Chapter 450 Protest
The University of Chicago invited Li Yu to give a lecture.

Li Yu mainly talked about the light quantum hypothesis and the derivation of black body radiation. It can only be called this now because few people know what quantum mechanics is.

Although it makes sense mathematically, and the foundation of physics is equally solid, quantum theory is still too avant-garde, and the people below are confused.

Both theories are difficult to generalize in Europe, let alone elsewhere.Li Yu understood Planck a little bit. He chose to read Einstein's papers at the Prussian Academy of Sciences, but he also received a cold reception.

Afterwards, Millikan said to Li Yu: "I think it would be better for you, sir, to talk about the Star Wars series, because not only students from the School of Science are coming to attend the lecture, but also students from the School of Liberal Arts and Law School; and what you talked about today is too Like science fiction.”

Li Yu said: "New theories are always unacceptable to people. It's normal. If you call it science fiction, I won't be unhappy, because sometimes science fiction is the future."

"Do you really think they're all right?" Millikan asked.

"Of course!" Li Yu said affirmatively, "Even if it is not complete yet, there are already many theoretical supports. Quantum theory is now a flame that cannot be extinguished."

Millikan shrugged: "I certainly cannot accept this kind of conjecture that has not even been experimentally verified."

Li Yu said: "Then you can do an experiment to refute it."

"That's exactly what I meant," Millikan said.

Li Yu smiled and said, "I wish you good luck."

Li Yu knew very well that experiments would only verify the correctness of quantum mechanics. The more people are willing to do experiments, the better.

Michelson came over and said: "I have read the light quantum paper, especially I heard that the young author of the paper, a German named Einstein, jointly launched a theory called special relativity with you. It is hard to imagine how humble he is. Character is why you used the word 'narrow sense' in the first place. Oh, I understand, there will be wider applications in the future."

"Yes, Professor Michelson," Li Yu said, "and the theory of relativity explains why the speed of light remains unchanged."

"I know," Michelson said, "I have carefully studied the two basic assumptions mentioned in the paper, one of which is that the speed of light is constant. Young people like to quote my theory, and I am honored. But I am an experiment Physicists, and I have discussed this many times with Professor Millikan, it is really difficult to verify experimentally. And you know, physics is a science based on experiments."

"Of course I admit that physics is a science based on experiments," Li Yu said. "So, the theory of relativity can definitely be verified by experiments."

Millikan said: "I have some idea of ​​verifying light quantum, but the experiment of relativity is too difficult. For example, the twin paradox that everyone is most concerned about is the time delay experiment. If the speed is not enough, it can only be delayed for a few seconds in 100 years. , this kind of measurement accuracy requirement is too high.”

Michelson added: "Even using the Doppler effect, it would be very difficult to design experiments."

The troublesome part of the theory of relativity lies in experimental verification. At this time, Li Yu could only say helplessly: "Even so, I still firmly believe that physics cannot always let experiments guide the theory. If the theory is ahead of its time, it can also be Guide the experiment and the technology will continue to advance, and one day the experimental verification will be completed."

Millikan disagreed: "Other disciplines work, but for physics, experiment always comes first."

Li Yu said: "It should be said that experimentation is the most basic and the cornerstone of physics, but above this, there are other levels of physics."

Millikan was about to retort when Michelson interrupted: "What level? I'm all ears."

Li Yu said: "The first level is definitely experiments; the second level is phenomenological theory; the third level is theoretical framework; and the highest fourth level is mathematics."

The original words were spoken by Chen Ning Yang.

In fact, probably starting from people like Boltzmann, Maxwell, and Lorenz, they have deeply realized the importance of mathematics to physics. These big guys are all extremely strong in mathematics.

For example, Boltzmann's paper was like a show of virtuosity, with all kinds of mathematical techniques, very complicated, and he gave you several quadruple integrals at every turn, which made people's scalp numb.

Neither Michelson nor Millikan were that good in mathematics. Millikan said at this time: "Mr. Academician's words are more like science fiction at this time."

It is still at the intersection of classical physics and modern physics. Li Yu said with a smile: "It's not science fiction. In ten years at most, you will believe what I say."

Millikan asked: "You mean that time can really be lengthened or shortened. Humans can't really achieve the time travel in science fiction, right? This is not what a scientist should say."

"According to the principle of relativity, the closer to the speed of light, the slower the passage of time, so it is not impossible to travel to the future." Li Yu said.

"It's so difficult to understand," Michelson said, "but if it's really possible to go to the future, what I want to know most is why the speed of light happens to be the current value."

The old man is really obsessed with his research.

"If the speed of light is not this value, then the world will no longer exist," Li Yu paused, then said, "Maybe the speed of light in another universe is another value."

"What?" Millikan asked in surprise, "Another universe? Mr. Academician, although I know that you are not only good at mathematical sciences, but also a good hand at science fiction stories, this sentence is too science fiction."

Li Yu took a breath and said, "From the perspective of the theory of relativity, human beings can go to the future, but they can never reach the past. But if the space is infinite, there are infinite universes, so it is possible to travel through it."

——Okay, official complaint.

But Li Yu's voice was so low that Millikan didn't hear it clearly. He said: "I only believe in experiments that can be seen, not experiments in thought."

Michelson suddenly laughed and said: "Millikan, you are always so serious! I think you should learn from Li Yu's optimistic attitude and stop jumping to conclusions so early. This habit should be changed. Besides, you'd better Take a look at the Star Wars series, it’s very beautiful.”

Millikan said: "Actually, I have watched the Star Wars series...several students who took Eastern Literature as an elective would peek at it in class. I didn't like to read entertainment novels, but I didn't expect that it became a bit addictive."

"That's right!" Michelson said, "Li Yu and his wife Bicheng are the key topics of sinological research at this time."

Li Yu interrupted: "I'm still alive and well, so it's not appropriate to use it as a research topic."

The University of Chicago is an American university that is more interested in the East. It established the Institute of Oriental Studies very early on.

During the few days he stayed in Chicago, Li Yu discussed many cutting-edge scientific issues with Millikan and Michelson.

Millikan's overall physical literacy was very high and his experimental ability was extremely strong. He was an out-and-out smart man.In addition, he has the experience of studying abroad at the University of Göttingen in Germany. He is rigorous and very sharp at the same time, which is a completely different style from Michelson.

Michelson's characteristics are more like an Oriental, particularly persistent and unwavering in his own ideas.

He only did one thing in his life: measuring the speed of light from the age of 26 to 76. What perseverance!
It perfectly explains what it means to be the best in one thing and to be the best in the world.

All in all, the science gurus are amazing.

After several days of discussion, Millikan's attitude towards Li Yu improved even more. A very arrogant person like him would not easily admit that others are stronger, but in the end he said that he would carefully consider what Li Yu said.

After their visit to the University of Chicago, Li Yu and Tang Guoan took the international students to the Qing Embassy in Washington.

They will receive about six weeks of training in Washington to adapt to American living habits, and then go to various universities.

The Gengjian students who studied in the United States all went to top universities in the United States. Hu Gangfu went to Harvard University for physics; Zhang Tingjin entered Harvard University's Department of Electrical Engineering; Hu Gangfu's brother Hu Dunfu entered Cornell University's Department of Mathematics; and Bingzhi entered Cornell University. University College of Agriculture.

Seeing the increase in the number of people, Ambassador Liang Cheng was in a good mood and said to Tang Guoan: "The hard work has not been in vain."

Tang Guoan said: "It is not easy to get students to come to the United States. As soon as I boarded the ship at Tianjin Port, I heard that the United States passed a new round of Chinese Exclusion Act." Liang Cheng said helplessly: "I have submitted my credentials many times. We protested, but all came to nothing. Fortunately, the Chinese Exclusion Act only targeted workers and did not prevent students from studying.”

Li Yu sneered: "Foreigners are not stupid. The United States is originally a country of immigrants, and it hopes that outstanding talents from all over the world will come here. As for those who have no money and ability, there is no such thing as the American dream."

Liang Cheng sighed: "You're right about sparing talents. In the past, Chinese workers were paid well, but now it's getting harder and harder for Chinese workers to find jobs. If there weren't Chinatowns everywhere, many of them would have to beg for food."

Tang Guoan was surprised: "It's like this?!"

Liang Cheng took out a newspaper: "Read it for yourselves."

Newspapers reported on an anti-Asian incident that had just occurred in Vancouver, Canada.

The organizer turned out to be the mayor of Vancouver. Mayor Bethune (just the same name, not the same person) organized tens of thousands of Vancouver citizens in front of the city council and shouted the slogan "For a white Canada". Every participant brought a The white turban means that white people are the masters of Vancouver.

This organization was founded in San Francisco two years ago. At first, it was just called the "Anti-Japanese-Korean Alliance." It was mainly out of dissatisfaction with Japanese-Korean immigrants taking their job opportunities and preventing them from realizing their middle-class dreams.

This year the organization escalated to oppose Asians as a whole, including Chinese and Indians.

After completing their speeches in front of the City Council, the protesters quickly rushed to Chinatown, which is closest to the City Council.

It is said that Chinatowns abroad are very close to the local government for some reason, and the same is true for Chinatown in New York. Perhaps it is Chinese tradition, and they feel that it is safer near the Yamen.

But this time we were really unlucky. Unexpectedly, the mayor became an accomplice of the protesters, and they started to smash things up when they came.

On the contrary, Japanese shops farther away quickly made preparations after seeing the situation in Chinatown, and the damage suffered was much less than that in Chinatown.

Tang Guoan asked: "The local police just sit back and do nothing?"

Liang Cheng said: "Even the mayor has been dismissed. What do you think the police can do? What's more, there are only more than 20 police officers in Vancouver, so they can't do anything."

Li Yu asked: "Is there no resistance?"

"They resisted," Liang Cheng said. "Originally, the Chinese always thought that Vancouver was very safe, but reality taught them a solid lesson. The next day they all went to gun stores to buy weapons. It is said that a revolver costs from 10 Canadian dollars The price has reached over 20 Canadian dollars. Hundreds of guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition in the gun store have been sold out. If it hadn’t been for a sudden heavy rain in Vancouver that lasted for many days, I’m afraid a gunfight might have broken out.”

"So did the Vancouver government compensate for the losses?" Li Yu asked again.

Liang Cheng shook his head: "No. So the Japanese have begun to organize protests, while the Chinese have begun a general strike, and the strike has extended to San Francisco and New York."

Li Yu said: "We must fight! I will send telegrams to the factories in Detroit and New York right now to participate in the strike. When will the Vancouver government give an explanation and when will it stop?"

Li Yu kept his promise and immediately sent telegrams to both places.

Workers in the two factories had long been dissatisfied, and many Chinese gathered outside and took to the streets together.

Originally, the United States did not pay attention to the Chinese strike, but tried its best to appease the Japanese traders. After all, the Japanese had just won the Russo-Japanese War, and the Americans were responsible for mediating. The two sides now have a good relationship.

The incident hit the newspapers again.

The shutdown of the Li Yu factory directly caused Ford, Cadillac, the U.S. Navy and even Wall Street financial giants to panic.

JP Morgan had already heavily stocked LY Radio, and immediately summoned Senator Ryan of New York State in a hurry.

- Pay attention to who summons whom.

Senator Ryan came to Morgan's office on Fifth Avenue in person: "Mr. Morgan, are you looking for me? Are you going to launch a bailout?"

An earthquake occurred in San Francisco, which actually shocked the stock market. The entire United States is currently facing a huge stock market crash.

Morgan said angrily: "So Mr. Senator still knows that we need to bail out the market now?"

Ryan said: "Of course I know, but I need your help."

Morgan said: "Then at least don't do any harm!"

"What a waste?" Senator Ryan asked doubtfully.

Morgan pointed to the newspaper: "Now the entire stock market has almost fallen across the board. Fortunately, the stocks of only a few strong companies are supporting it. Do you know how big their market value is? If they also start to fall, I will not be able to raise funds."

"Your steel stocks and Mr. Rockefeller's oil stocks don't seem to be affected," Lane said, "and pass..."

"Then did you notice the LY radio?" Morgan asked.

"Did they also drop significantly?" Lane asked.

Morgan said: "I suspended trading in the stock market today, otherwise I would have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars at least."

Ryan was excited. Of course he knew that Morgan was an important shareholder of LY Radio.

Morgan said: "You should publish an apology in the newspaper as soon as possible. It is also best to use your connections to contact Vancouver."

"I understand, Mr. Morgan."

Lane can only try his best to meet all of Morgan's needs. Not to mention him, even the U.S. Treasury Secretary now has to come to Morgan's office in person to listen to his arrangements for the stock market.

Morgan lit a cigar angrily: "These politicians don't understand what finance is at all. After this incident, the United States should also establish a loyal central bank!"

The newspaper reacted quickly and published an apology.

Vancouver Mayor Bethune, who provoked the incident, could only apologize again and compensated both China and Japan.

Japan's losses were relatively small, with a compensation of 9000 yen; Chinatown's losses were relatively large, with a total compensation of 2.7 Canadian dollars.

Hearing the news, Liang Cheng, Tang Guoan and all the students were very excited.

But Li Yu was very calm. The unfair treatment suffered by these Chinese people cannot be compensated by this money at all. There will only be more similar things in the future.

Fortunately, Chinatown is relatively united and there are "semi-gangster" gangs, so you won't be bullied too seriously.

If their rights and interests are harmed, help them if you can, because protecting them means protecting yourself, and it also protects the future.

During the war, overseas donations were not small.When Li Yu made money in the United States, he also retained such tricks, which not only cultivated a group of outstanding talents, but also earned funds.

(End of this chapter)

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