Start by parsing the sun

Chapter 180 [179] Desire out of control is the most terrifying and weird

Step into the garden.

On both sides of the entrance, there are actually two rows of vivid horse heads, and a pair of colorful butterflies rest above each horse head.

Looking carefully, it seems that several kinds of flowers are combined together.

This is not a simple combination, but a strange symbiotic relationship.

At this moment.

As the warm wind hits, the wings of the butterfly open and close slightly, as if about to soar into the sky.

The round eyes of the horse's head seem to be turning slowly, as if observing the surroundings.

At a glance, the horse's head and the butterfly seem to come alive.

And such a scene shows the ingenuity of the mind.

Fang Qinghuai, the owner of the Winter Garden, looked proud: "Sergeant Cheng, in order to cultivate this 'Yingbin Malan', our Fang family has spent 15 years."

Cheng Han praised: "It's really good!"

As an ordinary person, it is commendable to achieve this level.

While Fang Qinghuai led the way, he explained the types of flowers and talked about the twists and turns in the cultivation process of the Fang family.

Fang Tingyuan didn't lose the opportunity to interject a few words, tell one or two interesting stories, and showed the image of a shrewd boy.

After a while.

The female assistant joined the chat.

She acted like a qualified public relations person, and just rightly promoted the credit of the inspectorate.

"This kind of 'Snowdrift Orchid' is one of the most famous flowers in the Winter Garden. Whenever there is heavy snow outside, the Snowdrift Orchid will automatically move without wind. When the garden opens on a snowy day, the most people gather around them to watch.

"I remember that last winter, a group of thieves wanted to sneak into the winter garden to steal a few pots of snowflake orchids. The inspection agency received relevant information through the underground intelligence network and arrested the thieves in advance."

Fang Qinghuai cheered cooperatively: "Afterwards, when the inspection department sent people over, I found out that a temporary gardener was actually bought by thieves. This incident scared me into a cold sweat."

The middle-aged man looked at the female assistant, and praised at the right time: "The law and order in Anhua City is so good, thanks to the Inspectorate's contribution!"

His son Fang Tingyuan took the opportunity to peek at the beautiful face of the female assistant, with a hint of fascination in his eyes.

Cheng Han sighed, "It's like tourists who only see a few rare flowers such as snowflakes orchids in their eyes. Why isn't that the case in the eyes of the inspectorate?"

The female assistant's pretty face changed slightly, and she made a metaphor: "Over the years, the Inspection Office has been working hard to be a diligent gardener, taking good care of every flower in the garden."

Cheng Han was noncommittal: "Really?"

The female assistant replied seriously: "Of course!"

However, the large number of images of the bones at the bottom of the river fed back by the black cat, as well as the old woman met outside the city, have proved how serious the problem in Anhua City is.

After deduction, every skeleton comes from the bottom of society, which also means the disintegration of a family.

That's why Cheng Han didn't even believe the other party's punctuation marks.

at this time.

Fang Tingyuan didn't know whether it was because he was obsessed with sex or because he really felt it, he said in agreement: "The work of the Inspection Office is indeed very responsible..."

Not finished.

Fang Qinghuai tugged at his son's sleeve and shouted in a low voice: "Shut up! How can you interrupt here?"

Fang Tingyuan came to his senses in an instant, and quickly closed his mouth.

Cheng Han smirked: "There are too many flowers that the gardener can't take care of."

His eyes swept over a piece of "Land Crane Flower", and he waved his right hand lightly.

next moment.

Something amazing happened.

This large area of ​​thousands of haze crane flowers suddenly came alive.

These flowers, shaped like crane heads, stretched their necks like real cranes, and then separated like waves, revealing an exceptionally small haze crane flower.

The female assistant looked dumbfounded.

When Fang Qinghuai and his son witnessed such extraordinary power for the first time, they were also shocked from ear to ear.

Cheng Han stared at Lan Hehua, and murmured: "I was born as an orphan, and I know better than anyone else the living conditions of the low-level civilians.

"In this city, I don't know how many people, like this blue crane flower, no one pays attention at all..."

Accompanied by his words, a more wonderful scene appeared.

"They grow silently..."

The blue crane flower began to grow rapidly. In just a few breaths, it grew from the length of a palm to the mature state of more than half a meter high.

"They bloom silently..."

The blue crane flower grows flower bones, and quickly expands into flower buds, and then blooms in full bloom.

"They withered silently..."

The blue crane flower withered instantly.

Cheng Han added from the bottom of his heart: Even if he died, he was deliberately ignored.

And the astonishing performance of this scene made the three of them silent for a long time.

Although the female assistant is a martial artist, she was still shocked when she had no contact with such extraordinary power.

Not to mention Fang Qinghuai and his son, their jaws almost dropped.

After a while.

The female assistant came back to her senses, and her tone was full of grievances: "Are you really so dissatisfied with the work of the Inspectorate?"

Cheng Han shook his head: "Whether the Inspection Office is doing well or not, I don't care. People have their own justice."

He suddenly lost interest: "Let's go!"

The black cat's search of the waterway finally came to fruition.

In a certain section of hidden waterway, it found a narrow fork.

This section is extremely narrow, no more than half an arm wide, and even a child cannot swim through it.

The black cat let two smaller fish open the way, and the shadow clone followed into it.

After swimming for hundreds of meters, it entered a dark underground lake.

The shadow clone saw a terrible scene:
at the bottom of the lake.

The coffin-like objects were deposited one after another, and the number was no less than thirty.

Each coffin is made of dense white bones.

From a rough look, it can be judged that no less than one hundred skeletons were consumed.

It can also be judged that the time of the Bone Shrine's existence is definitely not short.

The black cat didn't stay too long, so it controlled the school of fish and left here.

And at this point.

For others, it's all in the fog.

Who built the Shrine of Bones?
What is the purpose?

But for Cheng Han, every coffin and every skeleton is a connection, and the answer is obvious.

In this case of the so-called "superhuman creature cannibalism", "cannibalism" is indeed true.

As for extraordinary creatures, hehe!

Just let everything make sense.

The next day.

Outpost extortion case, the investigation is over.

Almost the entire outpost was destroyed in one pot, and most of the inspectors were found guilty.

Half of them were guilty of serious crimes and were temporarily handed over to the Black Armor Army as hard labor.

There is only one job content-searching the river.

This time, the search was carried out with greater force, and even the silt at the bottom of the river was scoured.


The first skeleton was recovered.

Then came the second, third, and until the fifth skeleton was brought up, everyone realized that the matter was not simple.

During this process, Cheng Han only used a little mental suggestion, so that a group of salvagers could find the sinking point faster.


The senior team, Zheng Aofeng, began to ask Anhua City for more manpower to dig river channels on a large scale.

All of this is a conspiracy.

of course.

This is all directed by Cheng Han behind the scenes, while Ao Feng is the one who works on the surface.

Day three.

Thanks to the hard work of hundreds of people, more than 60 corpses have been dug out from the river.

This is a huge number.

Even the governor of Anhua City was alarmed, and he came to the place where the corpses were placed and went around in person.

The consul expressed solemnly that he was willing to do everything he could to help and bring the murderer to justice.

Ao Feng is still a request - I want more people.

Fourth day.

The manpower to search the river has already exceeded 500 people.

According to Cheng Han's request, these people did not let go of anything suspicious.

That afternoon.

The hidden waterway has been found.

Cheng Han rushed to the scene, sensed for a moment, and said a prophecy: "I sensed the breath of death."

If someone else said this, they would definitely be regarded as crazy.

And from the genius boy's mouth, Ao Feng decided to try his best to find out.

The Black Armored Army urgently obtained a magic tool and got into the terrifying underground lake.


Things are completely sensational.

The Xuanshi guarding the city personally came to the scene and blasted the underground lake with mysterious methods.

It has been confirmed that the coffin of bones at the bottom of the lake is an evil ritual of prolonging life.

That is to say, by sacrificing the lives of ordinary people and building a coffin of bones, the priests can age more slowly and gain some extra spiritual power.

The guardian Xuanshi also concluded that the purpose of the sacrificial priests was most likely to attack the Xuanshi checkpoint.

The last thing is very simple.

The guardian Xuanshi called Xuanzhen, traced it, and found the real murderer——Huang Xiansheng, the director of the inspection department.

After some interrogation, everything came to light.

It turned out that this person was over [-] years old, and his soul was on the verge of decline. He was not willing to let this go on, so he began to carry out the evil sacrifices quietly six years ago.

Logically speaking, there are too many missing people, and they must be reported to the Black Armor Army, lest there are really alien believers who will conduct blood sacrifices and endanger the safety of the whole city.

However, Huang Xiansheng, as the director, quietly suppressed these matters, and regularly burned some files and files.


The long-term evil sacrifice caused a big problem with this person's mental strength.

During a hunting not long ago, Huang Xiansheng accidentally lost control.

This guy brutally killed several passers-by, brutally dismembered them, and devoured their internal organs.

And this scene happened to be bumped into by a large group of inspectors.

Huang Xiansheng had no time to kill and silence him, so he was forced to jump into the waterway and escape.

The case of cannibalism by aquatic supernatural beings just broke out.

In this regard.

Cheng Han could only sigh deeply: "Desire out of control is the most terrifying and strange thing."

In the history of Tai'an Little Spirit Realm, there are only a handful of strange cases that killed more than 200 people.

With the power of one person, Huang Xiansheng has as many as 220 seven souls in his hands!

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