Chapter 420 "Fan Wei"

Li Yu continued to write the plot outline of the post-Star Wars biography in his spare time. Fortunately, it was not a particularly difficult task, after all, he was assisted by Lu Bicheng.

Because of his success in Tianjin Quanyechang some time ago, Zhou Xuexi, a northern industrial giant, found Li Yu again.

Zhou Xuexi recently re-established Qixin Cement Company for cement production.

After Tang Shaoyi built a cigarette factory, he also intended to build some new factories, so he came to Li Yu to discuss some industrial planning and layout.

Zhou Xuexi is a member of the second rank, and is Yuan Shikai's confidant in charge of industry. His father Zhou Fu is currently the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and it is Zhou Fu who gave Fudan University 2 taels.

Li Yu happened to have some suggestions for Zhou Xuexi to mention.

In addition, Zhou Xuexi brought several outstanding students from Beiyang University, including demographer Ma Yinchu.

After a few pleasantries, Zhou Xuexi first took out the recommendation letter: "Teacher Emperor, it is impossible for our Beiyang University not to get involved in such a good thing as studying in the United States."

Ma Yinchu was originally going to Yale to study in the United States, which was equivalent to going a year earlier, and Ma Yinchu was indeed regarded as a leader in this year's Beiyang University, with very good grades in all subjects.

Li Yu followed suit and said, "We are very happy to have such an outstanding student."

Fengling served them tea, and Zhou Xuexi said: "I have seen the products produced by the Imperial Master's factory. They are actually a bit larger than I expected. They are all products for people's livelihood. According to the development of Western countries, shouldn't it be more appropriate? To develop heavy industry?"

Of course Li Yu knows this truth, but the heavy industry really doesn't have the environment to develop now.

Li Yu said: "My lord Zhou, even the country of England started out with the textile industry in the early years. The industries related to food, clothing, housing and transportation can be mass-produced and developed into labor-intensive industries at the same time, so that more workers can be absorbed. To be able to save funds and further develop follow-up industries.”

Zhou Xuexi has been in the industry for more than ten years, and he understood it as soon as he heard it: "This truth is simple and profound, but the court doesn't think so. If you can't build powerful artillery, you can't have peace."

Li Yu said helplessly: "Although the fear stems from the lack of firepower, the arms industry is an upper-class industry that requires skilled workers, especially excellent firearms technicians, and production lines. Everything is not that simple."

Zhou Xuexi said: "You can't just rely on buying, right?"

Li Yu said: "For the time being, arms can be regarded as a business, because they can be bought. Americans on the other side of the ocean are keen to sell arms, so we create foreign exchange and then buy them."

Zhou Xuexi sighed: "But in that case, how much cotton cloth does it need to be spun to exchange for a cannon?"

Li Yu spread his hands: "This is what I said about the difficulty of starting a business. There is no way but to survive. But we have the foundation to develop labor-intensive industries, which is actually more beneficial to us."

What Li Yu said was the only road that China would take later, that's why he dared to speak so conclusively.

Zhou Xuexi thought that there was really no better way, and said: "I have too little stuff in my mind, and I can't compare to a teacher."

Li Yu said modestly: "Master Zhou has devoted himself to the industry of his country. His heart is clear. When there are more outstanding students and technicians in the future, many things will not be so difficult."

"I hope so." Zhou Xuexi said.

Li Yu also said: "And my factory plan includes not only these daily necessities, but also the more complex automobile supporting industry and wireless industry. These things are of high value and are in great demand."

Zhou Xuexi said: "I have seen radio before, how do cars be produced?"

Li Yu shook his head: "It's not the whole car, but the important parts, such as the four-wheel drive system of the chassis, the gearbox and even the engine."

Zhou Xuexi said: "What the emperor makes is something only foreigners can do. I don't understand it, and it seems that I can't help you."

Li Yu had already prepared some documents, took them out and put them on the table and said, "My company cannot do so many things, even a factory in the United States can't do it. It needs a lot of supporting industries, such as screw factories, mold factories, nail factories, etc. Factory and wait."

"These things sound much simpler," Zhou Xuexi touched his chin and said, "What does the emperor mean, we can help you produce the parts you need, and become a parts factory for a parts factory?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "It can be understood in this way."

Zhou Xuexi asked again: "So there is really a parts factory? Is it the same for foreigners?"

"The whole industrial system is like this," Li Yu continued to explain to him, "If the upstream and downstream of the industry and the sales channels are smooth enough, it can support a lot of companies."

"Even Governor Yuan looks at you with admiration. I have no reason not to believe you," Zhou Xuexi said. "You happen to be the leader of this industrial system, and I will fully cooperate with you!"

Li Yu said: "These industries have a strong ability to make money, and Mr. Yuan will not have any objections at that time."

"No matter how small a fly is, it's still meat. Anyway, as long as I don't work for foreigners, I'm satisfied." Zhou Xuexi said.


Two days later, a warship docked at Tanggu Port, and a middle-aged naval officer in his 40s came down. He was Li Yuanhong, the admiral of the Yangtze River Fleet. Military salute: "Master, long time no see, how is your health?"

Li Yuanhong's mentor is called Sa Zhenbing, who is currently the commander-in-chief of the entire Chinese navy, admiral of the entire Beiyang Navy.

Sa Zhenbing is a very legendary figure. As a soldier, he resolutely opposed the civil war all his life and never let his soldiers shoot at his compatriots.

This king also stood on the city tower when the country was founded.

Sa Zhenbing smiled and said: "You performed very well in the autumn exercises. It seems that the new army in Hubei should not be underestimated."

Li Yuanhong said: "It's all thanks to Xiangshuai's attention."

Sa Zhenbing said: "Xiangshuai is among dragons and phoenixes, you should follow him more to gain knowledge."

Li Yuanhong said respectfully: "I would like to follow the teacher's instruction."

Zeng Guofan was the first powerful Han minister in the Qing Dynasty.Starting from him, almost every successful Han minister is good at "explosive soldiers".

Don't care about your military skills, anyway, you will definitely train your troops and be able to control the new army.

At present, the two most powerful officials in the frontier are Yuan Shikai and Zhang Zhidong. Yuan Shikai's Beiyang new army is too famous. In fact, Zhang Zhidong also trained a new army in Hubei, but the scale is not as large as Beiyang.

These people, including Zeng Guofan, are not easy to evaluate their military command ability, but this approach has a faint tendency to sit on one side.

The Qing Dynasty defended the Han people for 200 years, and just after a little decentralization, it quickly lost control and went to perish in a few decades.

Li Yuanhong said: "I came to Tianjin to ask my teacher for leave to build the Naval Academy and to purchase some equipment."

Three years ago, Sa Zhenbing established the Yantai Sea School, and the first batch of students just graduated this year.

Sa Zhenbing said: "The establishment of a school needs to be combined with military training, which is much more difficult than training sailors."

Li Yuanhong said: "The navy is always more educated than the new army. Sometimes I feel worried when I see soldiers under my command who don't know a few big characters. I'm afraid they may mistake the model of the shell."

Sa Zhenbing laughed loudly: "That's not a problem with the Naval Academy or the Naval Academy, but that you should equip the ship with study rooms."

Li Yuanhong scratched his head: "Then I'll try first."

Sa Zhenbing said: "Also, when it comes to purchasing equipment, you mean the radio?"

Li Yuanhong said: "I used to rely on semaphore. Only after I saw a radio device in the Governor's Mansion did I realize that it can also transmit sound wirelessly. It's just like the clairvoyance in Journey to the West. I have to buy it no matter what. use."

Sa Zhenbing said: "It's just right, I'm going to the capital to find Li Yu, bring your banknotes and come with me."


Li Yu is currently at home scratching his head and writing the post-Star Wars biography, which is really too difficult for him.

As soon as Lu Bicheng brought over a cup of Biluochun, he heard Uncle Wang shouting at the door: "Sir, the two military masters of Beiyang are asking to see you."

When Li Yu came to the main hall of the North House, he recognized Li Yuanhong who looked very much like Fan Wei at a glance, but seeing him standing behind another person, he probably had a higher rank, so he didn't dare to recognize him.

Sa Zhenbing said: "Your Majesty, I am here with Sa Zhenbing, the Admiral of the Beiyang Navy and the Nanyang Navy. This is Li Yuanhong, the Admiral of the Hubei Yangtze River Fleet. I have come to visit rashly, so I hope you won't disturb me."

Li Yu said, "Two generals, please sit down quickly."

Sa Zhenbing went on to say: "Recently, we heard that Dishi helped to reopen the channel for studying in the United States. Originally, I had arranged for 24 sea school students to study in Japan. This time, I specifically wanted to add two people to study in the United States."

Li Yu was a little confused: "General Sa, to be honest, the number of people staying in the United States this time is already full. If you add more people, you have to pay at your own expense."

Sa Zhenbing said: "It's okay, the cost of studying abroad can be reimbursed by the Ministry of the Navy. I am also a person who has stayed abroad, and I know the importance of studying abroad."

Since they wanted to pay for it themselves, Li Yu of course didn't have to worry about it, and readily agreed: "Don't worry, general, I will help arrange this matter, but it is easy to go to the United States to study. As for whether I can enter the American Naval Academy, I can't guarantee it." .”

Sa Zhenbing asked, "What else is required?"

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "The military academy is too special, unless the general asks Beiyang to inform the ambassador to the United States, Liang Cheng, to help him apply."

Sa Zhenbing said: "This is not a difficult task."

It is not impossible to enter the US military academies now, but the application procedures provided by the government must be required.

Even two years ago, some Chinese students entered the famous West Point Military Academy.

But let’s use the original words of the German Field Marshal Schlieffen during World War I: “A good general is not appointed, but born.”

Having never been to a military academy is not a necessary condition for becoming a famous general. Anyway, these students at West Point, uh, are not famous generals.

Li Yuanhong continued: "Teacher Di, I want to buy ten sets of radio equipment from your factory to equip the Yangtze River Fleet."

Li Yu would definitely not be stingy with them, and directly offered a preferential price: "A set of 2000 silver dollars is enough, and another batch has just arrived, so you can send someone to move it away."

Li Yuanhong said in surprise: "I heard that both the Japanese and the Russians spent tens of thousands of silver dollars."

Li Yu quickly put his index finger on his mouth: "Shhh! Be sure to keep it secret!"

Li Yuanhong understood: "Emperor Master Gao Yi! When you come to Wuchang in the future, I will let you go for a ride on my warship!"

Li Yu had no hope at all for the navy of the Republic of China, and it was impossible to keep up with the rapid naval development in the first half of the twentieth century.

Warships are the same as airplanes, once there is a generation gap, it is impossible to fight at all.The navy during the Republic of China couldn't even defend the Yangtze River, let alone the coast.

Li Yuanhong was full of confidence: "When the navy is trained in the future, I will make sure that there will be no British ships on the Yangtze River."

Li Yu could only encourage him: "The general is mighty."

Their fighting spirit is still very good, but they really can't stop the foreign navy.

To realize this ideal, at least wait until Li Yu crosses over.At that time, there were aircraft carriers and fifth-generation aircraft. If it is purely defensive, let alone the US itself, even if it takes the entire NATO, it is basically impossible to break through China's offshore defense system.

Unfortunately, none of these people could see that day.

Sa Zhenbing is currently very obsessed with the navy. After all, the Japanese-Russian naval battle last year was too shocking, and having command of the sea is indeed very important for now.

After Li Yu left the information given by Sa Zhenbing on the two students who were going to the United States, he asked Hu Jiayan to help him count ten radio devices.

Then Li Yu explained the use of the radio to Li Yuanhong and several of his subordinates.

The difficulty is not very big, the key is the proficiency and accuracy of sending and receiving electricity.

Li Yuanhong said: "No wonder Governor Yuan wants to set up a radio class in the Beiyang Armed Forces Academy. This thing is really amazing!"

"The key is that they are really of great significance to the war, and they are crucial to the success or failure of the naval battle." Li Yu told them about the radios that played a great role in the Japanese-Russian naval battle.

The two were excited when they heard it, and Sa Zhenbing slapped the table: "After I go back, I will also arrange funds to purchase radio equipment as soon as possible!"

Now that Beiyang has bought a lot, Li Yu said: "For the navy, the role of radio is even more significant."

The two are becoming more and more interested, and there is no need for Li Yu to sell too much.


After they left, the Tsinghua Academy, that is, the Academic Affairs Office of Youmei, is intensively preparing for the students going to the United States, and they will be able to leave for the United States in one month.

Li Yu hurriedly rushed out the manuscript of post-Star Wars transmission and handed it to Lu Bicheng for editing.

This method has proved to be more reliable, because Li Yu's thinking is too advanced, and science fiction is even more advanced, and there must be someone who is born in this era to control the rhythm.Whatever Lu Bicheng finds extremely incomprehensible, Li Yu will modify it.

Fortunately, Star Wars itself is a soft sci-fi with a lightsaber setting, and the core of the Star Wars story is still a "family ethics drama", so it will not be incomprehensible to a wide range of readers.

After finishing all these tasks, Li Yu was going to go to Japan with the students.

Tou Shanman has already urged him several times, and both Tokyo Imperial University and Kyoto University have sent invitations. As the first Nobel Prize winner in Asia, Li Yu is a super celebrity in the academic world.

(End of this chapter)

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