Chapter 424
Zhou's family in Shaoxing, Zhejiang.

Zhang Runshui (that is, the young Runtu) is busy, putting on colors and disturbing hygiene. Today is the day when the eldest and young master Zhou Shuren is happy. As a childhood playmate, Runtu has made extra efforts.

"Young master, you have to change into a formal dress, and Mrs. Zhou will not be happy if you wear a foreign dress," said Runtu.

"Foreigners always wear this way when they get married, even in Japan, not everyone wears a dress when they get married." Lu Xun insisted.

"After studying abroad, the young master has indeed become more educated. He will definitely be a big shot in the future." Runtu said.

Lu Xun waved his hand: "Didn't I tell you when I was a child, don't call me Young Master."

"That's because I was ignorant when I was young!" Runtu said quickly.

Lu Xun sighed: "It's up to you, but you have to let me wear a suit."

"The old lady told me this week, the young master should not make things difficult for my servant." Runtu took out the groom's dress.

Lu Xun looked at the young man who chased the wind at night and lost his country temperament.

It seems like nothing has changed, and it seems like everything has changed.

Lu Xun didn't insist anymore, just like he didn't insist on giving up this unwilling marriage.He donned a traditional dress and a hat with fake braids attached to it.

Runtu laughed and said, "This is how you look like a master!"

"Brother Runtu, did Miss Zhu let go?" Lu Xun asked suddenly.

Runtu was taken aback, and said, "I don't know."

Three years ago, the only request Lu Xun made to this Miss Zhu family was to let her feet go.After all, I am a Western-style newcomer, so I really can't stand the bad habit of binding feet.

During the whole wedding process, Lu Xun behaved very obediently, and everyone was amazed that he would do whatever Mrs. Zhou said.

Finally, the bride, Zhu An, was getting off the sedan.

One foot sticks out first, it looks like it is of medium size, it doesn't look like it's bound, it looks like it's a loose foot.

Lu Xun finally felt a little relieved in his heart, but within three seconds, the embroidered shoe on that foot suddenly fell off, and a small foot that was originally wrapped was exposed.

It turned out that Zhu An heard that his husband liked big feet, so he wore a pair of big shoes and stuffed them with a lot of cotton to cover them up, but when he was about to get off the sedan chair, his feet were exposed.

Countless dark clouds flashed across Lu Xun's heart instantly, and his eyes were all gray.

Several serving maids hurriedly put the bride's shoes back on and helped her complete the wedding process.

During the whole process, Lu Xun was very obedient, even obedient to the point of numbness.

In the bridal chamber, when the hijab was removed, Lu Xun saw the appearance of his bride for the first time: the high hairline made the forehead appear wide, and the complexion could not see the real color because of the heavy makeup.

Mrs. Zhou likes this new daughter-in-law very much. This kind of appearance makes her feel that she is prosperous and easy to give birth to.

Lu Xun silently sat at the table, took out a book and started reading, leaving his newlywed wife to dry on the bed.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhu An finally whispered, "Husband, are you still asleep?"

Lu Xun turned a page and said, "I'm not sleepy."

That night, Lu Xun stayed up all night.

The next day, according to the custom, he should go to the ancestral hall, but Lu Xun didn't go. He didn't even go back to the new house at night, and slept directly in the study.

On the third day, Runtu, who got up early, worked for a while and suddenly saw the young master carrying his luggage out.

Runtu quickly picked it up and asked, "Master, where are you going?"

Lu Xun said, "Go to Shanghai."

Runtu wondered, "Why didn't you bring Young Mistress along?"

Lu Xun said: "I myself, and I went to Shanghai to go to Japan by boat."

Runtu's head was buzzing and he didn't know what to say. Lu Xun continued to walk outside the house and got on the carriage that had been called long ago.There was no other way, so Runtu could only pull his luggage and get into the car.

In the boudoir, Zhu An was already crying into tears holding Mrs. Zhou.

Mrs. Zhou persuaded: "Good wife, my son will change his mind sooner or later, don't worry."


On the carriage, Runtu still didn't understand why Lu Xun had to run away from home on the third day of his marriage, and asked, "Master, are you really not bringing your wife with you?"

Lu Xun said: "Brother Runtu, do you know what free marriage is?"

Runtu shook his head: "I don't know."

"Free marriage is free love. If you love me, I will, at least not only when we get married." Lu Xun explained.

Runtu grinned: "It's impossible, I will definitely not let my wife see other men before marriage. Wouldn't it be messed up! Impossible!"

Lu Xun took out a newspaper: "Look, the marriage between Li Yu and Lu Bicheng, a talented woman from Beijing and Tianjin, is free love."

"Carp? What is Lu?" Runtu had never heard of these two names.

Lu Xun originally had a lot to say, but at this moment he just lost his temper and waved his hand: "Forget it."

He wanted to leave even more.

Runtu is no longer the Runtu of the past, nor is the home of the past.

Of course Lu Xun pursued free marriage, but Zhu An kept him a widow for 30 years.


Berlin, Germany, Prussian Academy of Sciences.

A grand speech is being held today, and the speaker is Leonard, who just won the Nobel Prize in Physics last year.

Sitting in the audience were a group of familiar scientific figures: in the first row were Planck, Roentgen, Hilbert, Minkowski, Carl Runge, Sommerfeld, and Klein.

Behind them are the younger generation of Einstein, Born, Otto Hahn, Laue and so on.

Together these guys are almost half Solvay conference level.

Leonard is tall and tall. He was a little displeased when he saw Jews like Einstein in the audience, but he hated Roentgen sitting in the C seat even more.

Leonard suddenly closed the speech he had already written, then put his hands on the podium, and said: "The greatest scientist in the world is Mr. Newton. A falling apple gave him unlimited imagination, thus Created the greatest laws of mechanics and governed the operation of the entire universe."

Planck looked at Sommerfeld and exchanged glances, the two of them didn't know what he was going to say.

Leonard continued: "It was because Adam and Eve ate apples that human beings were born. So I think apples are a gift from God, because apples represent wisdom."

Leonard completed the preparations, and changed the topic: "As for me, I am the one who planted the apple tree, not the one who picked the apples!"

As soon as this remark came out, Roentgen's face was already a little ugly, and Einstein behind him also guessed what he wanted to say.

Sure enough, Leonard continued: "Without the cathode ray tube I invented and improved, I don't think Germany would have won the first Nobel Prize in Physics. But some people seem to have forgotten my contribution, and the entire German science The world has also neglected to honor me. It is very unfortunate."

Plank raised his hand and said: "Mr. Leonard, no one ignores your contribution. You see, everyone came to listen to your speech. Isn't this the most solemn sense of honor?"

"No!" Leonard said, "The reason for this is because I also won the Nobel Prize in Physics by virtue of my own ability. Without this medal, I think I would still be ignored by some people."

Plank wanted to change the subject, but Leonard said directly to Roentgen: "Am I right, Mr. Roentgen?"

Roentgen naturally knew that Leonard was upset with himself because he used his improved cathode ray tube to discover X-rays that shocked the world. Roentgen said: "Mr. Leonard, the discovery of physics requires not only sufficient experimental capabilities, but also Physical intuition and deep theoretical knowledge, all three are indispensable."

Leonard said, "So Mr. Roentgen means that I lack physical intuition or deep theoretical knowledge?"

"I can't judge other people," Roentgen said.

Leonard said: "Then do you admit my ability?"

Roentgen said: "I admit that you are an excellent experimental physicist."

"Then why didn't you write my name in the previous Nobel Prize nominations?" Leonard suddenly challenged.

Röntgen suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "I am free to nominate whoever I want. There are many outstanding scientists in the world. We must have a far-reaching vision and a broad mind."

Roentgen's words were also full of gunpowder. Planck was worried that the situation would continue to escalate, so he quickly got up and said, "Today's speech has come to an end, and we give the warmest applause to Mr. Leonard's wonderful speech!"

In the applause of Einstein, Born and others, it finally came to an end.

Sommerfeld and Roentgen walked out of the Academy of Sciences first. Sommerfeld said, "Professor Roentgen, don't pay too much attention to it. You know that Leonard has always been like this."

"I didn't take it to heart, but that's not how scientific discussions should be conducted," Roentgen said.

"No matter what field, there are always quarrels. This is inevitable. Perhaps science progresses in quarrels." Sommerfeld continued to smooth things over.

Roentgen said: "I hope so."

On the other side, Planck also brought Leonard to his office, along with Einstein and Laue.

Planck poured him a glass of wine and said: "Why do you bring up such an inappropriate topic on such a solemn occasion?! Roentgen is a hero to the Germans, and so are you. You shouldn't!"

Leonard said: "But he never thanked me. Is this what a hero should do?"

Plank said: "What you did is not what a hero should do. Why do you always think that others will not take you seriously?"

"Because that's the truth!" Leonard drank the whole glass of wine, "I should have won this award two years ago, but the Swedish gang actually gave the honor to a Chinese, Li Yu, my God, this It's like a huge joke!"

"That's what everyone discussed and agreed to, and with his achievements, there's no problem at all," Plank said.

"That's why I said that the entire physics community doesn't pay enough attention to me. Without me, how many people would have no possibility to carry out research work." Leonard said.

Plank couldn't help but rubbed his forehead: "There are many people who didn't win the prize, so it doesn't matter a few years later, I didn't win the prize either."

Leonard's mood finally improved a bit, but his goal is to be the leader of the German physics community, so he must be dissatisfied with the status quo.

Leonard saw Einstein sitting aside and said: "After all, there are still people who remember to quote my theory. You must clearly mark my name when quoting, and state that it was my inspiration that led to this project." inspiration."

All Einstein could say was, "Okay, Professor Leonard, I remember."

Leonard said with a little satisfaction: "This makes me treat you a little bit differently."

Einstein knew that by "you" he meant the Jews.

He now hopes to return to Switzerland more quickly, where there is not so much discrimination against Jews.


When he was in Japan, Li Yu specially bought a copy of "China's Mineral Resources" co-authored by Lu Xun and Gu Lang. This was the first book published by Lu Xun alone.

Although future generations have never heard of it, this book was highly recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce of the Qing Dynasty, and was even approved as "required reading for the people".

Li Yu saw Lu Xun who had just returned to Japan at the Overseas Students Association. He had already guessed the outcome, but still pretended not to know and congratulated: "Brother Zhou, happy wedding."

"You already know?" Lu Xun smiled wryly, "You are the happy newlywed, and I am the tragedy of the newlywed."

"But you are still married and have a wife." Li Yu said.

Lu Xun said helplessly: "She is my mother's wife, not mine. This is a gift from my mother. I only have an obligation to support her. I don't know about love."

Li Yu was quite emotional, the young Lu Xun had already felt the pain of love...

But maybe it's because he is married and doesn't want to be with his wife, so he can focus on his career.

Although it was far-fetched, women would no longer affect Brother Xun's writing speed.

Lu Xun was very depressed, so he went back to his residence to rest.

At the same time, Konoe Zhaoyuki, who wanted to find Konoe Totsumaro, was dumbfounded and was blocked at the door of Konoe's master's house.

Konoe Atsumaro died.

The new head of the Konoe family, Konoe Fumimaro, the first-class war criminal who later invaded China, was only in his teens. Although he has inherited the title of Duke, he has no ability to control it at all.

At this time, Japan was in turmoil, and various forces were on the rise, and they preferred "down to top". Everyone didn't have the patience to wait for the young Konoe Fumimaro to grow up, and quickly switched to other powerful families.

One of the dignified five photographers, the Konoe family that was once crowded in the city is now empty.

If it weren't for the fact that Xiyuanji Gongwang and Konoe Totsumaro were good friends and had some affection for the Konoe family, perhaps Konoe Fumimaro would not have had a chance to make his mark.

Konoe Zhaoyuki was in a trance for a while: firstly, the death of Konoe Totsuma cast a huge shadow over her hope of entering the Konoe main family; Is such a Konoe family worth fighting for?

Toyama Mitsuru seemed to have guessed what Konoe Akiyuki was thinking, and brought her over to continue assigning tasks: "No matter what, your goal cannot be changed. I have received news that the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu and the Mitsui Zaibatsu are going to contact Li Yu, and even want to To establish cooperation, both chaebols attach great importance to Li Yu."

Mitsubishi and Mitsui are currently Japan's super chaebols, and they already have a certain ability to influence the political situation. Konoe Zhaoyuki's eyes sparkled again after hearing this.

Jinwei Zhaoxue picked up the jug and filled Toushanman with wine: "Zhaoxue will do her best to complete the task."

When leaning over, the faint touch of white under the kimono made Tou Shanman a little excited, he grabbed Konoe Zhao Xuexue's snow-white wrist: "Today you will obey me!"

Konoe Aki immediately pulled out his hand and stepped back: "Sir!"

Toushan said with a gloomy feeling: "Now the Jinwei family is no longer able to survive, you can only rely on me!"

Tou Shanman throws her to the ground, Jin Wei Zhaoxue wanted to accept his fate, but suddenly a flash in his mind pushes Tou Shanman away and rushes out the door.

Tou Shanman spat, but his interest did not stop, and he said to a member of the Black Dragon Association: "Go! Find me one, no, two geisha come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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