Chapter 429 Resolve
Li Yu knew Zhang Taiyan's temper, he was violent and unrestrained, anyone dared to scold him, and he really scolded everyone, or he was the number one in the Republic of China.

However, the reason Zhang Taiyan had such a big disagreement with the Alliance was entirely because of money.Although Zhang Taiyan now has strong opinions on Mr. Zhongshan, they are all business matters. In private, he has always respected Mr. Zhongshan very much.As mentioned before, someone later followed Zhang Taiyan in scolding Sun Wen. As a result, Zhang Taiyan gave him a large sum of money, and then said: "Who do you think you are? The Prime Minister is the first-class great man in China. Who dares to scold Sun Wen except me?" Of?"

But respect comes from respect, and the contradiction is also a real contradiction.

You guys don’t have much revolutionary experience. The key is that you don’t have enough resources at hand. You need to spend money everywhere. However, few people in the Tongmenghui and Guangfuhui know how to make money. They lack a logistics master like Xiao He, Zhuge Liang, and Li Shanchang, so they often appear. The dilemma of having no rice to cook.

The only person in the entire revolutionary group who has the ability to make money is Sun Wen, so everyone points to him to give money. However, in the past two years, there have indeed been some slight setbacks in fundraising.

The reformist Liang Qichao did not relax the debate at all and continued to launch attacks.

The revolutionaries obviously occupied the high ground in theory, and they had a large number of people, but they were surrounded by Liang Qichao alone, and were even forced to give up the three roads and retreat to the high ground tower.

Zhang Taiyan originally thought that he could flex his muscles when he came to Japan, but he didn't expect that there were a lot of people who couldn't defeat Liang Qichao.

Zhang Taiyan and Liang Qichao had a grudge many years ago. Long before the Reform Movement of [-], when Kang Youwei was at the height of his fame in China, Zhang Taiyan heard that he could join Kang Youwei's Strong Society by "paying a membership fee of sixteen yuan", so he rushed there excitedly. .

And with his talent, he entered the "Current Affairs News" sponsored by Liang Qichao. This was the first newspaper run by the Chinese and the largest mouthpiece of the reformists at that time.

But after Zhang Taiyan came to Shanghai, he saw a bunch of Kangmen disciples giving false praise to Kang Youwei, just like Xingxiu disciples praising Ding Chunqiu.Zhang Taiyan was quite disdainful, saying that "this group of Kangmen disciples are like a group of dung beetles rolling a ball of dung."

Zhang Taiyan had this character since he was a child. Finally, after hearing Kang Youwei say that he surpassed Confucius, he broke out completely and began to argue fiercely with Kang's disciples.

As a disciple of Kangmen, Liang Qichao is the only one who can really stand up to Zhang Taiyan.The two began to quarrel at that time. Zhang Taiyan called Liang Qichao and the others "religious bandits," while Liang Qichao called Zhang Taiyan a "bad Confucian."

Originally a gentleman would talk but not take action, but then the quarrel got too fierce and Zhang Taiyan even slapped Liang Qichao...

Liang Qichao had many disciples, so he gave Zhang Taiyan a beating and was expelled from Kangmen.

So, there was no winner at that time, and now Zhang Taiyan is naturally dissatisfied because there were so many people on the other side at that time.

But now, it's obvious that there are too many people on our side, but because of internal strife, Liang Qichao's one-man show has caused five kills!

Zhang Taiyan held back his words, but "Minbao" was unable to continue and could not fight back. Can you not be angry?

Li Yu saw another young Japanese coming out to speak: "I said, among Mr. Zhongshan's 15000 yen, there is..."

Song Jiaoren quickly interrupted him, "Mr. Bei Yihui, everyone knows about this, haha, haha!"

Then he winked at him desperately, but the Japanese named Kitaki didn't notice, and continued: "Do you know?"

Zhang Taiyan rolled his eyes: "Mr. Bei Yihui, please tell me in detail. I don't want to curse people indiscriminately."

So Kitaki continued: "10000 million yuan of it was donated by businessman Mr. Suzuki Kugoro, and only 5000 yen came from the Japanese government."

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhang Taiyan became even more angry, and loudly questioned Song Jiaoren and Hu Hanmin: "Didn't you say that the 10000 yen came from the Japanese government? You have been arguing for a long time and said the opposite! At first, you said that it was only 5000 yen donated by businessmen. It’s easy to operate, so I can only provide 2000 yen. It turned out that it all went into the pockets of your League! You don’t treat us as your own at all!”

Song Jiaoren and Hu Hanmin felt their heads explode with pain, and Bei Yihui's mouth was too fast!
Bei Yihui had no idea what was going on between them.

The friendship between Bei Yihui and the Tongmenghui is actually quite deep, and he has been participating in their revolution.However, this guy later developed a fascist theory and wanted to violently overthrow the Japanese government, so he was almost shot by the Japanese government.

Song Jiaoren couldn't say a word, what a pig teammate!

Li Yu hurriedly went over to smooth things over: "I can sponsor the newspaper's money. Don't get into such a tense situation over a trivial matter."

Song Jiaoren said: "Brother Shucai, don't you have a good relationship with Liang Qichao, why did you help our "Min Bao"?"

Li Yu said: "Kang Shengren scolded me in the United States. My helping Minbao was purely a personal grudge. I was not meddling in the dispute between revolutionaries and constitutionalists."

Li Yuxian cleaned up his relationship and found a good excuse.

"Kang Nanhai scolded you? Why?" Song Jiaoren asked in confusion.

Li Yu spread his hands: "I exposed his lie about the imperial edict. Kang Shengren thought that I had delayed his Royal Society's fund-raising, so Kang Shengren became angry."

"Saint!" Zhang Taiyan snorted coldly, "Hmph, he is the wrath of a man, he can only splatter five steps with blood!"

Li Yu said: "Anyway, Shengren Kang was very angry and kept publishing articles in America to scold me."

"What qualifications does he have to scold you!?" Zhang Taiyan said angrily, "If I, Zhang Taiyan, don't have the qualifications to scold someone, what qualifications does Kang Youwei have? With his bullshit knowledge that only seeks fame and reputation?"

"Mr. Taiyan calm down, let's not mention Sage Kang first," Li Yu said.

"He is not a saint!" Zhang Taiyan repeated.

"Yes, let's not mention Kang Nanhai," Li Yu said, "I already have a general understanding of your dispute. If the "Min Bao" can be asked to solve the funding problem, I can still do it. In the future, "Min Bao" will be funded by me. .”

Hu Hanmin said: "This is so funny, Brother Shucai..."

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Taiyan waved his hand to interrupt him, "Everyone is here to cause trouble. When you meet someone who can help us, stop pushing and shoving with false affection!"

Zhang Taiyan is worthy of being called "Crazy Zhang", and he is merciless to anyone he speaks to.

Hu Hanmin was quite embarrassed after hearing this and could only say: "But after all, Brother Shucai doesn't know what we want to do, so he felt uneasy when he accepted his money so rashly."

Of course Li Yu knew what they wanted to do, even better than they themselves.

Li Yu just opened his mouth, but Zhang Taiyan retorted loudly: "If you feel uneasy, can you get the money?"

Hu Hanmin scratched his head: "No."

"Then what else do you say!" Zhang Taiyan turned around and bowed to Li Yu, "I, Zhang Taiyan, represent the liberation... No, on behalf of the "Min Bao", thank you Brother Shucai!"

Li Yu quickly supported him: "Mr. Taiyan, you're welcome, it's just a small matter."

"No!" Zhang Taiyan stiffened his waist and bowed forcefully, "I, Zhang Taiyan, think I should thank you, so I will thank you! This is not a trivial matter!"

Li Yu could only say: "Fortunately, you don't get paid for nothing."

Zhang Taiyan added: "But let's make an agreement, even if you become the owner of "Minbao", you can't hinder our free operation."

Well, the distinction between right and wrong is really clear, Li Yu said with a smile: "I definitely won't ask a little bit."

"That's good!" Zhang Taiyan finally showed a smile on his face and said to Song Jiaoren and Hu Hanmin, "Okay, the matter is settled, let's continue working!"

Li Yu was really shocked, this old man had such a distinct personality.Song Jiaoren and Hu Hanmin didn't want to make too much trouble with them at the Restoration Society, so they followed the steps given by Zhang Taiyan and said, "Do things together, do things together!"

Zhang Taiyan was full of confidence and said to Tao Chengzhang: "Go and let the newspaper issue more space for this issue. I have several articles that have not been published. It is time for Liang Qichao to continue to see my counterattack."

Li Yu added to Zhang Taiyan: "By the way, Mr. Taiyan, let's not make any publicity about my payment."

Zhang Taiyan grinned and said, "I understand! If you were at Liang Qichao's place, it wouldn't be easy to explain."

The tense situation between the two groups finally eased, but Qiu Jin still said to Zhang Taiyan: "President, I still decide to return to China."

Zhang Taiyan said: "Didn't we all agree to stay in Japan first?"

Qiu Jin resolutely said: "Xu Xilin has already telegraphed me that he wants to cause trouble in the country. A revolution without bloodshed is a revolution. I want to go back and help him."

Of course Li Yu knew what going back meant, and immediately stopped him: "Miss Qiu Jin, you must not!"

"You don't need to say anything, I have already decided. During this time in Japan, I have thought too much, and it's not just because of Japan's abolition of the treaty, but," Qiu Jin said after a pause, "I clearly realized What do you want to do."

Qiu Jin was out of temper and couldn't persuade her at all, otherwise she wouldn't have left her husband and children in the capital to study in Japan alone.

Li Yu sighed in his heart. If something happened in the future, he would try to save her, but it would take more effort. He might have to use some methods from detective dramas.

Li Yu's head hurt a little, but he definitely didn't want her to die in vain.Fortunately, Li Yu always has a lot of things in his mind. Let's see what happens next.

Zhang Taiyan was busy posting articles, and left in a hurry with Tao Chengzhang; Qiu Jin wanted to pack her luggage, and soon left Uchida Ryohei's mansion.

Song Jiaoren and Hu Hanmin had to contact the students in Kyoto, and then they also left.

Liao Zhongkai came over and said to Li Yu: "Thank you for inviting me here. Our Alliance is not really disunited, but it's just a bit different. Everyone has their own ideas of serving the country, so it seems a bit scattered."

Li Yu said: "I can understand. After all, it is a road that cannot be turned back. There is nothing wrong with being cautious."

These people are really difficult. No one knows what the future will hold, so naturally they don't have the calm attitude of Li Yu.

In "Avengers 3", Thanos gathered the Infinity Stones. Doctor Strange said that among 1400 million futures, he only saw one future and defeated Thanos.

And China’s path is also very clever.

To be honest, no one could have imagined that the Qing Emperor would abdicate so easily and directly save such a huge territory. It is definitely a miracle among miracles and an accident among necessity.

A woman's cough came from the inner room, Liao Zhongkai said happily, "Madam finished the painting."

Only then did Li Yu notice that there was a woman painting on a table in the back room. Liao Zhongkai called her his wife, so it was naturally He Xiangning.

She is the second president of the Chinese Artists Association, pioneering a female painter to take charge of the "handsome seal" in the painting world.

Li Yu leaned over and took a look. He Xiangning drew a picture of the people just now.

He Xiangning smiled and said, "I'm not good at figure painting, I hope Mr. Li Yu won't dislike me."

Li Yu asked doubtfully: "Do you want to give it to me?"

He Xiangning said: "Mr. turned wars into treasures and is a good friend of the Tongmenghui. We have nothing to give as gifts. This painting expresses our gratitude."

Li Yu said: "Rejecting would seem disrespectful to me, so I'll accept it."

Liao Zhongkai said: "You should accept it."

He Xiangning joined the League earlier than Liao Zhongkai. In addition to her own studies, she also took on the liaison and service work of the League: receiving and forwarding letters, keeping files, and guarding the door.

Whenever the Alliance held a meeting, she had to take care of the food and drinks, and also guard the door and watch the wind, protecting her comrades from Japanese police and Qing court spies.

Mr. Zhongshan trusted her very much and called her "housekeeper" (the original text was Obasan, eh, it seems that the word was a compliment at that time?).

After a while, a hurried voice suddenly came from the door: "Am I late? Why are people leaving?"

Footsteps came to the door, and someone exclaimed: "Ah! It's Mr. Li Yu!"

Li Yu didn't recognize him at first glance, but the other party continued, "It's me, Li Siguang!"

"Ah!" Li Yu was really surprised, "Why are you here?"

Li Siguang said: "I am also a member of the Tongmenghui. But I can't believe it even more. It turns out that Mr. Li Yu, who shocked the world, is also one of us!"

Liao Zhongkai said: "Mr. Li Yu is not a member, but he can be called our friend."

After chatting for a while, Li Yu learned that Li Siguang met Song Jiaoren not long after he came to Japan to study a year ago, and then met Ma Junwu through him, and soon met Mr. Zhongshan.

Li Siguang attended the founding meeting of the Tongmenghui. Mr. Zhongshan personally presided over his joining the Tongmenghui. His oath was: "Li Siguang, a member of the Alliance, Huanggang County, Huangzhou Prefecture, Hubei Province, swore on that day: to expel the Tartars, restore China, establish the Republic of China, and equalize the Land rights. Faith and loyalty, there will be a beginning and an end. If you do this, you will be punished by everyone. Li Siguang, a member of the Chinese Tongmenghui, was born on July [-], the year Yisi of Tianyun."

Li Siguang was the youngest member of the Tongmenghui, and Sun Wen gave him eight words: "Study hard and become useful to the country."

That is to say, let him study hard first and ignore the revolution.

I chatted with Li Siguang, who was engaged in science, and Li Yu asked him about his studies in the past two years. It turned out that he entered Hongwen College, and he was an alumnus with Lu Xun and others.

Li Siguang will take the Japanese higher education exam next year.

Li Yu thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you just go to the United States to study? I will reserve a place for you next year."

According to history, Li Siguang first entered the Marine Engineering Department of Osaka Technical College to study shipbuilding machinery. After seven years, he traveled across the ocean to study geology at the University of Birmingham.

When it came to learning shipbuilding, Li Yu could simply help him avoid this detour.

Li Siguang must have known that the quality of schools in the United States was higher, but he also knew that the cost of studying in the United States was high, so he said, "I can only study abroad with official fees."

Li Yu patted his chest and assured him: "Now I am the supervisor of Tsinghua University, that is, the supervisor of the study tour in the United States, and the study abroad program in the United States is backed by Gengzi's refund."

Li Siguang's eyes lit up: "Great! Then I'll study English!"

(End of this chapter)

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