Needless to say, Laomei really has a lot of helium resources.

In later generations, we have found a lot of oil fields, but we have not found any larger helium gas fields, and helium is basically imported.

As the second element in the periodic table of elements, helium has a very high abundance in the entire universe, reaching 24%.

The first is hydrogen, 74%, and the two add up to 98%.

But there is very little helium on Earth.

Even the helium element was discovered by observing the solar spectrum around 1865. At that time, scientists thought that helium was an alkali metal, so it was named Helium after Helios, the sun god in Greek mythology.

When naming elements in the West, the suffix -ium is equivalent to the Chinese word for 钅.But when we translated, we already knew that it was a gas.

After another 30 years, it was not until 1895 that Swedish chemists discovered helium in uranium ore for the first time.

Note that it is uranium ore.

Because helium is very light, the gravity of the earth can't catch it, and the helium has already escaped into the universe when the earth was formed.

The current helium on the earth is produced by the radioactive elements in the earth's crust through natural alpha decay, which is very rare and non-renewable.

Before Li Yu crossed over, helium was still an important resource that could be called a bottleneck. After all, this thing was too useful, and it was still used in high-tech industries.

We buy almost [-]% from Qatar, and the rest from the United States and Australia.

Of course, this kind of strategic resource transaction has risen to the diplomatic level, and it is not entirely a matter of money or not.

Fortunately, our relationship with the Middle East is not bad.

Onness knew that Li Yu was very happy in the United States, and said, "If you can get more helium, it is not impossible for me to teach Yankees and set up a laboratory in the United States."

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "I can try it."

Onnes said happily: "If it's done, I don't need to dig and search for experiments. Now I'm afraid that even a little bit will be wasted."

Laomei's current ability to purify helium is indeed a bit low, and the price of helium is very high.

This is also the reason why laboratories all over the world have spent a lot of money on low temperature research for a long time.

Before the First World War, it was relatively easy to buy. After the First World War, Lao Mei was full of self-confidence. If she wanted to become the real world leader, she immediately began to control the export of helium to prevent Europe from developing even more terrifying airships.

But from the perspective of God, Lao Mei is a foolish move.

It was because of helium control that the Hindenburg had to use cheap hydrogen, which caused an explosion.Since then, Europe has focused on aircraft.

The large amount of helium stored in the United States was immediately sold out and could only be condescended to be used as a general protective gas.

Although Li Yu is not in a hurry about low-temperature physics, he should find a way to sell Onnes a benefit, because by then Onnes' liquid helium will become popular again, and he will have to rely on them for experiments.

Lorenz did not engage in low-temperature research, but Onnes’s original intention was to test Lorenz’s theory at low temperatures, so he had to pay attention.

Lorenz said: "If Mr. Academician can persuade Americans, I, Lorenz, would also like to go to the United States to give a lecture tour."

Laomei is not short of money now, but short of talents and technology. He is eager to see these great scientists in Europe.

So Lorenz's strategy of "selling himself" is very lethal, not to mention that he is still a top physicist who won the Nobel Prize.

Li Yu said with a smile: "Not only for everyone and Leiden University, but also for me. I should do my best."

Today's meeting with the Nobel Prize Three Musketeers went smoothly. After having dinner together, Li Yu left Leiden University.

Lu Bicheng stayed alone in the hotel for almost a day, and happened to take her out for a stroll.

Li Yu has a big impression of Amsterdam, not football or windmills, but a very interesting video of Zhang San, an outlaw lunatic, who suddenly saw a very interesting video when browsing a certain website: "Invoices issued by prostitutes in Amsterdam, the capital of sex." How do I get reimbursed when I return to the company?"

Since the Netherlands announced that it was legal in 2000, it has become a man's paradise.

But as for how to open and what title to open, I don't know, don't understand, don't understand...

After walking for a while, Lu Bicheng said to Li Yu, "I used to think you were tall and big, but when I came here, I realized that there are so many tall people."

Li Yu straightened his chest: "I'm not short here, okay?"

The two bought two pairs of Dutch characteristic handicrafts - wooden shoes in a roadside shop.

Then he walked forward, and when he passed a small gallery, Li Yu suddenly couldn't move his legs.

"Oh... oh well!"

Lu Bicheng followed his gaze and saw some strange paintings, wondering: "Is it very beautiful, I think it is not as good as Mr. Repin's portrait painting for us."

Li Yu hurried over and asked, "Are these paintings for sale?"

A middle-aged woman's eyes lit up when she heard it, and said excitedly, "Want to buy, sir?"

Li Yu asked, "Yes, but the artist was Vincent van Gogh?"

The woman was even more surprised: "Since the death of Timothy more than ten years ago, I have rarely seen other people know Vincent."

Theo is Theo van Gogh, the younger brother of Van Gogh.

Theo was an art dealer and almost the only one who recognized Van Gogh during his lifetime.

After Theo died, he asked his widow Qiu, that is, the woman in front of him, to keep the paintings of Van Gogh well. However, a widow with a child had a hard life. Sell ​​some paintings.

Li Yu saw several masterpieces at a glance: "Starry Night", "Sunflower", "Self-Portrait" and so on.

Li Yu asked, "Can these paintings be sold?"

Qiu nodded: "Yes, which one do you like, sir?"

Li Yu pointed: "I want all ten of these, but what price do you know?"

As soon as Qiu heard that there was a big business deal, he replied, "According to Theo's last wish, each painting should be worth at least 500 guilders."

500 guilders is just over $200.

Li Yu immediately said, "I accept the price."

It’s almost the same as Bai Jian, each piece was purchased for more than 200 US dollars, and these paintings have been passed down to later generations. Even if it is conservatively estimated, the value of each piece can exceed 3000 million. "Starry Moon Night" can easily be sold for 8000 to [-] million US dollars, or even higher .

The European powers have robbed so many good things from China, so they should rely on the information gap to pick up some bargains, so why not!

This is called "reciprocity".

Qiu was shocked. She thought the price would scare away customers, but the other party accepted it happily.

Qiu asked: "Where is the art dealer, sir? To appreciate Vincent's paintings so much, you must know that he only sold one during his lifetime. Now that he has passed away for more than ten years, I have held many exhibitions for these oil paintings, and I still Unable to be recognized by others. "Daily News" even commented, "If you understand the life and pursuit of the Van Gogh brothers, and understand the wrong paths taken by some Impressionist painters, as well as other pathological phenomena in the painting world, then this exhibition is obviously is rather strange'."

Li Yu is not an art dealer, and he doesn't know much about art. He only knows that Van Gogh's paintings are super valuable in later generations, that's all, so he replied casually: "As the saying goes, there are always Chollima, but Bole doesn't often. When I see these paintings next time, it seems like I saw my heart and was greatly moved, as if it was another me."

Qiu heard it in a daze: "Horse? What kind of horse? Oh, I was so excited that I almost forgot to ask if the gentleman is from the east?"

Li Yu said, "I am Chinese, and my name is Li Yu."

"My God! It turns out to be a mysterious oriental science giant and a best-selling science fiction author! I know you!" Qiu said loudly, "Vincent has been plagued by mental illness during his lifetime, claiming that no one can understand his inner vision. Now finally There is someone who appreciates him, if he knows, he must be very happy."

Li Yu realized that he had said the wrong thing. In his later years, Van Gogh suffered from serious mental problems. Just now he said, "Looking at my heart, I feel like another self." Anyone with a discerning eye who understands painting will know that it is nonsense. No one will admit it. I am mentally ill.

Fortunately, Qiu's finances were very tight at this time, and 10 paintings cost 2000 US dollars, which was considered a small sum of money, so he didn't realize the problem in Li Yu's words.

Qiu got up and said, "Sir, please show me one by one, and I will store them for you."

Li Yu didn't understand Van Gogh, so he could only rely on his impressions. Fortunately, he knew at least a few famous and valuable paintings.

When Qiu picked up "The Starry Night", he said: "Vincent didn't think it was an excellent painting before his death, because it was completed when he was in a bad mental state in the hospital. Are you sure you want it?"

Li Yu said categorically, "It must be done!"

This is simply a masterpiece of Van Gogh.

"I see," said Joe, and sighed. "Well, if only a horse like you had been around before Vincent was alive."

Li Yu corrected, "It's Bole."

Qiu packed these paintings carefully, and his eyes couldn't help being a little moist: "Vincent once said to my husband in distress: 'My paintings can't be sold, and I really can't do anything about it. But one day, people will Recognize their value. Must be far higher than the paint canvas we spend on them, and the meager living expenses I have to pay to paint them.’ It’s been 14 years, and the day has finally come!”

Van Gogh only sold one painting in 1880, which was sold for 400 francs, which is about 80 US dollars.

The price proposed by Qiu is Theo's psychological price. If a knowledgeable art dealer like Theo is alive, even if he knows he is not recognized, he can still reach three to four hundred dollars after a few years of operation.

It is a pity that Theo died prematurely six months after Van Gogh's death.

Of course, even if it costs three or four hundred dollars a piece, Li Yu will buy it without hesitation.

Li Yu called a carriage, and stopped playing, and put these paintings in the hotel properly first.

Lu Bicheng was very surprised by Li Yu's actions throughout the whole process: "If these paintings are really drawn by a person with mental problems, as the lady said, are they still so good?"

Li Yu said: "I can't explain too much, but the name of Van Gogh alone will be a gold-lettered signboard in the future."

Lu Bicheng still couldn't understand, and still thought Repin's picture was better.

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