In order to deter, the Qing court always liked to put the death penalty in places like Caishikou.

When Li Yu arrived, many people had already surrounded him.

Looking into the distance, there were two teams of officers and soldiers lined up on the left and right to maintain order, and on a taller wooden platform was tied a short, dark man, probably the Kang Xiaoba who was about to be mutilated.

A man saw that Li Yu was wearing special clothes, came over and said, "Master, if you want to watch a good show up close, you only need 100 yuan to go to the front row; if you pay half the money, I can let you go to the best place." Front seat."

Li Yu was very surprised and said, "Can I still buy tickets?"

The man said: "This is much more enjoyable than buying tickets to watch a theater. It's been many years since I haven't seen the big scene of torture."

Li Yu waved his hand: "I'm fine here."

The man was bored, and went to other people, and two foreigners were very interested, so the man let them come closer for a silver dollar.

Even raised the price.

The weather was already very cold at this time, and Kang Xiaoba on the wooden platform was so cold that his skin was a little red, and his body was covered with fish scale-like bumps from being strangled by the fishing net.

Someone in the crowd said: "I thought Baye Kang was a burly man, but I didn't expect him to be so thin."

"That's right, maybe even I can't beat it."

"Come on, do you dare to shoot at the elders?"


Li Yu was not surprised at all. The ancient thieves could not be tall. Only thin and thin people could deftly climb over walls and houses.

Suddenly there was a burst of cheers ahead, it turned out that the executioner had arrived.

"Look, it's Cai Liuye!"

The executioner was naturally not an ordinary person.

Cai Liuye was nearly sixty years old, wearing clothes that were almost white from washing, and after putting down the knife, he gave a salute to the audience, as if he was used to being surrounded by people when executing prisoners.

Mr. Cai Liu sprinkled a little water on the slender knife, then wiped it with a piece of cloth, and said at the same time: "Little Bazi, it's no wonder I executed Mr. Liu today. What is written in the verdict is in your hand There are several human lives, and this one of yours is not enough. I only hope that you will continue to atone for your sins in the underworld. Hey, it’s a pity that I don’t know how many people died under the old knife. I still remember it before, but now I don’t know Don’t dare to think too much about it. Adding another death sentence today may also be the sin of old age.”

Kang Xiaoba's eyes couldn't stop jumping when he saw the knife, but when he looked at the people around him, he suddenly braved up and said, "Come on, if I, Mr. Kang Ba, make a sound, he won't be a good man!"

Cai Liuye has been in execution for many years, and he has seen a lot of all kinds of ruthless people, so he stopped talking and started the execution directly.

Each knife only cut off a little bit, maybe it was the cold weather that made his nerves a little dull, but Kang Xiaoba really gritted his teeth and didn't scream.

The people below were originally expressionless, but after seeing this bloody scene, they couldn't help shouting.

Before Li Yu was reborn, he couldn't bear to see the medical dissection of corpses from a distance in the medical school, let alone now, his stomach couldn't stop churning, and he almost vomited.

But looking around again, people are so focused that they don't want to miss a picture.

No wonder Brother Xun described the people at this time as indifferent. Li Yu saw it, turned around and left.

Although Zhao Qian was a little bit unsatisfied, he could only follow him back.


Fortunately, not all people are so numb, otherwise there would be no hope at all, and there are always some people who are the backbone of the nation.

Li Yu returned home, took out the newspaper, and read the news that happened during this period.

First of all, it is worth noting that Wu Yue, a member of the Revolutionary Party and the Restoration Council, assassinated the five ministers who were going abroad for inspection in September.

It is a pity that the early activities of the Revolutionary Party had problems of insufficient planning and lack of experience. Wu Yue's assassination was unsuccessful, but he himself was bombed to death at Zhengyangmen Railway Station.

Another piece of news is that the Beiyang Six Towns have finally been practiced, and at the same time it is declared that Yuan Shikai's status is even more unshakable.

While reading the newspaper, Konoe Zhaoyuki took over a letter very attentively, "Sir, it was sent from Japan."

Li Yu took the letter and asked at the same time: "How is the operation of the factory recently?"

Konoe Zhaoxue replied: "Everything is fine, Mr. Xu Shichang from Beiyang even built a raw material factory in Tianjin."

Li Yu nodded: "That's good."

Li Yu opened the letter and read it. Yu Heqin had already gone to Japan to study, and then he asked about Zhong Guanguang's situation in the letter.

Zhong Guangguang was also involved in Wu Yue's assassination case.

This solved Li Yu's doubts: Wu Yue could not have made a bomb. It turned out that there were intellectuals behind him, and the bomb was made by an "assassination group" composed of students studying in Japan.

Li Yu immediately sent a telegram to Shanghai, inquiring about Zhong Guanguang's situation.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Guanguang didn't want to run away at all. He guessed that the Qing court would not study and understand what happened to the bomb, let alone trace the source of the bomb to himself.

At the same time, Zhong Guanguang also mentioned in the letter that he was inspired by Li Yu and planned to build a primary school.

Naturally, Li Yu encouraged this very much, and sent a telegram back saying: "Brother, if you have any difficulties, please let me know at any time."


After several days of rest, Lu Bicheng recovered completely, and Li Yu was preparing for the wedding.

The wedding banquet was held in his own mansion, and it was a Chinese-style wedding.

Since Li Yu was alone and did not have a seat in the high hall, the procedure was simplified to praying to the sky and the earth as husband and wife prayed to each other.

According to the rules, it is impossible for the bride to come out to toast like the later generations, and she can only guard in the bridal chamber.

Li Yu and Tang Shaoyi, who presided over the ceremony, entertained the guests outside.

Almost all of Lu Bicheng's mother's family came, including her uncle Yan Fengsheng, mother Yan Shi, and several younger sisters.

What was more surprising was that people from the clan of Lu Bicheng's father, who had passed away many years ago, also rushed over from Anhui.

Yan's expression was a little displeased, because these people occupied the thousand acres of fertile land and ten thousand volumes of books that belonged to them.

However, at the wedding scene, Li Yu couldn't make things too rigid, so he still received Lu Bicheng's natal family.

Lu Bicheng's uncle, Lu Fengyi, said: "Your son-in-law is a teacher of the current emperor, and has been awarded the title of academician of the Royal Society of England. It is really a great thing to marry my Lu family today!"

Li Yu forced a smile: "Uncle, please sit down."

Yan Shi couldn't hold back her emotions, pointed at his nose and said loudly: "Lu Fengyi, today is my daughter's big day, what are you doing here?!"

Lu Fengyi smiled and said: "I am the patriarch of the Lu clan, the family has a happy family, and I will come to celebrate from now on."

Yan said angrily: "Back when you occupied my property and hijacked our mother and daughter, why didn't I see you have such kindness?"

Lu Fengyi said: "Sister-in-law, at this moment and at that moment, you calm down, and you always acted according to the family rules. Fengqi (Lu Bicheng's father) has no male son, and we can never see the great family property falling into the hands of outsiders."

Thinking about what happened back then, Yan shivered with anger: "Outsiders, I think you treat us as outsiders!"

Lu Fengyi said: "Women, how can they inherit the family property, the family law of the ancestors, I hope my sister-in-law understands."

"You—!" Yan Shi still wanted to argue, but was held down by Yan Fengsheng next to him, and whispered: "Some court officials have arrived, so don't spoil the happy event between Yu'er and Bicheng."

Only then did Yan hold back his anger and sit back.

Zhang Baixi, the principal of Jingshi University Hall, the Minister of Management, and a second-rank official, was the one who entered the door to express his congratulations. When he saw Li Yu, he said happily: "You have a family and a career, and you have finally accomplished another major event in your life!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "The principal is personally here, the students are very honored, please take your seat."

When Zhang Baixi entered the main hall, Yan Fengsheng saw his second-grade coral crown wearing a flower feather, and immediately got up to greet him: "Master Zhang!"

Zhang Baixi waved his hand: "You don't need to be too polite."

Yan Fengsheng felt a little uncomfortable when he sat down. The first rank of the official rank crushed people, which is many ranks higher.

Lu Fengyi on the other side was also quite shocked, and what shocked him even more was that Zhang Baixi, a dignified second-rank official, did not sit in the first place, and there were still three vacant seats above.

Soon he knew why.

Uncle Wang at the door shouted: "Master Yuan Shikai, governor of Zhili, and Lord Xu Shichang, minister of the Ministry of War, have arrived!"

The tea bowl in Lu Fengyi's hand almost fell to the ground.

Li Yu went over to greet him and said, "The commander-in-chief came here to congratulate you despite his busy schedule."

Yuan Shikai arrived with his two sons, Yuan Kewen and Yuan Keding. He smiled and said, "Shu is a rare pillar of talent, and he has shown great kindness to Beiyang. It is only appropriate for me to come here to say congratulations."

Xu Shichang said: "The commander-in-chief has been talking about this, but I didn't expect you to go to the Northwest some time ago."

Li Yu smiled and said, "It was a honeymoon."

Brothers Yuan Kewen and Yuan Keding held two large gift boxes and said, "Master, where are the gifts?"

Li Yu greeted Zhao Qian and asked him to accept it.

Then he said, "Two adults, hurry up and enter the house."

Yuan Shikai was already well-known in the government and the public, and he held a heavy army in Beiyang, and he seemed to have the momentum to be the next Li Hongzhang.

And Xu Shichang was promoted quickly, and at this time he had become the Minister of the Ministry of War of the real power faction.

If you think about it for a while, you will know that this is the Beiyang side wanting to completely control the military power of the Qing court.

Both Yan Fengsheng and Lu Fengyi were terrified, they got up and respectfully said: "Master Yuan, Master Xu."

Yuan Shikai just nodded, and then sat down next to him, with Xu Shichang next to him.

Yan Fengsheng and Lu Fengyi sat down slowly after they were seated, but they felt a little bit on pins and needles in the face of several powerful figures.

Yan moved to another house with some female relatives.

After a while, Uncle Wang shouted loudly again at the door: "Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce, Master Bei Zi has arrived!"

Zai Zhen and Li Yu had a pretty good relationship, and they cupped their hands and said, "Brother Shucai, congratulations!"

Li Yu said: "Master Beizi is here, and the humble house is full of brilliance."

Zai Zhen smiled and said: "I know this place, it used to be Rong Zhongtang's mansion, what kind of humble house is it?"

After Zai Zhen entered the main hall, Yuan Shikai said, "Zhen Beizi, I will reserve the seat for you, sir."

Zai Zhen said politely: "You are the governor of Zhili, so naturally you have to take the seat."

Yuan Shikai knew how to be a man, and immediately said: "Zhen Beizi is joking, you are Master Beizi, no matter how brave I am, I will not let you sit on my head."

Zai Zhen is no longer polite: "Be polite."

Yan Fengsheng and Lu Fengyi broke out in cold sweat even more, I'll fuck it, Li Yu's communication skills are so strong?

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