The next day, Li Yu found the American Victory Records Company and invited them to come over and record the records. The record company heard that they could show Cixi to watch, so of course they were happy to do so.

As for the shooting, it was actually not too difficult, but Liu Zhonglun, who was in charge of the photography, was very nervous.

The current camera is very backward, it needs to be hand-cranked, and the speed is controlled by the photographer, so the difficulty is not small. It can be said that the biggest pressure is on Liu Zhonglun.

Everyone in later generations knows that movies have 24 frames per second, that is, 24 frames, but in the early days, it was often less than 24 frames, between 16-23 frames.

But there is no set formula, and many times it is even limited by the poor film quality. A single frame is too blurry. We can only work hard on the quantity to reach more than [-] frames per second, so that even if a single frame is blurry, the overall picture is still clear.

In short, the film technology at this time is very primitive, and there are various ways.

At present, because Fengtai Photo Studio is just involved in film shooting, the quality of the film used is quite average.

Tan Xinpei has already changed into his costume. Due to the short time, he decisively chose the wonderful excerpt of "Dingjun Mountain", which basically talks about Tan Xinpei playing the role of Huang Zhong, the general of the Five Tigers of Shu in the play. In 219 AD, Liu Bei attacked Hanzhong In Dingjun Mountain, Huang Zhong personally beheaded several Cao generals. When the famous Wei general Xia Houyuan was resting under his horse, he took advantage of his unpreparedness and chopped them into two sections. Since then, Cao's army was defeated and Huang Zhong became famous.Later, Huang Zhong was promoted to General Zhengxi.

The image is also more suitable for Tan Xinpei at this time.

Ren Qingtai told Liu Zhonglun: "Control the rhythm, a box of film should take 10 minutes."

Tan Xinpei asked, "Can we start?"

At this time there is no word for "Action", Ren Qingtai said: "Let's get started, Mr. Tan please!"

The arias are Tan Xinpei's best performances, such as asking for tassels, dancing with knives, and confrontation. His gestures show Huang Zhong's true qualities of loyalty and bravery.

Unexpectedly, Tan Xinpei was singing at the top of his game, Liu Zhonglun suddenly said bitterly: "The film is gone."

"It's gone?" Ren Qingtai said in surprise, "How long has it been!"

Liu Zhonglun said: "I was a little nervous just now, and the hands are shaking fast."

Ren Qingtai sighed, "Well, it's the first time anyway."

Then he stopped Tan Xinpei: "Team Leader Tan, I'm sorry...I'm sorry, we will continue tomorrow."

Tan Xinpei asked: "How many more times do we need to sing?"

Ren Qingtai said: "Up to three days, it won't take too long."

In fact, this movie is not a real movie like "The Great Train Robbery" made by Edison in the United States. It has a script, props, and relatively large scenes.

"Dingjun Mountain" is more like a simply shot documentary, recording images of early Beijing opera.

When it finally took three days to complete the filming, several phonograph records were used, and Victory Records had to take the master to burn it.

Since the record of the phonograph cannot be modified, the starting and ending positions of the film can only be compared according to the sound recorded by the phonograph.

Naturally, everyone had to wait for the recording by Shengli Records, and Li Yu also happened to go to teach Guangxu another lesson.

Before going to the United States, I missed a lot of courses, so I have to make up for Guangxu.

But it’s okay, because Guangxu’s purpose is not to learn, but mainly to learn Western science and gain insights, so that he will not miss jokes when meeting foreign envoys, so the content of the lectures is actually very casual.

After arriving in Xiyuan, he still had to be accompanied by the trusted eunuchs selected by Cixi.

It was Li Lianying and his younger sister Li Lianwu who came today.

Li Yu asked curiously, "Director Li wants to go in person?"

Li Lianying glanced at Li Yu's head: "No wonder Master Rong is angry, look at you, you are so ugly!"

Li Yu smiled awkwardly, "Just get used to it."

He was too lazy to explain to Li Lianying.

Li Lianying said: "Today my younger sister went to deliver food together."

Li Yu couldn't say much, so they went to Yingtai together.

When they arrived at the bridge, Li Lianying whispered to Li Lianwu: "Sister, you should find a way to make out with the emperor. The emperor hasn't had sex for more than half a year. What if..."

Li Yu heard it by accident, and almost dropped her jaw in shock. Li Lianying was really daring to let her sister seduce Guangxu!

Guangxu has never had an heir, and many people are actually secretly pregnant. If they suddenly have children, they may really become prosperous.

Although it was a risky move, but thinking that Li Lianying is Cixi's person anyway, he knows the huge rift between Guangxu and Cixi, and once Cixi goes west and Guangxu returns to power, the queen party like him will definitely be dead .

As for the so-called rule that the emperor could not marry Han women, Cixi had broken the ancestral rules long ago anyway, and the big deal would be to raise the flag for her own family in the future.

Li Lianying was full of wishful thinking, but he didn't think about how much he could understand about men and women since he was seven years old, it was really fantastic.

Li Lianwu is also good at drilling, so he said: "I know, that's why I put on heavy makeup today."

It would be fine if she didn't wear makeup. This typical makeup of a court lady in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China is really not good-looking. Her face is so white that she looks like a ghost when she sees it at night.

There is also a little cherry on the mouth, which is even more weird.

Li Yu couldn't accept this kind of aesthetic anyway.

Li Lianwu carried the food box and came to Yingtai with Li Yu. After Guangxu took it, Li Lianwu gave a "charming" wink.

Guangxu was struck by lightning immediately, but he seemed to be frightened, "What's the meaning of this? Is there any trick in the food box?"

Li Lianying quickly said: "Your Majesty, my sister can stay in the palace tonight."

Guangxu immediately understood Li Lianying's meaning, and said angrily, "Bold! The eunuch's sister has such unreasonable thoughts!"

Li Lianying felt very uncomfortable on her face: "The old slave just feels that the emperor is lonely, so it's okay to let my sister stay with the emperor for a short time to relieve fatigue."

Guangxu was so angry that he threw the food box out: "Bold slave, you dare to speculate on Shangyi, this is what you can say!"

Li Lianying hurriedly knelt on the ground: "The emperor appeases his anger, this old slave is only out of good intentions, and has no intention of deceiving the emperor."

"Get out, get out!" Guangxu cursed hysterically.

Li Lianying hurriedly took her younger sister Li Lianwu and fled Yingtai.

Guangxu was so angry that Li Yu's class failed, but Guangxu said kindly to Li Yu: "I'm not in the mood today, I'll learn it another day."

He walked to the window alone, stared out of the window and started to be in a daze. Li Yu knew that once he started to be in a daze, it would last for a long time, so he had no choice but to leave today's handouts and leave.


When there was a farce here, Li Yu's paper on game theory was finally published in Europe and the United States through "Science".

It has been published in China earlier, but there are not many literate people in China, let alone those who understand mathematics and science.

Fortunately, the difficulty of this book is not too great, and many of the contents are very similar to logic, so its publishing effect is a bit like Yan Fu's original translation of "Tianyanlun".

"Tianyanlun" is a political treatise, but its connotation is still the theory of evolution, so it has a great impact.

However, Li Yu’s game theory is more or less hard-core, and domestic readers seem a bit overwhelmed by the mathematical logic analysis. Fortunately, Li Yu first quoted some stories in Chinese history, such as San Ji’s gold distribution and Tian Ji’s horse racing. , so that the difficulty of reading is reduced, and then from the shallower to the deeper.

It's just that even if you start from the shallower to the deeper, the mathematics content is always inseparable from the latter, so most domestic readers can only understand the first part.

But the readers who can see it really like it very much, especially in the school, many people study the several game models proposed in the book together.

As for Europe and the United States, the effect is much greater.

Most of the content of this issue of "Science" is Li Yu's game theory, and a separate volume was also published later.

Readers discussed it quite a lot, and many people sent letters to the editorial office of "Science" and the Commercial Press to discuss the game problem.

Seeing that everyone was so enthusiastic, Li Yu published the famous "Three Gods" question through newspapers such as "Shenbao" and "Ta Kung Pao" in China, as well as "Le Monde" in the United States.

It is known as the most difficult logic problem and a very short topic at the same time.

It is different from the "life and death road" problem that he has mentioned in his previous game theory book, that is: one life road and one dead road, two gods guard the intersection; one god only tells the truth, and the other god only tells lies, but you don't Not sure which is the true god and which is the false god.I can only ask one question, how to find a way out.

The correct question to ask for analysis is this: "If the way of life is on the left, which do you think the other god would say is the way of life?"

Regardless of whether it is a true god or a false god, they all point to the same side, and you can just choose the other side.

The problem of the three gods will consume a lot of brains, just like the three-body problem, with one more god, the complexity will increase a lot.

The question of the three gods is this: "The true god speaks the truth, the false god speaks the lie, and the self-willed god may speak the truth or lie; the three gods can only say A and B, but we don't know what A and B mean. Know that the meanings of the two are opposite. Please use three sentences (one to one) to find out the true god and the false god."

(This question is quite brain-burning. Let me give the question first, and I can conduct follow-up analysis by myself.

Suppose the three gods are A, B, and C.

You can first ask God A: "If I asked you if B is a willful God, would you answer A?"

You can try it later in the analysis if you have time. )
IQ tests were also very popular at the beginning of the [-]th century. Since then, many newspapers have launched Sudoku games. The first thing many people do after buying a newspaper is to solve the above Sudoku problems.

However, "Le Monde" really understands marketing. After researching and researching on its own, it found that it could not solve the problem of the Three Gods, so it set up a small prize, and the first person who gave the answer could win $500.

The award is not big, but it is almost half a year's salary for ordinary salarymen, so many people rush to buy newspapers.

The circulation of "Le Monde" has increased a lot.

This is just the newspaper side. After reading game theory, many people in the mathematical and physical science circles have a better understanding of the mystery.

Hilbert pays more attention to Li Yu now, and after getting the game theory, he directly praised: "This will be a theory that sweeps the world even more than "Fractal and Chaos"!"

The research of mathematicians on this is indeed more critical, and the most interesting one is Russell of the United Kingdom.

Russell was of noble birth, had completed his studies at Trinity College, Cambridge, and became a Fellow.

When he got this game theory, he was immediately attracted by the various models in it.

"It's kind of funny, only someone with a very flexible mind and almost ethereal can write such excellent things."

Russell began to take notes while reading, and interpreted each model in his own hands.For a few days, Russell immersed himself in the study, concentrating on the study of game theory. After he finished reading, some viewpoints in his mind were constantly colliding.

In fact, there have been many fragments of game theory, including many ancient books such as "Sun Tzu's Art of War", which are all game theory, because the study is also about winning and losing.

However, early game theory only stayed in playing chess, playing cards, and even gambling, and did not develop into theory.

Since then, Zermelo, Borel, von Neumann, Morgenstern and others have made considerable contributions to game theory, such as proving the basic principles of game theory, but it was not until John Nash that the unified .

At this time, after seeing the mathematical proof theory of game theory given by Li Yu, Russell thought more and more of a question he had been thinking about for many years, or a paradox:
A barber in a certain village declared the principle that he shaves everyone who does not shave himself, and only shaves such people in the village.

The paradoxical nature of the situation is recognized when one tries to answer the question: "Does the barber shave himself?"

If he does not shave himself, then he should shave himself in principle; if he shaves himself, then he does not conform to his principles.

This is the famous "Barber's Paradox", or "Russell's Paradox". Of course, it also has a more mathematical expression, mainly for the set theory in mathematics.

And this seemingly small problem will completely detonate the "third mathematical crisis".

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