Chapter 418

The next day, Li Yu went to the middle school he had built in Shanghai to have a look again, and it was also open.

Li Yu asked Li Shutong to help write a plaque with the four characters "Shanghai Middle School".Li Shutong has not become famous yet, but that will happen sooner or later.

And this top middle school in Shanghai, which later ranked among the top, has no shadow yet. Of course, there is nothing wrong with being born early.

What is more gratifying is that among the first batch of students are Zhu Kezhen, a future meteorologist, and Hu Shi, who was very influential in the Republic of China.

Originally, the two had just entered another middle school, but after learning that Li Yu's middle school had a greater possibility of studying abroad at public expense, they switched over.

Zhu Kezhen is just 16 years old this year, and Hu Shi is about the same age as him. They will be able to study in the United States in a few years.

The atmosphere in Shanghai is currently relatively open, and the number of students is also large, so among the teachers Li Yu brought back from Europe, most of them were placed in Shanghai.

Many of these students have relatively good foreign language proficiency, such as Hu Shi, who was an English teacher at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

When they come back from studying abroad, the country will change.

They are still very young and have a bright future, when they will release their energy in a new world.

Li Yu is very satisfied with the overall enrollment progress of Shanghai Middle School. In the future, it will be able to provide many outstanding students to study abroad,

Li Yu was happy to see that firstly, this was the only way for the Qing Dynasty to perish; secondly, it paved the way for the golden decade of the Republic of China as soon as possible.

All in all, the foundation and Boxer refund can support up to nearly a hundred people to study abroad every year, and the scale is not small at present.


Li Yu was informed by Yan Fu again that he was going to visit Fudan Public School. Since the school was located in Wusong at the mouth of the Huangpu River, the journey was relatively long, so he stopped at a teahouse for a rest on the way.

After greeting the waiter and serving some snacks and a pot of tea, Li Yu noticed that at a table in the corner, a scholar was covering his mouth and coughing while writing furiously. At the same time, he couldn't help but murmur to himself: "I Time is running out, time is running out..."

Li Yu's eyesight is very good, and he glanced at a book on the table, the name is "The Appearance of Officialdom".

This book, together with "Lao Can's Travel Notes", was called by Lu Xun the Four Great Condemnation Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty. It is not easy for Brother Xun to say yes.

Although Li Yu hadn't read the whole book, it was impossible for him not to know about such a great reputation.He greeted the waiter again and asked, "Is the scholar in the corner called Li Boyuan?"

The waiter said: "The guest officer recognizes him? Could it be that he is also here to collect debts?"

Li Yu wondered, "Debt collection? What kind of debt?"

"Why, aren't you?" the waiter asked doubtfully.

Li Yu shook his head: "No."

The shop waiter then said: "The guest officer is very accurate. His name is Li Boyuan. A few years ago, he was considered a famous figure in the Shanghai literary world. But in the past two years, I don't know how to mix it up like this. And I heard that besides this He was in debt and suffered from a serious lung disease, and the doctor said that he was in danger."

Li Yu frowned. If he got severe pneumonia, it would be very difficult even 100 years from now, let alone now.

Li Yu got up and leaned over and said, "Your Excellency is writing "The Appearance of Officialdom"?"

This book has been published in several volumes, but it is not finished.

Without raising his head, Li Boyuan coughed and said, "If it's a debt collection, please wait in line, or wait for me to go to Yan Wangye to help you secretly increase your life for a few years."

Li Yu said: "I'm not asking for debts, but I'm just curious about this book."

After hearing this, Li Boyuan stopped writing and raised his head. When he saw his face, he said in surprise, "You are! The emperor Li Yu who won the Foreigner Science Award in the newspaper?"

"It's right here," Li Yu said.

"Ahem!" Li Boyuan covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed for more than ten seconds before recovering, and then said, "Master Emperor, please sit down."

Li Yu saw blood on his handkerchief, and his condition was indeed very serious. Not to mention that there is no penicillin now, even at the time before Li Yu traveled, severe pneumonia was extremely dangerous, and there was often no way to recover.

Moreover, pneumonia often requires bacterial culture and the like to determine the medication. How can there be such conditions in this era.

When the condition deteriorates to the infection of Quanfei, the basic life is counting down.

Li Yu didn't dare to think too much, and instead asked, "Where did you write, sir?"

Li Boyuan said: "52 times. I have to hurry up, because I, ahem, really run out of time."

Li Yu was very sad, and inexplicably thought of the genius French mathematician Galois who died young at the age of 22.

When Galois was young, he wanted to duel with an officer because he fell in love.

The opponent was a professional soldier, and Galois knew that he was bound to die, so the day before the duel, he frantically wrote down his mathematical thoughts, that is, the group theory with great influence; and wrote down the words "I don't have time" from time to time.

After a while, a young scholar walked into the teahouse and said, "Brother Boyuan, I bought your favorite wine rice dumpling today."

After Li Boyuan heard about it, he introduced to Li Yu: "This is one of my editors, called Ouyang Juyuan. Juyuan, this is Li Yu, the master of science."

Ouyang Juyuan quickly clasped his fists and said: "I have admired the name of the emperor for a long time, I have also read your novel called "Planet Story", but I don't understand some parts. must be very puzzled.”

Li Boyuan did not finish writing "The Appearance of Officialdom" until his death, and Ouyang Juyuan assisted in the completion of the subsequent few chapters.

The editor he mentioned was the "Xiuxiang Novels" magazine run by Li Boyuan, on which the first half of "Lao Can's Travel Notes" was published.

Li Yu cupped his fists and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ouyang Juyuan took the opportunity to ask: "Master Emperor, you are well-informed, do you think there is any treatment plan for Brother Bo Yuan's illness?"

Li Yu sighed: "I don't know much about medicine, but if you have a lung disease, you need to take good care of your body, otherwise a sudden weight loss will be very dangerous."

Ouyang Juyuan heard the hidden meaning in Li Yu's words, "Even the emperor can't help?"

Li Boyuan grabbed him and said: "Juyuan, don't make things difficult for the Emperor. I know my illness myself. It makes no difference to die early or later! In this world, maybe it's better to go to the underworld and live a comfortable life."

Li Boyuan was very open-minded.

Ouyang Juyuan's family is relatively wealthy, and with his care, at least Li Boyuan's life problems will not be too tight.

But this Ouyang Juyuan liked to linger in romantic places, and died at the age of 25 after contracting Hualiu disease.

Several people chatted about this book again. Although Li Yu hadn't read it in its entirety, it was included in the "Reading Guide List" when he was in middle school, so he understood the content to some extent.

Li Boyuan dared to write. Many people in the book have prototypes, corresponding to Li Lianying, Rong Lu, Weng Tonghe, etc., and denounced the corruption of the Qing court.

It's a pity that he died too early, and he didn't live the year when the Qing Dynasty died.

When Li Yu left the teahouse, Li Boyuan gave him a copy of "The Appearance of Officialdom" and a copy of "Hai Tian Hong Xue Ji" signed by him.

The latter one is about life in a brothel...

Li Yu didn't know why he fell in love with this book so much that he wanted to give it to himself.Li Yu guessed that he might have compared himself to "Liu Sanbian who wrote lyrics according to the order" in the Song Dynasty.

Besides, the brothel is a good place, only literati can go there, not a brothel for flesh and blood.


Outside the Fudan Public School, the principal Ma Xiangbo, the head teacher Yan Fu, and the provost Li Denghui (actually the word for "Deng", but happened to have the same name as the later Baodao one) came to welcome him.

As the representative of Xinxue, Yan Fu was really busy, running around.Li Yu is an emerging scientific giant, and this will inevitably be the case in the future.

Fudan Public School was not very short of money when it first started. After all, Ma Xiangbo himself was very rich. The governor of Liangjiang also donated 2 taels of silver, and also lent Wusong Admiral Yamen as a temporary school building for Fudan, but it was a bit far from the center of Shanghai.Moreover, if a university is funded purely by itself without continuous funding, it will be really difficult to support.

Fudan Public School is currently one of the few schools that offer courses in foreign languages ​​other than English. It also teaches French, German, Japanese, etc.

Among them, the one who taught German and French was Deng Hui.Denghui has worked in the Fudan system for 40 years, and has been the principal for more than 20 years.

Yan Fu said: "I am really sorry that I called Brother Shucai all the way, but this school building is only for short-term use. We have been raising funds to buy the school building on the land. I hope Brother Shucai will generously donate."

Li Yu knew Yan Fu's thoughts without guessing, and said with a smile, "This is what it should be. When Fudan first started school, Principal Ma called me here to help people to the end and send the Buddha to the West."

Ma Xiangbo said gratefully: "Emperor Shizhen is the most enlightened person, with such knowledge and the ability to make money from foreigners."

Li Yu thought to himself that he had already traveled through time, and he would be really "sorry" if he didn't deduct some money from foreigners, so he said: "The principal is too famous, education is the foundation of rejuvenating the country, talents are the most important resource, and investment is investing in talents. Invest in the future."

Deng Hui said: "When I was in Singapore, I had heard of Mr. Li Yu's reputation, and seeing him today, he is worthy of a man of excellence."

Li Yu replied politely: "Mr. is the teacher of human relations."

Denghui has trained many students, including nearly 30 principals, which is of great significance to the history of modern Chinese education and the development of Fudan University, so it is known as the "human ethics teacher".

Li Yu had a good chat with them about student training, such as paying more attention to engineering, business, etc., and not putting all students in political law.

Ma Xiangbo said with emotion: "What Shucai said is very true. Even though our students are proficient in Western political law, the current imperial court has not established a constitution for a long time, and it is impossible to make a difference. Moreover, most of the officials and power in the court are concentrated in the Manchus." Hands, no matter how good the students come back, it is impossible for them to accept them.”

Yu Youren suddenly said: "It's easy to say, overthrowing the Manchu Qing Dynasty is not enough! Mr. Zhongshan has already run the "Minbao" in Japan, and the ideas he put forward on the nation, civil rights, and people's livelihood sound better."

Ma Xiangbo said: "This is a major event to turn things around, and we have no control over it."

After all, Yu Youren was young, and he couldn't hold back his restless heart: "When I go to Japan again for investigation, I must meet him."

(End of this chapter)

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