Chapter 260 Request from the father of the car

Before the letter from France arrived, Karl Benz, the father of automobiles, approached Li Yu first.

— By the way, there are many people named Karl in Europe.

Karl Benz came with his wife, and it was his wife Bertha who drove the car.

Karl Benz's experience can also reflect what is called "behind every successful man, there is a great woman". Bertha has firmly supported her husband's car business from the beginning to the end.

And the driver of the world's first modern car happened to be Bertha.

In 1885, it was Bertha who drove the car successfully developed by Karl Benz out of a small factory, and opened a brilliant chapter in the automobile industry at the same time.

It's just that the "Mercedes-Benz No. 1" had only three wheels at that time, and it had to be stopped for maintenance at every turn.

In the first few years, people laughed at the car more seriously, because the engine would often break down after a terrible roar when it was running.

Then in 1888, in order to prove that her husband's invention was not a useless waste, Bertha once again drove the third-generation Mercedes-Benz, and drove her two sons [-] kilometers to her natal home to visit her mother.

The [-]-kilometer round-trip inspection greatly boosted Karl Benz's confidence, and he became a hit at the Munich Auto Show thereafter.

The original intention of Karl Benz's visit was the same as that of Maybach, Daimler and others before him, they all came for the advanced electronic ignition system.

"You can see that asking a lady to start a car with a rocker is not only inelegant, but also very laborious, so I am very interested in your patent, Academician." Karl Benz said.

"That's true," Li Yu said, "Maybach and Mr. Daimler have already started asking for supplies."

"Have they been here?" Karl Benz asked.

Li Yu said, "That's right."

"Then I have to hurry up!" Karl Benz said.

Many people may not believe it. Historically, Karl Benz and the old Daimler lived not far away, and they knew each other's names. Unfortunately, they never met each other in their lives.

Now that the old Daimler has passed away, one of the three founders of Mercedes-Benz has been lost.

At this time, Karl Benz's factory and Daimler's factory were still two companies, which belonged to a competitive relationship.

If you don't have what others have, you will soon fall into a disadvantage.

The development of science and technology throughout the [-]th century is on a roller coaster of rapid progress. The changes are too fast, and if you don't work hard, you will become a backward product.

Karl Benz himself is a successful businessman while possessing excellent invention ability. His wife Bertha is equally keen-sighted. Karl Benz said: "We also need supplies, but we don't know the compatibility with the models yet. How about it?"

Li Yu said: "The electronic start system is a design that is relatively easy to integrate into the automotive products of various manufacturers. Please take a look, sir."

Li Yu began to draw a schematic diagram for him on the map.

Karl Benz, like Maybach and others, came from a technical background. After a few minutes, he knew that it was a very reliable patent. "It's so good, it can also integrate car lights, which simply gives the car eyes."

Bertha said: "The carriages will be the envy of the carriages in the future."

Karl Benz said: "Mr. is a genius. I always thought that scientists would not devote themselves to car design, but you really opened my eyes."

Li Yu said with a smile: "Design is a very interesting thing."

"I still have a question, can I ask sir by the way?" Karl Benz asked.

Li Yu said, "Sir, it's okay to talk."

Karl Benz said: "I have made many improvements to the vehicle before, especially in terms of power, but I found that even if the engine horsepower is increased, the car still cannot obtain a corresponding power increase."

Li Yu understood what Karl Benz meant: "Sir, do you mean excessive power loss?"

"That's right," said Karl Benz, "I'm still thinking of designing a bus, and the problem of power loss will be more obvious."

He was indeed the one who built the world's first bus.

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "I have some ideas, and I can make some adjustments to the transmission system."

Karl Benz asked, "Can you be more specific?"

Li Yu said: "I think you can use the drive shaft to directly drive the differential."

Karl Benz said: "This is a good idea, I have also imagined it, but it is too difficult to implement."

Li Yu said, "I can try it, and it should work."

The differential is arguably one of the most important inventions in automotive history.

Li Yu had made a model on the ship going to Japan before.

To put it simply, this thing is to use gears to realize that the left and right wheels have different speeds, so that the car can turn.

For example, let the car turn right, the distance traveled by the left wheel is obviously longer, so it is natural to let it turn a few more times.

If the two wheels are connected to the same shaft, it cannot be realized, so they must be disconnected in the middle, and then cleverly connected with gears.

The history of the differential is quite long. As early as 100 years before the birth of the modern car, there was already a simple car that used a steam engine as an external combustion engine.At that time, because there was no differential, the front wheels could only have one wheel for steering.

However, the steam engine was too bulky and was soon eliminated.

Later, a mechanical genius who worked on clocks and watches first designed a differential, but it was too bulky to be used in a car.

——An aside, European clocks, like glass, have an indelible influence on modern science.

This is also one of the important internal reasons for the birth of modern science in Europe.

Later, another designer made a chain-driven differential, which is currently used by car manufacturers such as Karl Benz.

Karl Benz, as the "Father of Automobiles", has a clear understanding of the development of automobiles, and not only him, but also Maybach and others have also realized that the differential will be a breakthrough in the evolution of automobiles in the next stage.

Karl Benz looked around Li Yu's laboratory and said, "Sir, do you want to go to my factory for an experiment?"

Li Yu said: "That's not necessary. To be honest, I can't leave the laboratory for the time being, but I can purchase a batch of corresponding test equipment."

Carl Benz said: "I look forward to Mr.'s patent very much. If the propeller shaft differential can be realized, it will be a technology that excites me more than the electronic ignition system and looks forward to it."

That's not true, after all, the difficulty has to go up several grades.

Li Yu said: "I will make this design as soon as possible and apply for a patent for all manufacturers to use."

Of course, it was not difficult for Li Yu.

Although there is still a gap with the limited-slip differentials of later generations, the propeller shaft differential has already touched the threshold of modern differentials, and it was definitely the most advanced in the early [-]th century.

Later Model T cars used this differential.

After Karl Benz left, Li Yu found Karl Siemens (everyone is called Karl, so let’s call him Siemens in the future).

After learning about Li Yu's idea, Siemens immediately increased the relevant equipment without saying a word. Anyway, it is easy to do in Germany, the hometown of automobiles.

And now that the industry in the United States is gradually rising, a small number of people in Europe have become aware of it.

It's a pity that there are only a small number of people, and they can't influence the technological advancement of the United States.

The differential is a relatively delicate design, relying on a pair of planetary gears on the axle to connect with the drive shaft, and then realize two variable speed turning capabilities.

It can be said that it is a perfect display of mechanics.

Li Yu is a car fan. He was crazy about the quattro that Audi is proud of. He studied its design during college.

Audi's Quattro is a more complex Torsen differential. Li Yu doesn't need to make it so complicated now. He is already ahead of the curve by designing the drive shaft differential.

The key and complex Torsen-type differential was difficult to produce in the early [-]th century, which would lead to a significant increase in vehicle prices, which was not commercially reasonable.

While Li Yu was studying the differential, the letter from the French Academy of Letters actually arrived.

Lu Bicheng immediately ran over to watch it together. At this moment, in many people's minds, France is definitely the most compelling existence, at least in terms of culture and art.

But when Li Yu opened the letter, he was dumbfounded, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "It really is French!"

The content of the letter was written entirely in French, and Li Yu could not understand it at all.

What a headache.

Fortunately, there is also a great god Planck in the laboratory. As a person with orthodox European education, he can speak French 100%.

"You don't know the most noble words?" Planck was very surprised.

Li Yu said embarrassingly: "I only know Chinese, English and German, and Japanese is also fine."

Planck said: "In terms of quantity, you know more than I do. I only know German, English and French. In the future, if I have the opportunity, I should really learn the magical Chinese and Japanese in the East."

Li Yudao: "If you can learn Chinese first, Japanese will be easier. But it is very difficult to learn Chinese."

"Can differential equations be difficult?" Planck said, "Even if I can't learn them, I will always learn some basic ones. After all, I still want to eat delicious Chinese food."

Li Yule said: "That's very necessary."

Planck took the letter, looked at it and said: "Oh my God, you actually won the literary medal awarded by the French Academy of Letters! It seems that the French still know the goods, and they know that the Star Wars series is interesting enough. I think they probably will." I really like it, and I want to see a sequel.”

Li Yu said: "I already know about this matter, quickly see if Ms. Bicheng is mentioned?"

Planck said: "Bicheng... Hey, the French seem to have made a mistake. They wrote Mr. Bicheng in the letter."

Although later in the period of the Republic of China, some educated ladies were also called "Mr.", but the French obviously did not mean this.

Lu Bicheng said in astonishment: "This..."

She insisted on pursuing women's rights, which of course was unacceptable.

Li Yu first said: "I will write back to the French Academy of Letters now to explain the situation."

But as soon as he sat down, he realized that he could not write French, so he continued to ask Planck for help.

When Planck saw it, he immediately raised the price: "I never write letters to others, and I still write to the French. You must promise me to write the prequels of Star Wars as soon as possible."

Li Yu quickly said, "I agree!"

"It's almost there."

Planck leaned over his desk and began to write a letter, but after writing a few words, he raised his head and emphasized again: "What you say means what you say."

Li Yu couldn't laugh or cry, and Planck was too funny, so he had to say: "One word from a gentleman is hard to follow."

"Oh, I've heard this Chinese proverb," ​​Planck wanted to show off the Chinese proverb he had learned again, "it's about..."

Li Yu quickly interrupted him: "I know, Mr. Professor, I will also write you a complete collection of proverbs."

Planck said with satisfaction: "Sure enough, he is a smart man, and the mattress can be handed over!"

(End of this chapter)

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