Chapter 341 Reply
After returning to the capital, Li Yu seized the time to help Einstein perfect and demonstrate the mathematical part of the thesis.

Einstein has indeed asked many mathematicians in history, some famous and some relatively less famous.

On the one hand, Einstein was deficient in mathematics because he often skipped mathematics classes during college; on the other hand, even if he was good at mathematics, he might not be able to know which mathematical tools to use for a particular physical theory.

The relationship between mathematics and physics is naturally very close, but there are also many differences between the two. Knowing which mathematical tools to use requires a certain amount of scientific intuition.

Relying on the forward vision of the traveler, Li Yu can make a correct judgment.

Everyone knows that the special theory of relativity must use Lorentz transformation. Lorentz must have a high level of mathematics. He can be said to be a scientific all-rounder. The scope of research is very wide, such as classical mechanics, electrodynamics, optics, gas theory, liquid Theory, Theory of Solids, Special Relativity, General Relativity, Radiation Theory, Quantum Theory, etc., just reading the list of names is tiring.

Almost equivalent to the Kumarajiva of physics.

Moreover, he won the Nobel Prize in 1902, and he is a super famous figure in the current European scientific community.

Many universities offered him an olive branch, but the University of Leiden in the Netherlands immediately raised his treatment to a very high level and successfully retained a generation of masters.

And Einstein, a small temporary third-level clerk, had no chance to talk to Lorenz.

Speaking of which, at least at this point in time, it is more difficult for Einstein to meet Lorentz than to meet Planck.

In addition to the problem of reputation, there is also a difference in concept.

Lorentz came up with the Lorentz transformation, starting from classical physics, and his thinking is still the absolute space-time theory.

But he got the correct result almost by "guessing".

It sounds no different from ordinary middle school students. Even the super awesome physics masters Lorenz and Planck sometimes rely on the most primitive guesses.

But what people guess is more high-end.

Lorentz believed in "ether", he came up with the famous Lorentz transformation, and he wanted to demonstrate the ether from the beginning.

In this process, he has actually been infinitely close to the threshold of the theory of relativity.

But unfortunately, because he didn't jump out of the wrong idea, he finally just used mathematical methods to prove that the ether will shrink and expand...

This is not to say that his level is not good, it is completely limited by the times.

The "relativistic time" that is easy for everyone to understand in later generations, although Lorentz has deduced the time variable, he just called it "Local Time" and did not understand that it is the time in another reference system.

Later, the Michelson-Morley experiment was repeated in numerous laboratories and proved to be correct.Lorenz still didn't want to give up the concept of ether, so he added a scaling factor to his formula, and he didn't know how to make it up, without any foreshadowing, he suddenly threw it out.

But with just such a flick, it hit the bullseye.

In order to cooperate with the formal unity of Maxwell's equations, Lorentz also added this coefficient to the time variable introduced before, which is the final form of Lorentz transformation.

So it can be seen that the reason why Lorentz was able to derive the Lorentz transformation was completely forced and helpless, because he wanted to correct the gap between the latest experiments and classical physics concepts.

But this gap is not an ordinary gap. To explain it clearly, we really have to throw away the foundation of classical physics.

The result is that his method is like using the geocentric theory to forcefully explain the theory of planetary movement.

While there's nothing technically wrong with doing this since motion is relative, it can get very, very cumbersome.

His thesis looks mind-boggling and super complicated.

Einstein himself had a limited level of mathematics...too difficult to be human!

Fortunately, once the theory of relativity is introduced, it is like replacing the earth-centered theory with the heliocentric theory, which instantly reduces the calculation difficulty by several orders of magnitude.

It took Li Yu two days to complete the revision and demonstration of the thesis, which was as simple as an ordinary homework for later generations of physics majors.

The special theory of relativity itself is not very difficult, and even the higher-end mathematical knowledge of differential geometry is useless.It cannot be compared with the general theory of relativity more than ten years later.

After completing the revision, Li Yu sent the letter.

On the same day, the experimental equipment sent by the great god Planck and Karl Siemens also arrived.

The postage is really expensive, but Karl Siemens has already paid in advance.

At present, in terms of academic centers in Europe, Germany is undoubtedly the top spot, and the news is basically the most timely.

They probably got the information that Li Yu was nominated for this year's Nobel Prize. If he really wins, it will be amazing.

After all, Roentgen, Lorenz and Lord Kelvin were nominated together, so the chances are very high.

By that time, Li Yu's academic reputation can be regarded as having really completed a super leap.Give him a favor, Karl Siemens is happy to do it.


After knowing that he was going to the United States, Bei Zi Pu Lun was very excited.

Pu Lun's ancestor was Qianlong's eleventh elder brother Yongxuan, who almost became emperor.

Qianlong was really able to live. In his later years, only the eleventh elder brother and the fifteenth elder brother had the chance to inherit the throne.

However, Qianlong may have felt that the eleventh elder brother was too fond of literary creation, and he was full of literati. He thought of Cao Zhi and Song Huizong, but finally gave up on letting him take the throne, and chose the fifteenth elder brother, who was later Emperor Jiaqing.

All in all, when it was passed to Pu Lun, this lineage no longer had any political status, so Pu Lun worked harder in other aspects. It was a very honorable thing to be able to represent the royal family abroad, and he might be awarded a big reward when he came back.

He is quite self-aware and knows that he does not understand the situation in the United States.Fortunately, Huang Kaijia, one of the first batch of young children studying in the United States, and Li Yu, who is very famous in the scientific community, were selected.

He immediately prepared to summon the two at his residence.

Li Yu first gave the manuscript to De Ling, who would polish it.

De Ling was used to it, and even took out a box of pastries from the palace to Li Yu.

Li Yu said with a smile, "I'm sorry for making you work and giving me something back."

De Ling said: "Anyway, it's not for nothing. The money I got from translating such a little thing has far exceeded my expectations."

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, and I'll definitely bring you some delicious food from America later."

Li Yu took the pastries and opened the delicate box, which contained the best dragon beard cakes and Poria biscuits.

Then let Zhao Qian drive to Datianshuijing Hutong where Pu Lun is located.

Hutong is located in the area of ​​Wangfujing, close to the root of Huangcheng.

The alleys in this area are relatively narrow, and cars can only move forward slowly.There are still a lot of people watching, and the speed can't be raised at all.

When passing Wangfujing, the speed is slower because there are many vendors and shops on both sides.

Zhao Qian had no choice but to keep honking the horn.

But this move is still very unfamiliar to people in the late Qing Dynasty.

Several people walking side by side startled, dodged aside, and bumped into another person.

The person who was hit was immediately angry, looked at the person who bumped him, and cursed: "Don't you have eyes?"

The hitter quickly apologized, but the hit person refused to let go: "Look at your dirty looks, do you know how much my clothes cost? If it's dirty, I have to pay for it!"

The intruder and his companion quickly said: "Master, we didn't do it on purpose. Your lord has a lot, so don't be as knowledgeable as us."

Unexpectedly, the person who was hit raised his foot and kicked up: "Little bastard, if you ask you to pay, you will pay, so much nonsense!"

Several people suddenly blocked the route of Li Yu's car.

Li Yu asked Zhao Qian who was driving: "Why are they so cowardly?"

Zhao Qian whispered, "Sir, look at the waist of the man who was hit."

Li Yu glanced sideways, saw that he was wearing a red belt, and immediately understood: "It's Jueluo."

Jueluo is the most distant royal family.

They were separated as early as the Nurhachi era, and they could not use the characters of the Aixinjueluo family Yi, Zai, and Pu.

The reason why they wear belts is to show their identity.

According to the regulations of the Qing court, this kind of people really can't be beaten or scolded, so they are a little bit arrogant.

However, this person is obviously the most common idler Jueluo, apart from being a "hardcore crop" who can get money, it's not a big deal.

The vast majority of Jueluo are actually pretty average, only a few taels of silver a month, and the Qing court does not allow Manchus to do business, so they have no good livelihood.

The one in front of him is just a red belt. If it is a yellow belt, it means that he is a descendant of Nurhachi, or it may be more recent. Anyway, the closer the time is, the higher the status.

Li Yu said to them, "Can you make way first?"

Red Ribbon tilted her head and said, "Why should I give way?"

Li Yu said: "I want to go to the appointment with my son Pu Lun. I'm afraid it's not good to delay the time."

The red ribbon asked: "Master Bei? Is it true or not?"

Li Yu took out the invitation card: "Can there be fakes?"

The red belt looked a little scared.

Above their Jue Luo, in order:
The distant clan, that is, the descendants of the Nurhachi brothers, but they cannot use the imperially appointed characters.

The closest clan is the descendants of Kangxi, so they can use the imperial characters.

The Jinpai Zongzhi, a descendant of Jiaqing, is the closest.

Counting it, Pu Lun is not the nearest "near sect", but his ancestor Eleven elder brother has a higher status, so the status is relatively higher in comparison.

Only then did the red tape get out of the way, and when the car passed by, Li Yu winked at the people who hit them, and they immediately understood, and slipped away while the car was in the middle.

The red tape cursed loudly, but was unable to catch up.

It was already late when we arrived at Pu Lun's house.

When Li Yu entered the door, he saw Huang Kaijia first, and then Pu Lun came out to greet him: "I have seen the emperor."

Li Yu said, "I'm really sorry, I'm late."

Pu Lun said: "It's not too late, it's not too late, sit inside."

Pu Lun ordered the servants to serve tea, and then asked: "The emperor is a big man who has traveled to the West many times and made a sensation in the West; Dounan (Huang Kaijia) is a person who has lived in the United States for many years. With you accompanying me, I feel more at ease." gone."

Huang Kaijia said: "The emperor's teacher must have a wide range of knowledge. When we went to Europe with Zai Zhenbei, I admired him deeply. Therefore, the World Expo team cannot do without the emperor's teacher."

Huang Kaijia was one of the first batch of young children studying in the United States, one year older than Zhan Tianyou, and entered Yale University, but unfortunately he was recalled without getting a degree.

"Brother Dounan, you are welcome," Li Yu said, and then asked Pu Lun, "What is the item that Master Bei is going to exhibit?"

Pu Lun said: "There are tea, porcelain, silk, and, according to the request of Minister Connor, I ordered someone to make a model of the palace, which refers to my palace."

Connor actually wanted a model of the Forbidden City, but Cixi didn't agree, so he had to choose a palace.

The exhibits were as expected.

Li Yu said: "Since it is the World Expo, and the duration is very long, and there are many participating countries, we can display more arts, such as Beijing opera."

Pu Lun asked: "Foreigners also like this?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "Some time ago, Minister Connor just organized a cultural salon at the legation. The famous actor Yang Xiaolou performed on stage. All the ambassadors liked it very much."

"You even like them?" Pu Lun was a little surprised, "If that's the case, let the Tongqing class accompany you."

Anyway, the imperial court paid for at least half of the tickets for the ship, which can definitely attract more people.

Li Yu went on to say: "In addition, St. Louis also has a sports event called the Olympic Games. You can bring some athletes with you to participate."

"What Olympic?" Pu Lun had never heard of this word.

Li Yu repeated: "Olympic."

Pu Lun shook his head: "I don't know!"

Li Yu had no choice but to explain to him: "The Olympic Games, oh, the Olympic Games, is a large-scale international sports event, and its status will not be inferior to the World Expo in the future. Moreover, this is a grand event related to peace."

Manchus have always advocated riding and archery in the past, and they are very interested in sports. Although most Manchus can no longer draw their bows, they still imagine the era of gold and iron horses.

Well, it only exists in imagination.

Pu Lun is also more concerned about "peace". After all, he is a very self-aware person, not only self-aware of his own position, but also self-aware of the current international situation.

But in the international situation, peace is not just lip service. Like the Russo-Japanese War, fighting at home and swallowing one's anger and seeking neutrality is a bit too much.

Peace is something that was typed out, or Bismarck's words summed it up well: truth is only within the range of cannons.

After listening to Li Yu's explanation, Pu Lun felt that it was acceptable to be so close, so he agreed to take Zhang Boling with him.

Li Yu's goal was achieved, and he chatted with Pu Lun for a while, and he completely agreed with Pu Lun's point of view on other matters.

After leaving Pulun's mansion, Li Yu immediately told Yang Xiaolou and Zhang Boling the news.

Yang Xiaolou was puzzled: "Can foreigners understand Chinese?"

Li Yu said, "I definitely don't understand."

Yang Xiaolou said: "Then they don't even know what the play is about?"

Li Yu nodded: "I don't know."

Yang Xiaolou said awkwardly: "What's the point of this?"

Li Yu said: "It's simple, you choose the repertoire in advance, anyway, foreigners will definitely not choose operas themselves. When the time comes, write the opera texts to be sung on cardboard, and someone will hold them up and type them out during the opera."

Li Yu flexibly used subtitles in stage plays.

But it's a good idea to think about it, after all, movies are about the same level now.

Yang Xiaolou clapped his hands and said, "The emperor's mind is really good!"

Li Yu added: "It's better to write a summary of the story, and let the American audience see it before singing, the effect will be better."

(End of this chapter)

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