Chapter 304

After the two finished drinking coffee, Liang Cheng said to the waiter in very standard English: "May I have a refill, please?"

It means to refill.

Sure enough, people who have stayed in the United States for many years, most people will definitely say "Could I have one more coffee?" It means spending money to buy another cup.

Li Yu said with a smile: "The ambassador has already done a lot of research on coffee."

Liang Cheng said: "Master Emperor, don't tease me, I just can't drink good tea."

"Isn't there tea in America?" Li Yu said.

It was written in the junior high school history book that the fuse of the American Revolutionary War was the "Boston Tea Party".

Liang Cheng said: "It's far from there! Although tea has been around for hundreds of years, foreigners haven't even entered the way of drinking tea. A lot of tea is still shipped from a country called India, and foreigners like to drink it with milk. It's really strange, it's better to drink coffee."

It seems that the milk tea business is still in its infancy. If someone knows how to make milk tea in later generations, it may become a super chain store.

After staying for a while, Tesla's valet came to pick them up in a car, the Buick Xie Yuxi bought.

Li Yu invited: "Go and take a look at my laboratory on Fifth Avenue, it is considered small and large-scale now."

Liang Cheng was very interested: "That's exactly what I mean."

After the two arrived at the laboratory on Fifth Avenue, Lu Bicheng handed a greeting card to Li Yu: "A Chinese person wanted to come to see you before, but you were not here, so he left this greeting card, saying that he was in China. The Aldorf Hotel is waiting for you."

Li Yu unfolded the greeting card, and saw "Rong Hong" who signed it at a glance.

Of course Liang Cheng also recognized him, because Yung Wing was the organizer of the children studying in the United States.

Yung Wing himself was the first Chinese to enter Yale University, known as the father of Chinese students studying abroad.

Liang Cheng was surprised: "Mr. Rong is over 70 years old, and he came to New York in person? I must pay my respects in person!"

The young children studying in the United States respect Yung Wing very much.

Liang Cheng had no choice but to take a quick look around Li Yu's experimental equipment.

But it was quite shocking. He had seen these things when he was in school in the United States, but he never knew how to operate them.

Liang Cheng praised: "Di Shi deserves to be known as the most scientific person in the East."

Naturally, he had heard about many patents of Li Yu.

After the "tour", Li Yu drove him to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

The Waldorf Astoria had previously given Li Yu the right to live in a luxury suite for a long time, but Li Yu gave it up to two ladies, Lu Bicheng and Jinwei Zhaoxue.

I live in the laboratory.

Originally, in order to get close to Li Yu, Konoe Zhaoxue asked to live in the laboratory as well.However, the labs are all men, which is really inconvenient, so in the end, she was allowed to live in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

Li Yu happened to go to Detroit again, and when he came back, he met someone visiting again, and he didn't have time to ask how the two of them got along during this time...

After arriving at the hotel, they met Yung Wing, who is in his 70s, in a waiting room.

Yung Wing's spiritual outlook is not bad, but as a person who experienced the two Opium Wars, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Westernization Movement, the Sino-Japanese War, the Reform Movement, and the Gengzi National Disaster, he suffered the most trauma in his mind.

Because they all failed, and failed miserably.

Especially since the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Yung Wing was directly involved in it. For example, the establishment of the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau cannot do without him.

He also worked as an aide or consultant to Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, and Zhang Zhidong, several important officials in the late Qing Dynasty, but most of his suggestions were not successfully implemented.

The good program for young children in the United States also died.

From then on, Yung Wing was completely disappointed with the Qing court and turned to the revolutionary camp.

He first had contact with Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, but after meeting Mr. Sun Yat-sen three years ago, he was completely convinced by him, and he firmly believed that he was the most promising one to succeed.

Yung Wing's life experience is extremely rich, and he is accurate in judging people.

"Mr. Rong!"

When Liang Cheng saw him bowing his head to worship, Rong Hong quickly supported him: "Yiyi, you are already an ambassador to the United States, so this kind of etiquette should be avoided."

Tears welled up in Liang Cheng's eyes: "You have shown me great kindness, and my sorrow will never be forgotten."

Yung Wing said: "Recently, I heard that you are negotiating with President Roosevelt about returning the boxer indemnity and re-opening the passage to the United States. I am very pleased."

Yung Wing must be very concerned about the affairs of international students.

Liang Cheng said: "Emperor Li Yu's teacher played a big role in this matter."

Rong Hong looked at Li Yu: "I have seen you in newspapers many times."

Li Yu smiled and said, "Mr. Rong, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Yung Wing said: "Some time ago I was near Harvard University in Boston, and Harvard University spoke highly of you. I was very shocked. You have never studied in Europe and the United States, but you can have such advanced knowledge, and it is for us Chinese. Talk about the hardest science."

Later generations of Chinese students studying abroad studied science and engineering the best, but now Yung Wing really has nothing wrong with saying that.

Most Chinese people have no scientific literacy at all, and the vast majority of overseas students can only study politics and law.

There are really too few people like He Yujie and Feng Zuxun who study mathematics and science.

Everyone in future generations must understand that without technology, a country cannot develop—unless a small country has some shortcuts.

But for a large country, it is impossible to walk on one leg.

The great man once said that science and technology are the primary productive forces. If the productive forces cannot rise, the economy cannot rise; if the economy cannot rise, neither can the superstructure.

Everything will be very troublesome.

There were still so many poor countries before the crossing can explain everything.

Otherwise, countries in future generations will not throw so much money on innovation and scientific research.

We spent so much money on 3G construction back then, and we were almost playing with the rest of Europe and the United States. It seemed that hundreds of billions were thrown away for nothing, but after more than ten years, we have cultivated self-developed 5G abruptly.

Therefore, technology research and development is really a bottomless pit of burning money.

And the first half of the twentieth century really had no money to burn...

I want to start a large-scale enterprise to make money, because I understand that scientific research will cost a lot of money.

Li Yu was a little helpless at this time. He knew that he had chosen a difficult path, but now that he had made up his mind, he went on with his courage, or his 20 years of learning would be wasted.

Li Yu said: "Mr. Rong, in fact, we are just short of talents who study science. It's not that science itself is so difficult. Besides, I understand that the reason why the West respects me so much now is that I come from a weak country."

Yung Wing said, "You mean, there is compassion behind the respect?"

Li Yu said naturally: "Yes, the condescending pity itself is a great psychological satisfaction for them. That's why I maintain a very rational view of this kind of respect from the West."

"You say that, but I respect you very much!" Rong Hong said solemnly, "No wonder you can be regarded as the emperor's master! I have also seen other emperor's masters, such as Weng Tonghe, and your insights are far superior to theirs. It is unprecedented. There will be no one to come."

Li Yu said, "Mr. is too famous."

Rong Hong said: "It is a great fortune for the country to have such insights at such a young age. It reminds me of Huo Qubing, a brave general under the command of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Shame. And our shame today is even worse than that in the early Han Dynasty."

Li Yu said: "Indeed, otherwise Li Zhongtang would not say that the current situation is undergoing major changes unseen in 3000 years."

When he just traveled to the end of the Qing Dynasty, he felt a tingling scalp, which was completely the lowest period in China, and there was no one in it.

But it's already here, so I can only calm down a bit, and I will probably burp if I touch the switch again.

And... there is already a reason why you can't leave.

Yung Wing suddenly asked again: "I have a big question, you are honored as the emperor teacher, do you mean to support Man Qing?"

Li Yu pointed to his head: "Does this explain the problem?"

Seeing his short hair, Yung Wing understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "So I feel relieved, this is my biggest knot. After all, you are young. After decades of ups and downs in the imperial court, I have a deep understanding of its corruption. It is already a hollow tree, even if you have the talents of Zhuge, there is nothing you can do. If you can also join the revolution, I believe it will be a powerful force."

Li Yu could actually guess that there would be many revolutionaries wooing him in the future, but he made up his mind not to engage in military and political affairs.

Li Yu quickly waved his hand: "Forget it, I can do a good job in science and education."

Yung Wing asked: "You are so young, you should be young, don't you want to reorganize the universe?"

"This matter can be done without me," Li Yu changed the topic, "However, Mr. Rong, you must have understood how powerful their industry is in the United States for so many years. If you use a professional term, it is called the second industry. Our land of China is completely just the primary industry. This is a generation gap, a blow to dimensionality reduction. Revolution is destructive, and someone must think of constructive things ahead of time.”

Yung Wing gave a thumbs up: "The words of the emperor's teacher gave me enlightenment. However, I have spent decades reading books in the United States, but I have never heard of the so-called primary industry and secondary industry, let alone What is a 'dimension reduction strike', and what is the explanation for this?"


Li Yu knows that it is impossible for them to know about the "dimension reduction strike", but he does not know much about economics, and he really does not know that there is no such thing as a primary industry or a secondary industry.

In fact, this name did not appear in Australia and New Zealand until more than 20 years later.

It's a bit like saying the PH value before.

Li Yu had no choice but to explain simply: "First, there is agriculture; second, there is industry. The latter come from behind. This is basically the truth."

Yung Wing thought about it for a while, and he understood a little bit, but still couldn't fully understand it, so he said: "I have two American friends, one is Homer Lee and the other is Booth. Booth is an important figure in the American financial circles, maybe he can understand Your explanation. Both of these two care about China affairs, if you need help, I think they will spare no effort."

After a short meeting, Rong Hong fully understood Li Yu's ability, and called Homer Lee and Booth to meet Li Yu again the next day.

Homer Lee was a small, hunchbacked American who later became a staunch follower of Mr. Sun Yat-sen.

This person very presciently predicted that there would be a war between the United States and Japan, and he also wrote a book to emphasize the blindness in American foreign policy. The name is very interesting, called "Be Brave and Brave".

It is a pity that this book did not attract the attention of the American authorities. MacArthur liked it very much and wanted to make it a must-read for the West Point Military Academy, but it only became optional reading.

It's just that Americans don't read it, but the Japanese really like it when they see it.

The Japanese are really eager for knowledge at this time. A few decades ago, many books on Western learning were translated from Chinese, but now it has been reversed.

Homer Li is a professional military officer. When he saw Li Yu, he came up and asked, "Mr. Li Yu, I heard that you know the most profound science. Do you have any research on military technology?"

Li Yu had no choice but to say: "No, I don't care about this."

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" Homer Lee said, "But after staying in China for so many years, I also understand a word called being wise and safe, so I support your decision."

Yung Wing introduced Booth to him again: "Mr. Booth can definitely help you run a business in the United States, and he can speak out in the political arena."

Li Yu shook hands with him: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Booth said: "I've heard a lot about you, especially the set of Star Wars, it's really a pleasure to read."

Li Yudao: "Sci-fi works are meant to entertain the public, and it's best to look enjoyable."

Booth said: "But I came here today to learn more about your views on industrial classification. I have been in the financial field for many years and have not heard of it."

Li Yu was a little embarrassed. He really just said it casually, and he didn't know anything about economics.

I had no choice but to say: "In fact, when I was building a company, I just had a whim, and I didn't have any systematic views."

"It turned out to be like this," Booth said, "but it has inspired me enough. I am going to collect information to write a financial article. It has been a long time since I have such good inspiration."

Li Yu is a layman in finance and economics, and said with a smile, "I must read it when the time comes."

Yung Wing said: "In the future, when Dishi Enterprise grows bigger, it will inevitably have to deal with the government. At that time, Booth will help you avoid many detours."

Li Yu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you in advance for this!"

In fact, there is the Carnegie family behind Li Yu, so they are not too worried about these problems, but there is always an extra guarantee.

Booth said: "You Chinese are really hardworking, and you don't waste your money. Even if you don't have enough to eat, you donate to the revolutionary cause. I am amazed. Another Mr. Di Shikang from your country came to America. It can be said that there is a lot of response. Some organizations have been in business for decades, but they can't compare with his effect in just a few years. The patriotism of the Chinese people really touched me deeply. It is precisely because of this that I want to do my best for the revolutionary cause of your country. force."

Li Yu said: "You are referring to Mr. Kang Youwei. Hey, although the majority of Chinese people have a difficult life, they really love their country; but it is hard to say that some people really love themselves."

Booth was surprised: "Mr. Kang formed the Emperor's Association, isn't it patriotic?"

Li Yu said: "He is not patriotic, he is loving the king. And what he has done is really disgusting."

Booth was puzzled: "Why do you say that?"

Li Yu said: "There is a British biographer named Boswell, who wrote a book "The Biography of Johnson", in which there is such a sentence, 'Patriotism is the last refuge of hooligans'. Sincere and selfless love for the country, but that kind of patriotism in disguise. I think this sentence can be applied to Mr. Kang."

Gu Hongming used this sentence to mock Kang Youwei many years ago.

You must know that Kang Youwei is a staunch royalist, and Gu Hongming can definitely be regarded as an unswerving supporter of the Qing Dynasty.

Even Gu Hongming could see that before the reform and reform, Kang Youwei should have had a lot of selfishness.

So it is impossible for him to really accomplish great things like those of Mr. Zhongshan.

It's a pity that a true master like Liang Qichao is still under Kang's family, and he will even be driven by him.

That's right, Liang Qichao is meeting Kang Youwei in America now.

Yung Wing was quite touched by Li Yu's remarks: "I worked with Mr. Kang, and he did have some partial views. The main reason is that some of his remarks made me feel very strange, and he did not seem like someone who had really studied the latest academic arguments in Europe and the United States. "

Fortunately, since the highlight of the reformation, he has not performed any decently, except for making money.

If we insist on juxtaposing "Kang Liang", we have to rely on Liang Zhuoru.

(End of this chapter)

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