Li Yu recognized at a glance that it was Mr. Zhongshan.

Sun Wen came over, took a look and said: "The fetal position in her abdomen is not right, and the tearing of the umbilical cord caused her so much pain. Fortunately, it's not a big deal. I'll just help her straighten it."

In fact, young people originally thought that Lu Bicheng, who came with Li Yu, was a midwife or a medical worker, but now he was a middle-aged man who wanted to see a doctor for pregnant women.

Seeing that the young man was standing still, Sun Wen said, "What are you doing standing there, take off the clothes on her stomach."

The young man paused for a while and said, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate for a man and a woman to give or receive kisses."

Sun Wen said angrily: "Inappropriate? Do you want to see her die or the fetus in the womb?"

Li Yu immediately said to the young man: "You have been in the United States, and you must know that the doctors in American hospitals are basically men."

In the current situation, regardless of the East or the West, it is extremely rare for a woman to be a doctor, and at most there are some nurses.

"I...we didn't go to a hospital when we were in America," said the young man.

Li Yu and Sun Wen were astonished, forgetting that he was a poor man.

The pain of the pregnant woman became more and more serious, Lu Bicheng said anxiously: "Doctor, tell me what to do, I will do it!"

Sun Wen smiled wryly: "If it were that simple, all my medical studies in the past would have been for nothing."

The more Lu Bicheng heard the pregnant woman's cry, the more anxious he became, and suddenly he slapped the young man with his backhand.

With a "pop", everyone was stunned.

Lu Bicheng said loudly to him: "A man and a woman can't kiss each other, right? How about I slap you?"

Sure enough, the quickest way to defeat magic is to use magic as well.

The young man woke up a little bit, and cried bitterly: "Doctor, please save my wife!"

Sun Wen put down the suitcase, just got up, squatted down and picked up a pair of gloves and put them on.

He seldom practices medicine now. Fortunately, the situation of pregnant women is not dangerous. In the words of later generations, it is a kind of umbilical cord around the neck. It is not a problem at all in a modern hospital. At most, it is a cesarean section.

But at this time, the abortion operation is not yet fully mature, so most of them still use massage to transfer the fetus back.

Sun Wen pressed on the pregnant woman's pregnant belly for a while. After the fetus turned normal, the pregnant woman's pain stopped immediately, and the Buddha suddenly went from hell to heaven.

Sun Wen said: "She is fine now, but she needs to do less physical work in the future."

The young man knelt on the ground and thanked him a thousand times: "The doctor's kindness is great, and the villain will never forget it!"

"Doctors are benevolent, this is what I should do, don't thank me," Sun Wen said, then took off the gloves and put them beside the bed, "Whether a man or a woman can kiss each other, I keep this glove."

Then he picked up the medicine box and turned to leave.

Li Yu also followed: "Mr. Sun's skill remains the same as before. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda."

Sun Wen stopped and said, "But everyone in the Qing Dynasty is sick and cannot be cured."

Li Yu asked, "Sir, are you going to Japan?"

"Yes," Sun Wen said, and then asked rhetorically, "How do you know?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "Guess."

Sun Wen was a little alert and asked, "Who are you?"

Sun Wen will go to the United States from now on, and was almost arrested by the people sent by the Qing court and then extradited back to China. If there is no Hongmen to help him, he may be in danger.

Li Yu said: "I, Li Yu, have met Mr. Zhongshan."

"Are you Li Yu?" Sun Wen became interested, "Interesting, I didn't expect to see you here! I've always wanted to chat with you and see how a Chinese can shock the West in the field of science that foreigners are best at."

"Sir, love, it's not because we don't understand science that we're not good at science, it's just that we got in touch late," Li Yu said, "If you didn't take action today, I'm afraid there will be a human tragedy in the cargo hold."

Sun Wen sighed: "I have seen many tragedies. Back then, there was a Western doctor who delivered a pregnant woman. The pregnant woman finally found out that it was a male doctor and committed suicide in shame and indignation."

Li Yu understood that this situation was not an exception, otherwise he and Lu Xun would not have given up practicing medicine and switched to other fields.

Li Yu said: "What Mr. said is that everyone in the Qing Dynasty is sick. I think it is the disease of ignorance."

"You really have insight, it's really not easy to see this point," Sun Wen said, and then sighed, "It's a pity that the general public are slaves but don't know they are slaves, and they have never heard of equality. Warm up; as for princes and high officials, they are arrogant, extravagant, and exploitative, if there is no earth-shaking change, everything will remain the same."

People who engage in revolution speak profoundly, and Li Yu admired him, "Mr.

"There's no such thing as high opinion or bad opinion. In the words of some people, I'm just a charlatan." Sun Wen said.

Of course it was Kang Youwei who said that.

Sun Wen said again: "I have heard that you not only understand difficult mathematical sciences, but also start businesses and schools, and all you do are good deeds."

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's still far away. I'm planning to go back to China and continue to run some businesses, so that the big guys know that foreign goods are not the only good things."

Sun Wen said: "The original intention was very good, but now it is not easy to start a business under the eyes of the court. Li Wenzhao's case is still vivid in my memory."

Li Yu didn't know much about the secret, and asked, "What kind of case is it?"

Sun Wen said: "When the Old Summer Palace was rebuilt, Li Wenzhao took over a part of the timber project. He clearly only spent tens of thousands of silver dollars, but lied about 30. Do you know where the money went?"

Li Yu guessed one or two: "It got into the pockets of the princes and ministers?"

Sun Wen nodded: "That's right, Li Wenzhao only got a small part. Although Li Hongzhang used this case to prevent the court from repairing the garden, when he traced the details, he found that many princes were involved in this case. I beheaded Li Wenzhao and made a fuss. But a lot of money has already fallen into the pockets of princes and ministers, and I can't spit it out."

Li Yu sighed: "So, I can only be an official businessman."

"Officialdom is dangerous!" Sun Wen sighed, and then said, "Industry and commerce must improve, otherwise when will the Wanli Railway be built?! I support your approach, but I think a bit of official status is not a bad thing."

Sun Wen is a very pure revolutionary, and he is truly admirable.

He also did a lot of fundraising, but he really used it to start a revolution, which is completely different from Kang Nanhai taking the hard-earned money of Chinese laborers to travel around the mountains and rivers to buy islands.

Although it is somewhat unrealistic to say that he wants to build a [-]-kilometer railway, what did he do that was considered "practical" by the world at the time?

He always worked hard towards his goal.

Li Yu originally disdained to be an official of the dying court of the Qing Dynasty, but what Sun Wen said was indeed reasonable.

Li Yu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you sir for your guidance."

Sun Wen said: "Communications are a major national event. Li Hongzhang could see that railways, finance, mines, and communications cannot be handled by foreigners too much. They must be in their own hands. If your radio business can not lose to foreigners, it must be for the country. Useful."

Li Yu said: "Don't worry, sir, you will definitely be stronger than foreigners!"

Sun Wen gave a thumbs up: "Bold and courageous, I like it!"

He said to Lu Bicheng who was next to him: "Young lady is also very courageous. If I didn't have your slap just now, I'm afraid I would have been deadlocked for a while."

Lu Bicheng said, "I just acted in a panic out of desperation."

Sun Wen laughed and said, "You two are really interesting."

A few people came to the side corridor of the ship, which is only accessible to the guests in the first and second class cabins of the ship. They can overlook the sea and have a good view.

Those who have watched "Titanic" should be familiar with this location.

Looking far away, you can already see the outline of the Japanese island in the distance at this moment, and there are also some Japanese warships appearing.

Li Yu calculated the date, and the Russo-Japanese War should have broken out.

Sure enough, when the ship docked at the port of Tokyo, they were immediately informed.

As soon as I got off the ship, I saw it in a Japanese newspaper: "Heavy! Dawn of the Empire! Shame on the Emperor! Commander of the United Fleet, General Togo Heihachiro, led the army to severely damage the Russian Pacific Fleet and sink three warships!"

The Japanese newspapers obviously exaggerated the results of the battle, but in fact they were only severely damaged and not sunk.

Back then, the Emperor of Japan personally went to the warship in the port to apologize to Nicholas II, who was the crown prince at the time, which was regarded as a national humiliation by Japan.

The Japanese who disembarked were extremely excited when they saw the news, "Lushun belongs to the Emperor, Dalian also belongs to the Emperor, and even Northeast China belongs to the Emperor!"

Sun Wen frowned: "The Japanese really went to war with Russia? It's too bold!"

Li Yu knew about it a long time ago, so it was not surprising.It's just that there is a war in the Bohai Bay, and part of the waterway is blocked, and the passenger ship is affected. Li Yu's ship needs to wait for the assignment from the front line before it can pass safely.

Li Yu was not worried about his own safety, because the ship was registered in the United States, and there were many Europeans and Americans on board, some of whom were diplomats.

At present, Togo Heihachiro's goal is directed at the Russian Pacific Fleet, because only by annihilating the fleet and gaining sea power can victory be considered.

Otherwise, once Russia drags the Baltic Fleet over, it will crush the Japanese Fleet in terms of strength.

That's why it is said that the Japanese are betting on their country's fortune, betting on taking Lushun Port before the arrival of the Baltic Fleet, and annihilating the Pacific Fleet that can't hide in the port.

At this time, the periphery of Lushun Port was surrounded by Japanese warships. If you want to pass through the Bohai Strait, you really need to inform in advance to avoid unnecessary risks.

After all, the Japanese are too fanatical now, and their spirits are highly sensitive, and they can't do anything at all.

Because Japan was fighting without declaration, the war came suddenly, and the people on board had no choice but to stay in Japan for a short time.

Liang Qichao, Brother Xun, Jiang Baili and others came to welcome them together.

Li Yu felt that it was a good time to let the students and Chinese laborers know about Japan, the future opponent.

When Liang Qichao saw Li Yu, he said excitedly, "Brother Shucai, have you read the newspaper? The Japanese really started a war with Russia!"

Li Yu asked, "Which side is Zhuo Ru on?"

Liang Qichao said: "Of course I am on the side of Japan. If they can win, it will be a huge victory for the constitutional party against the autocrats! It is also the first victory for the Orientals over the whites."

Li Yu smiled wryly: "Aren't you afraid that the Japanese will be weak?"

Liang Qichao said: "The two evils are the lesser. If Russia wins, it will be even more unimaginable."

This sentence is true. If Russia really wins, the world map will be greatly changed, and there is almost no hope of taking back the three eastern provinces.

In fact, all the people in the country are now advocating alliance with Japan to resist Russia. Not only Zhang Zhidong, governor of Huguang, Cen Chunxuan, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, but also Yuan Shikai, governor of Zhili, directly and secretly help Japan, mainly in the form of intelligence.

Overseas Chinese living in the Americas, Australia, Europe and other places also telegraphed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, requesting to unite with Japan to resist Russia, and expressed their willingness to contribute funds to help the army.

As for a small number of those who advocated alliance with Russia, they were criticized and reviled.

There is of course a reason why Chinese people hate Russia so much.

As far as this moment is concerned, although in the past history, later generations felt that the burning of the Old Summer Palace by Britain and France was more abhorrent, in fact, the people are now more angry at Russia's occupation of millions of square kilometers of territory.Now coveting the Northeast again, how can it not be hated.

Moreover, Japan did a good job in diplomacy before the war. It declared shortly after the war: The purpose of this war is to maintain the independence of the Qing Dynasty, and it has no intention of occupying the northeast territory.

Ghosts believe it!

But I didn't expect... Daqing believed it!

Then came the fantasy of Japan.

The result, hmph, of course Japan wants the Northeast. If it hadn't been for the loss of both sides in the fight with Russia, it would definitely send troops to occupy it immediately.

Li Yu and a group of people came to the International Student Hall together.

As expected, everyone in the guild hall was talking about the war on the front line, but now the communication is backward, so everyone is almost guessing.

If it is a later generation, military fans can list all the weapons on the battlefield for you like a few treasures, and even the source of the parts can be said exactly.

There are indeed many modern wars that are worth studying. For example, the Russo-Japanese War used rapid-fire guns, machine guns, and carbines with higher precision for the first time.

It was the appearance of these weapons that caused the Japanese army to suffer heavy losses.

Because the important commander of the army in the Russo-Japanese War, the classic tactic of "Love Soldiers Like Sons" Nogi Nozomi is "Fearless Charge", or "Pig Burst".

This tactic was implemented in Japan until the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Little Japan's assault and hand-to-hand combat are actually very strong, and they will not be at a disadvantage in the face of tall Russian soldiers.

It is a pity that the current international students have no channels to know what configuration the front-line Japanese and Russian fleets have, and what new weapons the army has. Everyone can only imagine through a few words in the newspaper.

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