Chapter 112 Manchuria branch line
Looking at the ship with the British flag, Zhang Deyi said: "This time I went to the UK, one of the tasks is to discuss with them and sign the "Protection Charter."

Li Yudao: "The regulations for protecting workers?"

Zhang Deyi said: "Yes! They can't be kept as slaves, at least they should be contracted laborers."

As far as the current international influence of the Qing court is concerned, Li Yuzhen doesn't really expect it to achieve anything, but he still asks: "Do you really think the British have the so-called spirit of contract?"

Zhang Deyi smiled wryly: "They are civilized countries after all, and I will not make excessive demands. After all, we cannot stop labor importation. But I think the "Regulations on the Protection of Workers" should at least make such things as Chinese consulates stationed in gold mines, Protection of workers' rights and interests; and clauses that employers cannot beat workers. It should also be declared that the importation of Chinese laborers is only a 'temporary measure' for resuming production, and the return shall not be delayed upon the expiry of the contract."

As a diplomat, what Zhang Deyi can do is already the limit.

But Li Yu said: "It is impossible for them to allow our consuls to enter the gold mines. Moreover, if they cannot guarantee specific rights, they will still be slaughtered."

Zhang Deyi said helplessly: "There will be the "Regulations on Protecting Workers" later. Due to the constraints of morality and civilization, I think they will protect our workers to some extent."

What Li Yu said was the most basic idea of ​​labor law in later generations, but obviously Zhang Deyi couldn't do that either.

In fact, although Zhang Deyi signed the "Sino-British Association's Articles of Guarantee Workers" does not have any clauses to sell the rights of the country, but it does not stipulate specific conditions such as working hours, wages, food and medical care.

These are all stipulated separately in the contract between the gold mine and the Chinese laborers, that is to say, it is up to the laborer to decide on their own.

As a result, Zhang Deyi's protection opinions and the "Regulations on Baogong" must become a dead letter.

Hehe, it's never a matter of opening your mouth to be really civilized to you.

As a person in the diplomatic arena, Zhang Deyi certainly understands these principles, but since South Africa is a British colony and he is the ambassador to the UK, he can only strive for it as much as possible.

How much can a diplomat from a semi-colonial country interfere with the affairs of another British colony.

Li Yu and Zhang Deyi's ship slowly left the port, and the workers on the shore gradually disappeared from sight.

But away from the helplessness brought about by Britain, it was followed by another heart-wrenching helplessness.

The ferry from Tianjin to Dalian is very short, and basically sails in the Bohai Bay.

When they arrived at the railway station, there was a line of Russian characters on it, which was transliterated as Dalini Station, which was the earliest Dalian Station.

The current Dalini Station is just some wooden houses, which look quite simple.

Some of Zhang Deyi's entourage knew Russian, and they boarded the train smoothly with the "customs clearance document" issued by the Russian embassy in Qing Dynasty.

With the support of Russia, the three northeastern provinces have begun to slowly rise to modern industry.

Everyone knows that if you want to get rich, you need to build roads first, but for the country, I am afraid that if you want to get rich, you need to build railways first.

Today's three northeastern provinces already have two major arteries that form a "T" shape, one horizontal and one vertical, which is the so-called "Manchuria Branch Line" of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

One vertical is from Dalian to Harbin via Shenyang and Changchun.

One horizontal line is from Suifenhe-Harbin-Qiqihar-Manzhouli in the east, and then continues westward to Chita Station on the main line of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

It can be seen that Harbin is the hub.

In fact, the city of Harbin really began to develop because of this railway. On June 1898, 6, the first batch of railway construction personnel from Vladivostok stationed in "Tianjia Shaoguotun". This day is also regarded as the birth of Harbin. day.

At the beginning of the city's construction, Qinjiagang Railway Station, which also served as a railway hub, is today's Harbin Railway Station.

The Harbin branch of Sino-Russian Daosheng Bank, which is in charge of the money bag of the Manchuria Railway, is located at No. 77, Hongjun Street, Nangang District, Harbin.

At this time, there were no people on the train, which was also because of the departure station, but there would not be many people on the train in the future.

But if the train is sent from Russia, it will be full of personnel and supplies.

Sitting in the box, Zhang Deyi said: "It's still safe to be on land! I didn't expect that such a long railway could be completed in only four or five years. The strength of Russia is frightening."

Now everyone is shocked by the speed of Russia, which can be called the infrastructure madman of this era.

But of course Zhang Deyi doesn't know who will be the real infrastructure madman in the future.

Li Yudao: "Of course they have to be quick, because the fundamental purpose of Russia now is to occupy the Northeast. Moreover, if you look at the workers outside, they are all Chinese."

The "Manchurian Branch Line" was nominally a Sino-Russian joint venture, and the Chinese paid half of the money and all the labor, but after the railway was completed, it was completely controlled by the Russians.

Zhang Deyi frowned: "This question is indeed a headache, it is really easy to ask God to give it away!"

Li Yu sighed: "It's not only difficult, but also some ghosts may come uninvited. The big powers are all staring at this big piece of fat in the Northeast."

The "Manchurian branch line" naturally has to be called "the secret treaty between China and Russia".

Nicholas II was crowned in May 1896. Taking this as an opportunity, the Qing court sent Li Hongzhang to Russia.

In order to show the importance attached to China, the Tsar personally received Li Hongzhang and treated him hospitablely.In the end, the two sides began a real secret diplomacy in the talks after the coronation of Nicholas II.

At that time, the Qing Dynasty had just experienced the defeat of the Sino-Japanese War, and all defenses were focused on Japan. Both the government and the opposition hated and feared Japan.Liu Kunyi, the local governor and great official in frontiers, said that among China's many disasters, "the only trouble in Japan is the most urgent."

The new Tsar, Nicholas II, felt that Russia's international image was too bad, and he could no longer use bandit-like methods to force foreign countries to achieve their goals. He had to adopt superb methods that "can be achieved by diplomatic means without causing international repercussions."

Tsarist Russia took this opportunity to launch a series of carefully planned diplomatic blackmail against Li Hongzhang for the so-called military campaign.

Tsarist Russia was well aware of the Qing court's fear of Japan, so it proposed the concept of "Sino-Russian joint defense against Japan".

At that time, the Qing court was eager to find a big power to judge the case. The British, which had been counting on during the war, had been on the sidelines during the war, which disappointed the Qing court.

However, the condition given by Tsarist Russia is that if they want to unite, they must let them build the railway!
This is the core of the "Sino-Russian Secret Treaty".

Of course, Russia's goal is to further control the Northeast through the railway, and even further occupy the Northeast.

Of course, Li Hongzhang is not stupid. He was very afraid that after the signing of the treaty and the completion of the railway, Russia would use the railway as the backbone to invade Northeast China, so he wrote in the treaty: "However, this construction of the railway shall not be used as an excuse to occupy China's land, nor shall It hinders the rights that the great emperor of the Qing Dynasty should have."

Tsarist Russia has also repeatedly promised: "Never invade the size of the land."

It is well written on paper, but a treaty is just an unreliable promise. If it is between powerful countries, of course it is guaranteed.But for a weak country, or a country that has just been defeated, how can a strong country speak of international law?

In addition, it is about Li Hongzhang taking bribes. At that time, the Sino-Russian Daosheng Bank allocated a total of 300 million rubles as activity funds.

It is rumored that Tsarist Russia gave Li Hongzhang 300 million of the 170 million rubles as a bribe in order to rush to get Li Hongzhang to sign.

It's actually a rumour.

This rumor is still serious, saying that it comes from the "Compilation of Archives of the Ministry of Finance of Tsarist Russia", but it is a bit ridiculous. It is impossible for the Ministry of Finance of any country to produce a "compilation" for you.

At any rate, Li Hongzhang was also a top-notch figure in the political arena of the Qing court at that time. Although he was indeed very greedy and had handled so many things, no one would believe him if he was not greedy at all.

But as an old fritter who has been in the officialdom for decades, is it possible for him to accept bribes, or to accept bribes with paper evidence?

And after the secret contract was signed, Li Hongzhang continued to go to the United States.

The reason why many people suspect him of accepting bribes is because the "Sino-Russian Secret Treaty" was signed too quickly, and Russia's benefits are too obvious.

The "Sino-Russian Secret Treaty" was only after several telegrams between Li Hongzhang in Moscow and Beijing, and Cixi and Guangxu agreed to Li's signature.

For the procrastination and procrastination of the Qing court, this is unbelievably fast, which makes people feel unbelievable.

In fact, after the signing of the secret agreement, the Qing government was not to mention overjoyed... At the contract exchange ceremony held in Beijing, Weng Tonghe and other important officials attended, and "toasted to celebrate" and exchanged gifts.

After all, for them, "United Russia Day" is an established policy.

Of course, policy is policy.The Qing government's international diplomacy is too poor, as confusing as Cixi's political wisdom.

The gauge of the railway is the same as that in Russia, which is 5 feet (1524mm) wide gauge, not the 1425mm standard gauge adopted by China. The purpose is obvious.

Those who have watched "囧囧" should remember this international train. In the 21st century, the K3 train departing from Beijing only takes one week to reach Moscow.

But at the current speed of the train, it takes two weeks.

Through the car window, Li Yu could see Chinese road builders and Russian supervisors from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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