Start by parsing the sun

Chapter 191 [190] Tornado

Chapter 191 [190] Tornado
Qinglin City.

With the end of autumn, the temperature drops rapidly, the icy wind blows again, and there is also a large amount of snow in the sky.

Winter is back again.

Due to some unknown reason, the number of grass dogs and grass pigs that appeared frequently just now has been reduced by more than half.

Carrying a big gun, Qian Qingqing, panting non-stop from the cold, returned home as if fleeing.

The two spirit mastiffs reluctantly watched her enter the community.

The two dogs followed the little girl around more than a dozen streets, witnessed her brave spear skills, and became her number one fans.

The dogs have seen many people who fight so hard.

But the fight is so beautiful, a big gun is like dancing, the dogs have never seen the second one.

If Qian Qingqing turned her head and said hello, the two dogs might get mad and resign from the inspection office directly to look after the little girl's home.

Unfortunately, she didn't notice the eyes of the dogs.

The moment she stepped into the gate of the mansion, Qian Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Poor god.

In the eyes of the dogs, the little girl is majestic, but no one knows how scared she is, after all, she has never experienced such a high-intensity battle before, and every time she kills a grass dog, her legs will weaken for a time .


Qian Changyun came up to meet him, with adoring tone: "I saw you killing grass dogs just now, you are really amazing!"

Madam Qian held a coat and said with a bit of distress: "Qingqing, seeing that your legs are shaking from the cold, hurry up and put on this coat."

Qian Qingqing leaned the big gun against the wall, not ashamed to say that her legs were shaking not because of the cold, but because of being scared by the monsters.

Most people have never experienced the impact of facing monsters at close range, and they can't imagine it at all.

The little girl put on her overcoat, entered the warm living room, and said in a low voice: "Mom, I'm afraid Qinglincheng is about to become chaotic."

Madam Qian was a little confused: "There are so many grass dogs in the city, even one jumped out of our garden. Isn't this already a mess?"

Qian Qingqing shook her head and said: "The monsters are actually not a big deal, just kill them all. I'm talking about the problem of the Satyrs."

She paused, her voice lowered: "I was on duty with the inspector just now, and I heard at least six murders, all of which were the so-called Satyrs who launched revenge on the Wanhao people in the name of their ancestors.

"There were four bloody cases, all of which were servants of rich families who took advantage of the master's unpreparedness and killed the master suddenly. There was also a servant who beheaded the mistress."

Madam Qian's face turned pale when she heard this: "The three servants of our family, could it be..."

Qian Qingqing interrupted her mother's words: "I have a vague premonition that the old cow who is usually responsible for taking care of the garden and doing some chores may not be too reliable. The other two servants should be fine."

The so-called "premonition" is actually the subconscious self, the conclusion drawn from a lot of information, a considerable part of the information, the little girl didn't notice it at all, but the subconscious mind remembered it clearly.

Madam Qian accepted her daughter's words completely, and immediately made a decision: "I will give Lao Niu a generous severance package, and let him leave the Qian family today."

The lady found an excuse of "worrying about safety issues and planning to level the garden", and gave [-]% more severance pay than normal.

Although this matter was done impeccably, the old cow was full of resentment: "You rich people, kick me away if you don't need me."

The middle-aged man took the purse, turned around and went back to the house to pack his belongings, and muttered in his mouth: "Everyone from Wanhao is not..."

The following words were not spoken, but it is conceivable that it is definitely not a good word.

Madam Qian's expression changed upon hearing this.


Qian Qingqing hit the ground hard with the butt of her gun, and said calmly, "Old Niu, don't think that I don't know that you are thinking about the revenge of your ancestors. I can tell you clearly that as long as you dare to take a step closer to the Qian family , you will pay a heavy price!"

In order to prove that this was not a lie, the little girl held the big gun with both hands, pointed the tip of the gun at a cedar tree not far away, and shot a shot in the air.


The cedar collapsed in an instant and burst into more than a dozen pieces.

The old cow was shocked.

Mrs. Qian sang along: "Old Niu, the Qian family has always been kind to you. As long as you don't intentionally trouble the Qian family, we won't make things difficult for you."

Lao Niu didn't dare to swear anymore, quickly packed up his personal belongings, and left obediently.

Mrs. Qian praised her daughter fiercely: "Qingqing, your shot is so beautiful. If you hadn't suppressed Lao Niu, this guy would probably cause trouble for our family in the future."

Qian Changyun also nodded again and again: "Sister, you are getting better and better!"

Qian Qingqing narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Although the little girl felt that her strength was very weak, she was still very happy to be able to do something for the family.

The mother and daughter did not know that a black cat squatted aside, watched the skirmish in its entirety, and reported it to its owner.

A few seconds passed.

It wagged its tail slightly.

The master is going to write a new script, but Lao Niu is actually a character in the script?
Ben is looking forward to it!

The black cat activated the imprint in the sea of ​​spirits, and issued an order to the meow clan army under his command: "Come on a few meows, and keep a close eye on the old cow!"


Several cats came out from nowhere and followed the old cow quietly.

Their tracking method is quite skillful, at most only one cat appears in the sight range of the target, and they are all in inconspicuous corners.

no doubt.

The cat group has received quite professional stalking training.

Lao Niu was reluctant to spend money to ride in a carriage, and walked more than a dozen streets with his luggage on his back. It took him more than half an hour before he entered an old community called "Qingzhifang".

Most of the residents living here are low-income and low-income civilians, and their lives are generally poor.

At this moment.

The atmosphere in the Green Quinoa Workshop was obviously not quite right, the civilians gathered together in twos and threes, discussing in a low voice the various changes just now.

Lao Niu traveled all the way and heard some words and phrases.

"The Satyrs have been bullied by the Wanhao people for so many years, this situation should end..."

"Why is our life so hard? The Satyrs must unite!"

"There are more or less grass dogs and grass pigs in the community with more people in Wanhao, but the Qingyi Square has always been safe and sound. This is the blessing of our ancestors..."

The old cow's rough face couldn't help showing a smile.

He remembered what his ancestor said in the dream, and muttered in a low voice: "The ancestor is right, maybe it's time to change!"

At this time.

The temperature began to rise rapidly again, and the snow falling from the sky turned into dense rain.

The plants in the green belt next to it unexpectedly pulled out pieces of emerald green leaves.

The old cow quickened his pace and murmured, "Is spring coming?"

He walked to the front of his small house in the rain, took out the key to open the door, and shouted, "Mom, I'm back!"

No one answered.

Lao Niu put down his luggage, pointed at a portrait of an old woman in the living room, and kowtowed a few times.

In front of the portrait was a strange wooden sculpture, which looked like two snakes intertwined.

The old cow stared at the woodcarving, his expression was a little confused: "In the ancestor's dream, why did the 'Mengdiao' I invited back from the 'Mengshenghui' appear? It's so strange!"

He hesitated for a moment and made up his mind: "I'll go ask 'Dream Master' now."

Lao Niu simply cleaned up and left the house quickly.

After a few seconds.

A phantom black cat, or shadow clone, emerged from the closed door and entered the small living room.

This is exactly a shadow clone that it quietly cast over by virtue of its mental interaction with several cats.

The black cat walked briskly around the house, locked its eyes on the wood carving, and flicked its tail lightly.

The master was right!
The Lord of Darkness created such a large-scale dream, and these extraordinary organizations under Ability God will definitely emerge to cause trouble.

I just don't know what is the relationship between the "Meng Sheng Hui" that Lao Niu found and the "Praying for Life" that the owner taught him before.

The black cat has been in every corner of the city for a long time, and the news is quite well-informed.

It has heard some news about the Dream Society.

This seems to be an organization that spreads mainly among the lower class civilians.

It is said that long-term enshrining of the so-called "dream carving", that is, this kind of double snake statue, can talk to the dead parents in the dream.

The black cat transmitted the scene to its owner, and also attached three of its own insights.


Dreaming about parents through Mengdiao must have a very close relationship with the "dream of ancestors".


Before the large-scale ancestral dream happened, the Mengsheng Association had probably heard the news long ago and made corresponding preparations.


In the next period of time, the Mengsheng Society will definitely use the low-level civilians to cause trouble!

The black cat received a message from its owner: "You guessed it right, the plot planned by the Lord of Darkness most likely took the bottom line.

"The number of civilians at the bottom accounts for more than [-]% of human society. This time, Ability God has really identified the weakness of human beings."

It blinked its cat's eyes and consciously learned a new vocabulary.

underlying route?

The master's description is quite accurate.

The black cat slipped out of the house, crouched under the eaves, watched the greenery cover the green belt in front, and wagged its tail.

After watching the four seasons in one day, the weather is getting more and more strange!

The handle of the spirit leaf.

Due to the special environment, there is no fresh green everywhere, and there is no drizzle here.

Although the temperature is moderate, it is not at all comfortable.

Because there are countless luminous spores here.

They are like luminous clouds, flying around in the handle of the spirit leaf with the airflow.

Once you accidentally inhale it, you will feel the trachea is extremely itchy, and you will cough violently for at least 1 minute.

In the process of clearing the void worms, it is really a headache to have to avoid the luminous spores.

By the way.

In the past, Xuan Pavilion never cleaned up the virtual worms in spring, precisely because of these humble spores.


Cheng Han only used a small trick to solve this big problem - the mask.

Using the power of the green coriander seal, it stimulates the production of extremely fine rattan fibers, and then weaves them into a large mask, which can block the invasion of spores.

The original group of fighters had long been familiar with the endless tricks that emerged during the process.

A support force that just arrived, [-] soldiers, looked over and over with masks, all of them were surprised.

For them, just reaching out and knocking on the cave wall, a row of rattan masks will grow on it, which is more or less a challenge to cognition.

10 minute later.

Cheng Han tossed out a new gadget.

He sent two war corpses, caught a virtual worm, gathered the soldiers, and threw a fluorescent seed at the worm.


Only a small sound was heard.

The seeds exploded into a cloud of fluorescent smoke, and quickly penetrated into the virtual worm's body.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The imaginary worm howled wildly, it seemed to be in extreme pain, it bit off its own claws, and then the fluorescent liquid gushed out of its mouthparts, and finally died.

A group of onlookers were stunned.

Any fool can see that the weird fluorescent seeds just now are definitely a sharp weapon against bugs.

Cheng Han explained lightly: "This is a 'fluorescent species' that likes parasitic virtual worms. I have prepared three for everyone, and everyone will throw it out when they are in danger."

For him, new things mean new knowledge, and with a little research, they can be transformed into combat effectiveness.

"Boom! Boom!"

Cheng Han reached out and knocked on the wall again.

A vine quickly grew out, and each vine was hung with a large bunch of fluorescent seeds.

He made a gesture: "Everyone, take it yourself."

A group of warriors swarmed up and divided up the seeds.


Groups of fighters dispersed into the caves and continued to clean up the virtual worms.

in one of the teams.

A new soldier, playing with the fluorescent seeds, said with emotion: "I have heard the name of Cheng Han of the Second Battle Group before, but I saw it today, and it really lives up to its reputation!"

The captain said in a "really ignorant" tone: "Cheng Han's methods are much more powerful than you imagined. What you saw just now is only a very small part."

Everyone else nodded.

The newcomer changed the subject: "Didn't the second battalion lose a vice-captain? With Cheng Han's ability, he might be promoted as a vice-captain."

The team was thinking: "It's really possible!"

If it were someone else, it would be unimaginable to be directly promoted from a third-level soldier to a deputy lieutenant, and skip the two ranks of "team leader" and "senior team leader".

But for Cheng Han, everyone felt that there was nothing he couldn't do.

Late that night.

When the season turned back to the scorching summer, the warriors arrived at a "landmark" location within the Handle of the Spirit Leaf.

This is a huge cavity, the width and height of which are not less than three kilometers, and a super giant column with a thickness of more than 300 meters stands in the middle.

Looking around, this scene is extremely spectacular.

To describe it in terms, here it is-the festival of the spiritual handle.

Arriving here means that more than 80% of the stalk of the spiritual leaf, which is more than [-] kilometers long, has been cleaned.

This also means that the task is drawing to a close.

As long as you pass through the joint of the spiritual handle and advance another five kilometers, you will be the spiritual branch under the jurisdiction of the Dao Palace, and then the mission will be completely over.

Mu Zhenghao, another deputy captain sent by the Second Battle Group, had a smile on his old face: "In the past, it took four days at the fastest to reach the Festival of the Spirit Handle, but this time it took only one day to complete the mission." .”

Hearing this sentence, the eyes of the group of people locked on Cheng Han in unison.

Everyone knows that the root cause of such a fast speed is precisely this genius boy.

Cheng Han was about to speak when a vision suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

Just as the large group of fighters passed through the empty cavity, the giant pillar suddenly shook, and a cyclone visible to the naked eye appeared out of thin air.


The wind roared fiercely.

A tornado flying around the giant pillar took shape.

Most of the fighters had no time to dodge, and were immediately sucked into the terrible tornado.

(End of this chapter)

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