Chapter 182 Recommendations
Carnegie handed over the fund to his granddaughter to supervise, and he wanted to experience her more or less.

Although the current Carnegie family is one of the richest chaebols in the United States, there are no successors. The key is that Carnegie does not want to continue to engage in industry.

The beginning of the [-]th century was still a period of great industrial development in the United States, and many big chaebols have continued to this day, such as the famous Morgan and Rockefeller.

Even the Mellon family, who later became a shareholder of Carnegie's technical school and became the co-founder of Carnegie Mellon University, has always been very prominent.

It's just that Carnegie really did charity and dissipated his huge wealth.

According to the regulations of this fund, if you want to move the money in it, you need the consent of Sierra.

But managing money has been one of the hardest things since ancient times.

Li Yuduo asked: "Can this fund be used for technology research and development and investment in the industrial field?"

Carnegie said: "Research and development is not an easy task, because technology is difficult, but if you really have this ability, you can consider it."

"I understand." Li Yu said.

Sierra asked back: "Yeah, can't you?"

Moreover, the most common and common sense things like "watching the trend" and "stop loss" were not paid much attention to in 1903. This was proposed by Gann, the next genius of the American stock market, 10 years later. of.

Only Wilfred didn't understand, so: "What's so funny? Well, I'll wait for you at the auto show. You must come early, otherwise I'm afraid I will be booked by other customers."

Sierra asked, "What are you trying to say?"

"It's interesting." Li Yu said.

But soon... Hehe, anyway, until Li Yu crossed over, there were still some relatives' money being tied up.

There have been many stock market crashes in the history of the United States, the most serious of which was of course the Great Depression. In 1932, the Dow Jones Index fell back to more than 40 points, and all the gains of more than 30 years were swallowed up.

Carnegie nodded: "Now there is a telegram, and Shanghai also has our American bank, which is much more convenient."

Wilfred was almost kicked down, and resentfully said: "I know Li Yu is a Chinese, have you already learned Chinese Kung Fu from him?"

Sierra couldn't believe it: "I don't think you understand the strength of the Rockefeller family."

"OMG!" Sierra yelled, "I'm glad your classmates are smarter than you, they all guessed right, I really don't agree."

Sierra kicked it directly: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Wilfred said, "Okay, then I'm going to build a car with more horsepower to take you for a ride, definitely more than 10 horsepower! It's better than this one!"

Sierra rolled her eyes: "How about going to the auto show together?"

"Li Yu?" Wilfred looked at Li Yu, "Is that you?"

Li Yu found it very interesting.In the previous life, Cadillac was labeled as "the king of bathing" and "the king of bathing". It seems that driving a Cadillac is inseparable from the stalk of "which number of technicians is better".

Li Yu spread his hands: "You are the supervisor, you have the final say."

Sierra smiled and said, "You don't need to look around, haven't you already heard that this car is driving fast on the streets of Chicago, and the person driving it is Li Yu in front of you."

"For funds, we need to invest from multiple perspectives, and we should pay attention to stop losses, and we only look at the general trend." Li Yu said.

Sierra clutched her forehead, feeling her head hurt, "I beg you to go back quickly!"

Wilfred said: "I can't admit defeat in advance, I want Miss Sierra to see me win with my own eyes."

Carnegie looked out the window: "It's really not easy. I really want to go to the East. You see the prosperity of Chicago in front of you, because it connects Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River through the canal."

And now this Henry Leland's son is so stupid that even MIT was unfortunately hacked.

Carnegie said to Sierra again: "You must handle this fund well. I think it is probably the most successful of my philanthropy related to education."

"I'm not dead yet!" Sierra's hair was black.

Li Yu said: "It's almost over, even a bull market can't save it, but you have to get out in a short time."

Wilfred ignored Li Yu's greeting, and said, "Why do you want to steal my limelight? Do you also want to pursue the beautiful Miss Sierra?"

The market value of Standard Oil did reach its peak in 1903.Now not only some state governments, but even Congress realizes that Standard Oil is too big and wants to take action against it.

Sierra said: "What's the problem? Rest assured, if it is a reasonable expenditure, I will not veto it."

Seeing that Li Yu was interested in cars, Wilfred even forgot about the race just now, and instead said, "Yes, many new models will appear, which is great."

Wilfred flattered and said, "Anyway, it's not far away, and I also want to know how our products are."

Although the relationship between the United States and Canada has always seemed to be quite good, at least on the surface, it is always inconvenient and will not be accepted by the United States strategically.

Wilfred immediately jumped out and said: "No problem! Miss Sierra, our Cadillac model A will be sold at the auto show. If you like it, I can reserve one more for you. They have negotiated to raise the price to $750, but I can give you $500 at cost."

"$800 million is a big number, and it's not going to be that easy to spend," Sierra said.

Li Yu nodded: "It couldn't be better."

Although it is spectacular, Li Yu's mind is not on this, because China also has large lakes and canals, and what is lacking now is the technology, education and industry of the old and beautiful.

Li Yu smiled and said, "Hello."

And there was no Federal Reserve at this time, which would not be officially operational until 1914.

Sierra said: "Well, actually, I also want to buy a car to commute in New York, Boston, etc."

Sierra laughed too.

"No," Sierra rebuffed straight away, "because I think someone can drive better than you."

Sierra said, "Then you can go back, because I can tell you right now that Mr. Henry's Cadillac is fine."

Li Yu asked, "A car show?"

Although technology research and development is difficult, Li Yu has something in mind.

The money of the Nobel Fund became less and less. Without the help of investment guru Foster Foles, I am afraid that it would really bottom out.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Carnegie, the two headed to the train station.

"We must find a way to make money generate money, so that it is a qualified fund, just like the Swedish Nobel Fund." Li Yu said.

Carnegie's $5 million was really spent quickly, after all, charity is expensive.

"Of course I understand." Li Yu said.The future Rockefeller will be much more powerful than now.

"By the way, there is one more thing I almost forgot to tell you," Wilfred said again, "There will be an auto show in New York soon, and many new products will be on display at that time."

"That's not what I mean," Li Yu said, "Anyone can spend money, but the greater significance of the fund should be long-term."

Li Yu said: "It is true, and it was more than 1400 years ago."

At present, Standard Oil has almost monopolized the oil industry in the United States, which is controlled by several big chaebols such as Rockefeller.But it will be forcibly dismantled by the United States in a few years, and the well-known Exxon Mobil Petroleum Company is a part of it.

On the same day, Carnegie invited Li Yu to visit Chicago, Lake Michigan, and the canal between it and the Mississippi River.

Sierra looked smug: "That's what happened! So you better stay away from me! I'm not a good girl! So you can go?"

"Then I'm going, Miss Sierra," said Wilfred, "I'll think of you."

Sierra clenched her fists: "It has nothing to do with this, okay?"

Before the rise of the railroads, Chicago was a very powerful water transportation hub.

"Better than me?" Wilfred obviously didn't believe it. "If you say Detroit, I'm convinced, but looking at the whole of Chicago, I don't think there are many people who can drive a car better than me."

After Wilfred left, Li Yu asked, "Are you going to the auto show too?"

Li Yu said: "We can take advantage of finance."

Carnegie said: "I heard that China also built a Grand Canal, which is astonishingly 1700 kilometers long."

Wilfred continued: "But I haven't taken you for a ride in that Cadillac sedan. I have already boasted to my fellow engineers, but they don't believe that the beautiful and intelligent Miss Sierra will agree."

Li Yu couldn't help thinking of Howard in "The Big Bang Theory", who was also a top student at MIT.

Sierra asked, "What do you want to do? Invest?"

Wilfred looked surprised: "I don't believe that Miss Sierra will become like this, you are a highly educated person, and like me, you are an Anglo-Saxon with a top IQ!"

Li Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing, this Wilfred is really a pure and ignorant engineering man.

On the way, Li Yu mentioned the matter of the fund and asked, "Do you really know how to manage the fund?"

Li Yu quickly waved his hand: "I lost, I lost."

Upon hearing this, Li Yu asked, "Could it be that you are going to China in the future?"

Wilfred said with a little embarrassment: "This is the end? That car has a very high speed, I don't think you can play its performance in such a short time. Why don't I drive, you sit, and give you a demonstration ?”

Sierra was still a little worried: "It's too risky."

So it's been a bit of a nuisance.

"I think you can vote for Standard Oil a little bit," Li Yu said.

"Standard Oil? They don't seem to be affected much, they've been bucking the trend," Sierra said.

Since the St. Lawrence River, which connects the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, belongs to Canada, its outlet is also in Canada, and there is still an ice-covered period, so the United States has always hoped to connect the Great Lakes with its own shipping artery, the Mississippi River.

Today's listed companies in the United States rarely disclose accurate financial statements, and it takes a lot of effort to even understand the current stock quotes. Various black-box operations in the market are extremely rampant.

"Okay, I see, goodbye!"

When he was about to leave the next day, someone suddenly came to him.A young man under the age of 30 said: "Sierra, how about the car my father gave to Mr. Carnegie? I heard that the citizens saw someone driving this car speeding along the street."

Sierra pouted: "Why are you here again? Aren't you busy with Mr. Leland in the factory in Detroit?"

At this time, it was the stage of the 1901-1903 stock market crash in the United States, and the market was in a panic. Even the legendary American stock market, Livermore, went into hibernation.

There is a well-known index in the U.S. stock market, the Dow Jones Index. This index mainly focuses on industry and is also the oldest stock index.Since 1900, industrial stocks have become the main body of U.S. stocks, marking that the U.S. stock market has entered a new stage.

Although he didn't play stocks much, he experienced several A-share bull markets when he was young, that is, the famous 14 years ago. At that time, almost every household was involved in stocks, and all the discussions on the streets were stocks.

The Cadillac auto show was really successful, all the cars were sold out.

Li Yu was stunned. How could this kid speak without going through his brain, and he was stunned to think of what to say.

By the time of Li Yu's last life, the Dow Jones Index had reached more than 3 points, but at this time, it was only more than 40 points.

Wilfred seemed a little afraid of Sierra, after thinking about it, he said: "Sierra, you can scold me, but you can't scold MIT, and I really love machines, I love them both more than anything else!"

In short, it is also a miserable era for retail investors.

Carnegie invited Li Yu to have a meal together. This penthouse can overlook the vast Lake Michigan, which is very helpful for the mood during the meal.

This kind of news is classified as top secret, but to a traveler, it is just past history.

Li Yu doesn't know much about the financial market, but he still knows a few Big Macs in the United States at this time, and this is where the bug of the traverser lies.

This requires a very keen eye and the ability to see trends clearly.However, Li Yu doesn't need to understand K-line charts at all. He only needs to search his mind and think about the trend in general.

Sierra promised, "I'm sure I can."

Sierra said, "Of course, but I just want to buy a car."

Seeing Li Yu's snickering, Wilfred asked, "What are you laughing at? Don't you believe it? By the way, it seems that you have already taken Miss Sierra for a ride, so I want to compete with you in a car race." ! Let's see who drives well!"

Li Yu almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood, how could someone know about Chinese Kung Fu now, since Bruce Lee wasn't even born yet.

Sierra feels that what Li Yu said makes sense. The fund really needs to know how to increase its value. "Okay, let's give it a try. First use... 10 US dollars?"

To put it simply, Gann is different from Livermore, who is good at short-term operations. His strategy is to analyze carefully, and he will accomplish everything in one battle.

This young man is Wilfred, the son of Henry Leland, the founder of Lincoln Motors and Cadillac.

"Don't get too close to me," Sierra said, "Are you stupid for studying at MIT? I think you should hurry back and continue studying your machines!"

Li Yu said: "Mounts of gold and silver will also sit on the mountain and eat nothing."

"Finance?" Sierra said. "I have thought about it, but the stock market is not optimistic right now."

Sierra said directly: "Can you stop bothering me, if it's okay, go back to your Detroit."

Li Yu said: "It's not necessary, [-] to [-] will do, just add a little leverage."

"When did you learn about stocks?" Sierra asked.

"I don't understand," Li Yu said. "From now on, this is all your business. I'm just offering a suggestion. It's up to you to accept it or not."

Even if you only increase the leverage by two or three times, you can earn at least tens of thousands of dollars.If you can put a long line, it will be more, but it will be too long.

(End of this chapter)

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