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Chapter 11 [11] Believers of Alien Gods and Gold Coins

Chapter 11 [11] Believers of Alien Gods and Gold Coins
Normally, after lunch, students usually take an hour's break.

But today is different.

Since the Black Armored Army blocked the school, everyone was discussing excitedly, and no one took a nap at all.

"I walked around the school gate just now, but unfortunately I didn't see any soldiers from the Black Armored Army."

"Maybe the Black Armor Army has already withdrawn."

"They didn't evacuate! I heard that there are two soldiers guarding the security room, and two soldiers patrolling around the school."

After listening to it for a while, Cheng Han felt that it was all meaningless nonsense, so he simply used the all-seeing eye to conduct a deduction.

An illusory scene appeared in front of his eyes:

A large number of soldiers in black armor surrounded the textile factory, and all the workers were evacuated.

A pile of things was placed on an open space, the surface was covered with black cloth, and one corner was pulled away, revealing the covered thing—a small tentacle.

According to the picture seen in the previous deduction, the blood head spider is an extremely twisted monster with many tentacles sticking out of its mouth.

There is no doubt that this is the bloodhead spider that was killed.

There was a man in black robe next to him, who shouted coldly: "Burn!"

Several soldiers responded in unison: "Yes!"

They raised their right arms together, each wearing a metal glove with a dark red surface.

A light red light suddenly lit up, covering the metal glove.

Several blazing flame snakes sprang out from the surface of the glove, hitting the corpse from all directions, instantly turning it into a blazing fire.

After a while, the phantom disappeared.

Proficiency increased by 2 points to 49/1000.

Cheng Han felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart: "It seems that the information conveyed before has helped the authorities successfully prevent the terrible disaster."

He showed a look of awe again: "The Black Armored Army soldiers can actually spit out flames, their strength is really too powerful!"

At this time, Qian Qingqing took a few glances at him, and suddenly asked: "Cheng Han, you've been stunned for a while, what are you thinking?"

Cheng Han said casually, "Nothing."

Qian Qingqing changed the subject: "I don't know how long the school closure will last. I hope I won't be unable to go home today."

Cheng Han smiled and said, "I can definitely go home."

He knew the result, and it was not difficult to draw a conclusion based on the result.

Qian Qingqing blinked her beautiful eyes: "Why?"

Cheng Han said without hesitation: "If I were the person in charge of the Black Armor Army, if the city had to be sealed off for a longer period of time, I would have informed the school to suspend classes from the very beginning."

Qian Qingqing was persuaded: "It makes sense."

Cheng Handuo said: "The Black Armor Army is very powerful. Half a day has passed, and they have probably killed the monsters. Perhaps the blockade will be lifted soon."

The little girl echoed, "I hope so."

Wen Jie, who was sitting in the back row, wanted to object, but he remembered being slapped in the face once in the morning, so he obediently shut up.

He thought the school might be dangerous before, but after half a day, the campus has been calm. Does this seem to be dangerous?

After half an hour.

Class teacher Yan Dongshan strode in and announced a message: "Everyone, the Black Armor Army has just withdrawn, and the school's blockade has been lifted."

A small cheer erupted in the classroom.

Everyone is happy, after all, no one wants to be locked up in the school.

Qian Qingqing looked at Cheng Han, and directly gave a thumbs up: "Your prediction is too accurate!"

Cheng Han smiled slightly, but did not speak.


This is what it is.

Wen Jie secretly rejoiced that he didn't interrupt indiscriminately just now, otherwise he would be slapped in the face again.

After school.

As usual, Cheng Han held a silver coin and cast his all-seeing eye.

The illusion lasted for a second, then disappeared.


Cheng Han was surprised.

Since the all-seeing eye was upgraded to level 2, I have never gained proficiency in deducing money-picking information. Why did I gain 3 points of proficiency this time?

really weird!
Cheng Han recalled the preview screen, and guessed: "Most of the coins I picked up before were copper coins, and the rest were silver coins. This time they are probably gold coins, right?"

The odds are great!
He whistled excitedly: "Could it be that I did a good deed, and this is a reward from heaven?"

It took Cheng Han nearly half an hour to ride a bicycle to the eastern suburbs of the city.

Compared with the city center, the building density here has been greatly reduced.

The vegetation coverage rate has been greatly improved, and farmland with crisscross fields can be seen in many areas.

Cheng Han looked at the gloomy sky and the dark dense forest, and felt a little regretful: "There are no street lights in the suburbs, what should I do if something happens? I should wait for the rest day before coming here."

He muttered: "Forget it, since everyone is here, let's go find it."

Cheng Han continued to ride for hundreds of meters, and saw a large wasteland overgrown with weeds, and a small ditch meandering through it.

He parked his bicycle by the side of the road, walked tens of meters along the ditch, and successfully found a big rock.

According to the clues, the gold coins were lying in the sand next to the stone. This place is so remote, most of them were buried for a long time, and they were regarded as unowned money.

And the ownerless thing, isn't it his property?

Cheng Han squatted beside the small ditch excitedly, took out a small shovel from his schoolbag, and was about to start digging, when a vision suddenly appeared in front of him:
A small cloud of dark mist, like a ball of ink, suddenly fell from the sky and penetrated into the soil of the ditch in an instant.

"Nit... Sabas... Anyaka..."

An extremely weird murmur rang out of nowhere in my ears.

Just hearing it makes people feel depressed and can't wait to yell.

Then, the phantom disappeared.

Obviously, the all-seeing eye was passively triggered once.

Proficiency increases by 4 points.

Cheng Han was shocked: "This should be the power of Ability God?"

He never expected that the gold coins he found would actually be related to Ability God, which is too bizarre.

The textbook clearly stated that some items related to Ability God, if ordinary people get close, they will hear ravings, and their souls may be polluted.

He quickly stood up, took several steps back, and made a deduction as quickly as possible: "Is there any danger?"

The result is coming soon - the power contained in the gold coin is in a very mysterious state, as long as you don't touch it directly, there is no danger.

Cheng Han breathed a sigh of relief, and naturally thought of a question: "Why does this gold coin appear here?"

He thought it was someone's property that was accidentally lost.

But it now appears that this was definitely intentional.

Cheng Han pondered for a while, and thought, "If I'm right, the gold coin is 100% related to the textile factory incident.

"I changed the direction of the plot with my own hands, and I already have a strong connection, so the success rate of deducing related things is surprisingly high."

"I never predicted gold coins, and today I suddenly foresee it, and that's why."

Cheng Han took a deep breath and said silently: "Deduce who left the coin."

The illusory scene reappears:

In the darkness, a thin figure appeared beside the small ditch, dropped a gold coin, and left quickly.

The whole process takes no more than three seconds.

Then, the phantom disappeared.

Cheng Han looked solemn: "Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought!"

He immediately realized everything: "A certain Ability God believer secretly hid a coin as a backhand, and then he participated in the textile factory incident and died at the hands of the Black Armored Army.

"Before the moment, this person used some kind of strange and mysterious technique to make the black mist escape from the scene, leap a long distance, and be attached to the gold coin."

"So it was inevitable for me to find this gold coin!"

(End of this chapter)

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