Chapter 139 The Industrialist

Li Yu had no choice but to hurry up and write the outline of the first "A New Hope" of "Star Wars".

Li Yu is very clear about the plot of the story. The key is to adapt it more in line with the current era background. Fortunately, the story unfolds in an overhead environment, so it is not too troublesome to modify it.

The protagonist's name "Skywalker" happens to be quite easy to remind Chinese people of the grandson of Walker, adding a little more attractive...

Li Yu still has confidence in the story of Star Wars. This kind of hanging thread counterattacks and becomes a generation of Jedi Knights, and then slowly reveals his life experience, leading to a huge world view. It is definitely an incredible novel now.

Although vernacular novels are still difficult to be elegant under the background of the late Qing Dynasty, ordinary people must like them.It can also subtly make the public look forward to the vast universe, and maybe it can really stimulate some interest in exploration.

And a large part of human exploration of science is out of curiosity about the universe!

Li Yu gave the manuscript to Lu Bicheng. After reading it, Lu Bicheng was very surprised: "A vernacular novel?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's still far away! At present, there is only a skeleton, lacking details of blood and flesh, so please ask the talented woman Lu to help polish it."

Lu Bicheng flipped through the pages, read for a while, and was immediately attracted by the story, asking, "What kind of subject is this? The novel can still be written like this!"

"The West calls it science fiction, that is, science fiction." Li Yu said.

Lu Bicheng asked again: "No wonder I've never read it, the story is really interesting, but are the stars in the sky really like this?"

Now there is no concept of aliens, let alone other planets that can inhabit humans.

Li Yu said: "It may be a bit complicated to say. The stars in the sky are all stars, which are gaseous stars, but there must be planets revolving around the stars. Maybe there are human beings like us."

Lu Bicheng couldn't believe it: "Then, besides the foreigners, are there more distant foreigners on other planets?"

"Ah, this..." Li Yu scratched his head, so he had to forcefully explain, "Imagination, let's pretend it is! Think about it, what's wrong, there are still people who want to be the Jade Emperor."

Lu Bicheng suddenly realized: "I see, it turned out to be imaginary. Just like in "Journey to the West", it is also mentioned that there is Guanghan Palace on the moon where Chang'e Fairy and Jade Rabbit live."

"You can think of it this way," Li Yu said, ""Journey to the West" expands imagination in the way of fantasy stories, and science can naturally expand imagination in a scientific way to become science fiction."

In this way, Lu Bicheng understood better: "It does sound reasonable. But..."

Li Yu asked, "But what?"

Lu Bicheng covered his mouth and said: "However, your literary talent is...too poor. No wonder you were the last one in the examination of the Imperial University Hall of Self-cultivation and righteousness."

Uh, it hurts!
Li Yu was ranked first in the first admissions of the Imperial University, but the feat of failing the chapter on self-cultivation and righteousness is indeed unprecedented: from now on, no one has ever failed this subject, and it is considered a It has become a "good story"...

Li Yu said embarrassingly: "That's why I asked the talented woman Lu to help with polishing, otherwise it would be embarrassing to put it out like this. Don't worry, talented woman Lu, your name will definitely be included in the signatures of future publications."

"Do you still want to sign my name?" Lu Bicheng suddenly became serious, "Then I have to take it seriously."

Li Yu said happily: "It's done! As long as you can exert some strength, it will be fine!"

The list of Jingshi University’s arrangements to go to Japan to participate in the Encouragement Expo was quickly drawn up, and those with better grades were selected: Fan Xiren and Ouyang Mouyuan from the Shixue Hall, Feng Zuxun, He Yujie, and Lun Ming from the Normal Hall.

Lun Ming was also a great modern bibliophile, and later served as a professor at Beijing Normal University, Fu Jen Catholic University, and Yenching University.

In fact, Lun Ming was No. 1 in the history of the first Normal Hall of the Beijing Normal University Entrance Examination, but it was a pity that Li Yu messed up the situation and came in second.

Today Li Yu and the others were having fun again, playing Three Kingdoms Killing.

Fan Xiren is the favorite to play, and he comes from a big family, he is very particular, after being addicted to board games, he even found someone to design more useful playing cards, and even hired a master who painted comic books for novels to paint the playing cards with Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, etc. image of man.

In this way, it is more like the killing of the Three Kingdoms in later generations.

After several people were seated, Fan Xiren shuffled the cards and said, "I never expected to go to Japan so soon. I was always looking forward to going abroad, but Professor Hattori said that it would be the end of the year at the soonest. I suddenly issued a notice, and I didn't feel like it be ready."

Ouyang Mouyuan said casually: "Is there anything to prepare? It's not going to study abroad, and I'll be back soon."

"I know, it should be taken as a proof in advance," Fan Xiren said, "I want to see how powerful Japan is, and why a small country of Fusang can beat us."

Feng Zuxun is still relatively calm: "There is a reason for winning, and there is something we have to learn. I have looked at the map, and it seems that the area of ​​Japan is larger than that of England."

"Oh?" Fan Xiren asked in surprise, "Is that really the case? Brother Li Yu, you know the most about Western culture, let me tell you."

Li Yu nodded: "Brother Feng is right, it is true, the land area of ​​the British mainland is indeed not as large as Japan."

Lun Ming said: "It's unbelievable, so England is at best a small Xirong country?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "You can't say that, the area is only one factor in the strength of a country."

Fan Xiren said: "I heard that the best industrial products from Japan will be exhibited at this industry expo, and even Western countries will participate. We should learn from it and make it ourselves!"

Li Yu shook his head: "It's not that simple. If you can see it, then we would already be full of warships, cannons, and factory machines."

Fan Xiren agreed deeply: "I have seen the history of Japan. They were not a powerful country at one time, and they learned a little bit from the foreigners. If the Japanese can do it, so can we."

After studying in the Imperial University, the big guys have gradually realized how profound science and technology are, but fortunately, the more they do this, the more fighting spirit they have.

While talking, several people had already drawn their cards. Fan Xiren was the lord Sun Quan, and Li Yu was the rebel. When the military general card was revealed, it was Huang Yueying, and the location happened to be Sun Quan's next family.

Fan Xiren said: "Well, Huang Yueying, you look like an anti-thief! Eat first, I'm so happy!"

Li Yu smiled and said, "Don't, my lord, what if I'm a loyal minister."

Fan Xiren glanced at Ouyang Mouyuan, who held Lu Xun in his hand, "He is a loyal minister! Don't worry about anything else, big guy, hurry up and kill Huang Yueying!"

Li Yu was worried that he didn't have a flawless hand, but he didn't expect that when it was his turn, Ouyang Mouyuan silently used a flawless card to relieve Li Yu's reluctance to leave.

This time, Li Yu's luck just exploded, and he played out one after another, and there was a pile of cards in his hand, and then "crossing the river and demolishing the bridge" and "taking the sheep by hand" wiped out all Sun Quan's cards, and then two rounds of "thousand arrows" "Fa", "Southern Barbarian Invasion", beat Fan Xiren repeatedly.

Although there was He Yujie's Hua Tuo on the field, he knew it was hopeless when he saw Zhuge Liannu on Li Yu's frame.

Sure enough, the lord was killed suddenly by Huang Yueying.

The next four people didn't even have a chance to play their cards.

The four suddenly felt that they had no game experience: "No, no, start again, it's too fast!"

After a few rounds, everyone was having fun when someone came to find Li Yu suddenly: "Mr. Li Yu, Director Yan of the Translation Institute invites you to come over."

"General Office Yan Fu?"

Li Yu had no choice but to put down his cards, and left without further satisfaction, and the five of them continued to fight.

As soon as he entered Yan Fu's office, an old man about 50 years old came over: "You are Li Yu? Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. It is indeed as rumored. A young hero. Not bad!"

Yan Fu immediately introduced to Li Yu: "This is the number one scholar in the dynasty, Mr. Zhang Jizhi, the general manager of Dasheng Spinning Mill."

Li Yu was not familiar with the word Yan Fu mentioned, but the general office of Dasheng Cotton Mill and the number one scholar in the dynasty immediately knew that Zhang Jian, the number one industrialist in the late Qing Dynasty, was in front of him.

Li Yu hurriedly said: "I have admired Mr. Jiu's name for a long time."

Zhang Jian laughed and said, "I've admired Mr. Xiao's name for a long time. Although I've been in Tongzhou (Nantong, Jiangsu) for a long time, the news is not as well-informed as Beijing, Tianjin, or Shanghai, but it has been published several times, no, it should be dozens of times in the newspapers. I have seen repeated reports about you."

Zhang Jian has now resigned to start a business, but under the pattern of the late Qing Dynasty, running a business is inseparable from the contacts of the imperial court, so Zhang Jian has been in touch with the local officials of the imperial court since then.

Yan Fu said beside him: "Isn't that right, Ji Zhi just came to the university hall yesterday, so he immediately asked me for news about you."

"That's for sure!" Zhang Jian said, "It's not easy for me to find a scientific and technological talent in China now. I have also started a spinning factory for several years, and I understand how far we are from Western countries. All the machinery in the factory is purchased from England. In China, we can’t figure out the principle of a simple spinning machine, let’s talk about warships and cannons.”

Zhang Jian can now be regarded as a rare "human sobriety" in the late Qing Dynasty.

Back then, his Dasheng Spinning Mill almost couldn't be started, and the financing promised by several officials suddenly disappeared. Fortunately, Zhang Jian followed Shen Jingfu's advice, broke the boat and stopped waiting for funds, and went straight to full-scale production.Then use the income from selling cotton yarn to buy cotton to maintain the operation.

Fortunately, in the next few months, the cotton yarn market was optimistic, and the funds of the spinning mill continued to expand. Not only was the spinning mill able to produce normally, but it also had a slight balance at the end of the year.Dasheng Cotton Mill survived.

This kind of way is not surprising in later generations, the most typical one is the group of people who used to speculate in real estate...

Li Yu admitted: "The gap is indeed huge, but many people still fail to face up to the gap."

Zhang Jian sighed: "Not only did they not face up to the gap, but many people even chose to give up, thinking that they are not as good as foreigners."

Yan Fu was also deeply touched by this: "Many people are really scared."

"That's why I said that it is not easy to have you," Zhang Jian said. "After all, it is to let us understand that it turns out that Chinese people can still learn the most difficult Western learning. It is really exciting! To be honest, I just founded a Tongzhou Normal School last year. In school, I often warn students to actively learn Western learning, follow the example of Mr. Li Yu, and strive to catch up."

In later generations, Tongzhou Normal School was recognized as the three origins of Chinese teacher education together with the Normal School of the Capital University and the Normal School of Nanyang Public School.

It is also the predecessor of later Yangzhou University, Nantong University and other schools.

Li Yu is well aware of the difficulty of running Western schools at this time: "Mr. General Office has worked tirelessly. It will be more beneficial if we can apply for more engineering courses."

Zhang Jian said helplessly: "I also understand this truth, but it is extremely difficult to establish science-related disciplines nowadays. The funds required are much higher than those of classics, history and foreign languages, and I don't know much about various equipment; the most important thing is now It is impossible to find a few people who understand Western learning as teachers."

Li Yu also sighed: "I can only take my time and start from the simple place."

"Yes," Zhang Jian continued, "I have now established a train of thought, that is, 'Father's education, mother's business', neither of which can be let go, or you will be a cripple walking on one leg."

Li Yu gave a thumbs up: "Grasp with both hands, both hands must be hard!"

Zhang Jian imitated him and gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Xiao's eloquence is extraordinary, and he sums it up well."

Li Yu smiled and said: "I also listened to others. But speaking of it, Zhang Zhitai and others are doing their best to develop the mining and steel industries, while Mr. General Office is focusing on the cotton spinning industry. One is light and the other is heavy. On the road to industry, it can be regarded as two-handed. Got it."

Zhang Jian said: "At the beginning, I studied the development history of Western countries, and it seemed that they started from the textile industry; while heavy industries such as iron and steel and coal are the country's most important assets, neither of which can be relaxed, so that the full power of the economy can be exercised. I figured out this cotton-ironism by myself, what do you think, Mr. Xiao?"

Li Yu didn't expect Zhang Jian to ask for his own opinion, so he said, "It's very suitable! We are poor and weak now, so we can only concentrate our efforts to break through from the most critical place. The cotton textile industry can connect industry and agriculture, which is very suitable for our situation. .”

"Heroes see the same thing," Zhang Jian said cheerfully, "It's rare to meet someone who can understand with a few words, Mr. Xiao really lives up to his reputation."

Li Yu said modestly: "Mr. is too famous."

Li Yu admired Zhang Jian very much.

He is the number one scholar, and if he wants to be an official, he can definitely become an important minister of the court, but he is willing to say goodbye to the officialdom and start a business. In the current situation of the late Qing Dynasty, this is a great courage.

What's more, in addition to being the most well-known title of "the first modern industrialist", Zhang Jian participated in the creation of many universities.

He participated in the establishment of Fudan University, Tongji University, Southeast University, Hohai University, etc., which are famous in later generations!

At this time, in addition to the Dasheng Cotton Mill, Zhang Jian’s subordinates have also reclaimed the coastal wasteland and built the raw cotton base of the Cotton Cotton Mill—the Tonghai Reclamation and Animal Husbandry Company with more than 10 mu of arable land; factory and so on.

The Tangjiazha area in Nantong has been transformed into an industrial zone.

Zhang Jian asked again: "Are you going to Japan to participate in the Encouragement Expo?"

Li Yu nodded: "Not only me, but the Imperial Academy will send five people to go together."

"Very good, everyone should go out and learn more." Zhang Jian said.

It is quite appropriate for Zhang Jian to participate in this expo. After all, the Quanye Expo mainly focuses on industrial and agricultural exhibitions.

Thinking of this, Li Yu asked, "Our exhibits have also left?"

Zhang Jian said: "We have almost arrived in Osaka. Although Sichuan, Jiangsu, Hubei and other places have selected a lot of exhibits, they are mostly porcelain, fabrics, tea, etc. Everyone knows that there are no industrial products, but they also want to use the expo to Find a market."

(End of this chapter)

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