Edison really wanted to develop batteries for use in electric machinery and electric vehicles, and his own cement factory was also in urgent need.

However, the battery is really difficult to get. Porsche spent a lot of effort, and the pure electric car it built can't run very far. The effective mileage is only a few tens of kilometers, and it can't pass the threshold of [-] kilometers.

As for this new hybrid car, although the mileage can reach almost 200 kilometers, it weighs 4 tons, which is heavier than the 2.4-ton Japanese tank "Bean Chariot" during World War II, so its price can be imagined—— Even if it is selling scrap iron, four tons is not a small amount.

So, Porsche really has a taste of luxury when it comes out, and it is not cheap at the beginning...

Of course, at this time, Porsche had not yet established Porsche Corporation. Like most small car companies in the United States, he produced cars in a small workshop with several people, and only one car was built at a time.

But as long as someone buys it, they can manually customize the service according to customer needs, after all, the sales volume is very low.

It's really not suitable for a private car to drive such a big thing. Fortunately, this Porsche hybrid car is large and has enough horsepower. It not only pulls people, but also pulls goods.

The purpose of Edison's research on alkaline batteries is also to put them on electric vehicles. At present, alkaline batteries are indeed better than the lead-acid batteries used by Porsche, but the weight is still difficult to reduce.

And now there is a great risk of leakage in the batteries made by Edison, which are filled with sodium hydroxide, which is caustic soda, and leakage is very harmful.

Alkaline batteries are still used in daily electrical appliances, such as Nanfu's No. [-] and No. [-] batteries.

Edison looked at these transmission systems again: "Should they also be used in electric vehicles?"

In the context of the current widespread popularity of gentlemanly demeanor, it can be called social death.

Li Yu nodded: "That's right."

Because they still haven't been able to overcome the design difficulties, the zippers made either won't be closed, or they will suddenly collapse.This situation is too embarrassing, think about what it would be like if the zipper on the front of your pants suddenly collapsed in public...

Li Yu explained: "That's right, and I would like to put the general company in Shanghai or Tianjin. After all, I don't think the United States is the only market for cars."

Edison had to sigh: "A very good patent."

"Sea freight cost?" Sierra asked in surprise, "Could it be that you want to set up a factory in China in the future?"

——He didn't know that mechanical drawing was a compulsory course for Li Yu's previous major.

The patents that Edison liked were often either bought by himself, or he tried to find a way to only apply for them.He is backed by a chaebol and has strong funds. He has done this kind of thing more than once.

However, there are many details stipulated in the patent, that is, there can be other four-wheel drive solutions and electronic ignition systems in the future.

Just last year, that is, in 1902, an American company bought the patent, registered the trademark and began to try to produce it, but it soon closed down.

Li Yu thought to himself, I am afraid you will still be disappointed in the future. Although it is true that it is impossible for human beings to leave direct current, the application prospects of alternating current are even more limitless.

At the patent office, Sierra also knew that Li Yu's invention was very practical through the evaluation of the examiners, and it was simply more than worthy of the investment in the laboratory.

"It's hard to say. If it can also be used in electric vehicles, I feel that the future market will not be bad."

Anyway, the current electric car market will not last long.

Edison's alkaline batteries are much more expensive.

Edison flipped through the documents, and found that the design drawings were very clear, and the level of drawing was very high, just like a top engineer.

Edison suddenly asked: "Will you also get involved in the research and development of batteries in the future?"

"He's a big guy," Sierra said. "It's not easy to have his approval."

The four-wheel drive system and electronic ignition system will definitely not be used on a large scale in a short time, and it will be some time before commercial realization.

Li Yu immediately said, "No, I don't understand battery technology."

Edison also saw it, "Let me just say, direct current will not be completely buried, and it is inseparable."

Unfortunately, because of the patent litigation with Edison, his battery was not commercialized until 1910.

Li Yu laughed and said, "Send another sentence of Chinese to Mr. Wu, unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shades."

Mark Twain seems to have accepted this reality, "I asked the designers of the clothing factory, and they also said that it is more suitable for underwear. Hey, have pity on my breeches and vest."

Li Yu let out a sigh of relief, "You are such a great savior!"

"That is to say, not only a factory, but you will also set up a head office in China?"

Mark Twain said: "Miss Sierra and I went to the patent office to apply for a patent, and my patent came down. It is so worth celebrating! I must show it to Tesla and you, but the experiment I just went to Tesla room, but he's not there."

Now she is very confident in Li Yu's achievements, "I think Mr. Leland and Mr. Hunter will not refuse, and even other car manufacturers will rush to adopt it."

Li Yu is currently using lead-acid batteries for the starter motor in this electronic ignition system, because these things are currently widely available, easy to buy, and the price is not high.

"Okay, electric vehicles are of course inseparable from the transmission system." Li Yu said.

Fortunately, Sierra came back at this time, and she said as soon as she entered the door: "The patent has been obtained, but the company registration still needs to go through some procedures."

Of course, they all went through many technological innovations at that time.

There is a very common design in later generations that is not at all at present, and it is widely used-the zipper.

During the conversation, Mark Twain's voice came in: "Miss Sierra, you still drive faster. I already have an idea to buy a car."

"Well," said Edison, "it's a pity."

"It's interesting." Edison looked up.

Even though Edison is not optimistic about fuel vehicles, the patented electric vehicle with four-wheel drive system can also be used, which makes him feel turbulent.

And lead-acid batteries have not been eliminated. Even after more than 100 years, they are still used in the batteries of fuel vehicles as batteries, such as powering the equipment in the car and the starter motor of the vehicle.

Li Yu didn't want to compete head-on with him.

Li Yu said: "Technology has its place to be used, and of course it should be used where it should be used."

"Show me first."

Sierra has already driven an improved Buick sedan. Although it sounds like there is no Cadillac style to modern people, Buick was actually a luxury sedan in its early days.

Li Yu knew that alkaline batteries were unlikely to be used in automobiles on a large scale, and Edison's alkaline batteries in the early years not only had safety hazards, but their performance was not particularly strong.Even though it was successfully applied to electric vehicles around 1909 after improving the risk of liquid leakage, and allowed the cruising range of electric vehicles to reach more than 100 kilometers, Ford Model T cars began to roll off the assembly line in batches at that time, and the end of electric vehicles Coming soon.

Before that, it is completely possible to make some small inventions, the kind that can make money.

Ten years ago, that is, in 10, American Judson registered a zipper patent, but his design was very primitive, and the quality of the zipper made in this way was difficult to pass.

So Li Yu really didn't want to be involved in patented inventions with Edison, in case he also fell into trouble.

Sierra is already eager to try, "I will press them to approve as soon as possible, I can't wait to see them sell well."

Li Yu said mildly: "Battery is a very difficult technology, and I don't have the relevant knowledge yet."

However, Edison's alkaline storage battery has since opened up the market in the industrial and railway fields by virtue of the advantages of long-term storage of electricity is not easy to lose and long-term overcharging is no problem.

Li Yu nodded: "After the company is registered, we can go to Detroit."

But he felt very strange. Could it be that Li Yu had been researching it a long time ago?Otherwise how so fast?At least a few weeks ago he didn't know about the new lab on Fifth Avenue.

Li Yu took over Mark Twain's patent certificate, which was improved to look more like underwear buttons. Li Yu said with a smile, "Maybe Mr. Mark Twain will be a friend of women in the future."

This is also the best way Li Yu can think of to make money at the moment, and it is also the way to expand the laboratory.

Edison also thought so, and his Monroe laboratory spent a lot of manpower and material resources on this.

Li Yu had no choice but to say, "It's really not simple."

It is because the drawings and design are extremely perfect, and the expression is very clear, coupled with the operation of Sierra, the patent office has nothing to say, and directly issued a patent.

Edison has seen too many patents in his life, and at a glance, he knows that they are already certain, and these patents are not easy to refute.

"That's why I made batteries, never to let direct current go silent forever." Edison said.

And although the sales of electric vehicles are pretty good now, it won't be long before Ford will use the Model T car to draw a temporary end to electric vehicles, and this period will lock electric vehicles for hundreds of years.

Sierra thought for a while, opened her mouth and could only say, "This is your wish, and I don't have much to say."

"Then, if you develop in the field of electric vehicles in the future, I think we can cooperate." Edison said.

Li Yu said, "It's the best."

Li Yu smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Edison, for your compliment. It's an honor to have your approval!"

On the other side, Li Yu looked at his button patent and suddenly had some ideas.

Edison asked in surprise, "Patent?"

Li Yu said, "Actually, it's just a gadget. Compared with your electric lights, gramophones, batteries, and movies, it's too far behind."

After Edison left, Sierra said to Li Yu: "Why is Edison here now? It seems that he is very satisfied with your research results."

"There are many classifications of proverbs in China, but many of them have allusions behind them. It seems that there are no English books like this in a while." Li Yu said.

Mark Twain sat on a chair and was about to wait for Tesla to come back. He must tell Tesla the news in order to recover his failure of being defrauded of 20 US dollars by the typesetting machine.

The button in front of him instantly inspired him.

"If that's the case, you should also set up a branch in the United States?" Sierra asked.

Sierra found out that Edison had arrived, and said in surprise: "My God! It turned out to be a genius inventor himself! It's so surprising, Mr. Edison, please take a look at these two patents."

Edison hoped that his batteries would sell well, because in this era, like later generations, batteries accounted for most of the cost of electric vehicles.

Li Yu said: "If the sales volume of the product is large in the future, the cost of shipping can be amortized, which is of course a good thing."

He just said: "It will definitely not die."

Edison said a few more casual words and left. He still had a lot of things to do.For him, the most important thing this year is new movies. As the owner of the company, he needs to discuss marketing plans with the media, discuss cooperation with some theaters, and place advertisements and movie reviews in newspapers.

She took out the documents in her hand, and Li Yu's four-wheel drive system and electronic ignition system had already passed the application of the US Patent Office.

The more Mark Twain looked at his button patent, the happier he was. He didn't think it was a design that couldn't be sold, and he was even happy to be a friend of women.

Besides, this time he designed it by himself. Even though the garment factory estimates that the patent can only give him 20 to [-] U.S. dollars, which is far from enough to lose [-] U.S. dollars, at least he can win back his face.

Li Yu asked, "Mr. Mark Twain, why are you here?"

Li Yu felt a little uncomfortable.

Although everyone now thinks that Edison invented the alkaline battery, in fact, before him, the Swedish inventor Jong Na was the first to make a battery using alkaline electrolyte. In addition, he also made many other excellent batteries. technology.

In fact, it is no different from the movie announcements of later generations, except that the rating website is missing.

"Unfortunately," said Mark Twain, "I am afraid that the only Americans who know these proverbs are sinologists and China hands."

"There are so many Chinese proverbs," Mark Twain said, "I want to see if there is a special collection of Chinese proverbs, and I will definitely add them when I write novels in the future."

"Thank you for understanding." Li Yu smiled.

There is a chaebol behind Edison, and the one behind Sierra is not weak, and it is still their own family.

"Of course." Li Yu understands the operation of the automobile industry in the future. "Isn't the current LY company an American branch?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "He came here with people from the American Astronomical Society, I think it's a coincidence."

But electric cars still have a few years of fun at this point.

After relaxing, Li Yu asked, "Mr. Edison, you are a regular customer of the Patent Office, do you think the contents of these patents are okay?"

So it is inevitable that the company will go bankrupt.

At this time, the zipper is immature, whether it is a tooth design or a locking device.

In fact, it is also a matter of design concept. From the perspective of Li Yu, a mechanical design professional more than 100 years later, the zipper is not even a class homework. Compared with the four-wheel drive system, it is not too simple.

And underwear can only be used by women, and zippers can be used by both men and women.This improvement patent can be sold for at least [-] US dollars, and it may be more than that.

Anyway, it's okay, Li Yu is going to patent this little invention to make some money.

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