Chapter 359
Li Yu took a few photos of Aviator 1 with the camera he was carrying, gave the negatives to Bell, and went back to develop them and study them first.

For him to give up the kite-flying career he has studied for many years, it really needs a process of transformation.

Moreover, Li Yu also needs to consider the conventional layout of the aircraft. If he makes some patents, he still needs to apply for and then do wind tunnel tests.

Since the Wright Brothers' aircraft used a canard layout, the conventional layout drawn by Li Yu would not conflict with his patent.

But it will take many years to go from blueprints to being able to go to the sky, and then to fly more stably for at least one hour.

Fortunately, Bell is not someone who is short of money, and with Li Yu's capital injection, if all goes well, he will be able to fly a plane in a few years!
Of course, the early planes actually looked like toys, many of which were made of wood, and even a bit like "Shook flying the plane" in cartoons.The flight distance and altitude are very limited, but at this point in time, what kind of bicycle is needed, let’s go to the sky first.

With a research direction, Bell suddenly felt refreshed and had something to do for the next few years.

This old man's spirit is really good, he can't rest at all.

Everyone then returned to New York first.

After returning, Konoe Zhaoxue gave Li Yu a letter.

Li Yu saw that the letter was actually sent from the Church of Rome. The envelope contained not only English, but also Italian, and the stamps were also affixed with Italy and the United States.

The envelope is very elegant, and the seal is also very artistic.

The content of the letter paper is written in a more aesthetic Italian font. This is a popular font in English. The continuous strokes are not very serious. The font is similar to the English fonts in daily contact, and it is easier to read; fancy.

If I insist on an analogy, it is a bit like Xingkai in Chinese, well-behaved and a little elegant at the same time.

Although in terms of calligraphy, the artistic connotation of this font is not deep enough, it is more suitable for daily use.

The content of the letter is as follows:
"Mr. Li Yu, Academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, and Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences,"

When Li Yu saw this long prefix, he really felt how he had so many titles, and the other party only listed relatively high-level academicians.

And because it comes from the Catholic Church, Russia's St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences was put last intentionally or unintentionally.But the first two are indeed stronger at present.

"The Holy See has now created an Academy of Sciences, and you are cordially invited to join.

Please believe that this is a decision that benefits all parties!
Many people may wonder whether the establishment of the Academy of Sciences by the Holy See is contradictory.

But after many years of thinking, I believe that if we agree with various advanced scientific theories such as heliocentric theory, galactic center theory, and evolution theory, we do not necessarily have to oppose belief in God.

On the contrary, if we believe in God, we should support the realization of true freedom, equality, fraternity and the great unity of mankind.We should also favor scientific progress that is humane, respectful, and controlled by humans.

Therefore, science and theology should and must co-exist. "

The final inscription is Servant of Servants, Pius X.

Li Yu did not expect that the Holy See would do this so decisively, and at the same time there was a letter from Planck, in which he was also planning to send Li Yu to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Holy See.

Planck was very enthusiastic about this practice of the Holy See. He also said in the letter: "If the church can carry it out, I think that in the future, natural science and religion may be able to achieve a perfect combination and complement each other."

Planck is not young and knows how to give others a step down.The Holy See has already done this, so it should go along with it no matter what.

And I am a German scientist. Germany used to be known as the Holy Roman Empire, and the Holy See had a great influence.

Li Yu thought that he had nothing to lose. After all, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Holy See does not require belief.In addition, the Pope and Planck have written letters in person, so face must be given.

So I wrote back and agreed: "Honorable Pope, thanks to the invitation, I naturally cannot refuse, and hope that we can achieve peaceful coexistence together in the future!"

In any case, reconciling science and religion certainly has certain positive implications.

It's just that it's impossible to reconcile science and religion in a true sense, since the two are fundamentally different.

And the current situation is that, with the rapid advancement of science, religion is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Engels directly said: "Under the onslaught of science, one army after another laid down its arms, and one castle after another surrendered, until at last the entire infinite realm of nature was conquered by science, and there was no longer a foothold left for the Creator. How far is this from the old God, the Maker of heaven and earth, and Lord of all things, without whom not a hair could fall from his head!"

Now that the Holy See has agreed, it is even more impossible not to go to Europe.

After asking Konoe Zhaoxue to send the letter, Tesla came to Li Yu's office.

He just returned from the St. Louis World Expo and brought a lot of good news: "From the perspective of orders, the number of orders for passenger ships alone exceeds 300, and the number of orders for cargo ships is too large to count."

Li Yu laughed and said, "This is really a big profit."

Tesla is very happy: "I really can't wait until the dividend!"

He must have not forgotten his Wardenclyffe Tower.

Li Yu can't interfere too much in this kind of matter, it's his freedom.With Tesla's character, it can't be changed.As long as he was doing his job well in the radio company, nothing else mattered.

As for statistics and other detailed matters, Xie Yuxi is even better at it. She also came to the office and said to Li Yu: "Limited by our production capacity, we actually stopped receiving orders on our own initiative, otherwise there would be more."

Li Yu said: "It's easy to handle. We will continue to expand the radio factory in the Bronx."

Xie Yuxi said: "It takes a lot of money to invest in expanding the factory."

Li Yu said, "Don't worry, I don't think it will be long before Mr. Morgan will come to your door."

Li Yu is right, financiers have the most sensitive noses, except for insiders like Li Yu, they are the first to feel the market turmoil.

In the afternoon, JP Morgan's son, Jack Morgan, visited Fifth Avenue in person.

Jr. Morgan is at the helm of the next generation of Morgan Group, and JP Morgan is already training him.

Jr. Morgan shook hands with Li Yu and said, "Congratulations on your great success at the World Expo. Father invited a few of you to a dinner at Delmonico Restaurant."

Li Yu said: "It is true that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, your Excellency came down very quickly."

Little Morgan wondered, "Cao Cao?"

"What I mean is that your market acumen is really high, which is admirable!" Li Yu said with a smile, "We will go to the banquet on time."

Delmonico's is an upscale restaurant where all of New York's top celebrities hang out.

There are countless people who come here here, including President Theodore Roosevelt, King Edward VII, Napoleon III, Mark Twain and other cultural celebrities.

Tesla also often eats here.

Delmonico Restaurant is located in a triangular brownstone building on William Street in New York. Its iconic features are silverware, crystal clear porcelain, elegant and romantic purple curtains, and various custom-made dining tables and chairs. .

It can be seen that all the utensils are in the style of the European royal family. They love to use porcelain, silver tableware, and purple, which symbolizes wealth (purple paint was more expensive than gold in the past).

The restaurant's specialty is Delmonico's signature steak and Newburgh lobster, as well as the popular flame ice cream and eggs ham muffins.

In addition, it also offers roast duck, which is very unique in the United States.Although the Chinese may sound unbelievable, there are really not many roast ducks in Laomei, and it can even be served on the tables of the top restaurants.

Until later generations, Lao Mei seldom ate roast duck. Their mainstream culture tried their best to promote the healthiness of eating chicken, especially chicken breast.

However, Li Yu is more willing to believe that they do not understand duck, because the taste of chicken is indeed more tender than duck, and only Chinese chefs can handle duck as an ingredient.

And their bodies are very honest, Laomei went to Quanjude to eat when she arrived in the capital.

Morgan brought the best tequila in the cellar, raised his glass and said happily: "As long as the newspaper is published and some operations are carried out, I think it only takes a few trading days for LY Radio to exceed 5000 million US dollars, or even more. high."

Li Yu understood what Morgan meant. He definitely wanted to inject capital first and then publish the news. At that time, the stock price rose sharply and he made more money.

These are all financial operations. In later generations, if you know the inside information in advance, you can also make a lot of money.

Li Yu said: "Mr. Morgan, if you want to inject capital, according to the previously signed articles of association, as a major shareholder, you must also invest in fixed assets in proportion."

Morgan said: "I understand that the factory expansion is justified due to the backlog of orders. As far as I know, due to insufficient production capacity, many orders have entered Marconi's company and German Braun's company."

Li Yu said: "Such a big market, we certainly can't eat it all."

Morgan said: "That's right, but I don't think it will take a year or so. Even if the two of them add up, they can't compare to your LY radio."

Li Yu said: "In addition, in order to guarantee services, we also need to build base stations, and this needs to be approved by local governments."

Morgan understood: "Wrap it on me."

Morgan has great means and has a good relationship with politicians; his steel companies and railroad companies are all over the United States, and he has a lot of land.Therefore, it is very appropriate for him to take the lead in building the base station.

Li Yu clinked glasses with him and said, "I wish a better tomorrow."

Morgan drank the wine and continued to ask: "Have you considered the price of the ship's telegram?"

Li Yu said: "Marconi's quotation is 100 pounds for 10 words, which is 50 US dollars. We don't need to be lower than him."

This kind of telegram is an ocean service, and it is normal for the price to be high.

It's a bit like Eastman's Kodak Company. Simply selling wireless telegraphs can't make that much money. What really makes money is the follow-up and continuous service fees.

Moreover, the telegraph service is just a business need, especially ships, which rely heavily on radio.In the past, once the ships set sail, there was no news of them, and God knows where they went.Now with radio, real-time contact with land can be achieved.There are either tourists or valuable cargo on board, and they must be very concerned on land.

So the transmission of the radio is very much.

It's not a long stream of water, but a long river!

Bell's former telephone company is the same reason, making long-term money.

And long-term profitability is precisely what the financial market values ​​most, and the stock price has soared 100%.

Morgan nodded: "Our product coverage and anti-interference capabilities are stronger, and the same pricing is already a blow to them."

(End of this chapter)

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