When boarding the ship again two days later, Li Yu unexpectedly met a big acquaintance: Zhang Taiyan.

Li Yu asked in surprise, "Mr. Taiyan has been released from prison?"

Zhang Taiyan was also a little surprised: "Right! Why, Brother Shucai also joined the Tongmenghui? Didn't you say that you only do science and education?"

"Tongmenghui?" Li Yu was even more confused.

At this time, Tao Chengzhang, the leader of the Restoration Association, came over and said, "Master Emperor, we are here to take Mr. Taiyan to Japan."

Zhang Taiyan said: "Don't you also want to pick up Li Yu?"

Tao Chengzhang shook his head: "Brother Okamoto's order is just for us to pick you up."

Zhang Taiyan said to Li Yu: "It's still a bit of principle, otherwise I don't know what to say. In this world, everyone can't carry out revolution. Someone must carry out construction."

The ship set sail again.

When we arrived in Yokohama, the pier was crowded with people, most of whom were students studying in Japan.

Li Yu wondered why so many people came to greet him?
Are you so popular?
Liang Qichao squeezed out from the crowd and came to Li Yu: "Brother Shucai, you came at the right time, and you have enough prestige among the overseas students."

Li Yu saw many foreign students wanting to board the boat, and asked, "What's the situation?"

Liang Qichao sighed: "Chen Tianhua committed suicide. The students protested the Japanese government's "banning policy" and wanted to return home!"

Li Yu opened his mouth wide: "Tianhua is dead, is he dead?"

Liang Qichao said: "After seeing his resignation, I sent many people to look for him, but only found his body by the water."

Li Yu frowned and rescued Zou Rong, but he failed to save Chen Tianhua.But it took me nearly a whole year to go to Dunhuang, and I really couldn't get away.

Liang Qichao also said: "Now the students are divided into two groups. One group wants to go back to China, and the other group wants to continue their studies. There is a fierce competition."

Suddenly, a thin man walked up to Liang Qichao: "Old principal, I have to go."

This... turned out to be Principal Jiang.

Lao Jiang went to Japan to study in the Tsinghua School founded by Liang Qichao. Although it is also called Tsinghua, it is a pheasant school and has nothing to do with Tsinghua in Beijing.

Lao Jiang studied here for half a year, but he felt that he could not learn anything. He just preached the theories of the royalists all day long, which was annoying enough, so he planned to return to China.

Liang Qichao said: "This kind of thing needs to think twice. Without knowledge, any follow-up ideas will be useless."

Lao Jiang probably also wondered what you could learn in this school, and you even threw the school to the Japanese embassy, ​​and you didn't care about it at all... So he said: "The students have already thought about it, and I want to go to the newly established military academy in Baoding. Oh You are Li Yu, the imperial teacher! What a great honor to meet you here! I heard that Baoding Military Academy has your textbooks, and maybe I can learn more than I did in Japan.”

Li Yudao: "I wish you success in your studies."

Lao Jiang made a military salute to Li Yu and Liang Qichao: "See you later."

There are more people who want to board the ship, but the crew stopped them: "You haven't bought the ticket yet."

Some students said angrily: "I don't want to stay in this bird place for a minute. Can I get on the boat and pay for the fare?"

The crew member said: "Of course not. If you come up, what will happen to those who bought the ticket?"

After a while, Ma Junwu, Hu Hanmin, and Qiu Jin, several representatives of the Student Association for Studying in Japan, arrived.

After not seeing each other for more than a year, Qiu Jin has been completely reborn. She said vigorously, "Let's go! Let's all go!"

Ma Junwu stopped them: "No, this matter has not yet been settled in the guild hall."

Liang Qichao presided over the overall situation as the big boss and said: "Jun Wu is right, everything needs to be discussed! Studying abroad is a big deal, you don't come and go when you want. It just so happens that Li Yu, a giant in science, is here. You should discuss this matter carefully."

When Qiu Jin saw Li Yu, he felt that he should save his face, so he said, "Okay, I'll follow you to the guild hall to argue about it."

On the way, Li Yu asked Liang Qichao for some materials. After reading it, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "This is all a misunderstanding."

Liang Qichao asked, "Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?"

Li Yu pointed to the newspaper and said: "All objections come from the Japanese government regulations in the newspaper titled "Regulations for the Banning of Overseas Students from the Qing Dynasty", but the Japanese word 'banning' and the Chinese word 'banning' do not mean the same thing. "

Anyone who has taken a Japanese class must have heard this saying: Chinese learn Japanese, it seems that it is all Chinese characters, which is easy to learn, but if you are not careful, it is easy to mistakenly turn it over and cause a large-scale accident scene.

At this time, the "Qing Dynasty Banning Rules for International Students" incident is a super typical example.

Japan released this document due to pressure from the Qing minister in Japan.

As we all know, Japan is the stronghold of the revolutionaries.

Japan and the United States have similar ideas, and they both hope to recruit Chinese overseas students, so that these future Chinese elites will be pro-Japanese or pro-American, which will be of great benefit to them in the future.

This was a conspiracy that lasted for hundreds of years, and it was not uncommon before Li Yu traveled through time.

However, the effect is not as good as the Japanese and American ideals.

Anyway, most of these people who stayed in Japan later firmly resisted Japan.

The reason why studying in Japan is very popular now is because there is one big advantage: it is cheap.

The tuition fee for staying in Japan for one year is about 35 yen to 60 yen, and the maximum a year is no more than fifteen or six taels of silver.

But it would be terrible to stay in Europe or the United States. The Qing government's standard allowance for official European and American students was 1200 taels of silver per year, of which 20 taels per month were tuition fees, and the rest was accommodation and travel.

Seventeen or eight taels a year and 20 taels a month, plus the cost gap in food, clothing, housing and transportation, the cost-effectiveness of studying in Japan is simply not too high.

Therefore, some middle-class families in the Qing Dynasty could still afford the cost of staying in Japan even if they failed to pass the official study abroad exam.

But if you want to study in Europe and America at your own expense, you have to be really rich or expensive. 1200 taels a year is not a joke.

Of course, it also derived from this that the "European and American Scholars Association" will look down on the "Japanese Scholars Association" in the future.

There are many students studying in Japan, and problems arise. As of now, there are at least [-] to [-] international students in Japan.It’s okay if you just study, but almost all these people have revolutionary sentiments, which is very troublesome for the Qing court, so the Qing court asked Japan to take good care of overseas students.

Japan's current policy is to unite with the Qing government, and naturally agreed, so a regulation was issued, originally called "Regulations on Public and Private Schools Allowing Students from the Qing Dynasty to Enroll".However, when Japanese newspapers reported on this regulation, they simplified the news headline and changed it to "Rules for Banning Overseas Students in the Qing Dynasty".

The students took a look and wanted to ban us?Isn't this blatant discrimination!So they protested.

In fact, it is really a misunderstanding.

Liang Qichao's Japanese is not very good. The main reason is that he always thinks Japanese is simple. He learned half of Japanese when he was on a surprise ship to Japan. Reading books and newspapers is not a problem, because there are too many Chinese characters in Japanese. of.

Liang Qichao still didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

Li Yu said: "The word 'cancellation' in Chinese means to cancel or prohibit; but the word 'cancellation' in Japanese has the meaning of management. People like the chairman of the board of directors in Japanese companies are translated as 'representative directors'." , is the person in charge of the board of directors.”

There is currently no complete bilingual dictionary for later generations, but Liang Qichao was a smart man and understood immediately: "You mean the translation is wrong?"

Li Yu nodded: "The correct translation of the so-called "Rules for Banning Overseas Students of the Qing Dynasty" should be "Rules for the Administration of Overseas Students of the Qing Dynasty."

Liang Qichao felt his head buzzing, "If Mr. Tianhua died because of the "Rules for Banning Overseas Students in the Qing Dynasty", it would be too wronged! The students asked to go back to China because of this, too much wronged!"

While the two were talking, they arrived at the International Student Hall. The students had already been divided into two camps. One group was the radical group who insisted on returning to China, and the other group was the maintenance group who continued their studies. Both sides were at war.

Li Yu also saw Lu Xun, who was standing among the maintainers.

Brother Xun has always been sober in the world.

Qiu Jin pointed at Ma Junwu, Lu Xun, Hu Hanmin and others, and angrily said: "Are you going back to China? Are you willing to be insulted by the Japanese? Where is your backbone?"

There are many people in Qiu Jin's camp, including Song Jiaoren, Hu Ying and other big guys.

In addition, Mr. Zhongshan himself opposes the radicals' approach.But he was not in Japan at this time, and was raising funds in Southeast Asia. After hearing about the incident in Japan, he sent a special telegram, hoping that the students studying in Japan would not be impulsive and stay in Japan to complete their studies, so as to prevent being "caught up" by the Qing Dynasty after returning home.

Mr. Sun Yat-sen is an experienced Jianghu, and he has a thorough understanding, but the students are easily incited.

Ma Junwu said: "Miss Qiu Jin, let's all calm down, we can't solve anything when we go back to China."

"What can't be solved?" Qiu Jin snorted coldly, "I think you don't want to revolution at all, but you still want to serve the court! If you don't dare to return to the country, I will!"

Hu Hanmin said: "How could we have such an idea."

Lu Xun also explained: "Miss Qiu Jin, impulsiveness is easy to make mistakes, we must be rational."

"Enough!" Qiu Jin raised his brows, suddenly pulled out a short knife from his waist, thrust it forcefully on the table, and then sternly said, "If someone returns to the motherland, surrenders to the captives, sells friends for glory, oppresses the Han people, and eats me!" One knife!"

The knife was inserted right in front of Lu Xun, and the cold light was cold.He sighed: "I can't talk to you."

In the book "Qiu Jin - Biography of the Heroic Heroine", Nagata Keisuke even extended the matter to Qiu Jin sentencing Lu Xun and other overseas students who were unwilling to return to China to "death".

Later, it was passed down as the famous "Qiu Jin Slashes Lu Xun".

However, Qiu Jin is not targeting anyone, she is targeting all international students.

Liang Qichao said loudly: "Everyone first listen to Mr. Li Yu's explanation of the cause and effect."

Qiu Jin said, "Isn't everything clear about the cause and effect?"

"I don't know," Li Yu stood up and said. He first explained the "ban" in Chinese and Japanese, and then said, "Do you know why Tianhua committed suicide by crossing the sea?"

Everyone was stunned: "Isn't it because of this regulation? But if it's a misunderstanding..."

"It's a misunderstanding for you, but it's definitely not a misunderstanding for him!" Li Yu said loudly, "Because he understands what this word means from beginning to end!"

Everyone was even more puzzled: "Why did Tianhua want to die?"

"Because what he hates is not Japan, but your impulsiveness, disunity, and even fighting with each other! He has given the Japanese a reason to further blame you! He hates iron that cannot be made into steel, and cannot see the future!" Li Yu said loudly.

Song Jiaoren asked, "Is that true?"

Li Yu took out Chen Tianhua's suicide note: "Look carefully! What did Tianhua write!"

Li Yu read out word for word: "But be careful not to misunderstand his meaning, saying that I died because of the "banned rules" issue. What do you mean? It means that he didn't want you to misunderstand that he died because of the "banned rules"!"

Li Yu continued to read: "Tianhua also said, '(The rules) come from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, and are specifically about our country's academic affairs; and looking at the provisions in detail, they focus on running schools, which are completely different from those promoted by Qianbao ("Xinmin Congbao") It's almost different. For what reason do we want to resist the laws of the country where we live? 'Don't you really understand what he means? You can't even learn Japanese, but you keep talking about studying abroad, and even fight among yourself on Japanese soil? The Japanese will laugh at You guys, laugh at you for being a mob, being indulgent and despicable! This is what Tianhua least wants to see!"

The audience was silent.

Song Jiaoren sat back on his seat weakly, he had a good relationship with Chen Tianhua, suddenly felt sad from his heart, and said in tears: "Tianhua, my good brother!"

Li Yu quotes the seven-character quatrains at the beginning of Chen Tianhua's "The Warning Bell":

"When will I wake up from a long dream for thousands of years, who will send the alarm bell to ring in the sleeping town?

The bloody storm is hard for me, what a country can bear to give it away!

Everyone, I hope you will think carefully about the path you want to take in the future! "

Everyone's emotions were finally suppressed, and Qiu Jin's eyes were a little moist, "I..."

Li Yu knew that she would die if she returned to the country, and quickly warned: "Miss Qiu Jin, I understand your eagerness, but serving the country cannot only be patriotic. You must be patient and learn from the enemy. You must endure hardships and endure hardships. Three thousand Vietnamese soldiers But swallow Wu!"

Qiu Jin pulled up the dagger on the table, "I really want to kill the corrupt officials of the court, but I will think about what you said."

Li Yu cupped his fists and said, "Think twice."

Qiu Jin finally decided to stay and see the situation.

But Lu Xun packed his luggage and wanted to return home, so he came to Li Yu to say goodbye.

Li Yu was very puzzled: "What are you doing? Are you going back to China?"

"I will come back, but my mother is seriously ill and wants me to go back and take a look." Lu Xun patted his package. "I specially bought a lot of Western medicine. I have studied medicine in Japan for so many years, and I can't learn it in vain."

Li Yu asked, "When you come back, will you still study medicine?"

"No," Lu Xun said, "At the beginning of the year I watched a movie made by the Japanese in Dalian. A Chinese spy for the Russian army was captured by the Japanese army and was about to be beheaded. Onlookers. The Japanese students clapped their hands and cheered Long Live. The sound shook the roof tiles and hurt my heart. No matter how healthy and strong the people are, they can only serve as materials and spectators for meaningless publicity, and die of illness. There is no need to consider it unfortunate.”

The last sentence is the words of "Scream Preface", Brother Xun's thinking is undoubtedly very advanced.

This was a turning point in Lu Xun's life.

But Li Yu knew that Lu Xun was extremely unhappy when he returned to the Congress because he was cheated by his mother.

When Lu Xun returned home, he would find a "very insincere" love in front of him.He couldn't even cherish it and regretted it only after getting married. The most painful thing in the world is this, because you have to spend the rest of your life with a woman you don't love.

If God could give Lu Xun a chance to start over, he...he might not be able to disobey his mother!

Anyway, this marriage was undoubtedly a failure, and it was an extremely painful memory for Lu Xun and this woman named Zhu An.The two have been traveling together for most of their lives, maintaining a marriage like a desert with a relationship similar to the most familiar strangers.

A tragedy of marriage under the feudal ethics.

Li Yu could only say to him, "Bon voyage."

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