It's a pity that the people in front of them still have too much concept of hierarchy. The family leader Yan Shenggong himself doesn't allow it, and they don't dare to talk too much.

Kong Lingyi pondered for a long time, and finally sighed: "Everyone go away."

He picked up those introductory textbooks, sat at his desk after returning home, and found them quite interesting after flipping through them.

After all, it is for beginners. Li Yu specially added some stories, such as Archimedes bathing and discovering the law of buoyancy, Franklin flying a kite, hitting Newton's apple, etc. Some experiments are also combined with life, all of which are descendants Familiar, it is really attractive in this period.

Most of the Confucian classics books at this time were obscure and difficult to understand, and they did not make too many simplifications specifically for school children. Li Yu's writing skills of later generations had great advantages and strong communication skills.

It’s just that Kong Lingyi was a little confused when he read a little bit of mathematical derivation. The key point is that he has never been in contact with science, and he has never even seen the definition of triangles, quadrilaterals, or parallel lines.

He picked up a pen and paper to really study, but was interrupted by Yan Jingyu who came in: "Yan Shenggong, are you really reading Li Yu's book?"

Kong Lingyi said: "I just want to know what kind of Western learning is, and what kind of magic power can make the imperial court abolish the imperial examination."

Yan Jingyu said: "No matter how thorough the research is, it's useless. Why don't you submit a memorial to the imperial court? I'll write a letter and send it to Nanzong of Zhejiang Province and the Confucius Temple in the capital, and jointly submit a memorial with them. There are not a few people who can be contacted alone."

Kong Lingyi looked at the geometric figures he had drawn crookedly with a brush, and felt that it was really too difficult to learn, so he closed the book again and said, "Yes, then try again! You are a doctor of the Five Classics of the Imperial Academy, and you also write to the Imperial Academy. Letter to enlist their support."

Good guy, let him work with Planck.

Now "Science" has actually received a lot of manuscripts, and the quality has been improved, so Li Yu doesn't have to publish major discoveries too intensively, otherwise the tone will be set higher and higher at the beginning, and in the future, if there are highs and lows The situation is not easy to handle.

But several people are in a very good mood, and their physical strength continues to flow.

In today's situation, Li Yu didn't fall into a disadvantage, and there was no arguing scene with blushing and thick necks, so the warrants of Shandong governor Yang Shixiang and the county magistrate were useless at all.

Li Yu knew that the photographic equipment he ordered from Germany had arrived.

Lu Bicheng knew English, but not German, and asked, "What's the content?"

Because this problem involves a very important conserved quantity in physics: the conservation of angular momentum.

Now Li Yu’s game theory has had a great influence in European academic circles. Not only Germany, but also invitation letters from several national academies, such as the Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Danish Academy of Sciences, the French Academy of Sciences, and St. Peter’s Academy of Sciences, all want to invite him.

Anyway, it was his own stuff, so Li Yu did his part.

Lu Bicheng asked: "By the Seine, what is that place?"

Li Yu was also a little touched, but it was a pity that Shandong would be classified as the Japanese sphere of influence after World War I, and there were still many ups and downs to overcome in the lowest period in the history of the Chinese nation.


The altitude of Mount Tai is actually not high. The reason why it looks high is because there are many plains in Shandong, and a mountain pulled up from the flat ground will appear very tall.

The so-called conservation of angular momentum is also very simple to understand, that is, when an object is not subjected to external torque, the angular momentum remains unchanged.

A woman is a woman, and when he heard the photo was taken, he was invigorated. Lu Bicheng dressed up carefully before coming to him.

It's really a great honor.

The point is that even if you take a tailless cat as an experiment, it can still land on all fours.

The United States also sent news, first of all, a telegram from Zou Zhou. He regularly reported the situation of the factory to Li Yu, and the current production was very good; Mr. Sla has made improvements, and he said that he must take a good look at it.

Yan Jingyu said: "There is no problem. As long as the imperial examinations do not fail, Confucianism will not fail."

Now there are almost no women who travel to the West and write travel notes.

Li Yu took it over and saw that it was sent from Germany, and the senders were Siemens and the Prussian Academy of Sciences.

The problem is very simple, that is why the cat will always land on all fours if you hold the cat by its four feet, hang it upside down, and then let go.

So it seems that we really have to leave for Europe. The key is to take advantage of the fact that the Russo-Japanese War has not yet started, and the Trans-Siberian Railway can still be used, which can save a lot of time for going back and forth.

"About science?" Lu Bicheng asked again.

Li Yu didn't force it either: "Waiting for your news."

When Li Yu returned home, he sent a telegram to Germany: "Thank you, Mr. Siemens, for your invitation. I will leave in a few days."

Yan Fu said: "As long as Lord Yansheng doesn't attack you again, there should be no more scholars attacking you in a while."

So the falling cat problem becomes a difficult problem: when you let go, the cat's angular momentum is 0, and there is no external torque, but it can land on all fours firmly, that is, it completes a 180° turn in the air.

The cat's movements are too fast for human eyes to see clearly, so physicists really have nothing to do with this problem for a long time, and its solution will have to wait until the appearance of high-speed cameras.

In the eyes of the ancients, climbing high and looking far was a very enjoyable thing, because they had no chance to fly, so Yan Fu and Lu Bicheng looked around as much as possible.

Yan Fu couldn't help feeling: "No wonder it is often said to be a great river and mountain. Such a beautiful scenery really makes people linger."

Li Yu bought a lot of film and took a lot of pictures.

When solving problems in high school physics, everyone often lists several conservation equations, such as conservation of momentum, conservation of mass, conservation of angular momentum, and so on.

The price is very unattractive, ridiculously high, and it cost more than 500 taels of silver.

Moreover, the lens of the camera in front of me is still from the famous German Zeiss, which is worth the money.

But obviously the cat's tail didn't turn into a propeller when it fell.

Then he smiled and said, "It's almost done, you can change your clothes another day and continue."

Li Yu said with a smile: "What's inappropriate, don't you want to see Europe, which is the most powerful place in the world at present, when the time comes to write a travelogue, it may cause a sensation when you come back and publish it in "Ta Kung Pao" .”

“Of course it’s possible,” Li Yu said, “Going to the romantic banks of the Seine in France may inspire you to write some more excellent poems.”

Later, some physicists believed that the other parts of the body must have rotated in the opposite direction to offset this part of the angular momentum, and most people thought it was the tail.

Li Yu said: "It is a place where writers and artists gather together."

Lu Bicheng's eyes were filled with the word "want to go", but he still held back a little: "Is this...suitable?"

At first glance, it violates the conservation of angular momentum.

So this time he is going to write a lighter scientific article.

Lu Bicheng praised: "You really have the demeanor of Zhuge Kongming fighting with the Confucians in the past."

Lu Bicheng asked: "Are we going back to the capital?"

Li Yu also understands the reason for punching one punch away to avoid a hundred punches, so that there can be a quiet environment.Otherwise, if there are scholars coming to the door at every turn, it will be really annoying. Now that Yan Shenggong is turned off, the others will naturally be silent.

If you stand on an ideal smooth surface with no friction and you turn your head to the left, your body will definitely turn in the opposite direction in order to counteract this part of the angular momentum.

Li Yu was still a little shocked. The person in front of him was much prettier than in the historical photos. Although she was not as beautiful as Lin Huiyin, she was definitely among the top beauties in this era.

He should know what happened to Li Yu in the guild hall outside Xuanwu Gate.

Mount Tai is a famous Taoist mountain. The current tourist situation cannot be compared with the situation after the big investment in later generations: there are no mountain pickers, and there are no eighteen plates, so climbing is more difficult.

This question sounds far-fetched and inexplicable, because it is a very natural phenomenon, but it has troubled the physics community for hundreds of years.

Li Yu is a player who often plays football to exercise, and Lu Bicheng is also in good physical condition. The two of them helped Yan Fu from time to time, and it took a long time to finally climb up.

Li Yu likes to connect with reality and will not write too dry content. His starting point this time is the famous "falling cat problem" that has not yet been solved.

Li Yu said: "It's all here. Mount Tai is not far away. Wouldn't it be beautiful to experience all the small mountains together?"

But it is obviously unreliable, because the mass of a cat's tail is too small relative to the body, unless it can spin like a helicopter propeller.

Li Yu nodded: "Yes." He suddenly remembered that going by himself was really boring, and asked, "Do you want to go together? I even bought a small island in Sweden, which is very beautiful."

In addition, on the side of "Science", the releases of these few issues are really explosive, and Li Yu has become a super trump card.

Although the telegram from the Association for the Promotion of Science did not expressly stated between the lines, it still hoped that Li Yu would write another manuscript.

That is to say, there is a static ring, and it will only rotate when you move it with your hand.

Lu Bicheng was a little shaken, and thought: "As a job, it is feasible."

But considering the purchasing power, you can still buy a SLR at the price of future generations.It seems that the phrase "photography is poor for three generations, and SLR ruins one's life" is also very appropriate in the early [-]th century.

After returning to the capital, Fengling told Li Yu that people from Qiluofu Foreign Firm in Dongjiaomin Lane had come to look for him.

After their tour, they returned to the capital the same way.

"Dear Mr. Li Yu, I, Karl Siemens, on behalf of our company and the Academy of Sciences, invite you to go to Germany. I will set up a research institute, the chief scientist is you and Academician Max Planck, to help the two For further research on blackbody radiation."

Li Yu said, "A telegram from Germany told me to go there."

Lu Bicheng became more interested now: "I think... think again."

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's much better than the situation of Mr. Kong Ming back then. After all, Western learning has become the general trend. Facts speak louder than words. I just need to speak clearly."

When the two were filming vigorously, Feng Ling came over and said, "Sir, there is a telegram."

In addition, some European observatories such as Greenwich also want to invite him to do seminars and lectures on the spiral arm structure of the Milky Way and extragalactic galaxies.

Li Yu immediately told Lu Bicheng that he wanted to take a picture of her.

Yan Fu agreed: "Good idea! I have never climbed to the top of Dongyue, so it is a rare opportunity to be in Shandong today."

It was around 1969 that Stanford University solved this problem at a theoretical level.

In fact, the cat’s body is bent in the air first, then the front legs are retracted, and the rear legs are kicked, so that the amount of rotation of the front part of the body is reduced to straighten; Let the back of the body straighten.

In short, it is to make the overall rotation amount zero by constantly adjusting the rotation amount of different parts of the body.

The whole action took place between lightning and flint. It has to be said that the evolution of nature is really ingenious.

This kind of article is more in line with Li Yu's style. Introducing physics into life, and putting it in a magazine can also increase the interest.

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