Chapter 328
In fact, Zeppelin did contact Li Yu, but did not discuss any specific technical details.Earl Zeppelin only mentioned the copyright issue in the telegram, because he wanted to use Li Yu's Star Wars series as a poster and post it in the newspaper to promote his airship business.

Although Li Yu knew that the airship was not a long-term solution, he did not oppose him, because the development of the technology tree is to spread branches and leaves.

Moreover, Li Yu also took the initiative to reply to the letter, discussing with him the relationship between power and passenger capacity, the relationship between flight angle and wind direction, and other specific technical details.

Because he thought of a bad move, but it was aimed at the Japanese.

Since I don't know how to join the military and politics, I can take Japan a little bit on the technology tree.

Japan does not spend a lot of scientific research funds like Germany.

Before World War I, only a few countries in Europe and the United States had a lot of spare money for scientific research.Although Lao America is richer, it is not even comparable to the scientific research investment of several European countries.

The biggest investment is Britain, Germany and France, especially Germany, which is a super technology fanatic.

It is precisely because of Germany's great investment in science and humanities that the British academic circle, which has always been very arrogant, recognizes Germany as an advanced country.

But the current Japan is more like a "developing country" than them, and with the character of the Japanese, they love to plan carefully and spend every penny wisely, so their scientific research investment is very limited. Also try to be steady.

And this is a wrong strategy in the first place, because it is very difficult to achieve such a big leap in science and technology. It must be a long-term investment and a little bit of breakthrough.

Money is spent in the process like water.

If we can find a way to make Japan take more detours in scientific research and consume their time and money, the impact on Japan's national strength will not be small.

Everyone knows that Japan has always liked to gamble, and it is the national fortune, the kind of stud.

Every war is fought with the intention of turning the pheasant into a phoenix if you win, and the jade will be broken if you lose.

Regardless of the Sino-Japanese War or the Russo-Japanese War, Japan's domestic wartime financial pressure was extremely high.But Japan blocked these top-secret information very well, so the Qing government never knew about it.If we had been more supportive at the time, although we still could not win against Japan, at least there would be a lot of bargaining chips on the negotiating table, and it would be no problem to lose tens of millions of taels of silver.

Counting the intervention of the three countries to return the Liao Dynasty, the "Treaty of Shimonoseki" paid a total of 2.3 million taels, equivalent to about 700 billion to 1200 billion RMB for later generations, most of which were used for army building.

It is naturally impossible to get the money out of their mouths, but it is possible for them to turn part of the money into waste.

That's why Li Yu wasn't afraid that Konoe Zhaoxue would peek at the airship's technical information, and he even wanted the Japanese to learn more about it.

Maybe the Japanese will have to thank Li Yu by then.

Li Yu knew that there were not many people in Japan who learned aviation in the early twentieth century, and how many people could take away.

Let the Japanese feel what it means to suppress IQ that spans a century.


The next day, Yuan Shikai went to Xiyuan to submit the memorial.

Cixi opened it and glanced at it, and knew that it was about the abolition of the imperial examination, and she suddenly felt dizzy.

This is not just as simple as the family law of the ancestors. It is really tangled for her to decide to abolish a system that has lasted for more than a thousand years.

Cixi said to him: "I remember that I wrote such a book last year. Didn't it say that the new learning and the imperial examination should be implemented together, and we should try it for a few years before we talk about it?"

Yuan Shikai replied: "Queen Mother, the current situation is that the imperial examination will not be abolished for a day, and the school will not be prosperous for a day. Scholars will never have real knowledge, and the country will never have people who can save the time; Countries cannot compete."

Cixi said: "Is it as serious as you said? Haven't you been here for so many years?"

Yuan Shikai said: "The matter is imminent, and the effect of Japan's implementation of new education is imminent."

Yuan Shikai and Zhang Zhidong were the most determined to abolish the imperial examinations in the imperial court, and they jointly wrote a book last year.

In particular, Yuan Shikai was the most active in the abolition of the imperial examination.Because he had suffered repeated setbacks in the imperial examination, and later he simply abandoned civil and martial arts, and never liked the imperial examination.In the process of engaging in Westernization and the New Deal, I learned a lot about the new Western schools.

Moreover, in terms of actual benefits, the abolition of the imperial examinations has also benefited Yuan Shikai a lot: after the abolition of the imperial examinations, a large number of Beiyang people from new schools in his hands can just get more political benefits.

The joint letter of the two powerful governors has attracted the attention of the DPRK and China.

In the newly established Ministry of Education, the two Ministers of Management, Zhang Baixi and Rong Qing, both supported the abolition of the imperial examination.

In the Military Aircraft Department, Rong Lu, the former Chief Military Aircraft Minister, firmly opposed the abolition of the imperial examination.Because in Rong Lu's view, he was not born in the imperial examination. If he supports the abolition of the imperial examination, it will give people an excuse, thinking that it is mixed with personal feelings.

Those who opposed the abolition of the imperial examinations on the side of Ronglu were Wang Wenshao, Minister of Military Affairs.

The other two military ministers, Qu Hongji and Sun Jianai, agreed to abolish the imperial examination.

After Rong Lu's death, Prince Qing Yikuang made a supplementary record as Chief Minister of Military Aircraft.

Yuan Shikai and Zhang Zhidong immediately saw that Yikuang was a friendly person with no prejudices. Although he would not publicly express his support for the abolition of the imperial examination, he would not hinder it either.

Therefore, the only one who opposed the abolition of the imperial examination was Wang Wenshao, the minister of military affairs.

Cixi looked at Yikuang who was squinting aside: "Yikuang, what do you think?"

The old cunning Yikuang replied immediately: "It all depends on the Queen Mother's wise decision."

"Tsk! Yikuang, you can help the Ai family to come up with an idea." Cixi said.

Yikuang had no choice but to say: "This is a big matter, I think we should have a meeting first and then discuss it."

He didn't have the guts to make such a big decision.

Cixi just didn't want to make a statement right now, so she said to Yikuang: "Okay, I'll go discuss it with the courtiers. You all step back, Aijia wants to learn some English with De Ling, and I have to have a meeting with the ministers' wives tonight." tea party."

When Cixi attends such occasions, she usually takes Yu Deling as an interpreter. After all, Yu Deling still speaks a lot of languages.

After Yikuang and others withdrew, they came to the duty room of the military aircraft department outside. After Yikuang sat down, the others sat down one by one.

"Tell me, what do you think?" Yi Kuang asked.

Minister of Military Aircraft Wang Wenshao has already held back his words: "I firmly disagree with the abolition of scientific examinations. As long as I am in power, I will fight to the death!"

This kind of speech gave Yikuang a headache, and in his opinion it was not tactful at all.

Yuan Shikai said: "Master Wang, you have also seen that if the imperial examination is not abolished, scholars will definitely not be willing to go to the new school. Only when this back road is cut off can there be a real possibility of developing the new school."

Wang Wenshao said: "To put it lightly, there are already hundreds of thousands of students all over the world who have worked hard for the imperial examination for many years. Do we want them to have nowhere to go?"

Wang Wenshao's worry is not unreasonable, but it is actually a necessary pain.

Yuan Shikai said: "That's why I wrote the letter today. The imperial examination should be abolished immediately, instead of gradually reducing the number of people admitted to the imperial examination. Quickly cut the mess, and sooner or later there will be a day. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain."

Wang Wenshao said: "Arbitrary, too arbitrary!"

Yuan Shikai saw that he couldn't talk to him, so he said to Yikuang: "My lord, otherwise, you can send letters to the governors and generals and ask their opinions. Is it okay for the minority to obey the majority?"

Yikuang actually agreed to this very "democratic" decision: "Good idea, I'll order people to inquire one by one today."

What he thought in his heart was that he could just delay the matter for a while.

No need to discuss this thorny issue anymore, Yikuang was very happy, and chatted about other things: "I heard that the Japanese in the capital recently wanted to kill the emperor Li Yu, how to deal with this matter?"

Yuan Shikai said: "It seems that a postman from the Qing Dynasty Post Office fabricated the letter and framed him."

Yikuang nodded: "Fortunately, it wasn't instigated by the Japanese, otherwise it would be really difficult. Master Yuan, you have served as governor of North Korea for many years, and you have had many contacts with the Japanese military. Will they really send troops to fight Russia?"

Yuan Shikai still had a lot of eyes and ears in North Korea, so he replied, "My lord, now Japan has landed in North Korea, and its target is directly at Lushun."

"Oh!" Yikuang was quite surprised, "If there is a fight on our land, it will be difficult."

Yuan Shikai asked: "What does the prince think should be done?"

"I'm not sure about this, I need to ask the Queen Mother for her opinion." Yikuang said hastily.

Yuan Shikai smiled lightly and said, "I know."


Li Yu was working at his desk in the study at home when Lu Bicheng knocked on the door outside.

Li Yu said, "Just come in."

Lu Bicheng moved in lightly and said, "Master Yan asked me to tell you, please go to the university hall."

"University hall? What's the matter?" Li Yu asked.

Lu Bicheng said: "It seems that some Japanese teachers are not here. They can't answer some math problems of the students, so I ask you to save the day."

Yan Fu's face must be given, Li Yu agreed: "Let's go, let's go now."

As the driver, Zhao Qian drove the two of them to the Beijing Normal University Hall in Beicheng.

After arriving in the classroom, Yan Fu greeted him immediately: "You are finally here! We have been studying for a long time, but we have no clue."

Li Yu walked over and took a look, and almost fainted. It turned out to be some trigonometry questions, at most, the more basic junior high school Olympiad questions.

The students who asked the question were from the normal hall, but in any case, they have made some progress compared to before. It is no longer a simple elementary school math problem of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Li Yu picked up the chalk and quickly completed the calculation for them on the blackboard.

Most of the students are new to alphabets and symbols, and they didn't understand them for a while.So Li Yu slowed down again and gave them the calculation twice before some people understood.

At this time, a person outside the window suddenly exclaimed: "So this is the most exquisite mathematics in Western learning, so wonderful!"

Li Yu looked outside and saw a young man in his 30s, so he asked, "Are you also a student at the university?"

The person outside the window bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, you are so presumptuous! I'm leaving Liu Chunlin to go to Beijing to take the exam. I once heard that the teacher said that there is a Western School in the capital, and the learning is really practical, so I came to visit. "

It turned out to be the champion who was going to high school this year, the last champion in Chinese history.

Li Yu asked: "Who is your teacher, the eyes are so open."

Liu Chunlin said: "Teacher Huidi, I have studied in Baoding Lianchi Academy for more than ten years. I studied under Master Wu Rulun Wu. He once served as the head teacher of Chinese at the Imperial University. He mentioned more than once that this is the real academy."

As a representative of the Tongcheng School, Wu Rulun served as the dean of Baoding Lianchi Academy for many years.

Li Yu remembered that he hadn't seen Wu Rulun for a long time, so he asked, "How is Dean Wu's health recently?"

Liu Chunlin said sadly: "The dean has passed away."

Li Yu was startled, and replied, "My condolences."

Liu Chunlin said: "Dean Wu once told us that the new learning is the learning of the future, and it is complex and complicated, which is a hundred times more than Confucianism. Basic subjects such as mathematics and science should be promoted. After all, not everyone needs to learn The study of kings."

Li Yu didn't have much communication with Wu Rulun. He didn't expect that this old scholar, who had been the dean of the academy for many years, would have such an open mind. No wonder he was able to be the head teacher of Chinese at the Imperial University.

He is much better than the stubborn and conservative mountain leader Wang Xianqian of Yuelu Academy.

So Li Yu continued to chat with Liu Chunlin: "I remember that Dean Wu once went to Japan to study education in his sixtieth year."

Liu Chunlin said: "That's right, this trip had a great impact on the dean. He didn't go to many places, but he went to Maguan at the first stop. I think back to when Li Zhongtang signed the treaty of humiliating power and humiliating the country here, and won a prize. The gun damaged both physically and mentally, and the dean was so moved that he wrote the four characters of 'a place of sadness'."

Wu Rulun and Li Hongzhang had a lot of intersections, because both of them were students of Zeng Guofan.

Among Zeng Guofan's disciples, the most famous one must be Li Hongzhang.However, Li Hongzhang was not the "Four Disciples of Zengmen".

Among the four disciples, Zhang Yuzhao and Wu Rulun are the ones Zeng Guofan is most looking forward to achieving.

It can be seen that the people selected for the re-establishment of Jingshi University are all very suitable: Zhang Baixi, Yan Fu, Lin Shu, Gu Hongming, Wu Rulun, and the American Ding Weiliang are all capable, capable, and sincerely want to run new-style education.

Li Yu said: "Dean Wu's patriotism is admirable."

Liu Chunlin continued:

"After the dean came back, he warned us many times that we should learn more from the West in addition to seeking fame and fame, and should not be limited to politics and law.

"He mentioned that when he was in Japan, a young man named Yamane visited him, and when the two talked about the future ambitions of Dean Wu's son, the dean replied that he would study politics and law in the future.

"Major General Yamane laughed loudly after hearing this, and then said, 'People in your country like to learn from the prime minister, and Li Fuxiang is everywhere in the country' (that is, Li Hongzhang)!
The dean was very touched. After returning to China, he personally said that even if they are studying Western learning, Chinese students still study only for fame and fame. They learn the so-called "art of the emperor" and think about how to become a high-ranking official. No one cares about the basic subjects of doing things. , this is absolutely impossible. "

Li Yu was also very moved when he heard this, and said: "It's a good sentence, 'the whole country is Li Fu Xiangye', but most people in the world are still kept in the dark and can't see the current situation clearly."

Old Mr. Wu Rulun was humiliated when he went abroad, but at least he knew how to be ashamed and brave. Unfortunately, he passed away prematurely and did not see the day when the imperial examinations were abolished.

But even if he really saw that he had been a Confucianist education all his life, he would probably be very entangled in his heart.

And the words of the Japanese Major General Yamane are very penetrating. He is not a well-known Japanese figure, and he has seen it so thoroughly, let alone other Japanese elites.

(End of this chapter)

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