Chapter 395 Homecoming
Li Yu carefully put away the paintings. Just as he was about to leave, Bishop Jason stopped him suddenly: "Mr. Academician, I happen to have a group of people here, and they have a lot of ideas about your theory."

"Thinking, what thinking?" Li Yu wondered.

Bishop Jason smiled strangely, then turned around and entered the Holy See, and brought a few people over after a while, "Everyone, this person in front of you is Li Yu, a man from the Qing Dynasty who just won the Nobel Prize. If you have any questions, you can go to him."

This group of people looked at their clothes, and they were obviously believers. The leader immediately said, "Nobel Prize? Are you a member of Scientology?"

Li Yu was confused: "What Scientology?"

The leader said: "You are the ones talking about deceiving the public, and the one who won the Nobel Prize is the culprit!"

"What?!" Li Yu was even more confused.

Bishop Jason said: "They are Puritans who want to unite us against Scientology because they cannibalized a large number of believers."

I'm dizzy, it turned out to be a Puritan.

Puritans should be regarded as a branch of Protestantism, but Puritans are more fundamentalist and conservative than Catholicism, and they are also the most opposed to new things.

It is said that a large number of the first people who came to North America from the United Kingdom were Puritans, accounting for a high proportion, and there were quite a few Puritans in the United States until later generations.

The leaders immediately turned their attention to Li Yu. Bullying a Chinese seemed easier for them than messing with the American Academy of Sciences.

The leader said: "Yu Li, don't think that you can do anything if you know a little bit of Western knowledge. Let me tell you, this is all heresy!"

Well, this guy really has both ends in one pot.

Li Yu asked: "Science is hidden in nature, and there is no national distinction. The Russian Mr. Pavlov, who won the Nobel Prize at the same time, said that science has no national boundaries, but scientists do."

The leader said: "You don't mention Tsarist Russia, they believe in the Orthodox Church, and they are pagans!"

"Well, regardless of the country and the country, why do you say that science is heresy?" Li Yu replied.

"Of course it's a heresy!" The leader said righteously, "The fact that the earth is round and the earth revolves around the sun is a lie. It's Satan's theory. To spread these words is to speak for the devil!"

The people behind immediately shouted loudly: "Destroy Satan! Destroy the devil! Uphold the holy religion!"

Li Yu was in a cold sweat. These people were more difficult to deal with than those who drank radium water.

Li Yu said: "The theory of the circle of the earth has been proven hundreds of years ago, so it's pointless to revisit this old account? The simplest truth is, if you go to the beach and look at the ships coming from a distance, do you see the top of the ship first?"

The leader sneered, but ignored Li Yu's explanation, and continued, "It's not interesting? Then let me ask you something interesting. You are also from some astronomical society. You say that the size of the sun is 130 million times that of the earth. The light of the sun is so dazzling, how can the clouds cover it? How can the moon and so many stars cover it?"

Li Yu smiled helplessly: "Brother, the clouds can scatter, and it happens to scatter the strong light, which makes the stars and the moon invisible during the day. But in the evening, can't you still see the moon?"

The leader was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Let me ask you again, since Venus and Mercury are on the daytime side of the earth facing the sun, why can they be seen at night?"

Li Yu replied: "You're wrong, it should be visible only at dawn and dusk, so Venus is still called Venus in China."

"Venus, I haven't heard of it! But these theories are not self-defeating." The leader said forcefully.

"Wait a minute," Li Yu said, "Where is the self-defeating? You are the one who is self-defeating, right?"

"Of course you are self-defeating!" The leader is still relentless, "According to what you said, the earth is really a ball, and it is spinning so fast, isn't the water on the ground thrown away? And the smoke from the chimney How can it be straight when there is no wind?"

Li Yu felt a pain in his head, and these Jiu Leu Yu really didn't understand anything, so he replied casually, "Because of the inertial system, you always know about Galileo, right?"

"Hmph!" The leader seemed to have known that Li Yu would bring out Galileo, and taunted, "That old man has already confessed to the Holy See!"

Li Yu said: "Galileo was obviously forced, do you really think he wanted to admit his mistakes?"

At this time, the leader brought out today's big killer: "In order to convince you, I have discovered your most important big flaw in Newtonian mechanics!"

Li Yu said: "Please take it out quickly, I'm leaving, oh no, I'm really scared!"

The leader took out a picture: "The most important thing about Newton's universal gravitation is the gravitational constant. The so-called Cavendish experiment to measure this constant is full of loopholes! He used shot put, but I asked all the steel factories, the inside of the shot put There will always be iron, so he only needs a little magnet to complete the experiment."

The leader immediately laughed: "It's ridiculous and naive, you actually regard this kind of inferior experiment as a classic of astronomy!"

Li Yu was really speechless, "Brother, the pure shot put used by people is to avoid the interference of the magnetic field. All the steps of the experiment are in the library. You can check it yourself. Don't tell me that you don't understand. "

The leader was a little angry: "Who do you say can't understand?"

The people behind also started to shout loudly:
"There are still many things you can't explain! Since there is a theory of evolution, why didn't monkeys evolve into humans?"

"If humans really evolved from monkeys, why do we still have children? We can raise monkeys!"


Li Yu's head was getting bigger and bigger, so he had to say loudly: "Shut... ah, be quiet!"

Li Yu pretended to be mysterious and said: "Let me tell you something that is more horrifying to think about. In fact, everyone in this world is being manipulated, and each of your thoughts is implanted by the upper class. This world is a Big cover, everything you see is fake and virtual!"

Li Yu boasted and told them about the world of Truman. These people, who had never heard of such a shocking theory, were all stunned.

The leader said angrily: "Impossible!"

Li Yu smiled and said, "Don't deny it, do you have a way to prove that you are wrong?"

"I..." The leader couldn't say anything for a moment.

Li Yu waved his hands and said, "Think about it carefully, I will take my leave first!"

Li Yu felt very happy, and they couldn't figure it out even if they wanted to break their heads. Sure enough, magic must be easy to use when dealing with magic.

Later generations of the United States are divided into happy education and elite education because of education. Anti-intellectuals are the most, but it seems that there are still more.

Of course, before Li Yu crossed over, this wave finally spread to the country.But in fact, there is no need to worry too much, they are really worthless~~

After putting away the paintings, Li Yu went to find Rockefeller again and chatted with him about helium.

Rockefeller was a shrewd businessman, and he just funded many American universities, so he immediately put forward the conditions: "I can help mediate the export of more helium, but the Europeans must agree to send excellent professors to my University of Chicago to teach, preferably at the University of Chicago. The United States also builds laboratories."

Li Yu said, "I will tell Mr. Lorenz the truth."

The word has been brought, it depends on who Lorenz and the others send to the United States to give speeches.

To help them is to help Li Yu himself. After all, Van der Waals has helped Li Yu find so many primary and secondary school teachers, and it is still very likely to ask them for help in the future.

Later, Li Yu arranged for the production of cars and radios. Now the operation has been initially on the right track. In fact, it mainly deals with various orders, as well as ensuring the yield and after-sales issues. The profits are still considerable.

Li Yu asked Tang Jianzhang to help, first to cooperate with Tesla, especially to take care of the radio business when Tesla went to Wardenclyffe Tower.

Tang Jianzhang was very enthusiastic about this, and even showed some management talents, which Tesla lacked.Tesla is more of a pure scientific research scholar.

Harvard University is ready to go to China to investigate the person in charge of the construction of the medical school, Edwards, and Li Yu met with him. This person can speak Chinese even though he is not particularly fluent, and there is no major problem in daily communication.

However, due to the difficulties at the moment, MIT can't find anyone for the time being, but Li Yu is not in a hurry.

Afterwards, Li Yu went to Chinatown to visit Situ Meitang.

Situ Meitang really offered face, and directly set up a lion dance troupe to welcome him.

Situ Meitang laughed loudly: "My good brother, you have given us a big face!"

Li Yu said, "That's all I can do."

"That's all?" Situ Meitang said, "Now you are the Wenqu star in the whole Chinatown, and now everyone even wants to hang your head under the statue of Confucius."

Li Yu laughed and said, "That's unnecessary."

Situ Meitang asked: "Is there anything wrong?"

Li Yu said: "Only the dead can enter the temple."

Situ Meitang laughed and said, "So that's the reason."

Li Yu entrusted Situ Meitang to take care of some things: "Brother, I have to go back to the country first, after all, the country is the root. The factories and laboratories here are waiting for you to take care of them, as well as the training of workers. you."

Situ Meitang readily agreed: "Your business is mine!"

Li Yu set out to return home after making all the arrangements.

Counting the days, it is really approaching the end of the year in China.


After more than half a month's journey, they finally arrived at Tianjin Port.

Today's Bohai Bay seems to have less wars, and they entered the bay without the obstruction of Japanese ships.

Because at this time the Japanese army had just captured Lushun Fortress.

It was a gamble to win.

Two months ago, the Japanese base camp was almost desperate. They held an imperial meeting and wanted to abandon Lushun Fortress and attack the nearby 203 Heights first. Because this is the commanding height, the Russian army can view the entire battlefield through it and correct the impact point.

However, due to the inherent differences within the Japanese army, abandoning the attack on the fortress would cause the army generals such as Nogi Noki to suffer the shame of attacking losses and losing troops, so they refused to change the main attack direction.

So the Japanese Third Army recruited three thousand death squads who claimed they would never retreat, and launched a suicide attack to attack Lushun at night, but they were discovered.And they have no cover. In modern warfare, a charge without artillery cover is a kill.

So after more than half of the casualties, the commander finally ordered the death squads who would never retreat to retreat.

Kodama Gentaro, Japan's chief of staff, finally ordered to attack Highland 203 instead, but it was actually more difficult to fight here because it left the attack range of the Japanese 280mm howitzer.

But the Russian army did not expect that they would attack this place. After paying a heavy price, the Japanese army captured Height 203.

Nogi Noki's son was also killed in this charge.

After that, the Japanese army's attack on the Lushun Fortress became smoother.

However, the Russian army had more reserves and still resisted desperately. On New Year's Day in 1905, the Japanese army captured Lushun.

The Japanese casualties in this battle exceeded 10, 4 more than in history.

However, the Russo-Japanese War did not end. At this time, the Russian army had mobilized 37 troops and was preparing to go south.

The Baltic Fleet has not arrived at the battlefield at this moment.


Yuan Shikai, the governor of Zhili, and others had already seen the news of Li Yu's Nobel Prize in the newspaper, and came to the port again to greet him.

Yuan Shikai gave a higher standard, directly pulled out a guard of honor, and even fired a few salutes.

Li Yu said: "I am very grateful to have a master from Taiwan come to greet me in person during his busy schedule."

Yuan Shikai said happily: "Mr. Academician, of course you deserve such a courtesy! I asked before, the Nobel Prize is the strongest award in the scientific world, and now the whole country is very excited, rushing to see you, if I don't In the light of the governor of Zhili, we may have to queue up at the back."

Yuan Shikai then took Li Yu and his party to a restaurant to celebrate.

After a few glasses of wine, Li Yu said to Yuan Shikai: "Commander, I have a small request. I wonder if I can help you?"

Yuan Shikai said, "But it's okay to talk about it."

Li Yu whispered a few words in his ear.

Yuan Shikai immediately patted his chest and said: "I thought it was something, this trivial matter is on my shoulders! Otherwise, I'm still the governor of Zhili!"

Li Yu cupped his fists and said, "Thank you in advance!"

At the banquet, Yuan Shikai introduced the new Tianjin Customs Daoist Liang Dunyan. At this time, Tang Shaoyi had been promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Liang Dunyan was one of the first batch of young children to study in the United States. He also studied science and engineering and entered Yale University. Unfortunately, when he was only one year away from graduation, he was forcibly conscripted back to China by the Qing government.

Liang Dunyan said: "Your Majesty is truly indescribably admirable. How about I invite you to give a speech at Beiyang University Hall tomorrow?"

Liang Dunyan concurrently served as the principal of Beiyang University Hall.

Li Yu said, "I dare not disobey."

Liang Dunyan also said: "Yizhong (Liang Chengzi) was a classmate with me back then. He wrote to me many times recently, mentioning that it was your help that helped the US government pass the agenda of returning Boxer indemnity. You should be remembered for your great achievements.”

Li Yu said: "I'm just giving some ideas, and most of the specific things are actually done by Minister Liang."

Tang Shaoyi said: "To be honest, when the news came out that the United States was going to return the boxer indemnity, Teacher Juren (Xu Shichang) once suggested that it be used for the development of Northeast China, while the Marshal hoped to use it for industry, only Songsheng (worded by Liang Dunyan) It was suggested to be used for education. Later, the United States sent a telegram again, confirming that the United States wanted to use it for education, and everyone was deeply impressed by Songsheng’s prophecy.”

Liang Dunyan said: "I have set up Guolu (Tang Guoan, also one of the young children studying in the United States) as soon as possible to set up the Traveling Beauty Office, and quickly promote the selection of personnel, looking forward to resuming studying in the United States."

The large group of young children studying in the United States were basically not valued by the Qing court after returning to China, and many were snatched away by Yuan Shikai, so Beiyang is really full of talents at this time.

Li Yu praised: "Master Liang has a good opinion."

Tang Guoan was the founder and first president of Tsinghua University.

(End of this chapter)

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