Chapter 185 Winning Over the Great God
"Oh, my friend, why didn't you wash your hair?" Mark Twain said to Tesla after entering the door.

After Tesla saw Mark Twain, he knew that he was joking with himself, and he also knew very well that the style of his works has always been ironic and humorous. Tesla said: "Old friend, if I had a head like yours Curly hair, then I promise I'll never wash my hair."

Mark Twain laughed and said, "You finally know a little bit of humor now. Let me just say, it's good to read more of my books."

Tesla was a relatively introverted person who was not good at communicating with people, but Mark Twain was the opposite, almost a social expert.

Tesla said: "It seems that you have a novel idea to show me. I hope that there will be no more weird things like automatic grass feeders or eye drops funnels."

"Well, you can make fun of me! There is progress!" Mark Twain unfolded the design draft in his hand and said confidently, "Look, this is a new type of button. You know, when I ride a horse, my pants Old and a hell of a hassle to tie. If there were buttons like that, they would never be there!"

Tesla only glanced at it, frowned and said, "Old friend, you are not bullying me for not being married, are you?"

Mark Twain asked in surprise, "What does that have to do with it?"

Tesla pointed to the drawings and said: "Although I have always been single, I have also passed by lingerie stores many times in shopping malls. No matter how you look at it, it should be used for women's underwear."

It is true that Tesla never married, but this does not prevent people from being vicious.

Tesla put down Mark Twain's drawings and shook hands with him, "It's unbelievable that you are so young! You can write such a profound mathematics book as "Fractals and Chaos". I have also read your paper, although I don't know much about thermodynamics and black body problems, but I can see that your mathematical foundation is very good."

"You, are you sure you're not joking?" Mark Twain finally asked.

Mark Twain said with a smile: "Forget that we have a beautiful lady here, it's all your fault."

And Edison himself only had a primary school diploma, and he didn't know much advanced knowledge of mathematics and science. His method of inventing was relatively rough, that is, to try.

Li Yu said: "Of course it is very interesting, and there are many communication difficulties such as decoding involved, I don't think it will make you feel bored."

Someone formed an electrical company with him before, and Tesla even gave the company the patent of his alternating current, but the company kicked him out later...

"Don't!" Tesla didn't have time to stop it.

Tesla glanced at Li Yu, but said, "Strange, is it true? Why is the hairstyle different from that in the newspaper? What do Chinese people look like?"

"Unexpectedly," Mark Twain said, "this Chinese Li Yu said the same thing as you."

However, the manure raking movement once again consolidated the title of "uncrowned king" of journalists, and played a significant role in purifying the social environment.

The name was originally mentioned by President Theodore Roosevelt in a speech in which he compared these reporters dedicated to uncovering scandals to a villain in a novel who never looked up at the sky, but just held a dung rake and buried his head. Clean up the dirt on the floor.

Tesla laughed and said, "Old friend, thank you so much! If your underwear buttons sell well, you might be rich."

If the earth itself is used as a conductor to transmit electricity to the ionosphere, electromagnetic resonance can be used to continuously propagate alternating current in the atmosphere.As long as a special antenna is equipped on the ground of the earth, it can receive power from the sky.

I haven't seen that thing, and... well, this statement seems inappropriate.

Mark Twain clutched his stomach and said, "Even you know it? These dung raking reporters, why don't they go to break the news about those monopoly companies, why do they write articles in the newspaper saying that I have diarrhea?"

Radio transmits signals;
And wireless power transmission is electric energy.

Tesla didn't care too much, "I think wireless power transmission is more meaningful."

At that time, in order to oppose alternating current and increase his own direct current, Edison deliberately killed many cattle, sheep, cats and dogs with alternating current to prove to the public that alternating current was unsafe.

Tesla is a bit like the Mazda of the future car circle.There have always been such stalks on the Internet, saying that Mazda will research rotary engines if it has money, sell cars if it has no money, and continue to research rotary engines if it earns money.

Tesla nodded: "Yes, but this one is much smaller."

"Although I already know that you are very capable, it may not be convenient for you to be far away in China," Tesla said.

Li Yu said with a smile: "Chinese people look like this. You want to say that there is still a braid in the newspaper, right? I cut it off."

Therefore, when Tesla was working at the Edison Electric Light Company, he repeatedly proposed many experimental plans that were obviously unfeasible, but Edison did not adopt them.

Well, this time it can be regarded as allowing him to experience the thrill of flying a thousand miles away.

Mark Twain stood up directly, "I heard that earthquakes are caused by the earth under your feet sneezing. So, your oscillator is like pepper noodles, which can make the earth sneeze actively."

Now human science and technology can only achieve short-distance wireless power transmission, such as the wireless charging function of mobile phones.

Mark Twain held his head and said, "Do I still have to go to a lingerie factory?"

There has always been one of the most famous photos of Tesla on the Internet, which is Tesla sitting in front of a huge coil and reading a book.

Readers are also very willing to read it, and it becomes a hot topic at every turn, which seems to mean that someone in the future will be a hot search when someone drops their chopsticks on the ground.

"It's really confusing," Tesla said. "Like my inspiration, sometimes it bursts out a lot, and sometimes it doesn't progress for many days."

Tesla thought for a while, "I can accept your statement. I like this kind of challenging research and development, but I will not give up research on wireless power transmission."

The issue of wireless power transmission is a bit complicated to explain. To put it simply, Tesla believes that there is a global "electromagnetic resonance" phenomenon on the earth, which is formed between the earth's surface and the ionosphere, and lightning can excite such a phenomenon. Global Electromagnetic Resonance.

I just didn't expect Marconi in Italy to be the first to complete the transatlantic radio transmission ahead of schedule.

Well, this is what people thought, and they are indeed madmen of science.

"Now all New York knows you have diarrhea," Tesla said.

Mark Twain was very happy afterwards: "If I feel constipated in the future, I will definitely visit your laboratory again."

"I can't hold it anymore!" Mark Twain said, clutching his stomach, "tell me where the toilet is!"

However, later generations obviously know that wireless power transmission will have unavoidable dispersion and instability, that is, the efficiency of power transmission cannot be fixed and will soon spread.

Tesla persuaded Morgan to invest, and Morgan was interested in the commercial prospects of wireless global broadcasting.

Tesla asked: "Why did you mention this to me, you also understand radio?"

"I'm sorry, old friend," Tesla said apologetically, "I really didn't expect this scientific celebrity to come, and I forgot about you for a while. As for your invention, it is certainly feasible, but can it be used in women's underwear? It also needs the technical personnel of the clothing company to refer to it.”

Tesla was amused: "If you want to say old, you are not qualified to say me." Then he said to Li Yu, "Sorry, I was interrupted by Mr. Mark Twain again. Where did we just say?"

"Then, this is the button. I want to try the feeling of an earthquake." Mark Twain pressed it after speaking.

Tesla laughed: "Your analogy is so vivid."

Li Yu shook his head and said, "The radio is only working in principle now. As for the follow-up application, there are still many things that can be done."

The laboratory was destroyed by a fire in 1894, and many experimental data disappeared.

Of course, it turned out that Tesla and his alternating current won in the end.

Tesla added: "I also heard that you seem to have a stomach problem recently."

Tesla's mathematics is also very good. The difference between him and Edison is that he will use mathematical knowledge to conduct deductive deliberations before conducting experiments, and only take reasonable experiments.

Li Yu knew that this was a big hole, and that Wardenclyffe Tower would be demolished in a few years.

Mark Twain opened his mouth, "You, you, you~"

Li Yudao: "That's easy to say..."

The two had a grudge, and now, as an employee, he contradicted the boss again, and Edison couldn't bear it, even though Tesla was right most of the time.

"So this is the power of radio. It can enable people at long distances to realize instant communication more conveniently. Even at two ends of the earth, wouldn't it be of great significance!" Li Yu said.

Li Yu said: "It's about mathematics, but I really want to know, Mr. Tesla, are you really going to give up radio research?"

However, he did not expect that after the laboratory was destroyed, his opponent Edison actually gave the current laboratory to Tesla.

Mark Twain wondered: "Why?"

It was the first time that Li Yu met this brilliant scientist who was almost forgotten by later generations.

For example, the collapse of a behemoth such as Standard Oil Company, a subsidiary of the Rockefeller consortium that monopolized the market, cannot be separated from the exposure of the dung raking reporters.

Mark Twain laughed and said: "It's so interesting, it turns out that scientific inspiration is like diarrhea!"

Tesla said helplessly: "My experimental project has not made much progress recently, and the Wardenclyffe Tower, which has devoted all its efforts, cannot complete the scheduled goals. Mr. Morgan may withdraw the capital soon."

Mark Twain said: "It's really strange that you want to talk about diarrhea. I don't know what's going on. Sometimes, I have to go to the toilet four or five times a day, and sometimes I can't get it out for two or three days, such as now."

Sierra coughed from the side: "Can you stop discussing underwear."

Tesla said: "Old friend, at your age, you are still interested in women's underwear, right? If Madam knows, I'm afraid..."

Mark Twain said: "Yes, that's him, we just met at the door."

Tesla said casually: "There are already many people working on this technology, but what I want to do has not been done yet."

Tesla thought for a while and said, "I just think that the radio has been studied and understood, and there is no challenge."

Mark Twain got off the oscillator with Tesla's support, "Quick, I can't do it!"

As a result, Tesla has only a piece of paper with little real value in the company's equity.

Tesla is indeed a persistent inventor madman, and he doesn't care about commercial realization at all.

Although it is a bit deceptive to say so, it is not harmful to Tesla.

Tesla spread his hands: "When did I joke with you?"

Tesla feels that it does make sense, because he no longer has many sources of income. Only a few patents that can bring some income, such as AC motor patents, are about to expire.

Tesla finally nodded slightly: "Instant messaging, sounds interesting."

"Then you must come early, because I'm afraid that this laboratory will no longer belong to me after a while," Tesla said.

Tesla received a radio patent in 1897, but it was quickly rejected by the US Patent Office and awarded to the Italian Marconi instead.

"Don't talk about diarrhea," Mark Twain walked to a corner of Tesla's laboratory. "I found this machine interesting from the moment I walked in. What does it do?"

Unexpectedly, the reporters loved this title very much, and it was passed down like this.

Li Yu said: "Knowing a thing or two, we can cooperate in research and development together."

As for Tesla himself, he is a pure inventor. Now that the radio has been invented, he doesn't care, so he continues to work on the more difficult wireless power transmission.

And the Wardenclyffe Tower, which is still under construction, is where Tesla wants to realize his ultimate dream—he wants to realize wireless power transmission around the world and provide human beings with endless energy.

"Oh~" Mark Twain became more interested, "I heard when I was in Europe that you created a small earthquake in New York. Could it be this thing you used?"

If the wireless power transmitter transmits 100 million watts of power to the outside, the electrical equipment on the other side of the earth can only receive 10 watts.Therefore, long-distance wireless power transmission technology, whether it is now or in the foreseeable future, is unlikely to be realized.

Mark Twain said: "Why do you bring this up again?"

Morgan is a big chaebol, and it is one of the best in the United States. Mark Twain said: "I said that the capitalists are stingy. He is so rich, what's the matter with subsidizing you? If I wasn't caught by that hateful automatic typesetting machine I have wasted a lot of money on the machine, and I must help you too."

In fact, as early as a few years ago, before the fire destroyed the laboratory, Tesla completed radio communication, but who would have thought that there would be a fire.

"It's called an oscillator," said Tesla.

Mark Twain interrupted their conversation: "I said, two scientists, can you wait to talk? You are so young, and I have already stepped into heaven with one foot. Tell me about this invention first." Is it possible?"

Tesla engaged in this Wardenclyffe Tower and told Morgan that it was engaged in wireless global broadcasting, but what he wanted most in his heart was his own wireless power transmission.

But it is a bit ironic that this laboratory was the place where Edison used to conduct various slanderous alternating current experiments during the current battle between the two.

Li Yu said: "Both can be done, and both are things that benefit mankind."

So Li Yu said: "Sir, you are not in financial difficulties now. I think you can use wireless to realize commercial value. If you have money, you can continue your research on wireless power."

As for Mark Twain, it is simply because his status is too high now, whoever calls him a leader in the literary world, his every move has attracted the attention of the public, and reporters of course like to report on his daily life.

The vibrator quickly started to vibrate, and after tens of seconds of feeling like a jumping machine, the vibrator was turned off by Tesla.

Tesla took a copy of "Fractal and Chaos" from the bookshelf, "I have read it several times, but I have questions about a few questions, and I haven't been able to find anyone to ask them. It just so happens that you are here."

In addition, Edison was not optimistic about Tesla's so-called alternating current at all, so the two soon parted ways.

"Li Yu?" Tesla asked in surprise.

Dung raking journalists, or the dung raking movement, refers to an activity in which journalists and newspapers that emerged in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century conducted in-depth investigations, exposed scandals, and revealed the dark side of society.

"Old friend, what's the matter with you?" Tesla asked hastily.

It would be great if Tesla agreed, and Li Yu quickly said: "Of course there is no delay! I will also set up a laboratory on Fifth Avenue in the near future, and we can always work together. And I am not a capitalist, I respect him from the bottom of my heart. It also supports your various researches."

Tesla said: "Let's settle this for now, we will continue to discuss after your laboratory is completed."

Li Yu said happily: "What welcomes us will be a bright future."

If you really pull this great god over in the future, it will definitely be even more powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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