December 12 is the anniversary of Nobel's death, so the awards are scheduled for this day.

The Chemistry Prize was awarded first, and at the same time Lord Rayleigh and Ramsay of England were awarded in recognition of their contribution to the discovery of neon gas.

Then there was the award to Li Yu, which consisted of award certificates, gold medals and a bonus of 15 crowns.

Li Yu successively took over from King Oscar II of Sweden.

Oscar II said to him: "You have done a very good job. From the day I received the mathematics bonus I set up, I knew that you would have more outstanding achievements. As expected, today has verified my assumption. In short, congratulations you!"

Li Yu said solemnly: "Thank you, Your Majesty the King."

After Li Yu returned to his seat, the Physiology Award was awarded to Tsarist Pavlov; the Literature Award was jointly awarded to the French poet Mistral and the Spanish poet José.

Among these people, Li Yu is not very familiar with those who only have the literary award...

But it can be seen that the Nobel Prize Committee also takes good care of different countries.

As for the Peace Prize, it will not be awarded today.

The awards were followed by a celebration ceremony at the Stockholm Symphony Hall and a banquet at the City Hall.

The symphony celebration ceremony is more solemn, but the banquet is more relaxed after being grand, and everyone can eat and talk freely.

The first is still the speech of Oscar II: "Welcome to come to Stockholm to accept the Nobel prize money. In fact, this is our honor. It is your brilliant names that make the name of the Nobel Prize more and more popular in the world." Know."

There is nothing wrong with saying so. With so many awards in the scientific community, the reason why the Nobel Prize has been able to stand out for so many years is because there are too many powerful people who have won awards.

Einstein, Planck, Dirac, Bohr, etc. have made the Nobel Prize an immortal myth in the first two decades of the Nobel Prize. It can be said that the Nobel Prize is proud to be awarded to them .

In later generations, people are proud of winning the Nobel Prize.

When it was time for free activities at the banquet, Pavlov came to Li Yu's side. He was very surprised that Li Yu could win the award: "I think you will be the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history!"

Judging by the age of the award, Prague was the same age as Li Yu when he won the award, and he was indeed the youngest winner.

Li Yu raised his glass to celebrate with him: "Congratulations to you too, Mr. Pavlov! I still need to make progress."

"The future of science belongs to the hardworking and humble young generation like you," Pavlov said. A talent like you is a beautiful warning to the whole world."

Pavlov is quite principled, but he does not represent all Russians.

Lord Rayleigh was a joker, and he came over and said, "Mr. Pavlov, I have a question. According to your theory, as long as you feed the dog meat after the alarm clock rings for a long time, the dog will eat meat when the alarm clock rings in the future. Drooling is a conditioned reflex. And I suddenly wondered, from the perspective of dogs, would they think so: as long as the alarm clock rings, Pavlov will feed us meat, is it also called a conditioned reflex ?”

Pavlov said with a smile: "Sir Rayleigh is very speculative, but whether to feed meat is my subjective decision, not an alarm clock decision, so it is not a conditioned reflex."

Lord Rayleigh added: "Will you do some research on the high-level activities of the human cerebral cortex in the future? This is a question that I have always been very interested in."

Pavlov was a little helpless: "Although my research initially opened the window to study advanced neural activities, it is too difficult to study the human brain from an anatomical point of view."

"Oh!" Lord Riley said with some disappointment, "I thought you had a way to let me go home to deal with my madam who loses his temper every now and then."

"This question goes beyond neuroscience," Pavlov said.

"Exactly." Rayleigh accepted the reality.

Jose, who won the literary award, came over and clinked glasses with Li Yu: "I have read your works, including physics and the science fiction novel, and I like them so much that I even think that the literary award should be awarded to you."

Li Yu said with a smile: "It would be more appropriate to have a special science fiction award sometime."

Jose gave Li Yu a copy of "The Great Matchmaker" (the work that won the Nobel Prize) that he had signed, and Li Yu gave him a signed paper.

Jose is a graduate of science and engineering, so he can more or less understand the general idea.

The next day, the winners took turns to give a speech, which is the "winning work" speech mentioned in the letter.Now that I am in Stockholm, it is more convenient to complete it together.If there is really no time, it will take half a year.

This is a relatively routine content. In fact, during the year-long selection process, the Nobel Prize Committee has clearly studied the work of the winners, and now it is just a public talk to everyone.

Anyway, there is nothing new, Li Yu just briefly talked about some content of the paper.

The entire award ceremony took about a week to come to a complete conclusion, which was rather cumbersome.

After the incident, Li Yu took Lu Bicheng to look at the small island bought in Sweden again before returning to Germany.

When he arrived in Berlin, the newspapers had already reported on this year's Nobel Prize, and all kinds of praises were on the paper, but Li Yu was not very interested in the praises of Europeans, and he still wanted to go back to China to have a look.

It's already December, and it's almost time to leave, otherwise it may not be in time for the Chinese New Year.

As for the distance, you have to go to the United States first, and then return to Tianjin Port from the United States. This is a relatively fast way, and the safety factor is relatively high.

At this time, Madame Curie suddenly sent an invitation, hoping that Li Yu could come to a "don't face" party.

Li Yu respected Madame Curie very much. It was really not easy for a woman to do scientific research in the early [-]th century, and the key is to do it so well.

Going to France first is considered a drop-in route, and you can go directly to the United States by boat from Paris, so Li Yu agreed to the invitation.

Of course, Konoe Zhaoxue had to be brought along this time as well.

Lu Bicheng is a more open-minded person, but he is also ashamed of the limitations of the times, so he did not tell Jinwei Zhaoxue about his relationship with Li Yu.

But Konoe Zhaoxue is too smart, she can see the clue from Lu Bicheng's behavior, this kind of appearance nourished by love is too easy to recognize.

The abacus in her heart had already begun to fiddle with frantically, thinking of some strategy to use to get Li Yu back.

But this idea was quickly dispelled by her, and she quickly calmed down, don't forget that she is a spy!Why is there such a strong jealousy all of a sudden?

Shouldn't, shouldn't!
Emotional weakness can be used by others to take advantage of you!

This is what Konoe Zhaoxue learned in the spy school, and the word "forbearance" is the best policy.

Now it's still a matter of standing still, don't startle the snake, wait until you go back to the east and ask Shangfeng for the next order.

Having figured this out, Konoe Zhaoxue immediately returned to smiling, as if nothing had happened, and continued talking and laughing with the two of them.


Residence of Marie Curie in Paris, France.

When Li Yu entered the door, he looked around. The interior of the house was very simple, which matched the personality of the Curies very well.

The Curies first expressed their congratulations to Li Yu, and then said: "If it weren't for my poor health, I really want to go to the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge to see the appearance of cosmic rays with my own eyes."

Li Yu knew that the Curies had a special liking for ray research, so he said: "Madam, you don't have to leave, I can ask the laboratory to send you some photos I took."

Mrs. Curie was very grateful: "That will definitely be the most precious gift I received this year."

Li Yu glanced at Madame Curie's daughter, who was playing with a medal in her hand. Li Yu saw it when he was in England, and said in surprise: "This should be the David Medal of the Royal Society of England. It really makes children feel free to Play?"

Mrs. Curie smiled and said: "Yes, I do this to let children know from an early age that honor is like a toy, it can only be played with, and it must not be guarded forever, otherwise nothing will be achieved."

Well, it's really the same as the historical records.Capitalized clothes.

Afterwards, several people came, including Ramsey, who also just won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. After some conversation, Mrs. Curie said mysteriously: "The wonderful performance is about to start, please enjoy it."

Then Madame Curie extinguished all the lights in the house.

Soon, a butterfly with blue and white phosphorescence began to dance around the room.

It turned out to be a dancer dancing beautifully.

Everyone had never seen such a performance before, and there was thunderous cheers.

Mrs. Curie said: "She is the dancer Eve Lai from Broadway in the United States."

After the dance, the dancer Evelyn said: "I was inspired by the report of the great Marie Curie that 'Radium will shine at night' and designed this costume covered with phosphorescent pigments. The performance will be held all over Europe. , but I must first present this dance to the great Madame Curie, because you gave me the spark of art."

Li Yu was shocked. Is this dancer covered in radioactive substances in the performance?
Li Yu quickly asked, "Is the fluorescent material on your body made of radium?"

Dancer Eve Lai said: "I thought so, but I didn't buy enough radium, they are too expensive. But the performance of this art is indeed to promote the greatness of the discovery of radium."

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as the effect is achieved, it doesn't matter whether it is real radium or not."

But Evelay went on to say: "Radium companies in the United States have launched many products containing radium. These fashion products containing 'angel rays' have fascinated countless people."

Li Yu was dumbfounded again: "Angel ray? Fashion?"

Evelyn said: "That's right, now the Radium Company has launched radium lipstick, radium foundation, radium pillow, radium cup, and radium toothpaste. Although the price is very expensive, rich people are willing to pay because of radium's angel rays. Even cancer can be treated, so wouldn’t it be more effective in dealing with other minor diseases.”

Li Yu's brain was buzzing, what logic is there!

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