Chapter 190 Hotel Battle
The Waldorf Astoria is indeed very luxurious, and future generations may not be able to feel it, but the 20-story building is an absolute skyscraper, and it is extremely high in New York.

The Pulitzer building that Li Yu went to before also had 20 floors, but like later generations, the roof of the current house will be made higher to strive for a higher record.

White was a trendy guy who drove a small sedan and drove a Tesla.Li Yu shared a car with Mark Twain and Sierra.

Mark Twain didn't want to go at first, but after learning about Tesla's situation, he also wanted to go for a personal show.

After arriving at the hotel, the owner, Astor, did not expect two more heavyweights to come. If he knew it, he would have laid the red carpet, and he could attract some attention to his hotel.

"My God, not only Mr. Tesla, but also Mr. Li Yu, who is rising as brightly as the rising sun! There is also Mr. Mark Twain, the leader of the literary world, which really surprised me!"

Mark Twain hurriedly said to him: "Keep your voice down, I don't want people to know."

The media found out that Mark Twain had diarrhea when he was shaken by an oscillator in Tesla's laboratory that day, and it made headlines for several days, making him afraid to appear in public during this time.

The owner, Astor, took Tesla, Li Yu and Mark Twain through the ceremonial Peacock Street, and then came to the Big Palm Restaurant.

Westinghouse founder Westinghouse, "Century" magazine editor-in-chief Johnson and Mr. Morgan's assistant Spencer also greeted them after learning of their arrival.

This lineup is still very luxurious.

Westinghouse Electric has been ranked among the top [-] in the world since then, but it is not very well-known now, and the strength of Westinghouse Electric is inseparable from Tesla's AC power.

Not to mention Morgan, the Morgan consortium now uses currency as a medium to maneuver, playing a pivotal role in the US's finance, steel, railways, and military industries.Before the establishment of the Federal Reserve, the Morgan consortium could basically be regarded as the role of the US central bank.

So Morgan himself is very busy and basically doesn't show up too much, but Spencer can be regarded as one of his two most effective assistants.

And Spencer was studying engineering at the University of Georgia.Today's U.S. economy is still in an extensive mode, and manufacturers and bankers don't pay much attention to engineers, or even management.Therefore, it is difficult for people who study engineering to reach the top position of large companies at this time.

However, Morgan's vision was very vicious. He saw early on that Spencer was not only knowledgeable in engineering, but also talented in finance. He was a rare talent, so he was promoted especially.

Everyone took turns to shake hands: "It's a great honor to meet you two!"

After a few pleasantries, they sat down at the dining table.

Today's protagonist is naturally Tesla, and Li Yu and Mark Twain belonged to the halfway.

Johnson, the editor-in-chief of "Century Magazine", first said to Tesla: "Mr. Tesla, I have told you before that the magazine will publish articles for you on the front page, but you can see that the manuscript you wrote cannot attract readers at all. interest of!"

Tesla didn't take it seriously: "What's wrong?"

"Let everyone see how the first draft was written." Johnson showed the content of the first draft that Tesla wrote to him:
"Whisky, wine, tea, coffee, tobacco, and other types of stimulants are all abnormally shortened lives for many people and should be used in moderation. But I don't think drastic measures to suppress individual habits that have been passed down through generations are laudable. Propaganda Temperance is wiser than advocacy of abstinence. I myself have consumed enough alcoholic beverages to form a lake of no small size."

Li Yu also felt that it was a bit too strange. If this article was placed before the prohibition of alcohol, it would still have some effect.

Later, Tesla made a bunch of suggestions about hygiene, calling for personal hygiene.

If it is a composition for the college entrance examination, it is completely off topic, and the score will be very low.

As a professional editor, Johnson knew the pros and cons: "Mr. Tesla, I asked you to write an article to introduce your wireless transmission technology. I don't understand radio and wireless power, but I can see that you are not writing at all. These."

Tesla said: "This is a point. The reason why I mentioned the advice on life style and hygiene first is that they are closely related to invention. A good master of science must be temperate and clean."

Tesla is indeed a very self-disciplined person, and his weight has remained basically unchanged for decades, making him a master of weight management.And he pays great attention to appearance and dresses very elegantly.

Editor-in-Chief Johnson said, "So, you're setting up people?"

"That's right," Tesla said, "You told me that. You must establish a good personality first, so that the public can understand me better."

Johnson felt a bit overwhelmed, "Even so, what you wrote later didn't have any specific content about your experiments. It was all about global wireless communications, and the ability to use electricity to control the weather, and even finally envisioned a machine that could prevent war. The world that hit."

Johnson continued: "Mr. Tesla, I can clearly feel that these are some visions, visions that are difficult to achieve. Since it is difficult to achieve, why should the public and investors pay attention? Please believe in my professionalism in editing, I know what the public is eager to read from you. You might as well save the more philosophical stuff for philosophical papers, and give us something tangible related to your experiment itself."

Tesla said: "If so, "Century Magazine" is not as noble as you said at the beginning. How can it be different from other magazines? After thinking about it during this period, I thought of some great content that should be added, such as this formula."

"Add?" Johnson took Tesla's manuscript and saw the formula at once: E=1/2MV2 (the last is the square).

"If I remember correctly, this is the kinetic energy formula? What's worth adding?" Johnson wondered.

"No," Tesla said, "You have to see my explanation, M refers to the mass of human beings, V is the speed of human change, and E is the total energy of human beings. Not only this wonderful formula, but finally I also Quoting a very apt Goethe's poem: Look! These great trees look like bare pillars, but end fruit and shade."

Johnson once again protested solemnly: "It can't be like this! When you obviously have the opportunity to make a good impression on others, I can't stand by and watch you write such a useless article! Don't put simple things Complicated! Please forgive my haste, but all this is due to my respect for you and my judgment of public interest for more than 30 years."

Sensing that Johnson was getting a little serious and on the verge of anger, Tesla accepted his offer: "I will make the amendment, but the formula and the poem of Goethe must remain."

Johnson was also helpless: "If you can simplify it, I can publish it like this."

Mark Twain on the side laughed and said, "Perhaps Tesla, you should really learn writing and rhetorical skills from me."

Editor-in-chief Johnson sighed: "If he can have [-]% of the writing level of Mr. Mark Twain, I will be thankful."

Not only does he love to digress when writing articles, Tesla often digresses when he makes speeches, and he doesn’t know where he is going when he is talking.

Maybe he really has too many thoughts in his head.

Westinghouse founder Westinghouse went on to say: "Mr. Tesla, we have been cooperating. Recently, the manufacturer in Pittsburgh is asking me if I have a device that can convert alternating current into direct current. I want to know if you are experimenting Can progress be made in terms of patents and patents?"

Tesla thought for a while and said, "There is no problem in theory, it can be done."

"Then please bring it out as soon as possible," Westinghouse said, "because then we can undertake the production of such equipment with other manufacturers."

"As soon as possible." Tesla was a little perfunctory.

Westinghouse knew that Tesla was now concentrating on his wireless power transmission, so he persuaded: "Please be sure to keep in touch with me, don't be like the last radio, only to find out that there is a lack of funds at a critical moment! "

Westinghouse was also an inventor and a businessman, and he was well aware of Tesla's lack of business acumen.

And he also knew that what Tesla wanted was his status as a scientist, and what Westinghouse wanted was profit.

It is always difficult for Tesla and those around it to get on the same path.

"When it comes to funding," said Spencer, Morgan's aide, "our contacts with American politicians tend to favor home-grown talent. So, I think you get my point, Mr. Morgan also thinks radio You can still carry on.”

Now Tesla has obtained American citizenship, and Marconi, as another inventor of radio, is an Italian.

But Tesla was very proud in his heart. He didn't like being compared with Marconi, but at this time he insisted: "I will never accept partial preferential treatment for any reason."

While that's a noble statement, it's all too easy for him to miss out on the opportunity to use investors' money to continue developing wireless communications technology.

Spencer was a little displeased: "Mr. Morgan wouldn't want to hear that kind of reply."

"Because I have bigger plans," Tesla began again, "my plan is not just communication, I think radio can transform the earth into a giant brain, capable of responding to every part. If Mr. Morgan can reinvest the money he paid for a painting, I think I can go a step further."

Morgan had previously paid $15 for a "Portrait of the Duchess of Devonshire" by British painter Thomas Gainsborough, about the same amount he originally invested in Tesla.

"It's two different things," Spencer said. "Mr. Morgan is as passionate about art as he is about artists."

Li Yu could tell that Spencer was also a little angry. It was the time of the U.S. stock market crash. Although the Morgan consortium had deep roots, it was already very cautious about outside investment.

And Morgan was busy buying international commercial fleets and harvester companies, and defending President Theodore Roosevelt's antitrust investigation of him.

In short, Morgan is now one head and two big. If there is no actual effect, Morgan will not invest money.

Architect White interjected: "Mr. Tesla has changed the power of the Wardenclyffe Tower transmitter, and the weight of the entire roof has to be greatly increased. I estimate that the budget will add at least 20 US dollars."

"$20?!" Spencer said in amazement, "What kind of design would cost so much money?"

Tesla explained: "Of course it needs enough power. If it can be completed, I don't think it will be long before the Wardenclyffe Tower project can generate an almost unlimited supply of electricity, which has not been possible in any other way so far. .”

Spencer frowned: "Although I don't study engineering anymore, I don't think it is possible to do what you said."

Spencer grew impatient. "I remind you again that Mr. Morgan is more interested in wireless communications."

Tesla said: "I forgot to say that I have a better idea about wireless communication. After that, people can hold a cheap signal receiver and receive information almost anywhere."

His vision is a bit like the walkie-talkie and, later, the cell phone.

But Spencer knows that wireless communication is difficult, how can it be cheap?

Li Yu hastily added: "If Mr. Morgan is on a boat or traveling in Europe, he definitely wants to know the situation in the New York Stock Exchange in time, and it will be very effective for him to make judgments."

Spencer finally relaxed his brows, and finally heard a reliable suggestion, "It sounds like it is indeed worth investing in."

Li Yu continued: "Yes, the application of this technology is also the advantage of radio."

Spencer thought about it carefully, and then said, "I will carefully consider your proposal. Mr. Morgan is likely to be interested in this project."

Tesla said: "I knew Mr. Morgan would invest, and I have a better proposal for energy, and I..."

Mark Twain immediately grabbed him and said in a low voice, "Stop saying a few words! Mr. Spencer is the plenipotentiary representative of Mr. Morgan today. If he can nod, it means that Mr. Morgan probably agrees. You should stop Make a mess!"

Everyone understands that although real estate agent Worden and Westinghouse owner Westinghouse are both big investors, they are all drizzle in front of Morgan. As long as Morgan's representative Spencer speaks, everyone has nothing to do. Said.

The owner of the hotel, Astor, saw that everyone was talking about the same, and immediately called the chef to start serving the best dishes.

——Westerners and Chinese are still different. Westerners often eat after talking about things, while Chinese talk about things while eating, and even eating itself is talking about things.

Spencer's attitude indicates that Morgan is very likely to continue investing in Tess, so the dinner can also be held in a cheerful atmosphere.

As long as he has money, Westinghouse knows that Tesla will definitely be able to solve the technical problem of converting AC to DC; Worden at least knows that his rent in Wardenclyffe Tower can be recovered.

After drinking a glass of whiskey, Spencer said to Li Yu: "Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang understands both the advanced mathematical sciences and astronomy, as well as the application of technology. He is really an amazing genius."

Li Yu smiled and said, "I just thought of it along the way."

Then Spencer went on to Sierra: "I remember you, you belonged to the Carnegie family?"

Sierra smiled slightly: "You see so many people on weekdays, it's unexpected that you have a good memory."

Spencer said: "We also wanted to get to know Mr. Li Yu earlier, but we didn't expect to be stopped by you halfway. When my people went to the Washington Hotel, we found people from Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University, and the University of North Carolina. They were all deceived by you."

Sierra raised her glass and touched him: "Who told Mr. Morgan to be so busy."

(End of this chapter)

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