The group continued to take the train to New York.

After arriving in New York, Xie Yuxi was in charge of applying for Li Yu's two automobile patents.

And Li Yu came to Collins Publishing House.Li Yu is now a best-selling author.

James, the editor-in-chief of Collins Publishing House, made a lot of money because of this performance, so when he saw Li Yu, it was like seeing a big money maker.

James said happily: "Great oriental scientist and science fiction writer! During your absence, the 15 copies of the second edition were sold out again. It's almost like magic."

"15 volumes?!"

Li Yu was not surprised, but Lu Bicheng was the first to say.

"Yes, we have started printing the third edition, and we are going to release another 15 copies." James was full of confidence.

The genre of novels is too suitable for public distribution, and you have never seen such a deep and interesting science fiction story, it is simply not too easy to sell.

"My God! There are too many!" Lu Bicheng is a very responsible person, and immediately began to worry about whether there would be any major mistakes in his polishing.

Fortunately, it has reached the third edition, and some parts that are not in line with Americans' reading habits have been revised.

James said: "This time the royalties are a total of 4.5 US dollars, and we will transfer them to your Citibank account in the near future."

Li Yu said, "Thank you, Mr. Editor-in-Chief."

In fact, the financial industry in the United States is quite chaotic now, mainly because there are no big banks, and all small banks.

It was not until the birth of the ATM that earth-shaking changes took place in the US financial industry, and large-scale commercial banks finally appeared.

At the beginning of the [-]th century, banks were basically city banks.

It can be seen from the name of Citibank, "Citibank", it was even called "New York City Bank" at the beginning.

It's just that Citibank has a franchise license and can open branches overseas; in addition, it is headquartered in Wall Street, and its influence is relatively greater.

But compared with HSBC in the UK, I am really at a disadvantage.

James said with a smile: "The story of Star Wars is being discussed on the streets and alleys, and some toy manufacturers have even made lightsabers. In addition, the "Le Monde" once voted, and the villain Darth Vader's reversal at the end made him popular. Ridiculously high."

I didn't expect that the newspaper would play this kind of popularity voting routine now.

Li Yu asked: "It just so happened that I brought the Star Wars prequel, which revolves around the life of Darth Vader and tells step by step how he fell into darkness."

"Prequel?!" James almost jumped up from his chair, "You mean, it's already finished?!"

Li Yu took out the manuscript and put it on the table, and said, "Without Miss Bicheng's polishing and Miss De Ling's translation, it wouldn't be so fast."

James said: "Actually, it is precisely because of the lady's brushstrokes, making the text delicate and beautiful, and matching the grand background, that it attracts so many readers. And I really didn't expect Miss Bicheng to be such an oriental beauty. I think Putting it on the cover would definitely be a big selling point."

Although James didn't know that Hachette Press in France had already made the same move, as keen publishers, they finally thought of going together.

Li Yu also took out some background pictures that he drew boringly while riding the train and ship, such as the shape of lightsaber, the shape of the Millennium Falcon, the Death Star, Star Destroyer, strange alien planets and so on.

His painting level is very poor, but James clearly saw what he wanted to express, "I will immediately find an illustrator to perfect them. I can already imagine the scene of countless dollars flowing into the publishing house! This time the first edition You can directly print 20 copies, and then sell the bound volume in the future, and you can make a lot of money.”

The specific details must be handled by them.

James also proposed to let Li Yu contact the toy company, and many patents could be registered, which was also a lot of money.

Li Yu is very familiar with him. In future generations, he is the so-called surrounding area.


When Li Yu left the publishing house and came to the laboratory on Fifth Avenue, he did not see Tesla, but he saw Mark Twain.

"Oh, dear scientist, see you again!" Mark Twain said enthusiastically.

Li Yu stepped forward and shook hands with him: "Mr. Mark Twain seems to be a little radiant."

Mark Twain is now wearing a new suit and smoking a fine Cuban cigar.

Mark Twain said with a smile: "I have been given the patent fee for the button of my underwear. It feels really good to make money with my brain. I must let everyone know that I am also a clever inventor."

Then he looked at Lu Bicheng and Jinwei Zhaoxue behind Li Yu: "You two beautiful oriental girls, you are more beautiful than the models I saw in the underwear company."

Lu Bicheng was a little puzzled: "Underwear?"

Mark Twain actually took a button out of his pocket, "Just like this, they will surely liberate women in the future."

Lu Bicheng and Jinwei Zhaoxue had never seen this thing before, and they didn't know what underwear was. Looking at the buttons in Mark Twain's hands, they asked in confusion, "Liberation? Women?"

Mark Twain proudly said: "Just wait, then I will be the friend of women all over the world."

Lu Bicheng and Jinwei Zhaoxue looked at each other, unable to understand what he was saying.

Li Yu interrupted his fantasy, "Mr. Mark Twain, where is Mr. Tesla?"

"Hey, he's still at Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island," Mark Twain replied.

"Didn't it mean that the construction and commissioning have been completed?" Li Yu asked.

"That's why I came here, and he told me that tonight will be a unique super show." Mark Twain said.

Mark Twain was very excited when he talked about this matter. After all, it is shocking enough to think about artificial lightning.

In Western mythology, lightning is the weapon of the god Zeus.If he could create lightning, Tesla would be like a god.

It's a pity that things backfired in the end...

"What a coincidence, just in time." Li Yu thought to himself.

That night, they came to Long Island, New York.

Many people have gathered nearby, but everyone is afraid of lightning, so they are far away from Wardenclyffe Tower, but fortunately, it does not hinder the viewing.

Lu Bicheng asked: "Can humans really create lightning?"

Li Yu nodded: "Of course, Tesla succeeded a few years ago, and even caused a city to almost lose power."

After waiting quietly for a long time, electric flashes began to appear on the Wardenclyffe Tower.

Everyone immediately exclaimed. Many reporters picked up their cameras and wanted to take pictures. Unfortunately, it is not easy to capture lightning with the current camera technology.

Immediately, very brilliant lightning bolts gathered on the Wardenclyffe Tower and spread everywhere.

Jinwei Zhaoxue didn't dare to blink at all: "Really, really did it!"

This time Tesla's artificial lightning is quite large in scale, and due to its high enough height, it can also be seen in downtown New York.

The entire "show" lasted several minutes before the equipment stopped due to excessive load.

Lu Bicheng was very excited, grabbed Li Yu's hand and asked, "How did you do it?"

She obviously felt that Li Yu knew everything.

However, Li Yu is really not very good at explaining to her, so he can only say in general: "He used a device called a Tesla coil, which is actually not complicated. If you want to see it, I can make it in the future. It’s just not going to be possible on this scale.”

In layman's terms, this is an artificial lightning maker.

Since then, there are fans of Tesla coils all over the world, many of them are junior high school students. They can also create dazzling artificial lightning, the effect is very beautiful and very sci-fi.

Many residents of Long Island are rich, and they can't help but wonder.

Li Yu thought to himself, if he were in China, he would probably be called "Thunder and Lightning Dharma King".

Later, there were many rumors about the Wardenclyffe Tower. Some people even said that the Tunguska explosion in Russia was caused by Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower.

This statement was first published in 1990 by Destiny, a magazine in the United States that is famous for its supernatural stories.

The reasoning is very funny, because they think that the latitude of Wardenclyffe Tower and Tunguska is relatively close; and before the Tunguska explosion, Tesla once went to the library to check information about Siberia.

It is indeed too far-fetched.

People who write articles for magazines must not know what wireless power transmission is.

Because of the huge difference in the directionality of wireless power transmission, the transmission efficiency of this distance cannot even reach one ten thousandth.

The Tunguska explosion was at least a thousand times more powerful than the Hiroshima nuclear bomb "Little Boy".

In other words, the energy emitted by Wardenclyffe Tower is 1000 million times that of the little boy, which is purely funny!
If this is really the case, it is estimated that the entire New York State and even the northeastern United States will be bombed to the ground, no, it should be the Great Bay.

But most people don't understand the scientific truth behind it, so this rumor has been circulating for quite a long time.

Li Yu still remembers that this statement was still used in various "Unsolved Mysteries of the World" that he had seen on the street stalls in his early years.

Everyone likes to read this kind of story that is obviously very mysterious, but can be easily deciphered.

Including pyramids, Bermuda and the like.

Li Yu came to the tower and met Tesla, who was very excited because of the successful experiment. He was being interviewed by reporters.

"It's so great, you are really a man close to God!" The reporter said excitedly.

Tesla proudly said: "This is the great potential of wireless energy, and it will definitely become an inexhaustible energy source for human beings in the future!"

The reporter jotted it down in his notebook, it will definitely be the headline tomorrow.

Tesla saw Li Yu and said to him, "Did you see it too? How spectacular!"

"Spectacular, indeed spectacular." Li Yu said.

"This will definitely bring a steady stream of investment." Tesla is very confident.

Li Yu spread his hands: "Maybe."

The next day, the major newspapers really reported the spectacular scene last night.

When Morgan on Wall Street saw the newspaper, he was furious. He said to his assistant Spencer: "Did he put all the 20 dollars I sponsored into this short performance?"

Spencer also had a headache when he saw the report: "It's very likely."

Morgan said angrily: "Go and investigate the direction of his funds immediately. If you really invest all your money in such a fruitless matter, wouldn't you think I have been taken advantage of?"

Spencer said, "What if it works?"

Morgan said: "Are you kidding? Apart from creating a few lightning bolts, what specific plans can he come up with for the research on wireless energy in the past few years? If the final 20 dollars is just to let all New Yorkers watch a lightning show, what is he going to do?" We can only find another investor!"

Morgan can become the creditor of the world without being stupid.

Now the world's most profitable transactions are almost all concentrated in the industrial field. Financiers must invest, and of course they will try their best to understand an industry.

Now Tesla is in trouble, and all the money is spent on his dreams.

It can only be said that he is really too persistent.

The "Le Monde", which was released at the same time, grandly introduced the upcoming Star Wars prequel.

Pulitzer knows how to publicize, not to mention that the Star Wars series has already laid a very good sales foundation, and there is no need to worry about selling.

So when Pulitzer offered a high advertising fee, Collins Press accepted it without hesitation.

One makes money like this, and the other is completely in vain.

Capitalists are the most unkind, they only care about whether they can bring huge profits.

Tesla's dream as a scientist was very different from the capitalist's original intention.How could it be possible to get Morgan's continued support.

Unless he is in the school's scientific research project and applies for funding dedicated to scientific research.

When Morgan sent people to investigate Tesla's financial situation and the direction of the fund, the American Institute of Physics sent an invitation to Li Yu to grant him the status of a full member of the American Physical Society.

Before that, Li Yu was already a member of the Astronomical Society.

The two societies are at the same level.

Let me tell you more. Later, the United States also established an organization called the American Physical Union.It is jointly established by 10 professional units in the field of physics, including the Physical Society, Astronomical Society, Optical Society, and Acoustic Society.

The combined huge physics federation has become the world's largest physics organization in later generations, and about a quarter of the world's physics-related research documents come from this organization.

The president of the American Physical Society is the famous Michelson.

Since Li Yu made single-photon experiments and even more incredible X-ray diffraction experiments when he was in Germany, he has become a top-notch physicist.

It is impossible for the American Physical Society not to attach great importance to him.

What's more, Michelson himself has been engaged in optics-related research, and is also very interested in Li Yu's single-photon experiments.

When he proposed this resolution, it was almost unanimously passed, and Li Yu successfully became a full member.

After Li Yu was notified, he asked the students to learn the operating procedures of the modern laboratory from the technicians in the laboratory, and he set off for the American Physical Society.

Michelson waited at the door with several researchers.

Li Yu stepped forward and said, "I'm so honored that you greeted me personally!"

Michelson said: "Sir, there is no need to be humble. We are honored that Your Excellency can accept our invitation."

Li Yu came to the hall with him, and Michelson handed him a certificate: "Although we are not as noble as the foreign academician of the Royal Society you once received, our respect for you cannot be measured."

Li Yu said: "President Michelson has said it, and I am also flattered."

In fact, Li Yu is indeed more interested in this position, which will benefit him a lot in his future work in the United States.

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