Chapter 159
Li Yu said: "Mr.'s idea can definitely be realized, it just takes time to settle."

I'm afraid he can't imagine that there will be an explosion of college graduates every year.

Cai Yuanpei asked: "I heard that Mr. Zhang is going to Wuhan to meet Master Zhang Zhidong this time?"

Li Yu nodded: "That's right, there should be a trip to Huzhou on the way."

Shi Liangcai asked in surprise, "Huzhou?"

Li Yu told them about the Songlou incident. Shi Liang was a journalist with a strong sensitivity. He slammed the table and said, "It's too much to deceive people! Don't we lose too much of our good stuff! I'm not sure about this matter." It must be published in the newspaper, and the Japanese must not be allowed to succeed!"

This is what Li Yu wants. Only when it spreads and more people know about it, can there be a solution.

Moreover, Shanghai and the surrounding Suzhou and Hangzhou areas are very rich and will always be resolved.

Cai Yuanpei said to Li Shutong beside him, "Xi Shuang, you should also think of a way."

Li Shutong touched a pine branch at hand and said, "Master has orders, and he should obey them, and it's about the country, so he has no complaints."

Cai Yuanpei said to Li Yu: "Xi Shuang is a son of a rich family. There is a money bank in his family. Maybe he can help."

Li Shutong was born in the famous "Tongda" Li family in Tianjin.His father, Li Shizhen, once served as the head of the Ministry of Officials, and then resigned to inherit his father's business. He ran the "Tongda" bank and salt business, and became a wealthy man in Jinmen.

Li Shutong is his father's old son, and Li Shutong was born when he was 68 years old.

It is said that on the day of Li Shutong's birth, a magpie carried a pine branch to the delivery room, which was considered auspicious by the Buddha.So Li Shutong carried this pine branch with him and never left it for life.

The Li family believed in Buddhism since childhood, and Li Shutong could recite Buddhist scriptures such as "The Great Compassion Mantra" and "The Mantra of Rebirth" since he was a child. He and his third brother often learn how monks do at home. Both of them use quilts or bedspreads as cassocks. Playing on the kang reciting Buddha.

Perhaps this also to some extent planted the karma for him to become a monk in the future.

It's just that Li Shutong is an absolute rich son.

And he is a more thoughtful son.

During the Reform Movement of [-], Li Shutong specially engraved a private seal "Nanhai Kangjun is my teacher" to prove his determination to support the reform and carried it with him.

After the reform failed, the Qing government arrested the rest of the party nationwide, and he also suffered, and was on the wanted list. In desperation, he had to take his mother to avoid disaster in Shanghai.

But his family also has a bank in Shanghai, and he can draw living expenses at will with his status as a young owner, and he has quite a lot of money.

The key point is that Li Shutong is indeed talented. Now, as a son of a rich family, he associates with celebrities in Shanghai, and the life of a literati is prosperous and colorful.

Li Shutong said: "I am familiar with the surrounding areas. If my husband wants to go to Huzhou, I can really help."

Li Yu said gratefully, "Thank you."

Li Shutong hurriedly said: "You are welcome, sir, this trivial matter is nothing to worry about."

While talking, the restaurant also started to serve food, many of which were Western food. Cai Yuanpei said: "It's rare to come to Huizhong Restaurant, we must try Western food."

Li Yu has also been to the Bund in his previous life, but he has never eaten at the Peace Hotel. He only knows that it is very tall and expensive, and the price is a bit prohibitive. Breakfast costs more than 200.

Unsurprisingly, Li Shutong should be the guest of honor today, and he is obviously the richest at this table.

Shi Liangcai held the coffee: "Try this, the authentic foreign tea, called coffee, has a unique taste."

Of course, Li Yu has eaten Western food many times, but it is really hard for ordinary people to find a place to eat Western food nowadays.

Shi Liangcai did not forget to seize the opportunity to ask Li Yu for a manuscript, and Li Yu readily agreed.

After dinner, Cai Yuanpei took Li Yu and others to visit Nanyang Public School.

As soon as he entered the school gate, Li Yu felt a little strange, wondering: "Why is it so deserted? Is it a holiday?"

Cai Yuanpei smiled wryly: "Sir, I don't know. There was an ink bottle incident in the school before, and many students dropped out of school."

"Ink bottle?" Li Yu didn't know why, "What ink bottle?"

Cai Yuanpei explained: "It happened last year. When Class [-] of the public school was in class, the liberal arts teacher Guo Zhenying came to the classroom and found an ink bottle on his seat."

Li Yu said, "What's so strange about this?"

Li Shutong on the side said, "It's an empty ink bottle."

Li Yu understood: "Could it be that you are mocking Professor Xi for his lack of knowledge?"

"That's right," Cai Yuanpei said, "Guo Jiaoxi was furious at the time, but no one in the class responded. Then Guo Jiaoxi actually wanted to expel the three students in the front row closest to him, on the grounds that he did not report the knowledge."

Li Yu was stunned: "This treatment is a bit extreme."

Li Yu has been in school for so many years, so he naturally knows that the temperament of students, especially junior high school students in their teens, is the most difficult to discipline, and it is very normal to play some pranks.

However, this Guo Jiaoxi is obviously a very traditional person, he doesn't take any jokes, and directly turns trivial matters into big ones, and his handling method can be called rude and barbaric.

Cai Yuanpei said: "Indeed, after all, it is a new-style school. How can a teacher expel a student casually for a small matter. So the students from Class [-] went to the school's general office to protest, but the general office even held a meeting with the students from Class [-] to advocate revolution." 'All students in class five will be expelled for the crime."

Li Yu felt even more absurd: "Expell the whole class?"

Cai Yuanpei sighed: "It's not just that. The students in the school felt indignant when they learned about it, so they wanted to strike. I tried my best to mediate, but there are still more than 140 students who want to strike, hey!"

Li Shutong and the others said: "To be honest, sir, if it weren't for the fact that we are students of Cai's special economics department, and we have worked so hard in Cai's teaching, otherwise the few of us would have gone on strike."

Li Yu said: "The school's handling method can be regarded as a negative model. It is a complete failure! I just feel sorry for these students!"

Li Yu has never seen such a principal, he is not incompetent, it is completely misleading his children.

Zhang Shizhao said: "Fortunately, Professor Cai actively worked hard and established the Patriotic Society. These students still have books to read."

Although the Patriotic Society was short-lived, its influence was not small, and it could be said to be the germ of a revolution.

Li Yu praised: "Cai teaches Gao Yi."

Zhang Shizhao added: "These students couldn't take it anymore. They published many articles in my "Su Bao" and even jointly published the "Nanyang Public School Dropout Opinion Letter", publicly accusing Nanyang Public School of reactionary conservative education system."

The incident at Nanyang Public School can be regarded as a fuse. Since then, students in Zhejiang Xunxi Public School, Jiangnan Lushi School, and Zhejiang University have also experienced dropouts, strikes, and rallies. It belongs to the anti-feudal struggle that began in the schools.

They are all sprouts.

Sheng Xuanhuai, who founded Nanyang Public School, also spent a lot of effort on this matter, but the results were minimal, after all, the bad results had already been planted.

Anyway, education is really not something that can be done casually, even if the people who manage it are not good.

Li Yu said to Cai Yuanpei: "Cai Jiaoxi should be the principal in the future, no one is more suitable than you."

Li Shutong and the others also echoed: "Yes, Professor Cai, no one is more suitable than you."

Cai Yuanpei said: "If there is a need, it is my duty."

Fortunately, the turmoil did not cause Nanyang Public School to be abolished, and it was finally passed on. After more than ten years, it was renamed Jiaotong University. The school has a strict school spirit, high-quality students, and is well-known internationally.

After visiting Nanyang Public School, it was getting late. Cai Yuanpei said to Uncle Li: "Xi Shuang, Nanyang Public School can't provide accommodation for Mr. Li Yu now. If you don't, I'll stay at your house temporarily."

Li Shutong belongs to the type of family with mines, of course he has no objection: "Teacher, don't worry, I have a lot of vacant houses in my house, pick the best one for sir."

When Li Yu and Uncle Li returned together, they were almost at the door of their house when they suddenly found two beautifully dressed women in front of them, one of them looked like a maid and was holding a red lantern.

"Shutong, I'm finally waiting for you. I'm so worried." The woman said anxiously when she saw Li Shutong.

Li Shutong coughed lightly: "Pingxiang, why are you here?"

The woman's name was Li Pingxiang, a famous prostitute in Shanghai, and said: "I haven't heard from you recently, and I heard that something happened in the school, and I am very worried."

Li Shutong held her hand: "It's my fault that disturbed you."

Li Pingxiang said, "As long as you're fine."

Li Shutong not only likes to meet celebrities, but also likes to hang out with famous prostitutes.

Li Pingxiang was just one of them, and there were several famous Shanghai prostitutes with whom he had a good relationship.

Li Pingxiang was one of the more famous prostitutes. Of course, a famous prostitute in Tianjin was even more unusual than Li Shutong.

Li Pingxiang met people who were unkind before, and after being cheated by a scumbag, he forced her to enter the Goulan Courtyard.And it was a relatively low-level brothel at first, and later promoted to a slightly better Changsantangzi by virtue of talent.

Li Shutong fell in love with her as soon as he arrived in Shanghai, and even wrote her many poems, such as:

"The remnants of the mountain and the water are said to be in the Southern Dynasties, and the east wind in Huangpu blows the tide at night.

"Heman" covered his face with a cry of shock, pitifully heartbroken Jade Man Xiao. "

This Li Pingxiang is also a talented woman, and she donated many poems in return.

Anyway, as long as Li Shutong is free now, he will be with Li Pingxiang, singing poems and wine, with deep affection.

By the way, he is actually married and has children.

After all, Li Pingxiang was just a passing woman in Li Shutong's life, and later on he had more romantic affairs with other women.

Li Shutong will go to Japan in a few years, and basically cut off contact with Li Pingxiang after returning.

So he finally became a monk, probably because he really saw through the world of mortals...

Li Pingxiang said to Li Shutong: "Do you still want to go to my Tianyun Pavilion?"

Tianyun Pavilion is Li Pingxiang's residence.

Li Shutong shook his head: "I will accompany Mr. Li Yu during this time, he is a great talent in the country."

Today's brothel women still value literati: "I know, you have your ambitions."

Li Shutong said to her: "You go back first, I will visit you after a while."

Li Pingxiang asked: "How many more days?"

Li Shutong said: "Yes, I may go to Huzhou with my husband."

Li Pingxiang was obedient: "Then I'll wait for you."

After sending Li Pingxiang away, Li Shutong said to Li Yu, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

Li Yu smiled and said, "I understand."

Li Shutong said with a blushing face, "It's all just troubles in the world of mortals."

 Embarrassed, the previous chapter was reviewed

(End of this chapter)

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