Chapter 232
Due to the distance from Guangzhou, Li Yu needed to explain the construction as well as possible this time. After Zheng Guanying and Qiu Fengjia had taken care of the officialdom, the construction could begin.

This is not a concession, so the building can be done as you like.

The key point is that people like Xie Yuxi from the United States are very interested in Chinese traditions. Even if they spend more money, they want to build a school with local characteristics.

Qiu Fengjia immediately became interested when he heard this idea.

Although Li Yu has never done architectural design, he has been exposed to descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing when he was a double-bachelor in mechanical design, and he has some connections with architectural drawing.

So the two teamed up for a wave of master planning.

It's a lot of fun planning, and if you're decorating your own home, it's a lot of fun to get involved as much as you can.

For the relatively large classrooms in the school, the very distinctive wok-ear house in Cantonese architecture is adopted.

The so-called wok ears are the fire sealing walls erected on both sides of the building.In the past, only families with high official status or fame were eligible to erect wok-ear volcanic walls on their roofs, but by the end of the Qing Dynasty, basically wealthy families would build wok-ear houses to show their wealth.

The shape of the wok ears is a bit like the two ears of the official hats in the past, and it also means to be the best.

Since Qiu Fengjia is from Shantou, he also adopted the traditional four-point gold style architecture in the Chaoshan area, which can be understood as a courtyard in Beijing.

The courtyard is designed to be relatively large, and it can also be used to distinguish classes or grades in the future, and of course it can also be used as a cafeteria.

As for the auditorium, it was built in the style of a flag building. There are quite a lot of streets and alleys in Guangzhou and Haikou that combine Chinese and Western styles.

Many students will choose boarding, so the dormitory adopts Hakka enclosures.

Of course, they did not use the round enclosures, but the square enclosures in Guangdong, which are actually very similar to courtyards or courtyards in Shanxi. Many small compartments can be built inside, which is very suitable as a dormitory.

The overall style is a bit messy, so some trees and green plants need to be used for interval embellishment.

In this way, this school has integrated many Lingnan architectural features, and it will definitely be a beautiful landscape in the future.

The subsequent construction work was handed over to Qiu Fengjia and Zheng Guanying. Given the need to find many different construction teams, it would cost more than 3 taels of silver.

But it must be quite unique after being built, and it is worth it.

Xie Yuxi was quite satisfied with this plan, and even kept communicating with the two about some design details.

It is easy to say that the gold master agrees.

Engaging in design led to a relatively long stay in Guangzhou. Li Yu went to Baozhilin to learn Kung Fu from Huang Feihong at night when he was free.

In terms of marksmanship, Li Yu's pistol marksmanship is already quite good. It was not for nothing that he had so many pistol bullets during his time in Beiyang.

——It is true that he is a general among dwarfs, but there are really few people who can shoot 200 rounds of live ammunition with pistols in the new army across the country.

It's just that Li Yu's hand and foot skills are much worse.

Although Li Yu went to the interest class to learn some basic Taekwondo and Sanda courses during his school days, he did not practice in depth. He only knew the basic movements in Sanda, such as whip kick, straight punch, and uppercut, and did not The kind of dull rookie level of any actual combat experience.

When Huang Feihong heard that Li Yu wanted to learn Kung Fu, he was really a little surprised: "There are not many scholars who practice martial arts now. Even if they become generals, they are all Confucian generals, just like Zhuge Kongming. I have never heard of anyone who really learns Kung Fu."

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's okay to be idle, just learn as you like."

Huang Feihong is a master of Hongquan, and asked: "What do you want to learn?"

Li Yu blurted out: "Foshan Wuyingjiao!"

Huang Feihong was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Kungfu on legs is not easy to practice. If the emperor wants to fight in close quarters, boxing or grappling are more suitable. Or simple stick techniques, such as the first few moves in Goro's Eight Diagrams Cudgel. "

Li Yu was a little disappointed, seeing that the real person couldn't learn the famous Shadowless Foot stunt.

But it must be enough to learn one and a half moves from him.The last time he saw Lu Bicheng subdue others with ease, he was dumbfounded, he must not be at a disadvantage!

So Li Yu said: "Then listen to Master Huang, you can teach me a few moves that are easy to use and more practical in close combat."

"It's so simple." Huang Feihong raised his robe, and this move had a chic mood from the movie.

As a real master of Hongquan, his simple and bright figure immediately showed a powerful aura like Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi.

Huang Feihong said: "Look good, I'll teach you a few grappling techniques, from now on you don't need to be afraid even if you meet someone taller than you."

Li Yu quickly widened his eyes, but Huang Feihong ended the demonstration in just two or three seconds, it was too fast to see clearly.

"It's it over?" Li Yu was dumbfounded.

Huang Feihong said: "You stretch out your hand and attack me, and I will actually dismantle it for you."

Li Yu said, "Master Huang, you can be gentle."

Huang Feihong smiled and said, "I have my own measure."

Li Yu put on the Sanda moves he learned when he was in the hobby class, with his hands crossed in front of him. Huang Feihong looked at it and said in surprise, "This is the first time I've seen the posture of the emperor."

Li Yu strengthened his courage, "Master Huang, I've made a move!"

Huang Feihong took the time to say: "Come on."

Li Yu was completely playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong's gate. Huang Feihong immediately pushed his wrist aside when he punched straight, and then grabbed it with his knuckles. Huang Feihong flashed to the left, and Li Yu rushed forward and was completely pinched by Huang Feihong. Hold the wrist, the body can only lie down.

One move was subdued by Huang Feihong's anti-joint effortlessly and freely.

Li Yu said, "Master Huang is really powerful."

Huang Feihong said: "Your punching angle is good, but you have no experience in facing the enemy at all, and your weaknesses are exposed too much; your accuracy is also too poor, and you don't know how to change your moves on the way."

Unexpectedly, Li Yu was immediately seen through by Huang Feihong, and every sentence he said was very accurate.

Li Yu used to hit targets that didn't move, so of course he wasn't very accurate.

Li Yu asked, "If you say that, can I still learn Kung Fu?"

Huang Feihong said: "Yes. Although you don't have any foundation in martial arts, you are in good physical condition and have an advantage in height. After you learn two or three capture techniques, ordinary street gangsters will have nothing to do with you."

This is what Li Yu wanted. Anyway, he couldn't learn Huang Feihong's real skills. It would be good if he could deal with ordinary people. He said happily, "Master Huang must teach me well!"

Huang Feihong said: "It's not difficult, let's demonstrate it slowly."

Huang Feihong patiently taught Li Yu for several nights before Li Yu was able to master the three moves of capture.

Huang Feihong's understanding of martial arts is too deep. Such a simple technique can also have many unique changes and understandings. In fact, it is far more than three moves.

This is only the most elementary content of martial arts, and it doesn't involve Huang Feihong's unique skills such as Hong Quan, Wuying Kick, Wulang Bagua Stick, etc. at all.

It really takes half a lifetime to learn and understand those things.

This trip to Guangzhou is considered to be a lot of gains, although the grasping techniques learned are only three moves, but at least he is a well-known teacher.In the future, if someone wants to do something to him again, Li Yu will not be helpless.


A considerable amount of Li Yu's money is in Citibank in the United States. Fortunately, it can be easily exchanged into silver dollars.

Now most merchants prefer silver dollars, not silver.After all, silver coins are relatively standardized, and silver has to bear weight, measure its fineness, and convert it, which is very troublesome.

After Qiu Fengjia found a construction team, Li Yu left some money and could leave temporarily. Guangzhou now has a telegraph line, and he can be contacted no matter whether he is in Shanghai or the capital.

Li Yu and Xie Yuxi went down the Pearl River to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong has been very safe for quite a long time thereafter. Although there are not so many people in Hong Kong now, many people will flee here in the future.

A closer look at the treaty reveals that Hong Kong Island and Kowloon to the south of Boundary Street belong to the "cession"; while the Kowloon area to the north of Boundary Street and the New Territories are leased land.

The so-called New Territories means "new concession".

This has left a foreshadowing for the future diplomatic recovery of the entire territory of Hong Kong.

We must know that there is a legal basis for taking back the concession, but it is very difficult to take back the ceded land.

In the late Qing Dynasty when so much land was ceded, very few of them were recovered. Hong Kong is almost the most successful example of it.

Therefore, it is definitely a diplomatic victory. Many people in "Bringing Britain" regret it very much. After all, Hong Kong at that time had already taken off as one of the four Asian tigers, which was extremely important.

The Governor of Hong Kong has a lot of power, and there is no Legislative Council or ICAC.As the plenipotentiary of the King of England, the Governor of Hong Kong basically overshadows the sky in Hong Kong, and all members are directly appointed by the Governor of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is famous for its many mountains and little land. If you want to run a school on a piece of land, it is best to choose the north of Boundary Street.

Wanting to get land naturally requires the approval of the Governor of Hong Kong, and it will not be too large, up to tens of acres.

Today's Governor of Hong Kong is No.12, Bu Li, from the British Colonial Department.

Listen to the name: Colonial Ministry.

It has since become the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which is traditionally known as the Foreign Office.The Foreign Secretary is the three most prestigious positions in the British cabinet along with the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Home Secretary.

From here, we can indirectly see the status of the Colonial Department today.

At this time, the status of Chinese people in Hong Kong was very low. Hong Kong is currently almost the least autonomous among the many British colonies. It took more than 20 years for the Chinese to enter the Executive Council.

If Li Yu had not become a foreign fellow of the Royal Society, and Xie Yuxi was born in the Carnegie family of the United States, it would not have been easy to meet the Governor of Hong Kong.

Since 1900, Hong Kong's entrepot trade has grown very large. Half of the goods from Europe, America and China have to be transshipped through Hong Kong.

This is a very large business volume, reaching 1900 million tons in 2000.

Therefore, British investment in Hong Kong has gradually increased.

When the economy improves, the population will naturally increase, and the governor of Hong Kong has also realized the necessity of establishing education.

(End of this chapter)

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