Chapter 252 Cooperation
The younger brother Hanard Bohr is better at mathematics, but he still doesn't believe it: "The error control is so small, mathematically speaking, it is almost impossible."

Li Yu said: "But it will definitely be done, and it must be done, otherwise the two dark clouds mentioned by Mr. Kelvin will not just dissipate, but will become bigger and bigger."

Bohr said: "Is this kind of micro-scale research the direction of physics?"

Li Yu said: "That's right, and it is a super big direction. Although it is hard to believe, there is a smallest scale in this world. Not only the rope cannot be infinitely subdivided, but also the abstract time. I can only say, This is a foggy but extremely wide road, and it will not be able to reach the end for many years."

Li Yu would like to say that there is a minimum "resolution" in the world, but it is a bit difficult to explain after thinking about it, after all, there are no electronic screens yet.

Bohr asked: "A road to no end?"

Li Yu nodded and said, "Don't you think this is interesting?"

After all, Bohr was still young, so he just liked things with a little challenge: "It's really interesting, I like this reasonable and awkward feeling."

Li Yu said: "Your analogy is interesting. Theories involving microcosms have just begun. In the future, you will find that not only microcosmic theories, but macrocosmic theories may also be full of reasonable and awkward things."

Bohr asked again: "When I was reading Mr. Academician's article, I saw that the spectrum was repeatedly mentioned in the recently published astronomy content. And there are spectra in the microscopic research. When I looked at the hydrogen atom spectrum, I found that it is extremely complicated. .Hydrogen is the simplest element, and the Balmer formula involved in it already makes people feel negligent and confused. What is hidden in it?"

Li Yu sighed, he was indeed one of the Big Three, and all he asked were cutting-edge questions.

In fact, around 1900, there were not only two big dark clouds in physics, but also four extremely difficult problems in classical mechanics that could not be solved. First of all, there was the famous black body radiation problem, and the other three were:
1. The spectrum of the hydrogen atom, which is the so-called Balmer formula; through the efforts of Mendeleev and others, we already know that the hydrogen atom is the simplest element, but its spectrum is irregular. Knowing why it is like this is hard to explain.The Balmer formula proposed by Balmer was actually guessed by his own superb mathematical intuition.

2. The photoelectric effect, which will be mentioned later, the only time Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics was because he explained the photoelectric effect;

3. The stability of the atom is actually the problem of the atomic model.

Including black body radiation, quantum mechanics is involved without exception.

Therefore, if quantum mechanics cannot be born out of nowhere, these problems cannot be explained at all.

Li Yu said: "The question you asked is very sharp and very good, but I have to admit again that it is difficult for me to give you an answer at present. Because microscopic theory is very likely to be very different from our cognition. In our understanding 1 is followed by 2, then 3, 4, 5; but in the microscopic field, it is very likely that the numbers are arranged like 1, 3, 5, without 2 and 4! This is very unreasonable and counter-intuitive, but it is true. This It is a long-term process of establishing cognition, and it is difficult to gain a firm foothold simply relying on the words of one family.”

Li Yu used some very euphemistic words to answer.

But in fact, quantum mechanics has always been full of controversy. Even Einstein, the top physicist of the [-]th century, could not agree with quantum mechanics until his death.And until Li Yu crossed over, scientists in the field of quantum mechanics were constantly arguing with each other, and of course it had developed to the level of fighting with gods.

Many people even joked that the reasonable explanation for "overthinking one's abilities" should be: don't teach yourself quantum mechanics!

On the other hand, the theory of relativity, another dark cloud, is more agreeable to most scientists.Those who do not agree with the theory of relativity are basically Minke or "scientists" of a certain music station who are not even counted as Minke.

In short, quantum mechanics is really difficult to explain completely, not to mention that it is still in its infancy.

It is precisely because it is so difficult to explain that there is the famous phrase "indecision, quantum mechanics".

——Don't worry about the mess, anyway, that's the way it is!
Although the explanation given by Li Yu has been explained in plain language as much as possible, everyone is still confused.

Bohr asked: "Speaking of which, there are also some aspects of Balmer's formula that make people feel strange."

Li Yu said: "This is like the Bode formula about the planets in the solar system. It is an empirical formula. Once the correct theory comes out, it will not hold water."

The Bode formula is an empirical formula about the distances of the planets in the solar system. Although it is obviously made up, it did play a role in the early exploration of the solar system by humans. The discovery of several planets was inspired by this to a certain extent, including small Discovery of planetary belts.

Bohr continued to ask: "But such an empirical formula feels more or less reasonable, but isn't the unreasonable thing that Mr. Academician just said is wrong?"

Li Yu said, "I can still ask you this, is common sense necessarily correct?"

Bohr was a little stunned for a moment, not only him, everyone was a little shocked.

But soon everyone found that this kind of shock was very normal. Everyone was a high-achieving student in the Faculty of Science. Achieved.

In Li Yu's capacity, he would not speak casually.

Bohr was the quickest to be relieved: "Mr. Academician Xie!"

Li Yu was actually feeling very uncomfortable, but right now I really couldn't talk to him too much.

Fortunately, a giant is a giant after all, and now it is just a "seedling of a giant", which will grow up sooner or later.

After that, other people asked many questions, and Li Yu answered them one by one.

This speech was also successfully completed in such exchanges.

Petersen, academician and president of the Danish Academy of Sciences, was very satisfied with the speech effect: "Mr. Academician is indeed a man of great wisdom, and this form can also inspire students."

Li Yu said, "As long as it is useful."

In fact, this form is still popular in many European universities in later generations.

Bohr and his younger brother Hanard Bohr suddenly ran over: "Mr. Academician, you just said that you want to play football with us, right?"

Li Yu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Yes!"

The Bohr brothers said happily: "Great! Even if we lose, we will admit it!"

Li Yu said, "I'm not a rookie."

Bohr asked: "What position will the academician play?"

Li Yu said, "Let's play in the middle."

Bohr said: "It's just a supplement to the formation. Everyone wants to be a forward, and no one wants to be behind."

At the beginning of the twentieth century, there was no offside rule in football games, and there were even extreme combinations of nine forwards and one defender or seven forwards and three defenders.

Li Yu said, "But I have no clothes."

Bohr looked at his suit and said, "I'll find you one!"

Bohr's height is not low, but Li Yu's tall 1.8 meters is even rarer at this time.

Fortunately, the sportswear is relatively loose, so it fits Li Yu well.

When they came to the green field, the momentum of the seminary on the opposite side was very strong. The captain said to Bohr: "If you lose, you have to recite the scriptures in front of me!"

But Bohr said: "Even if God comes, I will win!"

After the kick-off, Li Yu's defensive awareness was obviously better. After all, the four-three-three and four-two-four formations that are common in later generations of football all place a high emphasis on defense.

Li Yu seized the opportunity and threw a long pass to Bohr's younger brother Hanad Bohr in the frontcourt.

It is difficult to stop the ball, but the long pass is much easier. As for the offensive ability, it depends on Hanard.

And under this no-offside rule, the offensive nature of the long pass is really strong.

Hanard really lived up to expectations. After receiving the ball, there were few defenders, and he volleyed and scored the goal.

Bohr went over excitedly and hugged his younger brother: "Good job!"

The several defensive counterattacks since then have been very good. Li Yu has fully instilled in himself the responsibility of being a midfielder and defender. On the one hand, he defends and on the other hand organizes the offense.

The final score was fixed at 4-1, which can be called a big victory.

The younger brother Hanard Bohr was a sensible person, and said to Li Yu: "Thanks to Mr. Academician's long biography! It is so effective!"

Bohr was also very happy: "Academician is really a good player, let's take part in more competitions in the future!"

Li Yu thought about it, but after returning to China, there was really no playing environment.

This happiness is both fleeting and precious.

Li Yu said with a smile: "If there is a chance, we can still play football together."

It's really amazing to play football with a legendary figure like Bohr.

Bohr is very young now, but he is really smart, and he is almost the youngest among his peers in school.

Very young genius feeling.

Bohr was still excited: "Winning the seminary is so relieved! They have debated with me many times, but they just can't beat them."

Li Yu said with a smile: "Of course, you can beat them by playing football, but you want to debate how it is possible in the seminary."

Bohr said seriously: "Why is it impossible? God obviously does not exist."

Li Yu said: "I mentioned the content about falsifiability when I was at the University of Paris. You can read more and you will understand why you can't win the seminary in the debate. They only need a few words that cannot be distinguished from the truth. refute others."

Bohr said: "It doesn't make sense at all, at least not on a university campus, it has to be reasonable."

Li Yu said: "It's like a chicken talking to a duck. They don't understand."

Bohr said: "That can't be done. No matter how they are alumni, I can't let them be obsessed."

Li Yu didn't expect that the young Bohr was quite philanthropic, so he joked, "Maybe it won't be long before you still think God plays dice."

Bohr shook his head: "How could I say such unstandard words!"

Li Yu laughed and said, "It's very good."

This is the most famous statement in the debate between Bohr and Einstein.

It's just what Einstein said at the beginning, "God doesn't play dice", and Bohr replied: "Einstein, don't tell God what to do."

Since then, many people don't know why it was extended to the two people believing in God.

It is estimated that these people themselves did not understand why Einstein and Bohr said these two sentences.

Just like many people studied theology in Newton's later years, and then said the nonsense "the end of science is theology".

They did not study what Newton and the others did, and why they studied theology. They made ridiculous conclusions without considering any internal reasons.

At this time, Bohr was a staunch follower of science, and said to Li Yu: "Where is the standard?"

Li Yu said mysteriously again: "In the future, you will understand yourself."

Bohr felt even more confused, but Li Yu didn't go into details.

(End of this chapter)

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