Chapter 442 Chinese Public School
The squeaking sound of the electric fan kept coming.

Xiaode Zhang entered the room and leaned over to whisper to Cixi: "Queen Mother, Tang Guoan, Li Yu, and Fu Zengxiang have all arrived."

"Let them come in," Cixi said.

After a few people came in, Cixi said: "When I looked at the exhibition hall today, the only thing that stood out was a few things made by Li Yu. Let me just say, we in the Qing Dynasty cannot always follow the foreigners, there will always be new ones. Something comes out.”

Li Yu secretly thought, who is "our Qing Dynasty" with you?

But Li Yu enjoyed the feeling of watching the Qing Dynasty collapse, and he knew the direction of the development of things, so he would not make any violent remarks.

Li Yu simply replied: "The intelligence of Chinese people is not inferior to that of foreigners."

Cixi said: "That's very good. From now on, you will work well with Yuan Shikai. The Ai family is looking forward to the day when all nations will come to court."

The half century that Cixi was in power was basically the lowest half century in China. Compared with Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty or Wu Zetian, he had no face at all.

Li Yu thought to himself, you won't see that day, but he still said: "I will definitely cooperate with Lord Yuan."

Cixi said: "Liang Cheng sent me a telegram in the United States, and he did a great job in returning the Boxer Indemnity. I heard that you are the supervisor of the Study Tour Office in the United States, and you are allowed to do things by someone who knows the most about Western learning, and you are not like Kang Youwei. So I am relieved to act arbitrarily."

Li Yu had no intention of entering politics. In fact, he was the wisest in such troubled times. Otherwise, given the turbulent situation in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, no matter how many times he died, it would not be enough.

And it is precisely because he does not care about politics and his only official position is a sinecure in education and protecting cultural relics. Instead, he has become a talisman and everyone is willing to make friends with him.

Cixi also gave the greatest support to Li Yu's industrial work, which made it much more convenient in the future.

It's definitely not possible to rely on Yuan Shikai for everything. He is only a minister of Beiyang, and it is difficult to interfere with matters in Nanyang, and Nanyang is a region with more developed industry and commerce.


After the meeting, Yuan Shikai hosted a banquet for Li Yu in Beiyang that day.

"Brother Shucai, thank you for having some new stuff, otherwise my Quanye Market and Exhibition Center would really become an exhibition for foreigners!" Yuan Shikai raised his glass and said, "From now on, your business is my business."

Li Yu said: "Actually, I have a small request."

"Please speak." Yuan Shikai said.

"When the product is produced, it must be marketed overseas. Japan's Mitsubishi Consortium has temporarily signed a transportation contract with me, but it is only for five years. I hope that during these five years, you can urge the Steamship Merchants to expand a few routes, so that I can expand the transportation contract. Leave the matter to the China Merchants Bureau."

Yuan Shikai sighed: "The defeat of the Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-] also dealt a huge blow to China Merchants Group. It almost lost its ocean shipping capabilities, but I can fully support it in inland shipping."

Things are indeed difficult to handle. The shipping industry is too expensive and is currently completely controlled by several major European and American countries. It is difficult for even Japan to open sea routes.

And in five years, maybe shipping companies from the UK, the Netherlands, or Denmark will take over, especially a country like the UK that values ​​maritime power the most.

Li Yu could only say: "It would be good to do well in inland waterway shipping first."

After bidding farewell to Yuan Shikai, Li Yu stayed in Tianjin for a few more days, sometimes at the Beiyang Women's College in Lu Bicheng, and sometimes to visit the middle school he co-founded with Zhang Boling and Yan Fansun.

In the past few days, Li Yu also saw the Japanese "Rendan" advertisement in Tianjin that he had seen in Shanghai.

When I passed by the pharmacy, I found it was very popular.

From time to time, you can hear people asking where they can buy it.

Someone went to the drugstore and asked: "I have a stomachache, diarrhea, and general fatigue. It seems that I have heatstroke. What should I do?"

The people at the drugstore even said without a doctor: "It's simple, just take 'Rendan' and you'll be fine."

Li Yu bought a copy of "Ta Kung Pao" and found that today's advertising slogans are even more nonsense, such as "the magical medicine of the fairy island, the medicine will cure the disease."

The Japanese also regard themselves as a "fairy island".

He went to Tang Shaoyi and asked, only to find that the situation was more complicated than he thought.

"The advertisements have been published for several months. They are really rich. They are published in the most conspicuous positions in almost every issue," Tang Shaoyi said. "And the pharmacy can get medicines on credit."

"Credit?" Li Yu asked.

"After the drugs are sold, the Japanese will be given money to purchase the goods," Tang Shaoyi said.

Li Yu was shocked. Isn't this the "credit sale" of later generations? He has a very good business method!

Tang Shaoyi added: "Not only that, Japan has also opened a sales point in the post office."

Good guys, the prototype of community group buying?
Li Yu asked curiously: "Who made this medicine?"

Tang Shaoyi said: "I heard he is a Japanese named Hiroshi Morishita."

Li Yu said: "You must be careful about dumping. I always feel that the Japanese have ulterior motives."

Li Yu made a guess based entirely on his knowledge of the Japanese.

As he expected, many Japanese in China acted as espionage agents, including this drug dealer and pharmaceutical advertisement.

Since then, "Nidan" advertisements have been all over the streets, and by adjusting the details of the officer's head on the portrait, it has become a guiding code within Japan.

Rendan is not kind at all.

Hey, it has penetrated to this extent, really...

Tang Shaoyi said: "I sent someone to inquire. Morishita Hiroshi does not have any complicated background. He is just an ordinary businessman. As for the so-called 'Rendan', it is also a medicine he imitated in Baodao. Brothers Shucai, don't worry, it is a traditional Chinese medicine. , the Japanese cannot be the rivals of their ancestors in the market."

Although Li Yu didn't know the future role of "Rendan", considering his inner feelings towards the Japanese, he just didn't want them to make money from the Chinese. Especially at this time, he had to find a way to get rid of him anyway.

A few days later, Li Yu received a telegram from Shanghai Bayer Company, mentioning that their company had sent representatives to Shanghai.

It happened that Duanfang was going south to Shanghai, so the two got on the boat together.

Duan Fang said: "I heard that the Jinpu Railway has started construction, and the construction period is progressing extremely smoothly." Li Yu said: "Repair it as soon as possible. Not only is it cheaper than taking a boat, it is also much faster."

A few days later, they met with Bayer representatives in Shanghai.

Bayer representatives had previously negotiated with the Shanghai Concession and the Qingdao Concession and basically agreed to the decision to build a factory in Shanghai.

Because the British had already built a factory in Guangzhou, Bayer did not want to compete directly with them.

Moreover, Shanghai's radiation capability is significantly stronger, covering almost the entire Yangtze River Basin.

Duanfang has nothing to say, just build it, but the land rent will be based on the price outside the Shanghai Concession, and then slightly discounted, 200 taels per mu, and the tax will be [-]% off the import tariff.

For Bayer, this is already a very favorable condition.

Li Yu also said that he could sell the remaining [-]% of the shares.

The resolution was signed in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Duanfang was in a good mood and invited Li Yu and the German people to have dinner together at Huizhong Hotel.


The next day, a middle-aged man came to find Duan Fang, walked in and said, "Master Taiwan Maker, you are finally back."

"This is Su Kan. I just want to introduce you to Mr. Li Yu." Duan Fang said, and then introduced him to Li Yu, "This is Zheng Xiaoxu, also known as Su Kan. He is my right-hand man."

Li Yu knew that Zheng Xiaoxu would be a traitor to Manchukuo in the future, but he had not yet shown his true nature as a traitor.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zheng Xiaoxu said: "Master Taipei, hundreds of Japanese students have gathered in Shanghai. They have spontaneously established a school called China Public School, but they are facing difficulties in funding operations and are looking for help."

"It is indeed not easy. International students are all talents," Duan Fang said. "From now on, 1000 taels of silver will be allocated from the Liangjiang Governor's Office every month. You can supervise the school and maintain it."

Zheng Xiaoxu said: "Your Excellency is wise."

Li Yu thought to himself, China Public School was founded by Qiu Jin.

After the Japan Ban Treaty was promulgated, many students studying in Japan returned to China, but they could not afford to miss school, so the students organized a school.

However, running a school costs a lot of money, and ultimately the request was made to the court.

Duan Fang wanted to imitate Yuan Shikai and engage in new learning, so he donated generously.

When Zheng Xiaoxu was about to leave, Li Yu said to him, "Take me with you to have a look."

Duan Fang smiled and said: "The Imperial Master is really passionate about education."

Li Yu wanted to see Qiu Jin's condition.

The current temporary school building of China Public School looks quite old and is not large in area, but it already has more than 300 students. Judging from the current scale of the school, it is not small.

Li Yu met Qiu Jin and Ma Junwu who had returned home.

"Miss Qiu Jin." Li Yu greeted her.

"Mr. Li Yu," Qiu Jin said in surprise, "Why is it you?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "Let me take a look at your school building."

“It can’t compare with Japan, but our desire to learn will not change,” Qiu Jin said.

Ma Junwu said happily: "Miss Qiu Jin, I just heard Master Zheng say that Mr. Duanfang, the Governor of Liangjiang, agreed to provide a monthly subsidy of 1000 taels, so we can continue to run the school!"

"Duanfang? I don't want Manren's money!" Qiu Jin said angrily.

Ma Junwu said awkwardly: "Miss Qiu Jin, silver is just silver everywhere."

Qiu Jin said resolutely: "I have made up my mind that I will never accept any more benefits from Man Man."

Ma Junwu said: "Although Mr. Duan is also a Manchu, he is not a bad person. You have forgotten what Mr. Zhongshan said. The Manchus who support us should not oppose but unite."

Qiu Jin gritted her teeth: "You can't look at small favors, otherwise how can you do justice!"

It seems that Qiu Jin's temper has not changed, and she hates evil as much as she hates it.

Ma Junwu said: "Aren't you going to go to public school?"

"No." Qiu Jin said.

Ma Junwu sighed and asked, "Then where are you going?"

"Shaoxing, go home." Qiu Jin said.

Of course Li Yu knew that she would probably die there if she returned to Shaoxing, so he quickly said: "Miss Qiu Jin, I respect your heroic spirit as a woman, but you also said that you must have righteousness in your heart. China You are so big, where is your home? Why do you have to go back to your small home?"

Qiu Jin's eyes flashed: "There is some truth."

Li Yu struck while the iron was hot: "Shanghai is the most civilized place, and girls are interested in women's rights in China. Why don't I pay for you to run a magazine specifically for women here to promote women's rights and enlighten women? It's called "China Women's Newspaper" ",how?"

Qiu Jin silently recited: "China Women's Newspaper."

Li Yu added: "I can ask my wife Lu Bicheng to write for you personally for each issue."

"And the Bicheng girl?" Qiu Jin was finally convinced, "Well, Kangliang and the Tongmenghui both launched magazines back then. I should also speak out for the [-] million Chinese women."

Li Yu said with a smile: "And you have to raise your arms and shout!"

Fortunately, she was stabilized.

(End of this chapter)

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