Chapter 128 The Law
This time, Li Yu specially selected some textbooks from the Imperial University, mainly about mechanical principles and mathematical principles, and also related to mechanical drawing.

These things are not complicated for Li Yu, and it can even be said that he is familiar with them.

The content of the textbook is still very detailed, but for the Beiyang Army Crash School, it doesn't need to be too complicated.

Outside the school, Li Chun had been waiting for him with a group of students.

Li Chun excitedly said: "Thank you for coming, sir! You will continue to teach the surveying and mapping department according to the previous arrangement. We will add an extra one and a half hours of classes every day, and you will take the class. The specific teaching content is also up to you."

There is only one and a half hours of class schedule every day, but I am not tired.

Li Yu said: "I have prepared the lesson plans, and I will not disappoint the school."

Li Chun said: "It's so good! They can't wait!"

Many students from the surveying and mapping department surrounded Li Yu and came to the classroom.

"Mr. Li, you were so handsome at the demonstration meeting!" Wu Peifu admired.

Sun Chuanfang also said: "Yes, I never thought that learning can be so useful! Such awe-inspiring!"

Li Jinglin said: "Professor Li, I only learned to understand the surveying and mapping and basic ballistics you talked about before. You must speak slowly this time."

Cai Yubiao said: "Li Jiaoxi, you must teach us well, and I will be like you in the future!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "No matter what occupation you are in, it is necessary to have the most basic scientific literacy. But learning is not easy, and once you leave the school, you will not have such good conditions for learning, let alone so many. It's time."

Li Yu directly quoted what his teacher said when he was in school, but he didn't expect to really understand it now.

Being able to switch between the two identities of teaching and students at will, and jumping left and right, I am afraid that Li Yu is also No. 1 in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

Li Yu still used his blackboard writing to give lectures.After all, there was no time to print textbooks, and even if they were printed, the thick college textbooks would not be suitable for the Beiyang Armed Forces Crash School.

The students in the crash course are soldiers after all, they only need to understand the basic principles.

So it's more about popular science than lectures.

The difficulty of the lectures is definitely not much. The key is to reflect the fun and explain the principles.

Fortunately, there is such a "good student" as Wu Peifu, he will carefully take notes, and then copied by other students.

In addition to lecturing every day, Li Yu still has a lot of time.

Recently, he was going to write something and send it out. Affected by John's incident, he planned to start thermodynamics again.

After all, thermodynamics is still very popular now, but when Li Yu was in school, thermodynamics was already a humble field.

If you want to move, move big!

What Li Yu was going to write was the third law of thermodynamics that had not yet been proposed.

Although in the eyes of later generations, the status of the third law of thermodynamics is too weak compared with the first law and the second law.

The first law of thermodynamics talks about the conservation of energy, which is the most basic physical concept.

The second law of thermodynamics is even more powerful. After the extension, it is a super strong and invincible world view, which can almost be regarded as one of the best arguments for materialism to defeat idealism.

Little is known about the third law.

However, it is also the basic law of thermodynamics. It may not be a big deal in later generations, but it was definitely a blockbuster in the early [-]th century.

Like previous papers such as fractal and chaos, principle of entropy increase, and X-rays, in fact, many predecessors have done research on the third law of thermodynamics.

Regarding the problem of the speed of molecular motion, there is already a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.

And 100 years ago, Charlie and Gaylusac also calculated the approximate value of absolute zero through the function image of pressure and temperature. Although it is not very accurate, it is not easy.

Fifty years ago, when Lord Kelvin established the thermodynamic temperature scale, he proposed again that absolute zero was the lower limit of temperature.

The foreshadowing is already in place, and the third law of thermodynamics can be said to come out after a long-awaited call.

Li Yu is good at theoretical physics, so he is good at physical derivation.

In fact, historically, the third law of thermodynamics was only an empirical law at first, and then it was derived mathematically.

But now Li Yu is deriving it in advance based on the results of his predecessors.

Reverse this order.

But the impact is not great. After all, the follow-up development time of the third law of thermodynamics is still very long, and many people will conduct experiments.

Li Yu is no stranger to the third law of thermodynamics, nor is it particularly complicated.

Its expressions are the same as the second law, and there are many. To put it simply, it is impossible to reach absolute zero.

However, Li Yuwen naturally used the viewpoint of atomism and the concept of entropy to demonstrate.

The whole paper is not very long, and it is very complete in dozens of pages.

After all, considering the current development of physics, he can't say everything.

But this is still not easy. Many years later, Nernst conducted many demonstrations through experiments to verify Li Yu's point of view.The third law of thermodynamics might even be called the Nernst-Lee law.

So looking at it now, the gold content of this article is still very high, and Li Yu can finally be crowned the name of the Imperial University.

Shine a wave!
Of course, it still took some time to do this. Li Yu first finished writing the manuscript requested by Ying Lianzhi, the founder of "Ta Kung Pao" that day.

After the manuscript was written, Li Chun happened to come over to find Li Yu, and found that he was busy writing the manuscript, so he said, "It seems that you are very busy."

Li Yu said: "Time is precious, and an inch of time is worth an inch of gold. To waste time is to waste money."

Li Chun gave a thumbs up: "I can't understand the numbers you wrote. But since you are so fond of learning, there are a few things that are most convenient to learn in Beiyang. I think you will be interested."

Li Yu asked, "What is it?"

Li Chun proudly said: "Riding and shooting."

Li Yu asked in surprise, "Riding a horse? Shooting?"

Li Chun snapped his fingers and said, "That's right, although I'm not very knowledgeable, I've never heard of the six arts mentioned by the ancients, rites, music, archery, royals, books, and numbers. Counting them, the 'number' You are already very good, but if you want to learn 'shooting' and 'imperial', I am afraid there is no better place than our Beiyang. How about it, do you want to learn?"

Li Yu thought about it, and what he said made sense!
It is said to be 'shooting', but now it is definitely not archery, but shooting.

In his previous life, he only fired three bullets when he participated in the military summer camp.

At that time, the rifle was placed on the ground, covered with a mat.An officer was sitting next to him, and he went over with a magazine containing three bullets. He lay down on the ground and asked the instructor to load the magazines, and then he fired indiscriminately.I couldn't see the target ten meters away at all, and I didn't know where to hit it.

In addition, it may be that I have played many FPS games.

Thinking of the frequent troubles in the future, it seems that there is nothing wrong with learning to shoot, such a good opportunity cannot be missed.

——Although you can't practice marksmanship in a short period of time, at least you can master the spear first.

As for riding a horse referred to by "Royal", it is even more practical, it should be regarded as driving a car now!

Anyway, I have a little savings now, so it would be fun to buy a horse and ride it once in a while.

I couldn't own a BMW in my previous life, but I can have a real BMW in this life!

(End of this chapter)

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