Another batch of 20 radio equipment was shipped from the United States.

Among them was a letter from Zou Zhou.

No way, the current output is so hip, but as the personnel are gradually trained and the machinery is assembled, the output will make a big leap.

Li Yu knew from the letter that Zou Zhou had not been idle in Detroit. During this time, he trained two batches of Chinese workers to enter the factory.

However, it can be seen from the lines that Zou Zhou is still a little soft-hearted. Seeing so many Chinese living in difficulties in Chinatown in Lower Manhattan, New York, he is always hesitant about whom to recruit.

Li Yu can actually imagine his situation, just like in the first few years when there were talent shows, every contestant seemed to have a very miserable story.

Then the audience was emotionally touched and voted for them frantically.

Humans are slaves to emotions.

But today's Chinese are many times worse than them.

Zou Zhou is like a judge, the key point is that he himself comes from a humble background, so it is really hard to refuse.

The main reason is that Li Yukai's conditions are too good, which is better than that of many white Americans, so too many Chinese want to enter.

After considering the situation, Li Yu wrote back and told Zou Zhou that in the future, a family can only allow one worker to enter the factory. With his salary level, one worker is more than enough to support a large family and will live a good life; If you really can't make a decision, go to Situ Meitang.

Of the twenty sets of radio equipment sent by the United States, Li Yu only kept two, and the rest were snatched up by the embassies and Beiyang as soon as the news was released.

However, the Qing court is still indifferent at present, after all, they have spent a lot of money on the telegraph wire before.

At least they currently feel that the two are similar.

Li Yu really made a lot of money. Except for the normal price or friendship price for Beiyang, the remaining 12 units were sold and each of them made a net profit of nearly 1 silver dollars. It felt like a money grab.

It seems that in this era, high technology is also the most profitable.

I finally understand why Apple can become the world's largest company in terms of market value.And besides the number one, there are also Microsoft and Google in the top five, both of which are technology companies.

Of course, the U.S. stock market does have a lot of water. Together with the domestic property market and the Japanese bond market, they are called the Big Three. Everyone knows that there are bubbles, but it is difficult to burst them.

Even if the output is expanded in the future and the price goes down, it will only make more money.

The German minister said regretfully: "There are so many technical geniuses in our country, why I didn't bring a technical consultant from China alone! There are only military consultants, medical consultants, legal consultants and economic consultants. Nowadays, such products can only be sold at high prices. Buy, look no further."

It is not only the German legation, but where do the major embassies think that China still has technology-savvy people.

They have always felt that China is a technological desert, and there is no need for so-called technical consultants at all, and their own knowledge is enough to deal with it.


Switzerland, Berne Patent Office.

After seeing Li Yu's telegram, Einstein solved a lot of troubles that had been smoldering in his heart for a month.

But even with Li Yu's strong support, Einstein was still hesitant because he was too shocking.

The theory of the constant speed of light at the beginning alone will attract many objections.

Although Michelson and Morley have proved through experiments that the speed of light will not change due to the change of the reference frame.

But just like Lord Kelvin, an authority in physics today, said, it is a dark cloud. People don't like dark clouds, let alone believe that dark clouds are real.

So many people's line is how to explain it, and on the other hand, Einstein has directly regarded the constant speed of light as the two basic assumptions of the theory of relativity and started to build a magnificent building.

If you make a mistake, you lose everything.

After all, the Galileo transformation in classical physics is only a few hundred years old, so it is too challenging to say that it is wrong now.

Galileo is recognized as "the father of modern physics" and "the father of modern science".

Modern hey!Not the "Father of Ancient Physics".

"Could it be that I really want to question such a stalwart senior?" Einstein was extremely entangled.

After thinking about it, I decided to take a good look at the results of my discussion with Li Yu from the beginning.

If there were any mistakes, I would not be able to afford the storm of public opinion as a small temporary worker, maybe I couldn't even be a temporary worker.


A few days later, Li Yu received another "express delivery" from abroad.

Also big: four sedans consigned by Daimler.

According to the requirements, it is equipped with the most advanced technologies in today's automotive industry, such as a new four-wheel drive system, electronic ignition system, and headlight system.

Daimler and Maybach also kindly provided several large barrels of gasoline.

In today's Beijing and Tianjin, it is not easy to buy gasoline. Without gasoline, the horses have no grass to eat.

However, the price of gasoline in foreign countries is actually very low now, mainly because almost no one wants it, and everyone has no idea what its use is, and the quality cannot be compared with that of later generations.

Just like turbid wine and sake, there is too much difference in quality.

To a certain extent, the quality of gasoline also affects the development process and technological development of the engine.

In short, today's chemical industry is really chemical industry, and the presence of gasoline is extremely low.

On the contrary, the vast majority of people in later generations only know gasoline, but do not know the huge chemical industry behind it.

And every time the oil price is adjusted by two or three cents, it can make headlines.

It’s also quite interesting. Many people don’t even blink their eyes when they buy a 10,000+ car.

Li Yu doesn't quite understand how to explain this phenomenon in consumer psychology.

Maybe it's the so-called affordability?After all, it costs hundreds of dollars to refuel every month.

Anyway, before he crossed over, many people had even started to embrace new energy sources.

There is no place to put the car now, so Li Yu had to park the car in the open space outside his house.

And since no one knew how to drive, Li Yu drove back from Zhengyangmen Railway Station one by one himself.

He was not idle either, let Zhao Qian take a good look at how he drove, and told him about car science by the way.

Zhao Qian was really interested. After he came back, he kept rubbing the brand new cars, and almost shed tears.

Feng Ling said contemptuously: "Looking at your fine hair, you are closer than seeing an old lady."

Zhao Qian said piously: "I finally understand why Mr. said that the machine is the imprint of a man. I love it to death!"

"It's a gene." Li Yu corrected.

Zhao Qian asked, "What the hell is it?"

It seemed that there was really no way to explain it, so Li Yu had no choice but to say, "Just be your lover!"

Zhao Qian hugged the car: "That's right, she is my lover! Mua!"

I kissed him with one mouthful.

"Cut!" Fengling snorted coldly, "I really don't understand style."

She stopped studying the few iron bumps in front of her eyes and turned back to the house.

Li Yu carefully taught Zhao Qian how to drive and asked him to practice as soon as possible.

Zhao Qian changed the gun again and again: from a rickshaw to a horse-drawn carriage, and then to a car, life seemed to be on a roller coaster.

Li Yu could see that he really liked driving, and it would not take long for him to become an excellent driver and driver.

On this day, Lu Bicheng came to Li Yu's mansion, but did not find Li Yu, so he went to Feng Ling and asked, "Where is Mr. Li Yu?"

"Big Tits... Ah, Miss Bicheng, you can see it after waiting at the door."

Feng Ling dragged her to the outside of the house, and it didn't take long to see Li Yu and Zhao Qian driving back in a car.

Zhao Qian was as happy as a monkey, jumping up and down.He wanted to drive another lap, and said to Li Yu, "Sir, wait for me to turn around!"

"Damn you!" Feng Ling slapped her.

As soon as Zhao Qian looked up, he saw Lu Bicheng coming. He quickly jumped out of the car and went to the co-pilot to open the car door for Li Yu. He bowed his body and said like a foreigner, "Please, sir."

After Li Yu got off the car, Zhao Qian smiled and said, "Sir, how are you doing?"

Li Yule said: "Very good, keep practicing!"

"Come here!"

With Li Yu's promise, Zhao Qian pulled Feng Ling over and said, "Get in the car!"

Feng Ling wanted to break free: "I don't want to sit on an iron lump."

Zhao Qian picked her up and put her on the car: "What do you know? This is called a ride, it's so cool!"

Feng Ling grabbed the car door tightly: "Can you do it?"

"Is it okay? A man can't say no!" Zhao Qian said proudly, "He also said that I don't know how to style, so don't delay the date of the husband."

Then he kicked the accelerator and drove the car out amidst Fengling's scream.

Li Yu hoped that he would practice his driving skills well and did not obstruct him.

Then he went back to the house with Lu Bicheng and asked: "What's the matter today?"

Lu Bicheng said: "Master Yan asked me to tell you that in a few days the students from the Capital University Hall will set sail to study in Japan. Minister Zhang Baixi hopes that you can also see them off."

For the university, this is the first public-sponsored study abroad since the school was founded, so naturally it attaches great importance to it.

Li Yu asked: "According to what you mean, Principal Zhang is going too?"

Lu Bicheng nodded: "Not only Mr. Zhang, but also my master, Mr. Yan Fu, Mr. Gu Hongming, Professor Ding Weiliang and others will go to Tianjin Tanggu Port to see him off."

Li Yu thought for a while: "Then I will definitely go."

He counted the days, and said, "Not only that, but I'm going to sea too."

"Going to sea again?" Lu Bicheng asked in surprise.

Li Yu said: "Yes, go to the United States, see my company, and apply for a patent, and witness the human being go to heaven."

"God?" Lu Bicheng already knew that Li Yu had a company in the United States and had patents, but this was the first time he had heard of the word "God".

Li Yu made a flying gesture: "A plane can fly into the sky with people."

Lu Bicheng opened his eyes wide: "Are you talking in your sleep?"

"What nonsense!" Li Yu said, "It's true! Has Wanhu heard of it? We're still Chinese."

"Wanhu?" Lu Bicheng shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

"Haven't heard of this? Human Spaceflight No.1..."

Li Yu suddenly realized that she must have never heard of it, not only her, but no one in China knows about Wanhu.

Although Wanhu has been mentioned in the textbooks of later generations, it is a pity that there was no record in China at first.

The person and deeds of Wanhu were first recorded and proposed by foreigners.

And it was almost until the middle of the 20th century that an American magazine wrote: "About the end of the 15th century, there was a Chinese official named Wan Hu, who put 47 pieces on the back of a chair that might have been bought at that time. He tied himself to the front of the chair and held a big kite in each hand. Then he asked his servant to ignite 47 big rockets at the same time. The power flies forward."

This is the earliest written record.

However, American magazines are also unable to provide the origin of the story of "Flying Thousands of Households".

Later, Tsinghua University professor Liu Xianzhou translated the incident into Chinese, and Qian Xuesen also told the story of Wanhu to young people in China.Soon it was widely spread and adopted by various countries one after another.

There is a crater on the moon, which was named "Wanhu Mountain" by the International Astronomical Union in the 70s to commemorate "the first person who tried to use a rocket to fly".

Li Yu then told Lu Bicheng the story of Wan Hu.

Lu Bicheng said in disbelief: "Unbelievable! It sounds like a fairy tale I read recently."

Li Yu said: "At the time, it seemed like an impossible fairy tale."

Lu Bicheng asked again: "If it is possible to go to the sky, is there really Guanghan Palace and Chang'e on the moon?"

Li Yu laughed loudly: "Chang'e can't have it, Zhu Bajie is everywhere."

But Lu Bicheng said: "Don't make fun of Bajie. Although he is lazy, he has also walked a hundred and eight thousand miles. How many people can do it? Besides, he also knows how to style, maybe he is an infatuated person."


The corners of Li Yu's eyes twitched, and he felt that his head was full of black lines. It was impossible to guess the woman's mind, the jump was too big!

Lu Bicheng quickly said, "I'm just talking casually."

Li Yu chuckled and said, "Don't even mention it, your thinking is really advanced, it reminded me of the Legend of Wukong."

"What is the story of Wukong? It is obviously the story of Journey to the West Shi'er." Lu Bicheng said.

"Yes yes yes, Journey to the West Shi'er Biography." Li Yu said.

After a while, Lu Bicheng suddenly asked: "That girl from America, is she going to America too?"

Li Yu nodded: "The United States is her hometown. It's normal for her to go back after she's been away for so long."

Lu Bicheng asked again: "Do you still want to bring the students with you?"

"Oh, you reminded me!" Li Yu slapped his forehead, "Almost forgot about this, just let them go out to learn more and see how the real factory works."

Lu Bicheng continued to ask: "That...that Miss Wei is going too?"

Li Yu said casually: "Of course, she is the highest ranked among the students."

Lu Bicheng grabbed the hem of his clothes: "I...I..."

Li Yu felt that she had asked too many questions today, and asked in confusion, "What are you?"

Lu Bicheng stood up: "I still have something to do, I'll go back and tell Master Yan that you agreed."

She turned around, flustered and restless, and walked towards the gate, just happened to meet Zhao Qian entering the gate with Feng Ling on his arm.

Li Yu shouted: "I haven't finished talking yet, you also want to go together."

"Ah... me?" Lu Bicheng stopped, his voice trembling, "I, is it right for me to go?"

Li Yu laughed and said, "Nonsense, of course it's appropriate! This time, you have to go to the publishing house. As the co-creator of the Star Wars prequels, you have to meet with the publishing house, sign a contract, and earn a lot of money!"

"And this thing..." Lu Bicheng said happily, "Then I'll go back and pack my things! Last time I went to Europe too hastily, this time I have experience."

Feng Ling at the door saw Lu Bicheng running out happily with a smile on her face, and said earnestly, "I underestimated our master, master is really...yue!"

She actually started throwing up.

Zhao Qian wondered: "You are happy for the master, you can't use this method?"

"How can I, I... Yue!" Before I finished speaking, I started to vomit again.

Zhao Qian raised his brows with joy: "Could it be?"

"I have your grandson!" Fengling stopped vomiting and said, "I am going to help the master develop a new type of pasta! But anyway, I don't want to sit on that iron bump again!"

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