Chapter 102 The Carp Effect
At the party that night, Rong Ling also presented a beautiful modern dance for everyone.If it is said that the most capable modern dancer in the Qing Dynasty is Rong Ling.

The next day, Li Yu asked Pu Lande to arrange for someone to set up a telegraph line.

One of the supervisors was very serious, and sometimes even set up the lines by himself.

However, the reason why he attracted Li Yu's attention was that he was the only Chinese among several British Telegraph workers, and he seemed to have quite high professional ability.

Li Yu asked curiously, "May I ask your honorable name?"

The man said: "I'm Jiang Shixuan. I've heard of Mr. Li Yu's name all along, but I haven't been able to visit him. I didn't expect to be able to personally set up a telegraph line for you today."

Jiang Shixuan was also a strange person, he had once served as the censor of the Supervisory Dao in Guangdong, and he had twice impeached Yikuang. However, Prince Qing's position in the court had been stabilized, and Jiang Shixuan was dismissed after failing to impeach him.

In addition, the imperial court issued an edict ordering Jiang Shixuan, and an eunuch surnamed Wang in the palace cursed Jiang Shixuan in front of everyone: "There is an imperial order ordering Jiang Shixuan, kneel down and listen to the announcement! Jiang Shixuan, you bastard, You don't know how to praise, and you make a lot of trouble. You Jiang Shixuan is not a good person, but Jiang Shixuan is even worse, get out!"

Jiang Shixuan was scolded and humiliated on the spot.

Shen ordered officials were a system of the Qing court and a good job for eunuchs.In fact, if the money is given in advance, the eunuch will not insult him too much.However, it was Prince Qing who offended Jiang Shixuan, and the eunuch dared not accept his money at all.

But Yikuang is also really interesting, he rarely kills his opponents, just makes him lose his black hat.

After Jiang Shixuan was dismissed from office, he was not discouraged, and even started a new industry.

At this moment, he pointed to Li Yu's house and said, "It seems that there is no electric light in Mr.'s house."

Li Yu said: "Of course, telegraph wires can be erected, but I can't install a generator at home."

Jiang Shixuan sighed and said, "If there are no accidents, I will soon send electric lights to the people of the capital."

Except for Xiyuan and Dongjiaomin Lane, Beijing now has no power supply at all, let alone electric lights. After the night falls, it is completely dark, and there is no beautiful night scene for later generations.

Xiyuan uses its own generator set.The electricity used in the embassy district comes from the German electric company, and the German electric company is now greedily coveting the vacant electric light market in Beijing.

Anyway, in their eyes, Daqing is full of fat that you can bite into.

Li Yu said, "Your Excellency, do you want to start an electric lamp company?"

Jiang Shixuan nodded: "It is very difficult to promote the telegraph market now. There are too few people who can afford a telegraph or use a telegraph, but the market for electric lights is still very large."

Li Yu felt that Jiang Shixuan was a bit interesting, so he said: "I also think that the establishment of an electric light company is imminent. After you debug the telegraph, we can study it in detail."

It is rare to meet a person who is passionate about Western science and technology. Jiang Shizhen said happily: "It is said that Mr. Li has a profound knowledge of Western learning. If I can have your help, it will be of great benefit to me."

Li Yu said: "I will do my best to help if I can. It is a good thing to have electric lights. You can earn money, and the common people can enjoy happiness. Well, I see that your installation is similar. I will go into the house and try the telegraph."

The erection of telegraph lines is now done in the air. Zhao Qian often ran around in Beijing, recognized these telegraph poles, and said, "My master is really foreign. I have seen many such things in Dongjiaomin Lane."

Feng Ling said with a smile: "Master is not going to open an embassy in the courtyard to meet foreigners, is he?"

Uncle Wang said thoughtfully: "Don't tell me, my master thinks it is really possible to do it!"

The telegraph lines in Beijing at this time were very messy, and there were no urban management to manage them anyway, so messy lines could often be seen.And if you set up a telegram, people might think that you have something to do with foreigners or central officials, so they don't dare to take care of it.

When the construction was in full swing, Rong Lu's son Baron came over, and he said angrily, "Can this bastard stop walking in front of our house?"

Seeing Rong Lu's son, Feng Ling didn't feel very angry, "It doesn't hurt anyone to put electric wires on the road!"

Baron frowned: "It's the foreigners who ruined my Feng Shui!"

Li Yu, who was in the room, heard the voice from outside and came out and said, "So it's Mr. Baron, sorry for your disrespect."

Although Baron knew that Li Yu was really good at science, he was also very traditional and looked down on Western learning at all. He said dissatisfiedly, "The telegraph wires of foreigners have already interfered with our Rongfu."

Li Yu looked at the telegraph poles and saw that they were quite high enough, so he said, "They only serve the telegraph in my home, so how could they affect your residence?"

Baron said: "Of course it has an impact. The copper wires of foreigners are thousands of miles away and can be connected in an instant. Although we don't know the reason, we have been spreading rumors and incidents in various news for so many years. We have no way of knowing. What's more. The copper wire passes through my Rong Mansion, and the confidential information in the mansion will also be eavesdropped on."

Unexpectedly, he was so pedantic, Li Yu said: "How could the secrets of your Excellency's mansion be known by a mere telegraph wire on the road? How can there be such a god, you are too worried."

Baron didn't believe it at all: "How do I know what you said is true?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "You can ask any foreigner at random. I guess they also want to know how to know the information around them by simply using copper wires."

Baron didn't understand at all, and there was nothing to argue about, but he was still furious, and he must sue his father when he came back.

Li Yu sent Baron away, and continued to return to his study to write. His progress was very fast, and he had already written the very critical and most famous "Butterfly Effect" in Chaos Theory.

The "butterfly effect" originally came from a speech by Lorenz, but he originally said that "a seagull flapping its wings is enough to change the direction of the weather."

He used "seagull" at the beginning. As for the source of the butterfly, a reporter saw that a graph about "Lorenz attractor" in the paper looked like a butterfly, so he wrote "butterfly effect".

There has always been a similar saying in China, such as: An embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant nest; a slight loss is a thousand miles.

Both reveal the most critical point of chaos theory: a very small disturbance of the initial value will bring huge and unpredictable changes to the system.

Li Yu put forward this point of view 60 years in advance, but called it the "ant's nest effect".

Later, in memory of Li Yu, many people directly called it the "carp effect".

This term was coined by Shi Liangcai, a reporter from "Shenbao". An invincible hurricane.

It is also a reasonable interpretation.

Until 60 years later, when Lorentz used a computer to simulate the Lorentz operator shaped like a butterfly, the two became synonymous with chaos theory.

Of course, Li Yu didn't stop there. His mathematical foundation was good, and he used differential geometry to discuss the mathematical principles of chaos theory.Regarding the description of this confusion, the contents including probability theory and mathematical statistics are used again.

This paper took much longer than his previous papers on X-rays and the second law of thermodynamics, and it took a full month to complete.

Of course, it is only the beginning of chaos theory. As for the follow-up, it still needs to be further developed by other mathematicians.

However, it is not easy to achieve this level, after all, it has created a new and extremely important category of mathematics.

If you continue to write in depth, Chaos Theory may not be finished in another year.Li Yu knows enough is enough, as long as the core point of view is clearly stated.Then he sent the paper after proofreading.

The thesis is quite thick, more than 200 pages, almost a math book.

Li Yu also received 2500 kroner from Sweden that day. The telecommunications system in this era is not as developed as later generations, and it is inter-bank and transnational. That's why HSBC only received the remittance today, and as usual, about 10% of the formalities were deducted. fee.

But after calculation, there are more than 300 taels of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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