Chapter 119 Reprint
Seeing that Li Yu had finalized his purchase idea, Leffler said, "What do you think about the future planning of the island, sir?"

Li Yu said: "I plan to build some buildings as laboratories, research sites, and teaching bases."

Leeffler gave a thumbs up: "Mr. is the only person who can buy an island in Sweden to do scientific research. It is really admirable. When it comes to design and construction, we have a very good design team in Sweden, which can fully undertake this project." Task."

Li Yu said: "Great! I don't have much time to stay in Sweden. If I can finalize the plan, I hope the professor will check it out for me."

He is completely assured of Swedish design, even in the 21st century, Sweden can be called a design powerhouse.

Leeffler patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, if you want to have Chinese elements, we can do it."

Li Yu said with a smile: "That's not necessary, just build it according to the most common and conventional scientific research base."

Although he believes in Sweden's design capabilities, he is really worried about their understanding of Chinese culture.

Stockholm itself has a so-called "Chinese Palace", built as early as around 1753.At that time, the Queen of Sweden was very fond of Chinese luxury goods, such as porcelain, silk, calligraphy and painting, etc., and she had no place to put them if she bought too much. Then the king built a two-story building near the palace for her, called "China Palace". .

But at that time, no one in Sweden had been to China. The king spent a lot of money to hire two Arabs who claimed to have been to China and had seen a Chinese-style palace, and then built the palace under the auspices of the two.

As for the can only be said to be a fusion of Chinese-style palaces and French Rococo architecture.It felt a little weird.

Li Yu continued: "It can be built completely according to the standards of the laboratory buildings in new universities. You don't have to worry about spending money, and all the facilities are up-to-date."

Leeffler praised again: "It is admirable to build a scientific research institution with your own money."

Li Yu thought to himself, it's just the beginning, and it's just getting there.

Li Yu came to force "the dove occupies the magpie's nest", and when Kang Youwei came, let him buy the small island next to him.He'd better stop thinking about it, and don't buy the small island next to him. Li Yu doesn't want to be a bad neighbor with him. Kang Youwei's thinking is not really advanced at all, and maybe he will come to him every now and then to beat people. War of words, just thinking about it makes people dizzy.

If his apprentice Liang Qichao were to be his neighbor, Li Yu would definitely agree with it.

Mayor Lindhagen took Li Yu back to the city hall first, and went through the island purchase procedures for him.

Looking at the contract documents in his hand, Li Yu felt that it was really interesting. He hadn't bought real estate in the Qing Dynasty, but now he had an "overseas territory", which was really unexpected.

In short, with this official document, the name of this island will be "Li Yu Island" from now on!
Leeffler was in the Academy of Sciences and had a lot of contacts. He quickly helped Li Yu contact the designer, who happened to be the design team who designed many buildings in the emerging university Stockholm University.It couldn't be more suitable, even the templates are ready-made.

The construction of Stockholm University started only 22 years ago. As long as Li Yu likes many buildings, the drawings can be taken over and used, and they also fully meet the requirements for scientific research.

You only need to slightly change the appearance of the details, and the design cost can be saved a lot.

Li Yu didn't want the design to be too complicated, and every inch of land on the island was expensive. He planned to build three four-story scientific research buildings and one four-story apartment building for living.

The area of ​​each building is about 800 square meters, and the four buildings occupy 3200 square meters. If the distance between buildings is included, almost 5000 square meters have been used.

In fact, although the island has 2.7 square meters, the usable area is only half, that is, about 1.3 square meters.

The rest of the land is reserved first, and will be considered later if necessary.

Since the blueprint is relatively new, Li Yu doesn't need to worry too much, it's just enough to talk about some of his purpose of use.The construction is not difficult, and he is not in a hurry to build it quickly.

The overall cost is estimated to be around SEK 1.

But Li Yu doesn't care about spending money. Anyway, in this world, inflation is terribly fast, and some "real estate" may be able to preserve its value.

After returning to the palace, Leffler led Li Yu to visit the palace during the day.Sure enough, it is a place where good things have been deposited for hundreds of years.

The luxury of the Swedish royal palace is by no means inferior to that of other royal families. In addition to the most typical likes to hang all kinds of expensive carpets on the wall, there are also dazzling jewels and tiaras, a medal room dedicated to storing medals, a special storage of crowns, Treasure Hall of Wands, etc.

Gustav III has the largest collection, and there is even a sleeping statue of Endymion, a figure in ancient Greek mythology, which is very early.The sculptures of people at that time were too realistic, and all the key parts were carved so lifelike that it was not suitable for children.

After more than half of the visit, King Oscar II finished his daily work and called Li Yu to his study.

After all, Li Yu was also invited by King Oscar II this time, and he must have a special lecture on mathematics for him.The king is more or less an undergraduate student in mathematics, and his ability to understand new things is still good.

Li Yu found that he was almost giving out his experience in his lectures. No matter what, he was a man of science and engineering in the new era with 100 years of scientific accumulation. His ideas were much more advanced than those at the beginning of the [-]th century, and he was able to understand problems at a relatively high latitude.

The king became more and more satisfied with Li Yu's level, the money was well spent!

"It's a pity that Mr. is a Chinese, I'm afraid it will be difficult to use his fists." Oscar II regretted.

Li Yu said: "There is nothing to regret. There is a saying in China that in the past 30 years in Hedong and in 30 years in Hexi, it is impossible to remain where it is today."

Oscar II even made an analogy: "I feel the feeling of chaos in the proverb you said."

Li Yu said with a smile: "It also reminds me that chaos is really everywhere, and I don't even realize it myself."

After dark, Li Yu continued to perfect his second edition of "Fractal and Chaos" in his bedroom.

He corrected and typeset the second edition. In order to take care of readers in different fields, Li Yu first explained concepts and gave examples of phenomena. This part is relatively easy to understand, even for ordinary people.

Then proceed to the mathematics extension, which is the professional part.

If you skip the math part and just read the exposition and examples, there is no problem at all. Li Yu's writing is relatively concise and popular, and he strives to be a good "best-selling author"...

In this way, regardless of whether the mathematics level is up to standard, you can understand this book, which will have a better boost to sales.

His manuscript has already been written almost, and this kind of revision will not take too much time. After four days, the first draft of the second edition is completed, and the rest can be handed over to the publisher to complete the review and typesetting.

The reviewers will still be Hilbert, Peano and Koch, so the time will be faster, and they more or less understand this profession. .

Since the professionalism of this book is still relatively strong, the publishing house gave Li Yu a share of almost 20%.

Moreover, the distribution price of this kind of book is very high, each priced at 11 crowns.

If all 3 copies are sold out, his share will reach 6.6 crowns, which is already a considerable amount, and it will be more than 9000 taels in silver.

(End of this chapter)

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