rapidly, and the strong ghost power that is continuously washing his body.

The wolf king's pupils dilated violently.

The anger rising in my heart instantly dissipated like rain.

Really fragrant!

(End of this chapter)

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