Chapter 201 Homecoming
LeWitt's research on Cepheid variable star ranging was originally a very dazzling achievement.

Li Yu said with a smile: "From now on, the Harvard Observatory will probably be a regular visitor of the Astronomical Society, and many of your assistants may be able to join the Astronomical Society."

Director Pickering also smiled and said, "Then it's not Pickering's harem, I want to be their harem."

Michelson asked again about his experiment: "If it is not the ether, it is really hard to imagine any theory to explain such a real and so absurd experimental phenomenon."

Edison said: "Sometimes science seems so absurd at the beginning."

Many laboratories have also repeated Michelson's experiment, and the conclusion is exactly the same, no matter how the reference frame changes, the speed of light remains constant.

Eliot said: "I have also seen many amazing and brilliant scholars, even if they are proficient in Maxwell's theory, they cannot explain it."

Li Yu said: "The old theories are not enough, and new theories are needed. Everyone, please believe that it will not be long before everyone can see the scene behind this dark cloud."

"What kind of sight?" Michelson asked.

Li Yu said, "Lightning and thunder."

Michelson laughed: "What a sight!"

After sipping cocktails, President Theodore Roosevelt led the scientists to the reception hall on the first floor, where several media outlets were there to answer their questions.

"Mr. Li Yu, I am from the Washington Post. Many readers are concerned about your recent article on the tidal locking of the moon. If only one side of the moon is facing the earth, what is the other side?"

Li Yu said, "It's full of holes."

"Can you explain it in detail?"

Li Yu said: "The other side of the moon is densely covered with craters, which is different from what many people imagined. It can be said that it is very bleak."

The reporter suddenly realized: "In this way, it is not beautiful, just like many people who are glamorous on the surface, but in fact the backside is not satisfactory."

Or the reporters will think about it.

It's just that it will take more than half a century for humans to see the back of the moon for the first time, and the photos will be taken by the Soviet Union's Luna 3.

"In this way, there are no gods or monsters on the back of the moon, and there will be no mysterious immigrants from the earth." Another reporter said.

Americans today are indeed very concerned about immigration.

Li Yu nodded: "That's true. Not only will there be no earthlings, but there will also be no aliens."


Li Yu said something casually, but it was remembered by many media.I am afraid that some authors will be inspired to write articles about aliens later on, and more or less will mention the extragalactic galaxy just discovered by Li Yu.

The reporter of "Le Monde" asked again: "What is the future of the mobile radio receiving device invented by Mr.?"

Li Yu said: "It will bring people in different places on the earth closer together, and it will also remove many veils that look gorgeous or dirty, because everyone will be one step closer to the truth. It is like a distant country looking at thousands of miles away. At that time, everyone will be able to know information that is far away more quickly."

"What a great progress!" said the reporter. "Do you think you will become an excellent scientist like Maxwell and Lord Kelvin?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "This can only be left to time."

The reporter asked some other questions, including Edison and others. After that, there was a formal dinner.

When Li Yu went to Britain and France before, he also participated in the dinner party. Although the cuisine of the American dinner party this time was not as good as that of France, it was better than when he was in England.

Only the goat cheese cake tasted a bit weird.

After that, lamb chops, jambalaya, peach tart, French sour cream ice cream are much more delicious.

It can be seen that the White House dinner is more learned from French cuisine.

But the New Orleans jambalaya was not much better than the assorted fried rice that Li Yu ordered back then, but the ingredients were really exquisite.

During the meal, Theodore Roosevelt told Li Yu solemnly: "Congress has not yet passed a resolution on refunding the boxer indemnity, but there have been preliminary results on the opening of students from the Qing Dynasty. Congress agreed to advance this matter, but in In the initial stage, the review of international students will be strengthened, and the approval of major American schools or foundations is temporarily required to ensure the quality of students. If the results are good, the channel for international students will be opened on a larger scale.”

It is a routine operation to pilot first and then promote it.

Li Yu raised his glass and said happily: "Not only me, Mr. Minister and many Chinese students will be very happy when they know about it!"

After the dinner, everyone enjoyed the song and dance performance before the meeting ended.

Needless to say, the next day's newspapers will definitely report on the White House dinner.

And Li Yu couldn't wait to tell Liang Cheng about the opening of the channel for international students.Liang Cheng was very pleased: "Your contribution is really not small. I think the United States is determined to accept foreign students again because it sees an outstanding Chinese like you. It is really right to bring you here!"

Li Yu said: "Your Minister's contribution is great, I'm just pushing the boat along."

Liang Cheng said: "It is not easy to know how to push. I will immediately notify the Prime Minister's Office and the Minister of Education, and let them start arranging the dispatch of international students."

When Li Yu returned to New York, David Buick finally came to him, "I have completed the handover with Mr. Durant, and I can join Mr. Durant's company."

Li Yu said warmly, "Welcome to come!"

It was also a coincidence that David Buick came here. Not long after, Li Yu received an advance order from Mr. Henry Leland and others. His Cadillac company and engine factory plus some other manufacturers needed at least 1500 sets of electronic start systems. .

As an appointment order, there is no specified delivery time, but naturally the sooner the better.

David Buick didn't expect that Li Yu's company would have an order just after its establishment, and it was indeed useful to hold key patents in his hand.

Li Yu said: "We will start production as soon as possible."

David Buick is more familiar with engine manufacturing, and the production of this electric system is not difficult. Even if the factory just bought is very simple, it can still be manufactured, and then continue to improve the factory during the production process.

After Zou Zhou knew about it, he was very concerned. Not only him, but also more than 20 other Chinese who were trained were also eager to try.

Li Yu entrusted David Buick with the purchase of raw materials, while Zou Zhou and the others had to go into production.

Li Yu told Zou Zhoudao: "There is no time limit for this order, but we must ensure the quality. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. As long as it is a defective product, you will be reimbursed without hesitation! It is inevitable that enterprises will encounter these problems at the beginning, and I will not blame you. .Because safety is the life of the worker, while quality is the life of the enterprise.”

Zou Zhou said: "I will keep your words in mind! I and the twenty or so Chinese behind me will not let you down!"

Li Yu nodded: "This is the assessment, everyone is ready to fight, and the training effect can be best seen in the production process."

All the more than 20 people certainly don't want to let go of such a good opportunity, after all, staying is a high-paying job.

Zou Zhou led them and shouted: "Brothers, speak up so that Mr. Li Yu can hear your determination!"

More than 20 people shouted together: "Quality is life! Quality is life!"

Li Yu stretched out his hand to press down: "Don't forget the last sentence, safety is more important."

Zou Zhou said with a smile: "They are all poor, and they will die."

Li Yu said seriously: "We must correct this view, safety must be the first!"

Zou Zhou listened to Li Yu's words very much: "I understand! I will make a banner today and put it up."

Li Yu said with satisfaction: "That's the way it is. Pay attention every day, safety is more important than Mount Tai." Then he said: "Don't rush the time, even if it takes two or three months to make it, it doesn't matter."

Zou Zhou asked, "Will you not be urged to work?"

Li Yu said: "Let them rush, it's not too late. The quality of the product is guaranteed, so there will be more orders in the future."

Zou Zhou said: "Mr. still has far-reaching considerations. We will not disappoint him! You are our benefactor, and your business is our business."

Li Yu said: "I will give you two months' salary first, 10 dollars per person, plus 5 dollars to buy bedding and other daily necessities. After that, you will live in Detroit."

Zou Zhou laughed and said, "You gave too much. If you buy quilts for $5, can you buy silk?"

"Moving will inevitably cost money," Li Yu said again, "I should go back to China, you guys grow up as soon as possible, and I may bring some of you back to China by then."

Many other people behind were very excited:

"Great! I haven't been back for more than ten years!"

"Don't talk about such a good thing, even if I follow Mr. Li Yu down the knife mountain, I, Han Feng, will not say a word!"

"You'd better pass the assessment first, otherwise Mr. Li Yu wouldn't have taken a fancy to you!"

Seeing their enthusiasm, Li Yu felt more at ease.He also installed two telegraph machines in the factory to facilitate future communication.

Li Yu is equivalent to handing over the heavy responsibility of production to David Buick and Zou Zhou. Fortunately, it is not a particularly difficult product.But the two still felt that there was a sudden burden on them.

Fortunately, they are very trustworthy.

As for Li Yu, it was time to return home.

Li Yu bought some instruments and facilities early on, and also bought some drawing tools that Xiao Dezhang and others wanted.

Then he found Sierra and asked, "Are you really going to China together?"

Sierra blinked. "Of course! I'm even wondering when you're leaving."

Li Yu said: "Well, you can prepare for it. Also, don't forget to take out the money in the stock market."

Now it has earned close to [-] US dollars, Sierra said: "I don't know how much it will rise."

Li Yu said: "It's almost enough. The biggest fear in finance is greed. If you want to make money for funds through the stock market, there are still opportunities in the future."

Sierra agreed: "Indeed."

"Also," Li Yu said, "if you go to China, you'd better have a Chinese name."

Sierra tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "I only had a Chinese baby name when I was young, Xiao Xi."

"Xiaoxi..." Li Yu asked again, "What kind of name do you want?"

Says Sierra: "With the 'hi' word, but not too soft."

Li Yu thought for a moment, "How about Xie Yuxi?"

"Xie Yuxi~" Sierra said happily, "Okay, I will be called Xie Yuxi from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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