Chapter 222
At this time, Wang Guowei had been the editor-in-chief under Luo Zhenyu for a year, and he was already familiar with writing manuscripts. In addition, he had a good foundation in literature, and he composed many impassioned sentences.

It is said that many newspaper articles still have to be written in classical Chinese, otherwise readers will think that the level is too low.

In this regard, people like Wang Guowei who have received complete private school training have a great advantage, and they can even quote many historical figures such as Shen Kuo and Jia Sixie one by one.

Wang Guowei found Li Yu the next day and showed it to Li Yu.

After reading it, Li Yu said, "Perhaps we can add some comparisons between ancient and modern technologies."

Wang Guowei said: "A comparison between ancient and modern times?"

Li Yu said: "Yes, in fact, our technological level was ahead of the European powers in the past, but now we are so far behind. Coupled with this sharp contrast, we can be vigilant and at the same time have The confidence to catch up."

"Good idea!" Wang Guowei said, "I don't know enough about the past of science, the key is that I can't say how important something is."

Li Yu said: "For example, Zu Chongzhi's pi is accurate to the seventh decimal place, which is thousands of years ahead of the world."

Wang Guowei wondered: "I did understand the concept of the decimal point in general when I was studying mathematics and physics, but I didn't know what it meant?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "The meaning, it's not easy to explain, because at least you need to know some mathematical knowledge. It can only be said that mathematics has a strong leading role, and many seemingly useless things will have a great effect at some point." , so you just need to know that he is very powerful."

Wang Guowei nodded: "I see. From the way you speak, you can really see that you have reached a certain level."

What modern people are most impressed with Wang Guowei is probably his sentence:
In the past and present, those who have achieved great causes and great inquiries must pass through three realms:

"Last night the westerly wind withered the green trees. I went up to the tall building alone, looking at the end of the world." This is also the first state.

"The belt is getting wider and I don't regret it. It makes people haggard for Yixiao." This is the second realm.

"I looked for him thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly I looked back, but the man was in a dimly lit place." This is also the third state.

Li Yu asked curiously: "Which realm do you think I have reached?"

Wang Guowei was not flattering at all: "I think Mr. has reached the second level."

Li Yu pretended not to know, and asked, "How many realms are there?"

Wang Guowei said: "I think there are three levels, but in my opinion, it won't take long for Mr. to reach the third level."

Li Yu smiled and said, "You can tell fortunes."

Wang Guowei said: "Although I don't understand science, I have studied in Japan to some extent. It can be seen from the side of the report, and I also hope that you can reach that level. At least it can prove that the Chinese can do it too."

Li Yu said, "I would like to lend you a good word!"

The next day, the article in Education World really caused a stir, with many other newspapers rushing to quote it.

In Cai Yuanpei's China Education Association, Cai Yuanpei highly praised this article, and he said to Li Yu: "The combination of you and Jing'an is really a perfect match, an article of excellent literature and science."

Li Yu said: "It would be best if more people can go to science and engineering."

Cai Yuanpei said to a person beside him: "Shaoquan, this article is also published in our "Russia Police News"."

Shaoquan is exactly Lin Baishui's name.

Both Lin Baishui and Shao Piaoping were later famous journalists. They were persecuted to death in the same place, only a hundred days apart.

"Russia Police News" is aimed at Tsarist Russia as soon as the name is heard.

Lin Baishui said, "I understand."

In fact, "Russian Police News" has not yet officially launched its publication, but the China Education Association and the Patriotic Society have published many articles independently. It can be regarded as the initial stage, but it has not been officially registered.

Lin Baishui suddenly asked Li Yu: "It is said that Mr. has been to Tsarist Russia, do you have any insights into their strength and arrogance?"

Among the people here, quite a few have been abroad, but most of them are close to Japan. It seems that no one has been to Tsarist Russia.

But Tsarist Russia has now occupied more than 160 million square kilometers of our land through several treaties, so naturally we have to let everyone know more.

Li Yu said: "At that time, I was passing through Russia when I was going to Europe. I stayed at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences for a few days, and I didn't have much contact with the high-level political circles of Tsarist Russia."

Cai Yuanpei said: "I remember Shi Liangcai, the reporter who listened to the declaration, said that you are on the railway."

Li Yu nodded: "That's right, just hearing that such a long railway can be built, you should also understand the power and ambition of Tsarist Russia. This railway is for the convenience of dominating the Far East."

Cai Yuanpei thought hard about the map: "From St. Petersburg to the easternmost point, does this railway take [-] miles?"

"With the addition of branch lines, it's about the same." Li Yu said.

Lin Baishui took a breath: "A railway is only [-] miles away!?"

Li Yu said: "It also has to pass through a large area of ​​frozen land, so it is very difficult to build. But it still needs to be repaired. The reason is naturally because they don't want to do business at a loss. Of course, the goal is directly in the northeast."

Cai Yuanpei slammed the table hard: "Damn! They have already occupied so much land, are they still greedy?"

Li Yu said: "If you look at the history of Russia, you can know that for hundreds of years, one of the things they wanted most was land, and the other was good access to the sea. For this reason, they almost spared no expense."

In fact, Tsarist Russia even conceived of using the Great Wall as its national border.

Lin Baishui said: "I remember that Tsarist Russia was also a weak country before Peter the Great, but it has become such a giant now. Do you think we can follow the Russian route?"

Li Yu said: "This is a question of constitutionality or not. Strictly speaking, the powerful countries now have two systems, one is Britain, France and the United States, and the other is Germany, Japan and Russia. The feudalism of Britain, France and the United States is relatively mild. The power of the royal family is only symbolic power; Germany, Japan and Russia belong to the representatives of the royal family in power, and their royal families rely on the support of capitalists transformed from feudal landlords. Even the Russian tsar has greater power. I think the court is willing to accept this Interesting, but are you interested?"

Cai Yuanpei shook his head: "No, no, no! I think the Qing court will get worse. I heard that the serfdom in Tsarist Russia is still very serious. This is not the democracy we want to promote."

Lin Baishui said: "I read reports that Tsarist Russia abolished serfdom a long time ago."

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's just a formality, and it hasn't been abolished from the root. Serfs need a lot of money to redeem themselves. If they want to have their own land, they need to spend two or three times the value of the land from the landlord to buy it. It's an agricultural country. Kind of like America before the Civil War."

Lin Bai said: "Sure enough, I still have to go to various countries on the spot."

Li Yu learned all these from textbooks, so he said: "It takes a lot of time to understand all the countries. But even if Tsarist Russia cannot get rid of serfdom, it is still a relatively strong country, and their scientific level has already let us It is far beyond what our monarchs can imagine.

"In order to learn science and technology, Peter the Great even went to study in Western European countries under a pseudonym. After that, he did not hesitate to introduce Euler, the best mathematician in Europe, to the Academy of Sciences and put him in a high position.

"Although serfdom seriously hindered the scientific development of Tsarist Russia, after hundreds of years of development, today, they are also world-class in many disciplines, such as chemistry and physiology."

Lin Baishui smiled wryly after hearing this: "The emperor went abroad to learn technology in person? I am afraid that our emperor will never go abroad. Even if he leaves the capital, the so-called going to the south of the Yangtze River is... hey!"

(End of this chapter)

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