Chapter 302 Invitation from High Altitude
After staying in the United States for a long time, Collins Press finally got Star Wars ready and entered the publishing process.

It took so long because the publishing house wanted to organize the illustration design.

The previous release of the Star Wars series has verified that this is a very good strategy, which can greatly boost sales.

Relying on his preliminary sketching skills, Li Yu roughly drew some setting sketches, such as the Robot Legion, Stormtroopers, and many alien races that appeared in the prequels.

This thing is very attractive for future generations, not to mention the early twentieth century, it can be called the ceiling of imagination in the early twentieth century.

The story of the Star Wars prequel is indeed very exciting, and because of the late shooting time, the special effects technology has been updated a lot, and the script has been polished better.

The domestic understanding of Star Wars is actually the prequel of Star Wars at the beginning, so many domestic audiences watch Star Wars in the order of the previous story and the main story.

When filming the prequels of Star Wars, Lucasfilm had already achieved great success, and was very willing to spend money on investment to create the number one sci-fi IP in the Western world.

The world shown in the prequels of Star Wars is grand and described in many details, and the confrontation between different forces is also much more intense. It can be said that the prequels of Star Wars seem to be much more enjoyable than the main story of Star Wars.

Readers like all kinds of cool settings in it very much. If they can be displayed in the form of illustrations, it can be called a super selling point.

The editor-in-chief James of Collins Publishing House was hesitant about which selling points should be reflected on the cover, and finally called Li Yu to make a decision.

Li Yu and Lu Bicheng came to Collins Press.

Lu Bicheng has been in New York for a while, and every time he sees these tall buildings with more than 20 floors, he still can't help feeling: "It feels like living on a cliff. Aren't they afraid of falling or collapsing?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "Don't worry, this is not cultivating immortals. Since a tall building can be built, it means that it has passed the safety verification."

The two came to the headquarters of Collins Publishing House, and James immediately made them the best coffee, "Sir and Ma'am, I can't wait to see the success of the Star Wars prequels, but now about the cover situation, but It's up to you to decide."

Li Yu looked at the picture drawn by the illustrator. Although it was much different from the movie he watched at that time, it was already very visually impactful to readers at that time.

The illustrator also drew the silhouettes of Li Yu and Lu Bicheng in the upper right corner of the cover.

Li Yu thought for a while: "The first picture uses Anakin to drive the shuttle, and on both sides, Sith warriors and Jedi knights hold lightsabers."

James has read the entire work, and said: "This can indeed reflect the conflict, and can allude to the transformation of the protagonist Anakin in the prequel trilogy. Where are the other two?"

Li Yu said: "The second part must of course reflect the confrontation between the robot army and the storm troopers, and don't forget to include Anakin and the Queen of Naboo. As for the third part, it must focus on Anakin's black and white Therefore, the duel scene between him and the teacher should be released."

What Li Yu said was basically the key points, and James respected his decision: "I think they are closer to success. I immediately notified the illustrator to complete the final draft, and it will be printed soon. By the way, and The same as before, it is still $2 a copy, and we decided to print 30 copies for the first printing. As for the royalties, we have raised it to 20% of the top price for you."

Collins Publishing dared to propose such a high royalty, because they must have expected it to be a hit. For a long time after that, the Star Wars series was almost a cash cow for them, so they must repay Li Yu with a high price.

For Li Yu, the royalties are also huge, exceeding US$30.

Europe is estimated to have almost the same sales volume.

In the future, Collins Publishing will release a complete set of collector's editions, which can earn a lot of money.

The next time a novel becomes so popular in the United States, it probably won't be until the publication of "Gone with the Wind" during the Great Depression.

After the release of the Star Wars prequels, sales were really booming.

After all, Collins Publishing did not increase the price, and added more illustrations, so it can be said that there is no increase in price.

The setting of the protagonist Anakin Skywalker is also very meaningful. He himself is a slave, which alone is very attractive.

Because the protagonists of most of the current novels are people with great powers, but the Star Wars series has created a person with the lowest status.

Fortunately, there is a portrayal of the main story, readers know that he will be a super villain in the future, not only do not accept it, but look forward to what he has experienced in his growth.

When Li Yu wrote the frame of the story, he deliberately used some of the most classic tricks of hanging silk counterattacks in later novels. It should not be too easy to use in the novel world at this time.

The sales of 30 copies were so fast that Collins Publishing could not have imagined that it still underestimated the potential of this work, so it asked the printing house to reprint it day and night.

Li Yu's popularity has once again greatly increased among ordinary people.

Pulitzer's eyesight had declined greatly, and after listening to his assistant read the composition, he went out to interview Li Yu in person.

So Li Yu and Lu Bicheng came to the "Le Monde" headquarters again.

After entering the door, Pulitzer said: "It is a great honor to meet two best-selling authors. I would like to conduct an interview on behalf of the readers. Because you have many questions to discuss with you."

Li Yu smiled and said, "Sir, please tell me."

"It is well known that you are an exceptional physicist, mathematician and astronomer, and one of the best in the world today," Pulitzer said.

"You are too much for the prize," Li Yu said.

Pulitzer continued: "The world you describe in the book can be described as bizarre and infinitely magical. Everyone is very curious whether they are just a science fiction imagination or a prediction made by you based on your extremely high understanding of science."

This is the most common folk opinion at the moment, because although the Star Wars series is extremely advanced, it is all rounded up in the book, and there is no situation where the world view cannot be controlled.

Li Yu said: "Science fiction is naturally based on some cutting-edge science, but it is also very fantasy, otherwise it would not be so interesting."

"But I think some of them are achievable anyway, like your earlier Science article on flight tests," Pulitzer said.

Li Yu said: "That's right, not only flying, but flying into space can also be achieved. Because the goal of human beings is always the stars and the sea."

Pulitzer was not quite sure of Li Yu's vision, so he said, "Even if it cannot be realized, it does not affect that this work is an excellent science fiction work. Besides, why do you dare to use such a large space to describe the growth of a big villain?" process?"

Li Yu said: "Because art cannot be separated from life, and novels cannot be separated from the two major themes of creation."

"Two major themes?" Pulitzer asked.

Li Yu said: "It is life and love. In fact, the Star Wars series is not only a science fiction work, but also a complete family ethics drama."

The second half of the sentence was not created by Li Yu himself, but by Lucas, the father of Star Wars himself.

Thinking about it carefully, the stories of the main trilogy and the prequel trilogy are indeed almost all about the emotions and experiences of Anakin and his children Luke and Princess Leia.

Pulitzer pondered Li Yu's words for a while, and said, "It's very profound, no wonder it can be so popular. If you say that, I can understand why Anakin would not hesitate to blacken his wife."

Anakin's blackening process and emotional history are the main lines of the prequels of Star Wars, but many people who have watched Star Wars probably forget that in fact, the dogma of the Jedi Knights prohibits love.

The marriage between Anakin and the Queen of Naboo was carried out in secret, and many details hinted in advance that Anakin might be blackened.

Li Yu said: "He was a physical slave at first, but he was still an emotional slave in the end, and he was willing from beginning to end."

"What a tragic figure," Pulitzer said.

Li Yu said suddenly: "This reminds me of that sentence, you can't hug you if you pick up the lightsaber, and you can't protect you when you put down the lightsaber. Anakin can be said to be a collection of contradictions."

This remark is already a bad joke in later generations, but at this time, it is really too lethal.

Pulitzer said: "That's very well said, this is the place where the artistry is the most! People give such a high evaluation to this, because it not only has a grand description of the scene, a touching story, but also a soul-stirring Dreamy feelings."


The next day, Pulitzer sent out his interview with Li Yu, and instantly many female readers became interested, because "I can't hug you if I pick up the lightsaber, and I can't protect you when I put down the lightsaber." Too provocative.

It just breaks a woman's heart and sheds tears 0.0
Due to the popularity of this work, there have even appeared some "star science clubs" specializing in the study of the Star Wars series, and many "star scientists", and of course there are very common reading clubs in the early [-]th century.

For a month, the theme of most book clubs was the Star Wars series.

In the past, it was basically an organization for male readers, but now many female reading clubs have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Originally, female readers didn't like to read science fiction, but after reading the Pulitzer "Le Monde" report, they joined the readership one after another.

Well, Li Yu also has female fans!
Just like the Jin Yong martial arts of later generations.

Martial arts is originally the favorite of men, but Jin Yong himself is actually very good at writing love. Guo Jing and Huang Rong, Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv, Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying, Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min, etc. are all very good at shaping the relationship process.

Even Qiong Yao, as a writer specializing in romance, praised Jin Yong for being better at writing about emotions than herself.

It's also a bit like it's hard for female writers to praise male writers for being good at romance.

It is because of these excellent emotional lines that Jin Yong's martial arts dramas have quite a lot of female fans.

Anyway, relying on this work, Li Yu has almost become the Big Dipper in the current science fiction world.

Because he created many new things, such as the first mention of robots in science fiction, more than ten years earlier than in history.

And the practice of extending the perspective beyond the earth and even the entire galaxy is also very groundbreaking, because he greatly opened the brains of other science fiction writers.

It's a pity that there is no Hugo Award, otherwise it will definitely be indispensable.

In Europe, the release speed of the French Hachette Press is also not slow, and they even quickly completed the translation into multiple languages.

When Planck learned of the release, he immediately bought it back.

After reading it in one breath, he was hooked, "Sure enough, this kid didn't keep me waiting for so long."

After a long pause, he thought to himself again: "No, it can't be over like this! With such a grand background, it's not too much for him to write some rumors around it, right?"

Planck was so satisfied with his whim that he was about to write a telegram.

In Germany, another reader was more encouraged, his name was Zeppelin.

That's right, the creator of Zeppelin.

Zeppelin's full name is Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Just by looking at the "Ferdinand" and "Von" in his name, it is known that he was born in a noble family.

Zeppelin himself was a count.

It has to be said that in the first half of the [-]th century, Germany's technology was really strong, and it was strong in all aspects.

Whether it is pure science mathematics, physics, or the application of technology, almost all of them are at the top of the world.

In 1900 the Zeppelin airship was successfully tested.

Many people have done research in the decades before this. The earliest researcher of the airship was a Frenchman, but he failed in the test flight.

Then Earl Zeppelin spent more than ten years, relying on his aristocratic connections to raise a lot of funds to develop it successfully.

However, it is not yet commercially available.

After reading Li Yu's Star Wars series, Earl Zeppelin was greatly encouraged, especially after seeing another very provocative sentence "Our goal is the sea of ​​stars", he decided to use the situation of the Star Wars series to give his own airship business Make a good publicity wave.

There are many descriptions of aircraft in the Star Wars series, which makes everyone interested in flying.

What's more, I have already invested so much money to successfully develop it, so I must commercialize the Zeppelin airship.

Zeppelin quickly prepared to contact his assistant to spray paint the slogan "May the force be with you" on his airship, and to invest money in newspapers to promote it vigorously. The slogan is:
"Want to ride the flying machine in the novel like a Jedi Knight? Come and see our airship, it will realize your flying dream! Make fantasy come true!"

But to promote the Star Wars series, it is necessary to inform Li Yu himself that the protection of intellectual property rights in Europe and the United States is already in place, not to mention that he himself is a dignified nobleman, so it is inevitable to send a telegram to Li Yu.

Li Yu in New York received these two telegrams from Germany almost at the same time.

He first opened up Planck's:
"My friend Li Yu, I have finished reading the prequels of Star Wars. It is very exciting. However, I am still very interested in many of the stories. I think there are many places where such a grand background can be developed. I hope you can write some as soon as possible. Peripheral works! It’s important to get down to business, and it’s best to be as fast as possible!”

Li Yu held his forehead, and couldn't laugh or cry again. This super god, who is not doing business...

And seeing another telegram from Earl Zeppelin, it was somewhat unexpected and reasonable.

"Respected great scientific master of the East, I am Earl Zeppelin. I am very interested in the flying world you describe in the book, and I happen to have successfully developed an airship that can ascend to an altitude of a thousand meters. I really want to use your star I hope you will allow me to use the war series as a promotion. In addition, you can take my airship for free, and the bird's-eye view will make you unforgettable!"

(End of this chapter)

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