Chapter 153 First Communication
Li Yu really didn't expect that Einstein would take the initiative to send him a telegram, so he quickly started reading:

"Mr. Li Yu from the Mysterious East, hello, my name is Einstein and I am an employee of the Swiss Patent Office. You may not have heard of me, but I have read about you in various news reports. "

Li Yu thought to himself, from what you said, how could I have never heard of you.

The telegram also said: "I have carefully studied all the articles and papers you wrote, and I admire your master's attainments in physics and mathematics. After all, there are very few people who understand physics and mathematics at the same time. The understanding is so thorough and in-depth, which makes me even more impressed." It was a desire to get acquainted. So I have this telegram, if possible, I hope to discuss some issues that I am thinking with my husband.”

Good guy, what else can Einstein think about now! ?
Isn't it the special theory of relativity and the photoelectric effect?

Strictly speaking, the photoelectric effect can be counted in the field of quantum mechanics, so Einstein is now using two prongs, and it is still quite hard to grasp both hands.

Fortunately, Li Yu also understands these things better. He has learned the special theory of relativity before, and it is not too difficult.

In fact, it is the special theory of relativity that made Einstein famous. After all, this thing is so subversive to everyone’s cognition that it immediately attracts attention. I understand.

As for the general theory of relativity that later truly established Einstein's supremacy, Li Yu didn't know much about it, but only knew the application of some field equations.

Of course, the field equation is also the core theory of Guangxiang.

The field equation of the general theory of relativity is a tensor equation with 10 unknowns, to be precise, it is a second-order nonlinear partial differential equation system composed of 10 equations.

As I said before, the differential equation is very difficult, there is no general solution, and it can only be solved violently.

It is a great achievement to be able to solve a solution of the field equation. In fact, a black hole is just a solution of the field equation.

One more thing, solving differential equations often involves boundary problems, initial conditions, a bunch of settings, and the use of various theorems, and the use of high-latitude spaces, topological spaces, and elliptic integrals, etc.'s so hard to explode.

Under different boundary conditions, the solutions of differential equations are fundamentally different, and they are completely different.Even circular boundaries and rectangular boundaries give completely different results.

To put it simply, this thing is difficult.

There are no simple differential equations, and they are all being studied by top mathematicians.

Anyway, when Li Yu took the course "Methods of Mathematical Physics" devoted to differential equations, it was really painful, and he felt like he was listening to heaven.

But the special theory of relativity is much more amiable compared with it. They are all mass-energy equations, time slowing down, scaling effects, etc. Basically, anyone who has studied high school physics knows it.

Of course, the thoughts contained in it are relatively profound.

Li Yu couldn't just talk too much when he came up, so he politely replied with a brief greeting telegram:
"Dear Mr. Einstein. I also look forward to communicating with you. You and I are about the same age and can have in-depth discussions on mathematical science!"

Li Yu immediately gave the telegram to Feng Ling: "Send it quickly!"

I feel that this telegraph is really worth buying. It is not only convenient, but also much cheaper than commercial quotations.

Although it is not as good as the Email of later generations, it is already the current speed limit.

Seeing that there was a new task so soon, Fengling immediately refreshed, "Leave it to me... Hey, wait! Sir, I see that there are no Chinese characters on the code table. How can I type this? How about you teach me?"

"Ah," Li Yu realized that he was too anxious, "It was my negligence, I will translate it into English for you."

Einstein is now in Switzerland, but at that time, there were no science and engineering students who could not understand English, and they even knew many languages.

And now Great Britain is still in the stage where the sun never sets, and English is indeed relatively common.

Or maybe Einstein didn't know that Li Yu could speak German.

Li Yu handed the translated message to Feng Ling: "That's it."

Then just wait patiently, it is estimated that you will receive a reply within a day.

Li Yu found Yu Deling when he was free, and gave her the thick "Star Wars" manuscript.

Yu Deling looked at the manuscript and said in surprise, "Novel? How did you start writing this?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "I co-created it with others. It's a sci-fi theme. I plan to invest abroad, but my translation skills are so-so. After thinking about it, only you are suitable."

"Interesting!" Yu Deling took the manuscript, "I didn't expect your lower case to be so delicate."

Li Yu said embarrassingly: "This is the handwriting of Lu Bicheng, a talented woman from Tianjin who is very popular recently. Didn't you just talk about co-creation, and the other person is him."

Yu Deling was straightforward: "No problem, you are the one who saved my life, this trivial matter is nothing to worry about. Tell me, which language do you want to translate into?"

Li Yu said cheekily: "Translate into English first, and it is best to translate into French and German later."

"Why so many versions?" Yu Deling asked puzzled.

"Because I thought it would be good to distribute in more countries." Li Yu said.

This workload is not small, Yu Deling smiled and said: "Well, since I have promised you, I can't go back on my word."

Li Yu asked Zhao Qian to bring over three typewriters, and said, "For the convenience of your work, I specially present three good things."

Yu Deling pursed her lips and said with a smile, "You are really thoughtful."

Li Yu proudly said: "Of course, improve efficiency!"

It took a lot of effort to transport these three big treasures. When you want to pull things, the rickshaw is really weak.

After bidding farewell to De Ling, Li Yu said to Zhao Qian, "Let's go, let's go to the horse market to buy two horses and a carriage."

Zhao Qian suddenly regained his spirits: "Am I going to upgrade to become a driver in the future?"

Li Yu got on the rickshaw: "Of course, I told you a long time ago that it is impossible for you to be a rickshaw driver for the rest of your life."

A coachman is no better than a rickshaw driver. In the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, a coachman was definitely a skilled job. Not everyone could handle it, and he earned much more money than a rickshaw driver.

The key point is that the coachman is not so tired, and he is more decent. At this time, it is not ordinary people who can afford a carriage.

Li Yu originally wanted to buy a bicycle, but it needed to be purely imported, which was more troublesome, so he had to save it for future import along with the car.

But buying a carriage is easier. When they came to the horse market outside Nancheng, Li Yu saw a tall horse at a glance, and asked, "Shopkeeper, how do you sell this horse?"

Seeing Li Yu's extraordinary attire, the shopkeeper immediately went up to him and said, "The guest officer has a good eye! This is the best horse in my family. It was just brought over from Heilongjiang. It is a top-quality Sanhe horse."

Well, no wonder Li Yu looks so good, he is actually one of the three famous horses in China.

The Sanhe horse was almost just bred at this time. It has a handsome body, both strength and speed, good stamina, and brisk steps, with many advantages.

In the available horse racing records, Sanhe horse is the only domestic horse that can compete with famous foreign horses.

At the beginning of the [-]th century, Sanhema was definitely the "BMW" among horses, and at least it was at the level of BMW's high-end performance car M series.

The more Li Yu looked at it, the more he liked it. It was much taller and more powerful than the ordinary Mongolian horse he rode in the Beiyang Army.

"How much, shopkeeper, let me tell you a real price."

The shopkeeper stretched out six fingers: "It is very difficult to transport this horse, at least 600 taels."

Li Yu bargained: "It's too expensive, I'll buy it sincerely, how about 500 taels?"

The store owner shook his head: "This is the treasure in my store. Guest officer, please take a good look at the teeth, hooves, and coat color. If you ride out, you will be the most ostentatious young master in the capital!"

Although Li Yu didn't know much about bargaining, he knew the basics to some extent, so he said, "Then I'll go to another house to see first."

The shopkeeper said very hard: "Go!"

Li Yu turned his head directly, and just two steps away, the shopkeeper stopped him: "Guest officer, please stay! I think the guest officer is also destined, so I will suffer a loss. How about 550 taels?"

Li Yu said: "550 taels is fine, but you still have to give me an ordinary Mongolian horse with all the saddles."

An ordinary Mongolian horse costs about ten taels of silver. The shopkeeper thought for a while and said, "Okay, just as you said!"

Sanhe horses are so expensive, of course they are not used to pull carriages, but ride themselves, while Mongolian horses can be used to pull carriages.

In fact, since ancient times, the Han people have no tradition of riding horses.But now there are many banner people in Beijing, and they have a tradition of raising good horses. Many families even regard the quality of horses as the "front" of their mansions, and compete with each other.

Speaking of it, this kind of comparison mentality seems to be no different from later generations.

Otherwise, horses worth a dozen taels of silver would be enough, and who would spend money to buy famous horses that cost hundreds or thousands of taels?

In Li Yu's previous life, there were also many people who bought cars for the sake of face, and even formed a somewhat deformed view of car consumption: face is the key factor in choosing a car.

This is not the most frightening thing, what is even more frightening is that in the media such as Mouyin, the BBA of 40 to [-] is also called a "street car".

Forget it, aside from these, Li Yu himself has also fallen into the urge to buy famous horses.

The shopkeeper had a good eye and said, "The guest officer has bought a good horse and an ordinary horse. Do you still need to buy a carriage?"

Li Yu asked: "Why, you also have this?"

The shopkeeper said: "Of course there are, Ke Guan, you can come to my house. I have everything in the entire horse market. If Ke Guan is for his own use, there are long-wheeled carts, large saddle carts, and small saddle carts in order from high-end to regular."

Li Yu has taken a carriage once before, and he generally knows that carriages are also divided into grades now.

Evil feudal society, everything must be graded.

Li Yu asked: "Then your family has them?"

The shopkeeper said: "Of course, it depends on your identity, the guest officer. Generally, the best sellers are big saddle cars and small saddle cars, but this kind of cars have wheels in the middle of the carriage, which makes them a bit bumpy when sitting, and the carriage is also smaller. You can use a long shaft car if you want, but generally this kind of car is owned by someone with status."

Zhao Qian next to him interjected: "I forgot to tell you, my master is the emperor's master!"

"Ouch! You are actually the emperor's master!?" The shopkeeper immediately changed his face, "I don't know Taishan, master, don't blame me!"

Li Yu waved his hand: "It's easy to say, don't be cautious, keep a low profile."

I didn't expect this identity to be so easy to say.

The shopkeeper pointed to the long driveway: "Then it's nothing to say, you can definitely use it."

Above the long shaft chariots, there are actually two higher-level chariots: one is the square chariot specially used by the royal family, and the other is the Zhulun chariot used by the wives of senior officials.

(End of this chapter)

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