After that, there is another more confusing theory, that is, the theory of Zhouyi and so on.

Even in later generations, many people have been advocating that Zhouyi contains all the truths of the universe, but the more they say this, the more often they have never even read Zhouyi.

Superficially think that von Neumann and others mentioned that the yin and yang contained in the Book of Changes imply the 1 and 0 in the computer, and they think that the Book of Changes can really explain everything.

What I am most afraid of is this kind of ignorance pretending to understand, which seems to be exalting Zhou Yi, but in fact its effect is to belittle Zhou Yi.

It can be said that this kind of person is either stupid or bad.

Either he was really stupid, or he knew what was going on, and deliberately advanced Hei Zhouyi.

It made Zhou Yi inexplicably "bear the burden that he shouldn't have to bear."

After the publication of this article titled "A New Explanation of the Worry of the Untrue" and subtitled "Why China Falls Behind in Science", it immediately stirred up waves.

No one would believe anyone writing this kind of article, but Li Yu's achievements in science are too resounding, and the key is the title of foreign academician of the Royal Society of England and member of the American Astronomical Society, which has to be carefully examined.

In other words, it is quite sad to think about it carefully: only by relying on the name of other countries, such as the Royal Society of the United Kingdom, can everyone believe in themselves.

Fortunately, Li Yu is not a rotten Confucian. After all, he is a person who grew up in modern society, especially in the Internet age. He still understands the truth of tact.If this kind of identity is useful, don't use it for nothing!
Soon, almost all the people in China who participated in the establishment of the new-style school saw what Li Yu wrote, and various discussions emerged one after another.

A large number of imperial examination groups, such as Gu Hongming, who supported the old learning, crazily attacked Li Yu, and there was no need to read the latter part of Li Yu’s article, because their ability is to pick out words, after all, they grew up through the poison of stereotypes. of.

Their point of attacking Li Yu is simple: How could the ancients be wrong?How could the sages be wrong? !You actually oppose the classics of the age of Confucius in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods.
Gu Hongming scolded directly in the newspaper: "little Li Yu, a person who has failed in Confucian classics, how can he understand "Liezi"? But here he talks nonsense, without shame, without shame! Why are you worrying about new explanations? You mock us and pick words. Aren't you picking words too?"

Gu Hongming is a master of sophistry, and it is really difficult to deal with a few points. Li Yu really does not understand Confucian classics, and it is impossible to really read "Liezi". He just learned limited classical Chinese content in school.

Moreover, Gu Hongming knew very well that Li Yu was weak in Confucian classics, which could be called a "little braid".

Li Yu said that many Confucian scholars were picky about words, and Gu Hongming immediately used this to say that Li Yu was picky about words.

These two tricks are brilliant tricks in terms of sophistry.

It’s no wonder that the bigwigs of the New Culture Movement often knew that Gu Hongming was sophistrying, but also secretly admitted that his talent could not be concealed.

It's a pity that his ingenuity was slightly misused.

Of course, the progress of the times has developed through this kind of collision of ideas. Without a nitpicking person like Gu Hongming, it really lacks a lot of flavor. A dish will lose a little bit of good color when it is fried.

In addition to Gu Hongming, there are many people who vehemently refute Li Yu, especially the scholars and educators from major academies. Although the imperial examination will be abolished in two years, it has not been abolished yet, so most scholars still regard the imperial examination as a Greatest chance to get ahead.

And the imperial examinations are all about classics, so Li Yu scolded them for their housekeeping theory, which is of course unacceptable.

This is good, Li Yu originally wanted to use the most classic example to explain the truth.

But the truth is that the explanation is clear, and people don't even look at your reasoning!
I don't reason with you at all. Anyway, it is wrong to say that the sages were wrong, and it is a violation of the prohibition.

Li Yu understood that the most important person had to be Gu Hongming, to capture the thief first, the king must be pressed, otherwise he would really be "crazy" by tens of thousands of talented people.

However, since it is a rebuttal, some Western figures can be used, and it is best to use these people now.

"Shenbao" reporter Shi Liangcai hurriedly found Li Yu: "Sir, you should quickly think of a way, my newspaper is going to be blown up now."

Li Yu asked, "What's going on?"

Shi Liangcai said: "Everyone is holding "Liezi", and you are required to explain the annotations in it, otherwise you will be required to publish an apology in the newspaper."

Fortunately, the worrying story comes from "Lie Zi", an ancient book that can be regarded as a classic of Taoism. If it comes from Confucianism, these people may be looking for Li Yu with a stick.

Li Yu said calmly, "Don't be nervous."

Shi Liang was on Li Yu's side, but at this time he said anxiously: "You have caused trouble this time, even if you want to warn the world, you shouldn't offend scholars! You didn't write like this before, when did you do that?" Do you like citing scriptures?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "I don't know many classics and allusions. Besides, they are scholars, and I am also a scholar."

Shi Liangcai said, "You?"

Li Yu said, "That's right. Is it true that only those who read the Four Books and Five Classics are called scholars, and those who study science are not scholars?"

Shi Liangcai sighed: "I'm afraid in their eyes, it really isn't."

This kind of concept will not be able to change for a while, and it will be better after the abolition of the imperial examination system, because those who are bent on fame and fame have no way out.

Of course, this has led to many social problems, but the trend of the times, there is no way.

Li Yu said: "Tell them, I am also a scholar, at least I can recite a few Tang poems and Song poems, and a business woman doesn't know the hatred of subjugation..."

Shi Liangcai interrupted Li Yu: "Brother Shucai! Why are you still in the mood to joke with me? You really can't offend scholars. You may not understand, but anyone who understands history knows that you can't offend scholars. Even Emperor Qin, Han and Wu didn't end well."

Shi Liangcai was really worried about Li Yu's situation, and Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi were indeed criticized one by one for offending scholars.

Especially Qin Shihuang, who has been scolded for more than 2000 years.A person who had made great achievements was scolded as a tyrant through the ages.

That's why Shi Liang said that it is not unreasonable for scholars not to be offended.

But of course Li Yu is also a scholar!All in all, from the age of six to elementary school, people who have been in school for nearly 20 years, the ancients said "study hard for ten years in the cold window", and I have almost 20 years, and the qualifications are not enough.

Li Yu smiled and said, "I see, no, the apology has been written."

Li Yu gave a manuscript to Shi Liangcai.

Shi Liangcai saw that Li Yu had written an apology, and heaved a sigh of relief: "That's right, those who know current affairs... Hey! What are you writing?!"

Li Yu said, "Just send it out like this."

Shi Liangcai said, "But... this..."

Li Yu resolutely said: "No problem, I won't change a single word."

Shi Liang had no choice but to publish the original words in the newspaper:

"Mr. Gu Hongming can be regarded as a person who has learned both Chinese and Western. I think I must have heard of Western sages. The great Western sage Aristotle, his age is similar to our Confucius, and he can definitely be said to be the highest level of Western sages. One. Even he was proved wrong by Galileo using an iron ball experiment, so how can we say that the sages can't make mistakes?

Moreover, even Aristotle himself said this: I love my teacher, and I love the truth more.

People themselves have admitted it openly, so the sages also made mistakes.

As for Mr. Gu's claim that I don't understand Confucian classics, I admit it; but I want to ask, can Mr. Gu understand science?I have been talking about the way of science throughout the article. Is there anything wrong?
Has the half fee problem I asked Mr. Gu been solved again?
Or I will give Mr. Gu another math problem or physics problem, and if you can solve it, I will admit that I was wrong.Otherwise, you, a person who does not understand science, have any qualifications to say that I am talking nonsense?
Since you don't understand science, and criticize me, don't you just talk nonsense.

The two of us will become turtles biting bastards, -- our family does not know our family. "

Anyway, Li Yu has experienced Internet confrontation, and has never had a chance to use it before. Now that he finally caught Gu Hongming, he must not let it go.

Cai Yuanpei burst out laughing at Li Yu's last words: "The turtle bites the bastard, hahaha! Shucai, you are so funny!"

Li Yu also said with a smile: "I said before that those who dare to laugh at themselves are not afraid of being ridiculed. Whoever scolds me in the future will be a bastard."

Cai Yuanpei gave a thumbs up: "Tall, it's really tall!" Then he asked: "If it's someone who doesn't scold you and agrees with you, it's like me."

Li Yu said: "Then sir, you can drink my soft-shelled turtle soup, which is rich in nutrition and keeps you healthy."

Cai Yuanpei grinned from ear to ear: "This is clearly golden-sauced soft-shelled turtle soup, very nourishing!"

Li Yu said, "I just don't know if Mr. Gu can drink it."

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