Chapter 248 Haiyan
It is difficult to estimate the time for a master like Repin to paint oil paintings. The actual painting time is generally not long, but the various observations, picture conceptions, and the writer's own thinking in the early stage took up a particularly long time.

It is said that "Trackers on the Volga" took three years to create, and it doesn't mean that they only painted this one painting in these three years.

Although the time actually spent on painting may only be dozens of hours, during this period Repin had a lot of communication with the trackers on the Volga River.

This is a relatively complex large-scale painting. In addition, Repin is also very good at portraiture, and he painted quite a lot.If the background is not complicated, just to draw a portrait, two or three hours is enough.

Repin is a very diligent painter, and he has many paintings handed down from generation to generation.However, Repin did not draw much Orientals, and he took a long time to observe carefully before starting to paint.

Li Yu and Lu Bicheng had never been models before, Li Yu stood there motionless, very stiff; Lu Bicheng sat on a chair in front of him, and didn't dare to blink too much.

Repin laughed and said, "Don't be so cramped, the more natural the better."

Li Yu said, "I feel very natural."

Repin said: "Well, don't think I'm painting, just think about your own problems."

So Li Yu tried to calculate the problem in his mind, and his expression gradually relaxed.

After almost two hours, Repin finally said: "It's done."

Li Yu hurried over to have a look.

This is a rare item. There are really not many portraits of Chinese people painted with oil paintings, let alone Repin's.

Li Yu was full of praise: "It really is a master."

Repin was not very satisfied: "It's just a sketch. I don't know much about Chinese culture. If I have the opportunity to go to China to learn more in the future, I can truly draw the charm of the Chinese people."

"Welcome!" Li Yu said, "Although I don't know much about art, there are many excellent paintings in China, and I think you will be interested."

Repin said: "I have heard about it, and I really want to learn about the unique art form of Chinese brush painting."

Li Yu said: "I still have two masterpieces of Chinese paintings in my hand. If I come to the capital anytime, I will let you take a good look at them."

The "Six Dragons Picture" and "The Horse Washing Picture" in Li Yu's hands are both rare works and quite valuable Song paintings.

Although the level of science and technology in China was very poor at the beginning of the [-]th century, it has always been top-notch in terms of art.

It's just that art is now often linked to national strength. Whoever has the weight of speech, whose art seems to be superior to others.

Fortunately, a pure painter like Repin pursues art itself. The unique beauty of artistic conception in Chinese painting is very, very superb. Even if he cannot learn to paint with a brush, he will not be disappointed.

Repin handed the newly painted oil painting to Li Yu, "This painting is for you."

Li Yu said, "What should I thank you for such a valuable thing?"

Repin smiled and said: "You're welcome, it's my honor to be able to paint for a scientific master like you. If you can be more dazzling in the future, it will be the greatest reward. In the future, when I have a better understanding of Chinese culture, I will come again Draw a picture for you, when the time comes to compare the two, I also want to know the difference."

Li Yu attached great importance to this oil painting. Although it was a little hasty, it could not be compared with the two Song paintings rewarded by the court in terms of art and value. However, it was painted and presented by the famous Repin specially for him. It was his first painting. Portraits of oriental figures are invaluable to me.

It was the first time for Lu Bicheng to see this kind of art work in the form of oil painting, and he was quite interested: "It's even better than the photos."

There is really nothing wrong with saying this, because the photos at this time are all black and white, without color, and the degree of vividness is far inferior to that of hand-painted portraits.

And this thing is indeed very luxurious, let alone a big guy like Repin, it is not cheap for an ordinary painter to paint a portrait.

Li Yu smiled and said, "Keep it well later, it will be worth money in the future."

Lu Bicheng obviously didn't know much about the value of oil paintings: "Very valuable?"

Li Yu said: "Of course, Repin is currently the first-class painter in Europe. His status in art is equivalent to Tolstoy's status in the literary world."

Lu Bicheng understood, but seeing the two of them standing back and forth in the painting, he said, "Don't let others see this painting."

Li Yu wondered, "Why?"

Lu Bicheng said: "In short, keep it secret!"

The two of them went to the street again, bought a set of Tolstoy's works, and then came to Tolstoy the next day to ask for an autograph.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, Li Yu saw Tolstoy talking to a middle-aged man who was taller than him.

Li Yu recognized it at a glance, well, it turned out to be Gorky.

Lu Bicheng didn't know who Gorky was, so he was in a hurry to get Tolstoy's signature.

Tolstoy also saw them and said hello: "You guys came quite early."

Lu Bicheng took out the set of books he bought yesterday, and Tolstoy smiled and said, "You really bought all the books."

Then sign the book.

Gorky observed for a while and asked, "Are you... from China?"

It can be regarded as someone who doesn't think of himself as a little devil, but Li Yu was curious and asked, "How did you know that, Mr. Gorky?"

Gorky was surprised: "You know me?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "Not only do I know you, I also know the phrase 'Let the storm come harder'!"

I am afraid that all Chinese people know this line from Gorky's famous "Swallow".

In terms of popularity alone, Gorky's status in the country may be higher than Tuo Weng, Tuo Weng and others.

Although political factors are not ruled out, Gorky's ideological and artistic qualities in literature should not be underestimated.

Mao Dun said around 1946: "Gorky's great influence on the Chinese literary world can be understood as long as one point is cited. The works of foreign writers are translated into Chinese in a large number, and there are often two or three translations of a book. No one is better than Gorky."

People with high vision like Lu Xun did not have a low opinion of him.

Gorky was surprised again: "You can still recite my works, which really surprises me! As for why it can be seen that you are Chinese, because I have met many Japanese, and I don't feel the same as you, so it is considered a Chinese. Without braids, I also know you're not Japanese."

Tolstoy said: "If you know his name, you will feel even more incredible. He is the scientific giant Li Yu who rose from the poor and weak Qing Dynasty."

"Oh!?" Gorky couldn't help but sized Li Yu up again, "I can meet you here! I still want to meet you when I go to the United States next year or the year after. The European scientific community is impressed."

In two years, Lenin would send him to America for revolutionary activities.

Li Yu said: "Science and art are somewhat different. Art is greatly influenced by the cultural environment, but science is an epic hidden in nature, and it will not be influenced by different wills of human beings."

Gorky said: "You are right. I really admire your insights into science."

Tolstoy said to Gorky again: "I have read the book you wrote "At the Bottom". If you write like this, I am afraid that the tsarist government will arrest you."

Gorky participated in many demonstrations, but his reputation is not as good as that of Tolstoy. The tsarist government did not dare to arrest Tolstoy, but dared to arrest Gorky. He has been imprisoned twice.

Gorky didn't care: "Resistance is necessary, otherwise how can we fight for it. The situation in the Far East is so chaotic, if there is a problem, the life of the bottom people will be even more difficult."

Tolstoy asked: "You also think we will have a war with the Japanese?"

Gorky paid more attention to the world situation than Tuo Weng: "It is inevitable, but I am not surprised that the Qing Dynasty participated in the fight against the Tsar's army with such an act."

It is a pity that the Qing Dynasty did not dare to participate.

Tolstoy also always opposed the Russo-Japanese War: "It is really unflattering to go to the Far East when things in the west cannot be handled well."

Not only later generations, but the current European part of western Russia has a larger proportion of the population.

It's just that they didn't expect the Japanese to win.

Gorky said: "Toon, you don't have to worry about me too much, and you don't have to resign from the Department of Literature of the Academy of Sciences again. I'm really sorry for that."

After Gorky was arrested, Tolstoy, together with Chekhov and others, went to the Faculty of Literature of the Academy of Sciences to resign as an honorary academician in protest.

Tolstoy said: "I don't even care about the Nobel Prize for Literature. What about an honorary academician? By the way, do you have any news about Chekhov? How is his condition?"

Gorky said: "He is now recuperating from the cold in Nice, France. This disease is really, hey!"

Chekhov suffered from tuberculosis, or tuberculosis, which is currently incurable.

After he contracted tuberculosis unfortunately ten years ago while taking care of patients, he lived in Nice, a city in the south of France on the Mediterranean coast, for quite a long time.I briefly returned to live in Yalta, Crimea, but returned to Nice not long after.

Tolstoy said: "I saw him in Yalta three years ago, and his complexion seems to have improved. I hope he can persist."

Gorky suddenly remembered, and said to Li Yu: "You are a top scientist in the world today, is it possible to cure Mr. Chekhov's tuberculosis?"

Li Yu knew that this thing needed antibiotics, and it had to be more powerful antibiotics like streptomycin. Even if penicillin came out, it would have no effect on tuberculosis.

Li Yu regretted: "Sorry, I don't know much about the medical field, so I can't do anything about it."

Gorky said: "You don't need to apologize, I just ask, if there is a trial therapy, it's okay."

Li Yu said: "Human experiments involve very contradictory ethics. Even if there are preliminary results, it is difficult to implement them quickly."

Tolstoy was old and said: "There is nothing wrong with being cautious. Chekhov is not very old. I don't think there will be problems with him."

Gorky sighed: "I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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