The place where Carnegie started his business was in Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Mellon University is also located here.

However, since he sold his company to the financial giant Morgan for US$1901 million in 5, Carnegie has been leisurely, doing charity on the one hand, and playing around on the other.Of course, he still spends a lot of time in New York.

The city of Chicago has always been prosperous, and since it was destroyed by fire 30 years ago, it has quickly begun to rebuild after the disaster.During the reconstruction period, Chicago just adopted the new construction technology of the time, such as steel skyscrapers.

In fact, until later generations, steel structures have been the preferred material for skyscrapers. It was only after the September 911 incident that the Twin Towers collapsed that the construction industry re-examined steel structures and made more improvements.

In fact, the twin towers were not collapsed by the plane. The main reason for the collapse was that the full aviation fuel on the plane had a high calorific value, and the burning caused the temperature of the steel components in the twin towers to rise suddenly.

Once the steel structure exceeds six or seven hundred degrees, it will lose its strength and become very soft, which led to the collapse of the Twin Towers.

Therefore, the primary consideration for steel structure buildings since then has become structural safety, especially fire protection.

But that is all 100 years later. Now the construction industry has just discovered the powerful role of steel structures. No one dislikes the ability to build such skyscrapers and demonstrate the strength of the city.

Chicago was almost the first city to build skyscrapers, going hand in hand with New York.

Carnegie was very interested in these things, so he lived here during this time.

Kang Youwei actually started to play a rogue, relying on the old to sell the old.

When Liang Cheng heard this, his expression was a little ugly.

It is very similar to those of later generations who feel that they know the truth of the world after reading a few books, and they are critical of everything.

Li Yu said: "Since Mr. Nanhai is enlightened, he should return to China. Mr. Taiyan's views are much more radical than yours. He dares to return to China. Why don't you?"

Simply bullshit.

Li Yu knew that he skipped this topic on purpose, and teased, "I'm afraid that Mister really doesn't dare."

"Where's your braid!?" Kang Youwei said angrily.

The crowd in the audience was even more excited. Kang Youwei saw that his emotions were in place, and immediately said: "My Emperor's Association is just an organization to save the emperor. You don't know that the current emperor is under house arrest by the old witch Cixi, and he can't even eat! Can you eat with peace of mind? ? If you really want to save the emperor and save the Qing Dynasty, you compatriots can pay a two-dollar membership fee and become a member of my royal society."

The key point is that the patriotic hearts of the Chinese people have been harmed by the patriotic society he organized. He is simply a super liar under the guise of patriotism.

Then he made a generous statement: "My compatriots, I have lived in the country for a long time, and I know that the current emperor is a good emperor. It is a pity that the dragon is trapped in the shallows. If the emperor is deposed by the old witch, how can the Qing Dynasty be strong? Behind the backs of all overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese There is no strong motherland to rely on, only to be bullied!"

Today is another era of drastic changes. If you don't study a little, you will fall behind the times. However, Kang Youwei has always been adhering to the old ideas of the reform and reform many years ago.

Liang Cheng said: "It's right here, I am Liang Cheng, and my words are sincere."

As a person who came out of the Internet age, swearing, oh no, it should be said that debates are afraid of an ancient man!
Kang Youwei knew that Li Yu was setting a trap for him, but he buried it first, and didn't know how to answer it for a while, so he changed the subject: "Little Huangkou! You are only so old, and the salt I have eaten is worse than yours." More rice!"

Kang Youwei grabbed the handle of the chair and said, "Even if it is not an ancient tradition, it is a tradition of nearly 300 years. How can we discard it casually?"

Kang Youwei glanced at Liang Cheng, and said casually, "Are you the new ambassador to the United States?"

Well, Kang Youwei is here.

Li Yu said with a smile: "Mr. Nanhai, is it our ancestral tradition to wear braids? I remember that Mr. Nanhai has always advocated the tradition of the third generation. Last year, he said that the theory of the third generation should not be recited in the world; the seeds of peace will never die in the world." China', could it be that the three generations you call are not Xia, Shang and Zhou? I remember that not only the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, but also the Han, Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties did not have the custom of wearing braids? Even Confucius, Mencius, Zhu Zi and other saints did not wear braids!"

Liang Cheng thought for a while and said, "Although we can't control it, but it's so close, it really doesn't make sense not to look."

Li Yu packed up and was about to leave, but at this time a person who never expected appeared.

Kang Youwei said: "Extraordinary skills can also be learned in spare time, otherwise how could the Holy One condescend to learn such craftsmen's skills."

Kang Youwei stood up angrily and said, "Ever since I saw your hair shaved, I knew there was no cure. I wanted to save it, but it seemed futile! Let me tell you solemnly, you are hopeless! Farewell!"

After Li Yu calmed down, he felt a little pity for him.

Liang Cheng pulled Li Yu who was about to slip away, walked into the living room and said, "Mr. Nanhai, this is the giant of science you are looking for, Li Yu."

Liang Cheng said, "It's not a waste of time. He has real estate in New York, Chicago, and Detroit. He came here just to see, maybe he can make some money."

When Kang Youwei first arrived in Canada, the Chinese didn't know the situation in the country. They only knew that Kang Youwei was a benevolent man who helped Emperor Guangxu's restoration. Kang Youwei also told the Chinese that he went abroad to investigate politics.

Li Yu hated this deeply, and said, "Mr. Nanhai, I don't know what kind of Western learning you know? And what kind of university activities do you know to save the world and the country? All I have seen in the past few years is that you are carefree overseas, and the blood of the six gentlemen is spilled at the entrance of the vegetable market. "

At this time, it is really not easy for the Chinese to earn money. It is hard-earned money, but they really love the motherland and want to donate money.Kang Youwei actually took advantage of these mentalities and organized the Royal Association to pay a membership fee. At first, it was one yuan, and later it was increased to five yuan. In just a few years, it has attracted millions of members.

Kang Youwei is really not qualified to talk about Chinese studies in front of Zhang Taiyan, but Li Yu can't explain it. After all, Kang Shengren doesn't even know pi and the periodic table of elements, and he thinks he knows the truth of the universe. What else can he say?
Liang Cheng also felt that Kang Youwei's attitude was a little too aggressive, so he smoothed things over and said, "Mr. Nanhai, calm down! Shucai is young and fast-talking."

If you take a closer look, it is easy to debunk, after all, it is too fake:

Kang Sheng also made some investments, came to the United States to buy some real estate, and even invested in trams and railways in Mexico, so it is normal for him to appear in the United States.

The words touched the hearts of overseas compatriots. Seeing that the speech was effective, Kang Youwei immediately hit the rails while the iron was hot: "Compatriots, everyone should unite as one, join the Royal Society, and save the emperor with me!"

Moreover, Li Yu's name is so famous now, he has been in the United States for so long, and it is time to meet him.

Later, even if the overseas Chinese wanted to donate money to the country, they had to go through his Royalist Association or the "Saving the Qing Emperor Company" he established.Kang Youwei took a large percentage of every money, which made many Chinese angry. Some people bypassed the Royalist Association to donate and were assassinated by him.

The main reason is that the royalists were fooled by him, and the praise of tens of 10 people had already made him lose himself.

It's no wonder that although Kang Youwei is mainly in Canada, the big cities in Canada are basically concentrated on the border between the United States and Canada, and the transportation is very convenient.

Now that the United States is sparsely populated, Li Yu is not interested in Kang Youwei's actions, so he plans to continue with his own itinerary.

Liang Cheng's attitude towards Kang Youwei is very complicated. On the one hand, he feels that this person seems to "serve the country wholeheartedly", and on the other hand, he can't see clearly the future trend of the situation.

Kang Youwei snorted: "I have been abroad for several years, and I already knew that Western learning ruins people. I didn't expect you to have reached such a point! You still have a bit of talent, you'd better follow me as soon as possible and walk into the Kangzhuang Avenue. I only heard about it in the newspapers before. Your name, but I didn’t know your name. Originally, I thought you didn’t know what Confucianism is, so I thought of a few words to give you, so that you can learn what orthodox Confucianism is. Looking at it now, you can’t teach it. !"

"Zhang Taiyan?!" Kang Youwei almost stood up from his chair, "What is he! How dare he publish a newspaper to insult the current emperor, and even say he understands Confucianism? He doesn't understand etiquette and morality! How satisfied are you? Vulgar!"

Li Yu couldn't take it anymore, so he wrote a manuscript and handed it to Pulitzer's Le Monde.

Kang Youwei was even more angry: "This is something passed down from our ancestors. If you cut your hair, you are abandoning your ancestors! You are ungrateful!"

First of all, it is impossible for Guangxu, Liang Qichao, and Kang Youwei to wear the same hat. This is the feudal era with strict hierarchy.

Kang Youwei said, "You don't understand!"

Kang Youwei continued to shout: "If you combine 500 million overseas people into one person, and if you combine [-] million people inside, which one can surpass you?"

As for the Carnegie family, they also bought an island in the southeastern United States and specially built a mansion.

Simply outrageous.

The United States is a country where speeches are popular. Standing on the stage, Kang Youwei first took out two sharp weapons that he relied on to bluff and deceive: the forged "clothes belt edict" and the PS photo of himself with Guangxu and Liang Qichao.

At this time, the staff of the embassy came in again and said, "My lord, Kang Youwei is going to give a speech at the Royal Congregation in the suburbs. Let... Shall we send someone to take a look?"

In the end, the three of them stood side by side. Although it was right to do so in the West, the background of the photo was in the palace!is it possible?

Li Yu said: "I try to make the American academic community pay attention to it and push for refunds as soon as possible."

Li Yu didn't want to see him at all, so he could only force a smile with a little helplessness: "Mr. Kang looking for me?"

Later, Kang Youwei said that he was the one who received the "clothes edict".He thought that all the people mentioned in the edict were dead, and there was no proof of death.Unexpectedly, after Yang Rui was killed, his son Yang Qingchang took advantage of the coffin to return to Sichuan, sewed the edict into the collar of Sichuan Juren Huang Shangyi, brought it back to his hometown, and later took it out again.

Many people think that PS technology is only available in later generations. In fact, as early as more than 100 years ago, fake photos have influenced the trend of history many times.

It's just that these people in later generations are not harmful, but Kang Youwei, as a "public figure", has little talent and learning, which is a great disaster, especially to overseas Chinese in various countries.

The lie of the Yidai Zhao is easy to expose, because this so-called "Yidai Zhao" was originally written by Guangxu to Yang Rui, and it said "Erqi negotiated with Lin Xu, Liu Guangdi, Tan Sitong and other comrades quickly" and so on. language.

Li Yu asked suspiciously, "What do you mean, sir?"

Li Yu said: "According to what you said, isn't the Qing Dynasty now defeated by the so-called supernatural skills? In other words, the Confucianism in your heart is not as good as the supernatural skills? Aren't you corrupting my ancient Confucianism? ?”

Li Yu chuckled: "Mr. Nanhai, do you know what the chemical composition of salt is? If you really eat so much, your high blood pressure may explode. I just don't know if Mr. Nanhai knows the anatomy of the human body, otherwise blood pressure is nothing. know."

The earliest estimate is that Kang Youwei forged fake photos.

Li Yu also became interested, "I want to see how he deceives the public with his evil words."

And that's just membership fees, more money comes from donations from members.

It is simply making money for the country!

——Anyway, it's not surprising that a rich and idle person like him appears anywhere.

Li Yu didn't expect Kang Youwei to start sophistry directly, and he felt even more contempt for him in his heart, he really didn't deserve to be Liang Qichao's teacher.

Someone outside the embassy shouted: "Kang Shengren, the leader of the Royalist Society, is here!"

Li Yu said: "It's normal, there will be more strange things in the future. But these thousands of miles, let him run for nothing."

Sure enough, the audience shouted loudly: "Save the emperor! Save the emperor!"

As soon as he heard that he had to pay, the voice below became a little quieter, and Kang Youwei continued to add fire: "In the future, the membership fee can be used not only for rescue, but also for investment. Anyone who invests more and saves meritorious service will be able to come to the commoner." ! Members can also distribute dividends according to the proportion of investment for the investment proceeds."

When Kang Youwei saw this, he continued with some satisfaction: "I came this time to meet that Li Yu who was said in the newspaper to shock Europe and the United States through the so-called science, and became the emperor's teacher."

Then, the way of hanging the Buddhist beads on Guangxu's chest in the photo is also obviously wrong, it is wrapped around the neck too much, it is ugly, like a child's play.

Now the status of American university professors and principals is still acceptable, and they have a certain right to speak.

Li Yu said unhurriedly: "I don't think this is my tradition in the Central Plains, or Mr. Nanhai can learn from Qian Qianyi. By the way, the braids at that time were not like this, but rattail braids. I think that's more In keeping with your tradition."

Li Yu almost laughed, and said with restraint: "It turns out that all my scientific knowledge is in your opinion an extraordinary skill, so how can I worship it in your name?"

Liang Cheng had no choice but to let someone show him the tea first.

Kang Youwei's ancestral home is Nanhai County, Guangzhou, so many people call him Kang Nanhai.

Kang Youwei walked out angrily, Liang Cheng wanted to see him off, but Li Yu stopped him, "Let him go."

Li Yu felt angry with him.

Kang Youwei sneered and said, "Since ancient times, mountains and rivers have been written in blood, and bloodshed is justified. But without me, these human blood would be shed in vain."

"I see," Kang Youwei waved his hand, "The former ambassador Wu Tingfang told me."

Kang Youwei was momentarily at a loss for words.But his thoughts have long since begun to sink, or it can be said that he does not think about making progress.

Unexpectedly, the moment Kang Youwei saw Li Yu, he slapped the table angrily, pointed at Li Yu with wide eyes and said angrily, "You! You! You!"

Liang Chengying came out and said, "It turned out to be Mr. Nanhai, sorry for not welcoming you far away."

Kang Youwei and Zhang Taiyan were really at odds, and Li Yu's words blew up Kang Youwei even more.

Liang Cheng said: "You have great prestige in the academic world, and I'm just a small ambassador. If you raise your arms, you have to be effective."

The downtown area of ​​Washington will definitely not allow Kang Youwei's rally, and they came to the suburbs.

The emperor's handwriting is ironclad evidence, and cannot be forged, and the matter of the "clothes belt edict" became known to the world.

Li Yu smiled and said, "I'm sorry to send you off."

To be honest, Kang Youwei didn’t know much about learning, and many ideas burst out after reading a little book. For example, he imagined that China and Japan would merge, and then he and Japanese Prime Minister Hirobumi Ito would select a hundred foreign advisers to take over the political and political affairs of the Qing Dynasty. Military, financial, diplomatic and a series of powers.

As for the fake photo, the effect is actually greater.

Kang Youwei didn't appreciate it: "What are you! I'm talking to the emperor, don't interrupt."

At this time, the information is not smooth, and everyone can only listen to his one-sided words.

It turned out that this was the case, Li Yu touched his head and said: "Science, in your eyes, seems to be 'authentic' Western learning, you know, in order to better exchange academic knowledge, plus I have been awarded the 'Authentic' Western Learning in England The academician status granted by the Royal Society is just cut off. Even if it is Prince Qing, it doesn't matter."

Kang Youwei sat at the top seat as soon as he entered the room, as if he had been here before.

Liang Cheng asked: "I don't know why Mr. Nanhai came to Washington? Brother Wenjue (Wu Tingfang) has already told me that the embassy will not ask too much about the Royal Society."

When Liang Cheng heard that Kang Youwei had come, he was a little embarrassed, because now the imperial court offered a reward of 10 for his head, but currently in the US territory, Liang Cheng can't do much.

Liang Cheng is a person who does practical things, and now that Kang Youwei scolds him, Li Yu can't bear it even more. A person who lives by lip service, what qualifications does he have to teach him a lesson and do practical things?
Back then, Kang Youwei kept saying abroad that he wanted to "discourage the king of thieves", but Tang Caichang, who really rebelled in China, was arrested and sacrificed.In addition to the Six Gentlemen of [-], so many people died, only Kang Youwei hid abroad and enjoyed the greatest benefits.

If it was a later life, Li Yu really wanted to go up and slap him, but Kang Youwei was so inflated when he was abroad, even Liang Qichao was scolded bloody by him.

Li Yu said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Nanhai, I did not have a name before, but Mr. Taiyan just gave me a name. Don't tell me, I am very satisfied."

Kang Youwei narrowed his eyes and said, "Even if you want to ask, the hundreds of thousands of Chinese in America probably won't listen to you."

Liang Cheng said: "It turns out that you are looking for little brother Shucai, wait a moment!"

Having said that, there was an endless stream of donors, and the few donation boxes Kang Youwei set up couldn't fit.

Of course, he is not attacking blindly, the key is to attack the foundation of Kang Youwei's bluff and deceit: clothes belt edict and fake photos.

Li Yu told Liang Cheng that he was going to Chicago. Liang Cheng was really busy now, and there was no need to interfere with Li Yu's actions.

Kang Youwei's expression turned even worse: "Children don't know about national affairs! Ever since I saw you learn these strange obscenity skills from Westerners, I know that you are already a fake Chinese, but if you still want to save yourself, you can worship under my name."

Liang Cheng sighed: "I didn't expect Mr. Nanhai to become like this in just a few years."

Besides, Kang Youwei's costume in the photo is a tie around the waist, which is usually the dress of a low-level eunuch in the Qing palace.

In short, Kang Youwei didn't understand the details of the Qing palace, so he forged the photos based on his imagination.

But just forging it like this will make him countless money.

It seems that it is not much different from the Internet celebrity who cheated the top buddies on the rocket with the tenth level of beauty in the later generations.

As for the fake photos, they have played a major role in the political arena of the Qing court more than once since then.

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