Not long after breakfast, several Japanese came to the door.

It is estimated that the news was spread by the media, because in addition to Iwasaki Koyata of Mitsubishi Group, there is also reporter Yoshio Takahashi among the visitors.

Li Yu originally planned to leave after a short stay, but he was still approached by the Japanese.

"Mr. Li Yu, we met before." Iwasaki Koyata said.

The current head of the Mitsubishi Group is the third generation Iwasaki Hisaya, and Iwasaki Koyata is the future fourth generation.

The two are cousins.

The founder of Mitsubishi is Iwasaki Yataro, who many people have heard of, and the second is his younger brother Iwasaki Yanosuke.

The current third generation is the founder's son.

And the Iwasaki Koyata in front of me is the son of the founder's younger brother Iwasaki Yanosuke.

It's a little messy, but it's all the Iwasaki family.

So they are called chaebols.

Li Yu shook hands with him: "Hello, Mr. Iwasaki."

Iwasaki Koyata introduced him to the reporter Yoshio Takahashi next to him: "This Mr. Yoshio Takahashi comes from "Jiji Shinpo". He is not only an excellent reporter, but also a disciple of Mr. Fukuzawa Yukichi."

Yoshio Takahashi was very interested in Li Yu, and after looking it over carefully, he said, "I never imagined that someone like you would be born among people of the yellow race."

Yoshio Takahashi was a staunch follower of Yukichi Fukuzawa.

Fukuzawa Yukichi is known as the "Father of Japanese Education" in Japan.

From the perspective of the Japanese, Fukuzawa Yukichi is undoubtedly an epoch-making thought pioneer.

Before Japan's currency revision in 2019, he was the face on the [-]-yuan bill.

However, from the standpoint of the Chinese, he is an opponent with mixed feelings.

In modern history, it has profoundly influenced all aspects of Japan from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside. The famous idea of ​​"leaving Asia and entering Europe" came from Yukichi Fukuzawa.

If you understand Japan's modern history, you can see that in the nearly 100 years from the end of the Bakumatsu to the end of World War II, you can see the shadow of Fukuzawa Yukichi everywhere in Japan's politics, economy, education and even diplomacy.

But as a Chinese, one should calmly realize that the connotation of militarism in Fukuzawa Yukichi's educational philosophy has also been fully inherited by his descendants and turned into reality one by one.

That is to say, while Japan's national power is becoming stronger and stronger, the concept of "leaving Asia and entering Europe" has gradually shown a strong conservative color: "leaving Asia" has evolved into "invading Asia"!
Fukuzawa Yukichi has blatantly put forward the prerequisites for Japan's "great renaissance" - while strengthening its armaments, it will "seize Asia" at the right time and invade North Korea and China.

In March 1885, Fukuzawa Yukichi published the famous "On Leaving Asia", which launched a merciless criticism of China and Korea.

He said in the article that China and North Korea are "countries stagnant in Confucianism, bound by despotism and cruel laws."

Therefore, he believes that "there is no need for any 'special care' for China and North Korea. Japan should follow the Western powers and jointly occupy China and North Korea."

This kind of thinking can be said to have deeply influenced the Japanese political and military circles and even the ronin circles.

Later, when the Sino-Japanese War broke out, Fukuzawa Yukichi's attitude towards China was extremely tough.In his feature article, he "praises" the Sino-Japanese War as a "sacred war", and compares the fact that Japan won to "a long-dreamed victory".During the negotiations between the two countries, he not only asked the Japanese government to demand huge compensation, but also demanded that Lushun, Weihaiwei, Shandong, Taiwan Island and even the three northeastern provinces "must be included in the bag."

In short, Fukuzawa Yukichi's remarks at the end of the 19th century were full of extremely strong irrational, crazy and adventurous militaristic characteristics.

But in the eyes of the Japanese, they are extremely keen to admire.

The people of Japan are like this at this time. Whether it is justice or not, as long as the foreign war can be won, even if it is aggression, they will try their best to praise it.

Of course, many countries are similar.

Back then, when the UK built an empire on which the sun never sets, and later the US stationed troops around the world, how many British and Americans do you think felt wrong?
What is wrong is only losing battles, such as the quagmire of the Vietnam War.

But being able to dominate the world, whether it is the British in the early years or the Americans later, they may say a few inhumane-sounding words on the surface, but they are actually happy to die in their hearts.

Therefore, people like Fukuzawa Yukichi have very different evaluations from different positions, but it is undeniable that his thoughts have truly changed the historical trend of Japan and even the entire East Asia.

Fukuzawa Yukichi spent the second half of his life mainly engaged in newspapers and education, which was also the most important achievement in his life: the establishment of "Jiji Shinpo" and Keio Private School.

Yoshio Takahashi took office at "Jiji Shinpo", and his remarks clearly carried the characteristics of Fukuzawa Yukichi's advocacy of Caucasians.

Li Yu said indifferently: "Your Majesty, does it mean that the Chinese cannot master cutting-edge scientific knowledge?"

"Because that requires extremely good intelligence," said Yoshio Takahashi, "and this doesn't seem to be something that people of the yellow race can possess."

Since entering the Meiji era in 1868, Japan has chosen to "Westernize" rapidly.

It was precisely during this period that Western racism was introduced into Japan, and Westerners claimed that races were superior or inferior based on "natural sciences" such as anthropology, evolution, and eugenics.

Then some Japanese, Japanese intellectuals, and social elites who went abroad suddenly discovered that the Japanese race was listed in the middle and lower ranks of the racial sequence, and they were defined as "yellow race" and "Mongolian race".

Some Japanese scholars said that when they sailed to the United States, they saw a huge difference between the upper class and the lower class cars.

The Chinese laborers lived in the narrow, dark and smelly bottom cabin.

Japanese scholars called them "up and down like silkworms on a shelf".

After arriving in the United States, it happened that the so-called "bottom white" Irish labor immigrants strongly rejected Chinese labor immigrants.

Soon under the influence of the anti-Chinese movement in the United States, Japanese people were often misidentified by Westerners due to their similar physical characteristics to Chinese people and encountered various racial discrimination.

This experience undoubtedly made the modern Japanese have a worse impression of China, and they were more eager to break away from Asia and form an equal relationship with Western countries.

Yoshio Takahashi even wrote a book "On the Improvement of the Japanese Race", which is dedicated to discussing how to make the Japanese a "superior nation" like the Caucasians.

In addition to him, there were other Japanese scholars such as Taguchi Ukichi who directly proposed the more absurd "Aryan origin theory of the Japanese race" at the same time.

Anyway, in order to leave Asia and enter Europe, the ancestors can recognize them casually.

Li Yu snorted: "Unfortunately, I am a pure-bred Chinese, and I let you down."

Yoshio Takahashi was really surprised. He circled around Li Yu and asked, "Do you really have no European relatives in your ancestors?"

Li Yu crossed Erlang's legs: "Are you joking?"

Yoshio Takahashi wondered: "Is there something wrong with the theory of evolution?"

Li Yu sneered, "What theory of evolution are you looking at?"

Yoshio Takahashi took out his book "On the Improvement of the Japanese Race", and said: "Of course it is man-made selection, natural selection, eugenics, these are all viewpoints in the theory of evolution, sir, as a top-notch Western scholar, you will not understand Bar?"

Li Yu asked back, "Where did you learn it?"

"Master Fukuzawa and Keio private school have lectures." Yoshio Takahashi said.

"Then have you read the original work?" Li Yu continued to ask.

Yoshio Takahashi said: "Not really, but I want to learn more efficiency from school, and I have got the essence."

"What is the essence of you? It's a complete misinterpretation." Li Yu said.

I am really convinced. In the past, the Japanese learned Confucianism and learned two swords. They threw away the core "benevolence" in Confucianism and only learned one "loyalty".

One is right up, one is right down, and the direction is wrong.

Now I directly create the theory of evolution out of thin air according to my own understanding.

Yoshio Takahashi said: "However, when I watched the exhibits and introductions of many museums and exhibitions 'Academic Anthropology Museum', I mentioned the theory that races have advantages and disadvantages."

What he said is true. As early as 1889, the Paris World Exposition once used Hokkaido Ainu, Japanese, Indians, and Javanese as exhibits.

People of later generations certainly understand that although this kind of display is under the banner of "anthropology", it is undoubtedly a condescending view of relatively underdeveloped ethnic groups.

The previous Japanese Quanye Expo also learned from European practices and set up a human exhibition hall, but the Japanese are very thieves and regard the Chinese as exhibits.

However, it was canceled under strong opposition from Chinese students studying abroad.

Li Yu said: "I want to tell you that from a biological point of view, at least 99.99% of human beings are the same internally, and at most 0.01% of the difference can reflect the difference between people, including the so-called "race" such as height and skin color. different."

Li Yu rejected the term "genome" and "base pair", and he couldn't understand it even more.

Yoshio Takahashi opened his mouth. He really wanted to object, but he also knew Li Yu's status in the scientific community, so he said, "Maybe this 0.01% gap is very big."

Li Yu said: "Then let me tell you another statistic, the gap between humans and chimpanzees is only less than 2%."

Yoshio Takahashi said loudly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Li Yu took his time and said, "Otherwise, why do you think humans can evolve from them?"

Yoshio Takahashi felt that the three views were a bit broken, and he just repeated in his mouth: "It's definitely impossible!"

Li Yu said: "Then you'd better ensure your health, maybe one day you can see the proof. Even if you can't see it, you can let your descendants tell you in a dream."

Yoshio Takahashi's hands were trembling, and the pen he was holding could not write a complete word. Wouldn't the racial improvement he insisted on for many years become a joke?
He paused before saying, "As a reporter, I will write it down in detail, but I really can't accept it."

Li Yu said: "The development of science and technology is just at the beginning, and there will be more things that you feel unacceptable in the future."

After the interview with Yoshio Takahashi, Koyata Iwasaki said to Li Yu: "I heard that Mr. has invented a telegraph that can transmit information wirelessly over long distances. I wonder if our Mitsubishi Group can form a cooperation with you?"

Li Yu spread his hands and refused, "Unfortunately, I can't even guarantee the output myself now."

Iwasaki Koyata also said: "Sir, you can set up a factory in Tokyo, and we can provide support in all aspects including capital."

Li Yu said: "We will discuss this matter later, after all, my own business has just started."

Find an excuse to prevaricate, he doesn't want to have too much direct contact with the Mitsubishi chaebol.

After all, Koyata Iwasaki came from a big company, and knowing that business negotiations would not happen overnight, she accepted Li Yu's refusal frankly: "Okay, we will follow up with you all the time, sir."

This shit is still following her all the time.

Really haunted.

Most of them are focusing on technical details.

However, even though Japan’s electronics industry was extremely strong in the 80s and [-]s, few people in Japan understood circuits at the beginning of the [-]th century.

When Li Yu was invited to interview, Konoe Zhaoxue slipped out on the pretext of shopping.

She came to a secret small house, pushed the door and walked in.

This is a tea room, and there is already a person sitting there waiting for the tea to be served.

Jinwei Zhaoxue knelt behind him, and then respectfully called out: "Patriarch."

The tea master handed them two bowls of matcha in earthenware bowls in turn.

Konoe Atsumaro took a sip of the tea soup, then glanced sideways at Konoe Akiyuki who was drinking tea behind him, and shook his head: "You look too Japanese."

Konoe Zhaoxue put down the pottery bowl and said, "Too Japanese?"

Konoe Toshimo said, "It only takes me a few minutes to figure out, how do you get close to Li Yu?"

Jinwei Zhaoxue didn't dare to refute at all: "Zhaoxue must learn more."

Konoe Atsumaro said: "A lot of things can't be learned simply, and you should use your strengths."

Jinwei Zhaoxue wondered, "Is Li Yu really worth it?"

Konoe Toshimaro said: "It's worth it. I have traveled west to China many times and stayed for several years. I have come into contact with countless so-called elites of the Qing Dynasty, but most of them are mediocre. I will not let go of the corrupt Qing Dynasty. In my eyes, but they showed such a dazzling talent for no reason, which shocked me. I thought it might just be the dying struggle of this thousand-year-old country, but judging from his performance, it has exceeded expectations by far."

It was the first time for Konoe Zhaoxue to see the Patriarch at such a close distance, and he really felt oppressed from his words: "Patriarch, I understand."

Konoe Toshimo took another sip of tea soup: "Remember, looking at the entire Qing Dynasty, he is one of the top people, and he holds extremely strong technical data, which is crucial to the rise and fall of the empire. So , Do you understand the importance of your mission now?"

Jinwei Zhaoxue leaned over and said, "I will definitely improve myself and not let the Patriarch down."

Konoe Totsumaro said lightly: "If there is anything you need, we will support you. This was reminded by the leader of Toushan. Your identity and file will be updated in the future. Back then, you and your family were stranded in Japan because of the Sino-Japanese War. I have lived in Tokyo for many years, but my family is well-off and I was taught by Japanese teachers, remember?"


Jinwei Zhaoxue was fearful, she was an ordinary woman who was personally guided by so many big bosses.

"Go back, don't stay too long." Konoe Tokumaro said.

He has seen too many such distant relatives, but this woman is indeed talented, so it is necessary to mention it, it will have better results.

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