Although the British Postal Service asked Li Yu to demonstrate their newest radio equipment, but due to a disassembly and assembly, there happened to be a small problem, which caused signal interference.

Even if Tesla fixes it quickly, it doesn't make a good first impression, because customers certainly won't deal with such advanced technical difficulties.

In the end, Pulis simply said: "Please trust that we will promote fair competition as much as possible."

Li Yu knew that these were superficially polite words. The British have fought so many trade wars over the past 100 years. How about fair competition at this time?Can ghosts believe it?

However, there is no other way for the time being, and we can only wait for a better turnaround in the future.

Li Yu said politely: "I hope so. In fact, our production capacity itself is not so large, and we have to take into account the Asian market."

Price said: "In your capacity, the promotion of LY radio equipment in Asia is indeed more worth looking forward to, and, look at these."

Price produced some telegrams. "They were sent from the news ship chartered by The Times from the Russo-Japanese front."

Although wartime news inevitably has a certain lag, they are all actual results of the battle.

Li Yu picked it up and looked at it, and was shocked in his heart: Commander Makarov, who had just taken office in the Russian army, was struck by a mine and died in battle.

His death is very critical, because he is one of the few people in the decaying Russian army at this time who has a clear mind and is more effective.

Another early inventor of radio, the Russian Popov, was limited by the environment and was unable to carry out further experiments, because the Russian high-level thought what he did was a joke.

Only Marklov supported Popov's.

However, his efforts alone are definitely not as good as the support of the British national power: the cost of radio experiments in the early days was very high, and the cost of an experiment across the ocean may cost tens of thousands of pounds.

This was tens of thousands of pounds in the 1890s, which is hard to imagine.

Anyway, now that Marklov is dead, at least it is impossible for the Russian navy to do anything.

Li Yu looked at the following telegram again, and it was indeed so.

A naval battle in the Yellow Sea broke out between Japan and Russia. The reason was that the Russian Pacific Fleet trapped in Lushun Port tried to break out and fled to Vladivostok Port.

However, both Japan and Russia know that the key to war is sea control. If the Japanese army can defeat the Russian Pacific Fleet, there is almost no need to fight land battles.

Therefore, the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet Togo Heihachiro personally pursued the Pacific Fleet on the flagship Mikasa.

Coincidentally, the Russian Pacific Fleet, which had sneaked out of the encirclement, broke down and was overtaken by the Japanese fleet.

Both sides understood the principle of capturing the thief first, and attacked the opponent's flagship vigorously.

The Mikasa of the Japanese Combined Fleet was severely damaged; however, the Prince Prince, the flagship of the Russian Fleet, was even more miserable. The commander was killed on the spot by being hit on the bridge by accident.

A major hidden danger in the Russian military system was exposed: the commander did not appoint an agent!
This low-level mistake caused the Russian Pacific Fleet to suddenly have no leader, and had to retreat.

A small number of ships fled to Qingdao Port and other places and were detained by Germany.

Russia's Vladivostok has sent some rescue forces, but they are too weak to be the opponent of the United Fleet.

However, after the main force of the Russian Navy returned to Lushun Port, the Japanese combined fleet still had nothing to do with them, because the coastal defense force of Lushun Port was too strong, with 220 cannons, all of which were heavy artillery for defense against the sea.

So the key point shifted to the army's attack on the Lushun Fortress.

Looking at the map, we can see that there is a relatively narrow section of land between Dalian, Lushun and the mainland of Liaoning, which is currently called Jinzhou.

The Japanese army launched its first fortified battle against the Nanshan Fortress in Jinzhou.It was also the first large-scale land battle that broke out in the Russo-Japanese War.

From the beginning of the war, the Japanese Army saw the cruelty of modern warfare, which was completely different from the training in the barracks.

Maxim heavy machine guns, long-range artillery, and howitzers that can bloom are simply hell for soldiers.

But the Japanese tactics are still fearless charge.

The loss of more than 4000 people in just two days immediately panicked the top Japanese army.During the Sino-Japanese War of 5000-[-], the Japanese army lost only [-] people. It took only two days to fight, and it was only the first fortress.

The Japanese army immediately formed the famous third army, with as many as 13 people, led by Nogi Nozomi, to attack the core Lushun fortress.

The other four armies are responsible for blocking the Russian reinforcements from Liaoyang, Shenyang and other places.

It sounds a bit like the Jinzhou battle, which is the key to the Liaoshen battle in the three major battles, and it is not a simple siege.

It can be simply understood as blocking enemy reinforcements and then concentrating the main force to attack Ping'an County...

The Russo-Japanese War was considered a major event in the world this year, and everyone was discussing it. After all, it was related to the so-called "War of Yellow and White".

Pulis said: "I never thought that the small Japanese army could achieve such victories in the decisive field battles and tough battles on land."

Although the British are now in an alliance with the Japanese army, most British people still don't think the Russians will lose.

Price continued: "Now Japan has sent us a huge order for arms, including radio equipment."

Price knew that Li Yu, as a Chinese, must be concerned about this seemingly neutral war that actually took place on the territory of Dalian.

So he took out another telegram: "This is the latest."

"Thank you." Li Yu took the telegram.

It tells about the first fortified battle in Lushun just completed in August.

Nogi Xidian inspired the spirit of Bushido, and when he came up, he threw a heavy army group and charged to attack the Lushun Fortress.

Nogi Nogi, the god of war in the hearts of the Japanese, really "loves soldiers like children".

He didn't seem to know the skirmish line tactics of modern warfare, so he let the team's officers take the lead in the charge.

As a result, it was impossible to cross the dense firepower network of the Maxim heavy machine gun.

After the death of the squad officer, the squad fell into a situation of random charge.

In one battle, 1.5 people were lost.

Apply the evaluation of Nogi Xidian on the Internet: God of War (×), Demon (√).

When the Japanese sea transport ship transported an infantry regiment over, it was sunk by a sneak attack by the Russian navy and was buried in the belly of a fish, which affected the front-line reinforcements to a certain extent.

Then, Li Yu saw a line on the telegram: "After the Russian General Fokker was defeated on the front line, he led the remnants of the army and did not retreat to Shenyang. It should have entered Lushun Port."

It shows that there are more Russian troops in the Lushun Fortress.

Obviously, it was also influenced by what Li Yu said to Horvath, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Middle East Railway Guard Army, and was transferred to Lushun.

Li Yu breathed out, it seemed that Little Japan was suffering again.

His mood was a bit complicated, and he generally understood in his heart that the increase of nearly 2 defenders could almost double the losses of the Japanese army in order to complete the attack on Lushun.

In other words, almost [-] more soldiers would die on the battlefield because of my own suggestion at the time.

Even though he knew that the little Japanese and the Russians were not good birds, the [-] lives still made his heart tremble.It was completely different from beating and killing several Japanese ronin at the Harbin Railway Station, because at that time it was completely self-defense and counterattack, and the beatings deserved to be killed.

Li Yu sighed, it seemed necessary to go to the Holy See, and he might have to find a Buddhist master to enlighten him in the future.

wrong!Li Yu shook his head, it was more necessary to find a master of psychology.

Li Yu was at war in his heart, Kelvin saw him in a daze, patted him and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Yu came back to his senses, recalled what he saw and heard in the memorial hall in Nanjing, and his mood improved a little, and he replied: "It's nothing, I'm just studying the battle situation."

Kelvin asked, "Don't you know anything about military affairs?"

Li Yu said, "I don't understand, I'm just worried about the people who died."

Kelvin said: "I know this is a sad thing, and sometimes I also feel that military and politics are just fiddled with on the sand table by those high-level people who have never even been to the barracks. So, this kind of It’s better not to worry about it.”

The King of England was not the later George V. At that time, the three cousins ​​of the King of England, the Kaiser, and the Tsar were just like playing house.

Now the British can still make a mockery of the war.

Li Yu said: "I don't want to control it, but I can't control it."

Lord Kelvin said: "Leave it behind me. I just happen to be going to the University of Glasgow. Are you interested in seeing the style of Scotland?"

Li Yu wondered, "University of Glasgow, what are you doing there?"

Lord Kelvin said: "They want me to be headmaster."

Li Yu really admires the old man Kelvin. He is 80 years old this year, and he is still so energetic!

Li Yu said with a smile: "Then I have to go and cheer you up."

"That's right!" said Lord Kelvin. "I could even get you into the Royal Society of Edinburgh, if you're interested."

The Royal Society of Edinburgh belongs to Scotland, and the Scottish attitude can be seen from the name.

Li Yu waved his hand and said, "I already have enough titles. If I join the society, I might be asked to write another paper."

Kelvin laughed and said: "You saw through it! But you just happened to meet Ramsay when you went, and you will go to Sweden together in a short time."

Ramsey was the 1904 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry.

The University of Glasgow is not well-known, but it has also awarded seven or eight Nobel Prizes, and they are all in the field of hard-powered natural sciences.

Moreover, Watt improved and completed the steam engine at the University of Glasgow that year, which has a profound significance for the British Industrial Revolution.

Lord Kelvin has a lot to do with the University of Glasgow. It is reasonable to be invited to be the principal. Of course, it is of an honorary nature. It is impossible to really let him do too many secular affairs.

On the train to Glasgow, Lord Kelvin said with emotion: "In fact, I still like the remote but clean Northland, which is refreshing and refreshing. It can also be far away from London, a city full of smog and smoke all day long."

Well, in the eyes of the British, Scotland, which is 500 kilometers to the north, is already out of reach, but Li Yu feels nothing at all, because it is only half the distance between Beijing and Shanghai.

Li Yu gave him a suggestion: "The new official takes office three times. If the principal can open a laboratory for students in the university, I think it will be a good thing."

At present, there is no physics laboratory dedicated to students in universities in the UK.

Lord Kelvin nodded and said: "Very good proposal. I heard that universities in Switzerland and Germany have long allowed students to do experiments. I think we should not lag behind them."

In fact, it is really not easy to do experiments now, mainly because of the lack of experimental instruments—here refers to the instruments for complex experiments.

Even if it is as strong as the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, at this moment, staff still need to make experimental equipment with their own hands.

Therefore, if the hands-on ability is not strong enough, it is difficult to learn physics.

Bragg and Thomson both studied mathematics at the beginning.

When Prague visited the Cavendish Laboratory for the first time, he even blurted out "why is it so shabby here"!
Later, he went to the University of Adelaide in Australia and was inexplicably appointed as a professor of physics, so he had to start studying physics.Fortunately, the level of students in Australia is not much better than that of the Qing Dynasty, so it is very popular to learn and sell for more than ten years.

Later, in order to conduct physical experiments, Prague specially hired a mechanic to help with the experimental equipment.

At this time, you can almost make a specific experimental instrument (no matter how simple or not, as long as it can be used), which basically indicates that you are not far from a certain great physical discovery.

That's why Leonard in Germany broke up with Roentgen for so many years: because Roentgen discovered that X-rays used the cathode ray tube he invented, Roentgen didn't mention the origin of the experimental equipment at all in his paper.

Leonard really protested a lot about this.

When they got off the train, people from the University of Glasgow had led a band in kilts and played bagpipes to greet them.

The Scots are really confident about this... In later generations, the whole world knows that Scottish men also wear skirts 0.0
Ramsay came over to greet him and said, "Mr. Lord, all the teachers and students in the school are looking forward to you!"

Lord Kelvin has lived such an old age, and he has long since looked away: "Young people are the future."

When I came to the auditorium, I first had to give an inaugural speech. Kelvin didn’t even prepare a speech, and stepped onto the stage. After a short routine of polite words, he began to speak loudly:

"Although many people respect me, I know that the scientific progress I have been pursuing for more than 50 years can be marked by the word 'failure'! I am no more than 50 years ago, when I started as a professor , know more about electricity and magnetism, or the relationship between ether, electricity, and force, or about the nature of chemical affinity. Now, the development of science, especially physics, seems to be incomplete. The dark clouds have not been dispelled for a long time. And this is the medal of honor that belongs to young people in the future."

"...what I convey is my personal failure, and it is also the enlightenment of your future success. On the way to explore the truth, there must be some sadness in the failure, but in the pursuit of science, the effort contained in itself can bring a lot of happiness struggle, which saves science from anguish and, perhaps, makes you quite happy in your daily work."

It is true that Lord Kelvin is not a man of old age, but "Two Dark Clouds" is really too famous, almost more dazzling than all his scientific research achievements.

I don't know whether he should cry or laugh if he has knowledge under the spring.

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