The ray detection experiment went smoothly, and soon Owen Richardson found that the ray intensity was the same through day and night tests, excluding the factor of the sun.

The next step is to use a hot air balloon to test it.

The launch of the hot air balloon attracted a lot of attention. Even The Times reported that Li Yu was doing experiments in the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University.

"The Times" even grandly introduced Li Yu once again with the headline "Waiting for the Great Change of Natural Philosophy".

Originally, with a series of scientific achievements and the popularity of the Star Wars series, Li Yu had already been in the limelight, but the British, who call themselves gentlemen and self-cultivation, must value Li Yu more.

Moreover, Li Yu also brought over several of his own patents this time, reported to them, and quickly got a large number of buyers.

The first person who found Li Yu was a man in the metal manufacturing business. This man looked to be in his thirties, dressed more elegantly, and he looked like a relatively successful businessman.

The other party greeted Li Yu first: "Dear Academician, it is an honor to meet you! I am Chamberlain, and I am very interested in your stainless steel patent."

At first impression, Li Yu almost wanted to be the basketball superstar Chamberlain, but he soon realized that he was the very controversial British Prime Minister.

But I didn't know that he was actually engaged in metal manufacturing now.

Europeans naturally have a natural and urgent demand for stainless steel cutlery, and it is only natural that they want to use this patent.

"Of course, Mr. Chamberlain, I will soon complete the filing work at the Patent Office in London." Li Yu said.

Chamberlain said: "In any case, I never imagined that the Qing Dynasty in the afterglow of the setting sun would produce an outstanding genius."

Li Yu smiled faintly: "The east is where the sun rises first."

Chamberlain's visit made Li Yu suddenly think of something, so he wrote a short article and sent it to the newspaper.

Here is an acquisition intent:
"I, Li Yu, want to buy cultural relics that were lost overseas after the fire in the Old Summer Palace in Beijing 44 years ago at a high price. Anyone who is interested can contact me. Those who provide reliable information will also receive signed complete works of Star Wars."

This text instantly ignited the memories of many people.

But for the British, they have invaded too many countries, and many things have long been forgotten. They may think that the burning of the Old Summer Palace is just a big deal.

And the current British are considering whether to recover the shame of just losing the Boer War in South Africa.The executioner is the most afraid of pain.This is the first time that the British have suffered traumatic injuries.

Li Yu's fame and his dual attributes of being from China quickly attracted newspapers to report.

Especially the "Daily Mail" and the "Daily Mirror", which is currently the largest circulation in the UK, have previously reported a lot of content about Star Wars.

The Daily Mirror was cheap, had a wide circulation, and was initially aimed primarily at women.

The ending of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: Rogue One", which has just been launched and is currently on sale, is quite tragic. The hero and heroine embraced each other and died together in the huge attack of the Death Star.

The newspaper took advantage of Li Yu's phrase, "If you pick up the lightsaber, you won't be able to hug you, and if you put down the lightsaber, you won't be able to protect you." This also caused countless female readers in the British Isles to feel heartbroken and cry wildly.

In an instant, Li Yu also became a female idol here.

This sentence, which is so extreme in later generations, was really lethal 100 years ago.Who said that there are no Korean dramas yet...

Immediately, public opinion turned towards Li Yu.

In fact, as early as 40 years ago, many British people opposed the burning of the Old Summer Palace, because people with a little brain knew that it was a war crime, and it didn’t matter whether you wanted to invade or colonize.

But they just objected and felt that it would not work.

But what can it really be.

Will you really return it?Or did the British pay for the restoration of the Old Summer Palace?

But now that Li Yu wanted to pay, that was another matter.

Britain had just been severely criticized by public opinion in the Second Boer War - in order to fight against the guerrilla tactics of the Boers, they used the scorched earth policy and concentrated a large number of people in special camps, which later became the notorious concentration camps.

Many see this war as the beginning of the end of British hegemony.

However, there is a reason for this. In fact, the United Kingdom has shown signs of fatigue many years ago, but it has not pierced this layer of window paper.

Lord Beiyan, the founder of "Daily Mail", came to interview Li Yu in person.

"Mr. Li Yu, we met before." Lord Beiyan said.

Li Yu shook hands with him: "Please sit down."

Lord Beiyan took out a small notebook and a pen, and said, "Actually, when I saw you last time, I really wanted to ask about that topic, about the two trade wars that year. However, due to concerns about face, I have never asked your opinion."

Well, the British still regarded the two Opium Wars as simple trade wars.

Li Yu said, "What can I think? I think Mr. Hugo has made it very clear."

Victor Hugo denounced the behavior of Britain and France in those years. He once wrote: "One day, two robbers broke into the Summer Palace (Old Summer Palace), one robbed and the other set fire to it. They returned to Europe happily. These two robbers, one was called France and the other was called England.

They shared the oriental treasure house of the Old Summer Palace together, and thought they had won a great victory!The greed of Lord Elgin's family is passed down in one continuous line, because the Earl Elgin who set fire to the Old Summer Palace was the son of Lord Elgin who robbed the marble sculptures from Greece a generation ago..."

Lord Beiyan naturally knew Hugo's article, so he said: "But according to the information, there is a reason for the incident. The British government just killed the diplomats and burned the Old Summer Palace as punishment, in order to give the emperor a warning."

Li Yu said: "It's too high-sounding. I think your country should be able to distinguish the relationship between diplomacy and military affairs."

Lord Beiyan said: "As a reporter, I dare not comment too much."

Li Yu said: "Okay, then leave it to future generations to comment."

Li Yu never expected the British to really admit their mistakes.From the bottom of my heart, the people still tend to support aggressive wars, because all the good life they enjoy comes from exploiting the colonies.

Lord Beiyan said: "We have always wanted to let your country know that England is a gentleman's country, and it is the most powerful country."

This sentence is a bit of a combination of grace and power.

Li Yu almost laughed angrily: "Is it true that being strong means aggression? Aggression is a gentleman?"

Lord North Rock wrote on the paper: "I don't think I can answer this question, but let the readers think for themselves."

Li Yu sighed, "It's better for you to spread the word that I want to buy the cultural relics scattered in the Old Summer Palace, and wait for them to get the money before thinking about it."

There are still some forces in later generations who want to manipulate some speeches.

More than 100 years later, the British Museum held a late Qing exhibition.My God, there are so many high praise comments saying "they are well preserved outside, at least they will not be destroyed."

Nima didn't even know if they all had bubbles in their brains.

If they retorted, they continued: "You are too young to understand history."

I go!Are you so stupid that you don't know how these things got abroad?Also save!What a stupid mind to say such mentally retarded remarks as "the aggressors rob you to save you".

But one click to open the avatar of the commenter is basically a private account.

After the newspaper reports, it really has an effect.

A British nobleman paid a special visit, and the other party said: "I am Sark, and my father is the ninth Earl of Elgin, Lord Victor."

It was the eighth Earl of Elgin who burned the Old Summer Palace.

The Elgin family is a real first-class nobleman in the UK, but it is also a family that likes to rob very much, which perfectly interprets what is called the spirit of robbers.

The eighth and ninth Earls of Elgin both served as the governor of India. This is a super high official, much more powerful than the governor of Zhili and the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Sac asked the servant behind him to take out a box: "We have something, I don't know if you will be interested."

After the servant opened the box, Li Yu was dumbfounded. It was the head of a sheep in the Chinese zodiac.

Li Yu squatted down and took a look. There were some bumps and wears. Under the current situation, there could be no imitations, and it was absolutely genuine.

Li Yu asked directly, "What price does the sir offer?"

Sack said: "To tell you the truth, we are actually not very interested in this collection, because in our tradition, we don't like sheep. So this thing has been placed in the servant's basement to hang sweat towels."

Li Yu knows that sheep are often used as symbols of demons in Christianity, and many images of demons have a pair of horns.

Moreover, in history, the sheep's head was completely lost. I don't know if it has something to do with this reason.

Sack paused for a moment and said, "If you have to bid, I think £200 is enough."

Li Yu was unequivocal: "I accept."

Li Yu took out a check, filled it out and said, "If you have other similar items for sale, you can contact me."

Saker said: "There were originally many, but some were in Scotland, and some fell in Calcutta. After so many years, I don't know how many can be found."

Li Yu sighed, "Look for it as much as you can."

Sack said: "Actually, there are many other good things brought back from India, Greece, and Egypt that I can't put down at home. If you are keen on collecting, go and have a look, maybe you will like it..."

Li Yu waved his hand: "I don't need those things."

Sack said: "It's such a pity. I can only build another warehouse for storage, otherwise there will be cultural relics coming over, and I really can't put them down."

Li Yu said, "I'm afraid there is no need for that."

Sac asked in surprise, "Why?"

Li Yu said: "For the sake of taking back the sheep's head, let me give you a word. Productivity determines the relationship of production, and the relationship of production reacts to productivity."

Sack was a little puzzled: "The German Marx's theory? Sir also understands political economy?"

Li Yu didn't bother to explain to him, so he said: "Everything is unspoken, sir, go back and figure it out for yourself."

As a time traveler, Li Yu must have understood that the beginning of the decline of the empire on which the sun never sets appeared to be the second Boer War; in fact, the root cause was the second industrial revolution.

Britain rose through the first industrial revolution, brought death and oppression to every corner, and turned the world into a colonial empire on which the sun never sets.

But Feng Shui took turns, and now the second industrial revolution has given birth to several countries that are stronger than him, and it is impossible to rule the world with a little colonial army.

Even if you don't understand game theory, it's easy to think: How can others continue to watch you sit there and eat human blood bonuses?

No conspiracy or conspiracy can resist the laws of nature.

Later Sotheby's auction house had several well-known auctions, and the slogan was "Relics of the Old Summer Palace". At that time, we strongly opposed it. Isn't this a second plunder!

But Sotheby's was sure that the Chinese would buy it back at all costs, and finally it was sold at a sky-high price.

Looking at the sheep's head in front of him, Li Yu felt very emotional. Let's not discuss its actual value for the time being. Its greatest significance may be to warn future generations: if you fall behind, you will be beaten.

After Sac left, Konoe Zhaoxue said curiously, "It's just a bronze statue, and it costs 200 pounds!"

Li Yu said: "It is not an ordinary bronze statue, but it was in the Old Summer Palace back then."

Lu Bicheng said angrily: "I know, they were taken away. Hateful! Hateful!"

Li Yu said: "If you go to a British museum, you will be blown up on the spot."

Lu Bicheng clenched his fists and said, "It's a pity that I'm not born back then!"

Lu Bicheng was really filled with righteous indignation for the series of "hateful", but Li Yu glanced at Konoe Zhaoxue, but she didn't seem to feel anything.


The relationship between Oxford and Cambridge is the same as that between Harvard and Yale. It is a century-old relationship, and it must be distinguished.

Seeing that Li Yu's experiment was in full swing, Oxford also wanted to invite Li Yu.

However, because Cambridge now has a bunch of big cows, Oxford does have a little gap with it in the field of natural science.

So Oxford wants to connect through the bond of art, because Yang Xiaolou came with Li Yu, and Oxford University decided to invite them to give a performance in the university.

Naturally, the status of Oxford University in the UK has nothing to say.

Li Yu tidied up his mood for the time being and decided to go to Oxford.

Oxford is close to 100 kilometers away from the main city of London, and it takes several hours to drive there.

To relieve boredom, Li Yu conveniently bought a book of British fairy tales for Lu Bicheng to read. Anyway, she is now very interested in European fairy tales.

She really read this book with more relish. The title is "Alice in Wonderland".

Lu Bicheng was fascinated as soon as he opened it, even if the road was a little bumpy, he couldn't help reading it straight away.

After reading it, Lu Bicheng rubbed his dizzy head first, and asked, "It's so exciting! Is there any follow-up story?"

Li Yu said: "Your question is almost exactly the same as that asked by Queen Victoria of England after reading it."

Lu Bicheng said: "Queen? Does she also like to read fairy tale literature?"

Li Yu said: "Not only did she like it, but she also became a fan of the author Lewis Carroll. After reading it, she told her staff that if Carroll has a new work, she must show it to her."

Lu Bicheng said: "It seems that there is a new work, why don't you show it to me?"

Li Yu said: "Queen Victoria did receive Lewis Carroll's new work back then, but the title of the book was "Basic Discussion of Determinant and Its Application in Linear and Equation Systems."

Lu Bicheng was puzzled: "Is it... a math book?"

Li Yu said, "That's right, because Lewis Carroll was a mathematician by profession."

Lu Bicheng was surprised and said: "It turns out that there are people like you in England, who can not only study and understand advanced mathematical knowledge, but also write excellent literary works."

Li Yu said: "Without your writing and polishing, the Star Wars series I wrote would definitely be dry. What would I do without you!"

Lu Bicheng smiled slightly: "The mouth is quite sweet."

Seeing her smile, Li Yu finally felt better, and asked, "Do you still want to read this new book by Lewis Carroll?"

Lu Bicheng quickly waved his hand: "Let me be spared! At least wait until I finish reading those introductory science books you wrote."

Li Yu said, "Your answer is still the same as the Queen's."

Lu Bicheng stuck out her tongue: "I'm just an ordinary little girl, how dare I compare myself with the queen."

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