Chapter 265 Disputes
At this time, psychology was almost in its infancy.In fact, for modern psychology, most of Freud's theories are not very applicable.

Because many of his concepts have not been clearly defined, and the actual clinical effect of psychotherapy is not so good.

He put too much emphasis on the subconscious mind, believing that all human behaviors are controlled by the subconscious mind.The current view is that consciousness is the essence of the mind, and the subconscious should not be exaggerated.

But in the final analysis, it is the pioneer after all, and there were no particularly reliable psychological experiments in the early twentieth century, let alone social statistics and computer statistics.

With no tools, Freud began to analyze human hearts and feelings to the world with a pen.

It is difficult to think about it, even more difficult than Boltzmann's situation at the time.

——Psychology is a prominent school in later generations, but it is not now.

So Freud is like bringing a stranger into a dark room, and then explaining to him the structure and furnishings of the room.

But this is psychology, the human heart, nothing is more difficult to figure out than this.

If you are in the mood to read his book patiently, you will find that you really can't read it.

On the one hand, it is the unique writing habits of Europeans. To put it bluntly, it is a bit long-winded; if you can read it, you will find that he himself is a little powerless in writing, and even as a reader, he will worry for him.

Freud himself knew this situation, and he was very helpless. After all, in his era, psychology had just become an independent discipline, which seemed too thin.

So Freud himself frankly admits at the end of the book: "Towards the end of this book, the author must ask the reader's forgiveness for not being a skilled guide, and thus making the reader take some tedious and monotonous side roads and detours. Never No doubt the author could have done better. Here I try to improve, though it seems a little late."

You feel his mood.

It's just that he is probably the person who understands psychology best that can be found in the whole world.

Moreover, Mr. Bo is obviously improving now. As long as he can cultivate a positive personality in his heart, he can completely get out of the psychological haze.

Li Yu really didn't want this super boss to commit suicide because of scientific doubts.Otherwise he would feel it was a great mockery of science itself.

Freud's reputation at this time was far less than that of later generations. After all, there were fewer people who accepted psychology at this time than those who accepted atomism.

Fortunately, Freud is currently only studying the psychology related to dreams and some psychoanalysis, and has not engaged in the Oedipus complex and the like since then, otherwise Mr. Bo will definitely not accept it...

When he came to Freud’s residence, Boltzmann still couldn’t believe it: “Human psychology can really be studied? I’ve been doing physics all my life, and I don’t know there is such a subject.”

Li Yu said: "Take it as a hypnosis, maybe you can make your mood better."

"It would be a good thing if it could improve your mood," Boltzmann said.

Saying this would make it easier for Mr. Bo to accept.

When the door opened, Freud immediately recognized Boltzmann, who had completed his medical studies at the University of Vienna.

"It turned out to be the respected Professor Boltzmann!" Freud said, "Why did you come to me?"

Boltzmann said: "This little friend Li Yu said that you have a way to improve people's mood and improve sleep."

"Li Yu?" Floyd was taken aback.

"It is the famous new star of science in Qing Dynasty." Boltzmann said.

"I remembered!" Freud said, "I was still wondering if I could apply the law of entropy increase you wrote to psychology!"

"Um..." Li Yu laughed, "The law of entropy increase is actually expressed by Professor Boltzmann's formula, and I just expanded it a bit."

Freud didn't know much about physics, so he said to Boltzmann: "Could it be that Mr. Professor has anxiety, which leads to poor sleep?"

"It's true that sometimes I feel irritable, maybe I'm sick?" Boltzmann asked.

Freud was a sensible person, and immediately said: "Of course not! If this is considered sick, then everyone is sick."

"That's good!" Boltzmann said.

"How did your anxiety arise?" Freud continued.

"There are unpleasant things at work and in life," Boltzmann said.

Boltzmann's life was indeed quite rough, and his child died long before him.

Freud thought for a while and said: "You can imagine a state to awaken the self, such as a beautiful future you yearn for."

Boltzmann said: "It's very difficult. In today's scientific research environment, many people cannot accept my point of view. Except for this little friend Li Yu, I don't see a lot of so-called bright futures."

Freud said again: "Then let me change the way of asking the question. If a miracle happens and many people can accept your theory, what will happen?"

"I don't want to think about such a meaningless question," Boltzmann said, "because it is meaningless. With the current situation, I don't think there will be any change in a short time."

Floyd continued: "It's okay, just think about it briefly."

Li Yu understood what Freud meant. What he did was the very useful "miracle question" in later generations of psychological counseling, which guided Boltzmann's psychological thinking.

The popular understanding is to ask questions to make the other party have a beautiful fantasy, or a new personality, which lives in the future.

Let the other party imagine a future that he also thinks is beautiful, at this time he can look back at himself now through the future.

Although it sounds simple, it is indeed a very clever idea in psychology.

Because we all know that looking from the present to the future, we often see difficulties, anxiety, and pain.Unless you are young men and women in love, you really feel that the future is full of difficulties and obstacles and you have no ideas.

But if you look at the past from the present, you can not only see how miserable you were in the past, but also find that many things don’t matter at all. Many difficulties in the past obviously have very simple solutions, but you didn’t know it at the time!
Boltzmann thought for a while, "If that's the case, I think I will be really pleased to tell the students the theory of molecules and the essence of thermodynamics in class. That is the way to guide students to the correct scientific outlook. Then the students will be on the right track."

"Very good! I also have the same idea as yours, and I hope that the correct theory can be carried forward!" Freud said, "If that day is to come, what do you think should be the first step now? It doesn't have to be complicated. It’s the little things you want to do first.”

"The first step?" Boltzmann thought for a while, "Perhaps, what I want most is to have a good rest and sleep every day, so that I can live longer."

Poor sleep can really amplify anxiety.

"I see." Freud said, "Next we can study sleep. When it comes to sleep, you should first relax before going to bed, don't think about anything, or you will just continue to worry, and then... "

This is Freud's specialty, and he even took out his iconic pocket watch to assist in hypnosis, but people like Boltzmann are indeed not easy to be hypnotized.

Boltzmann was indeed in a better mood when he left Freud's office.

"Don't tell me, he actually has something." Boltzmann said incredulously.

Li Yu said: "It is best to be useful. I think the professor should cultivate his spirit if he is true."

"He told me to exercise and force myself to sleep better," Boltzmann said.

"Physical fatigue can sometimes relieve mental fatigue," Li Yu said.

"I hope you don't have my predicament," Boltzmann said. "What's next for you?"

"I'm going back to Berlin to continue doing some experiments, such as theoretical explorations related to X-rays." Li Yu said.

"I'll keep an eye on it," Boltzmann said. "You're one of the few rising stars of science I've seen in the dark. And if you make it, I want someone who can accept atomism." There will be more."

"It's not just me. Professor Perrin doesn't know how it's going." Li Yu said.

"Perrin?" Boltzmann had never heard the name.

Li Yu said: "He is now a lecturer at the University of Paris, and he is studying Avogadro's constant. If he can get the correct result experimentally, it will completely lay the cornerstone of atomic theory."

Historically, it was almost in 1908 that Perrin completed this matter and declared the real victory of atomic theory.

Boltzmann certainly knew the significance of determining this constant, and murmured: "It turns out that the scientific community still has a bright future, and so many people are working hard."

Li Yudao: "So you should take a good rest, maybe you will see the atomic theory shine in a short time."

Boltzmann came to the spirit: "Not only that, I also want to see you get countless awards."

Li Yu smiled and said, "I will do my best."

Boltzmann's mood is getting better now: "Would you like to listen to a symphony together? I dare say that the best symphony in the world is in Vienna."

"I'm so happy," Li Yu looked at Lu Bicheng, "Let's go, let's listen to the sound of nature together."

Boltzmann even talked about his music preferences with Li Yu: "Today there will be Mozart's music, and it feels wonderful to think about it."

Just when the few of them went to enjoy the symphony, there was an explosion in Paris.

Everyone goes nuts when the papers reveal that one of the co-authors of the best-selling Star Wars franchise in Europe is a woman.

Some people even expressed that they "don't want to read a sci-fi world written by a woman, because women can't understand science, and they can only talk about love when they write."

Some newspaper articles even began to slander: "Although this is an interesting science fiction novel, it is bizarre, unconstrained, and full of unacceptable content. I think this is because the author is from the backward Qing Dynasty. It is easy to understand, how can the Qing Dynasty have any scientific basis? And this woman named Bicheng is unheard of, she is just a vassal of the scientists of the Qing Dynasty. By the way, I remember that the women of the Qing Dynasty are even more like a vassal than us .”

There is discrimination against women in the whole world now, even in relatively developed countries like Britain and France.

The pressure instantly came to the French Academy of Letters. They did not expect such a situation, and they were hesitant.

But this matter has made the traffic of the Star Wars series better. Although many media are slandering, the public is voting with real money. The sales of the Star Wars series are even better than before.

Hachette Publishing Company stepped up the printing process, and even marked the prominent place on the cover as "feel the whispers of great scientists, and at the same time feel the strokes of the mysterious woman in the East".

Café on the banks of the Seine.

The cigarette was lit, and the cigarette was slowly blown out from the short-haired woman's mouth, and the woman's hand gently put down the newspaper.

Another American woman on the opposite side said, "Colette, what are you thinking?"

The woman with short hair smoking is the French national treasure-level female writer, Colette.

"I'm thinking about something," said Colette.

The American woman asked: "What are you thinking? It seems to be absent-minded."

She wore a huge gemstone necklace around her neck, and she looked like a rich man.

"I'm thinking about respect, real respect," Colette said suddenly.

The American woman asked strangely, "Why do you say that?"

"Because this is what I lack." Colette said.

In the eyes of others, Colette is a bit of a "shabby" woman. She cut her hair short and sometimes wears men's clothing. When she is with an American woman, others think they are a couple.

But they... were really "dating".

Colette continued: "Have you heard of the Qing Dynasty?"

"I heard, it's a backward country."

"One of the authors of the best-selling science fiction novel in Europe is a woman from the Qing Dynasty, and she is properly signed on the book," Colette said.

"Oh? Women?" The American woman put down the coffee in her hand and took the newspaper as well, but immediately smiled and said, "Is this respect? The newspapers are full of sarcasm."

Colette said quietly: "I would rather have this kind of ridicule."

Colette is a woman from the country, full of talent.After coming to Paris, he met a male writer named Willie who was in and out of the upper class, and the two got married.

But soon, Colette discovered that Willie only regarded her as a gunman, and even locked her in the room to force her to write.

Colette is indeed talented. The Clotina trilogy written in recent years has become famous all over Paris, but it is a pity that the signature of the work is only Willy.

He touted "Claudia" in front of everyone.But Colette was not allowed to hint to the publisher that she also participated in the creation of the book.

Willie even "educated" her to be cautious in her words and deeds: "You don't understand the intrigue in the circle, if we are a little careless, we will be smashed to pieces."

Over the past few years, some people have known Colette and wanted to make friends with her, including this young American woman.

Although Willie's creative talent is not good, but he has been in high society for many years, he can see the goal of the young woman at a glance, so he said to Colette: "Go, she is asking you."

In his opinion, this can inspire Colette's creative inspiration, and he doesn't think dating a woman is cheating.

Colette stood up suddenly at this moment, wanting to leave.

The American woman asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to buy this set of science fiction novels." Colette turned and walked out of the coffee shop.

(End of this chapter)

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